Thursday, January 30, 2014 12:45 – 1:46 pm
There are no words to describe His hugs.
My Dearest and Belovéd Children, come to Me with all your faith and live in harmony with My Love.
I seek you out and press My Lips to your brow with such great tenderness.
Do not turn Me away, Belovéd Child. *[See note at end of message]
I am yours and I Love you as no other can.
Belovéd Children, relate your hearts to My Great Love and forgiveness.
Do not hold the hearts of your brothers and sisters hostage by your lack of forgiveness.
It is a thorn in My Heart and grieves your Heavenly Father so.
Forgive others as you wish Me to forgive you on the or your final day of judgment.
Do you not prefer the warmth and Love of forgiveness than the cold and bitter void of unforgiveness?
I plead with you, make forgiveness a key to your hearts.
Forgiveness will bring you much joy when it is unconditional and provided with Mercy and open Love.
Children, seek always to give one another a constant gift of forgiveness.
I look upon this as a great blessing or act of Love for Me, your Heavenly Father.
Joyous Children, your praise rings throughout Heaven.
It comes over Me like waves of Love and I adore you for the gift.
Even the angels dance as We hear your songs of praise.
My Beautiful Children, when you come to Me, to My House, to rejoice, the whole of Heaven rejoices by your faith and Love.
Oh Children, fill My Home every day with your Love.
Bring others to Me who do not know Me or do not know Me intimately and I will give them Light.
Belovéd Children, share My Love and your knowledge of it with your brothers and sisters.
Call to them as I have called to you and show them the way to My Light.
Oh Beauteous Children, I underscore My Love for you because it is BIGGER than you can ever know or understand.
It dwarfs everything you see, from the mountains to the oceans and to the outermost limits of your skies and beyond.
I have so much Love for My Children, you cannot understand it but only respond by Loving Me in your way or
to the extent you are able or to the best that you are able.
I take your Love as a beautiful gift and hold it close to My Heart within My Hands.
I treasure your Love as it is something so faith-filled and pure.
It is trusting and sure and My Heart swells with Love because of your raw or naked devotion.
Your purest Love makes it clear to Me how much trust you have for your Lord God and Father and I am joyous for it.
My Dearest Children, bring Me your greatest Love and see how much I appreciate your reciprocity.
You are My Belovéd Children and I want you ever with Me for all of your days.
Glean from prayer the extent of My Love.
The Spirit touches each of you with Love and you feel a touch of what awaits in Heaven for you.
Your home in Heaven is a joy and blesséd and BIGGEST Love that is beyond reverent and sacred,
for it is yours and mine together all encompassed by greatest Love.
I want you with Me for eternity and so I call to each of you with great longing and hope.
Choose Me, Dear Children.
Come to Me.
Prefer Me to all that is temporary in this World.
Know the reality of My Love and see the falsehood of the World’s many idols.
Belovéd Children, do not follow and worship the many idols set up before you by the darknesses of this World,
for there are so many.
Know in your heart which of the things you see are false idols and move your hearts away from their grasp.
Know what I Love and what I do not Love.
Know what I find acceptable and what I do not and will not accept.
Understand that I Am and you cannot be with Me and with this World all at once.
The Love in this World or for this World and your Love for Me are divisive.
They cannot, these two loves, co-exist.
You are either for Me or you are against Me.
I Love you dearly and always will want you for Me and with Me.
My Mercy, regardless of the lies and pains you may issue forth towards Me, your Loving God,
(you) will always be met with My Great Mercy when you come to Me in sorrow and repentance.
I am ever ready to take your hand and allow you to weep your tears of sorrow upon My Breast.
I forgive you even when you cannot forgive yourself. [My heart swelled here.]
Rely on My Greatest Love for you.
Do not doubt My Great Mercy.
It is there for you, regardless of your sins.
Come to your Loving Father who welcomes you Home with open arms and great Love.
Bewildered Children, I will untangle the concerns that wrangle within your hearts.
Allow Me to comfort you.
Allow Me to lead you.
Trust that your Lord God and Almighty Father will lead you away from tribulations
and will give you clarity and discernment
Trust in My Will for you, for your Father gives His Children good gifts and can no more betray His Belovéd Children
as I can betray My Own Self which is I and I Am Love by its constance.
Do not fear or doubt the One who has Created you.
I am your Creator.
I made you from great Love that you may know Love and be loved and love others.
Man, you are meant for happiness and grace.
Let Me, your Heavenly Father, guide you to joy and grace.
Belovéd Children, the skies swirl and the darkened clouds begin to roil.
Who can do this but the King of Kings, His Heavenly Royalty, My Belovéd Son, the Christ.
See the clouds roil and know the Master comes!
He comes down as a Cross that falls through the clouds with glory and splendor.
The Master arrives to view all that is around Him.
Do not be found empty-handed.
Be ready to invite your Master home.
Do not be with the ones who scurry in fear and disbelief.
Tongues of fire will be released that day and will touch all ends of the earth.
They will crack like whips and seek out those who run relentlessly.
Do not be caught with the damned, Children.
Fill your lamps and ready your homes, for the Master comes amidst great clouds and fire.
The fire whips are like veins with multiple arms extending to every part of the World.
Beyond what is visible to our eyes.
And yet, every eye in this World will see the coming of his Master as if it were before him only.
The dread of those who are unprepared will be great, and the celebrations of those who welcome Him eagerly will be joyous in their gravity.
And so I say, Belovéd Children, make haste and do not be found unprepared.
(I drew what I saw in the journal. The cross drops through the roiling black, gray and red clouds. The fire is red whips, and like lightning does, it has many branches that extend everywhere throughout the world.)
Again, Father, I’ll ask this because so many others continue to do – but I believe I know…am I wrong? Is there more to do in preparation besides prayer?
Dearest Child, prayer is of the utmost importance but above that as always will be above all things is the Eucharist.
It is the Holiest of All Holies.
Imbue yourself with the Eucharist and its ineffable blessings.
When you partake in the Eucharist, We are within you in earnest and the blessings you receive are incomparable.
Thus, receive Communion always.
Prayer too.
Always pray, in everything you do.
Make your life an extended prayer that you ask Me to be ever with you, and so I will be.
Blesséd Children, why do you fear the Words of your Creator?
The Father who Loves His Children beyond all things?
I am your Heavenly Father and I see to My Children with great Love.
Do not be weakened by this World and the fears it may expose to you.
Trust in your Belovéd Father.
Trust in the God who Loves you dearly.
These things must happen, and so I say again, prepare your homes for your Master’s arrival
and do not be caught without oils in your lamp and not a bed for your guest.
Fill your cupboards and fill the beddings with fresh hay, lest you are surprised in the evening.
Prepare, My Belovéd Children.
Pray, Children.
Always, always pray.
I am with you and listening as you pray.
Love your Lord God.
Worship with all of your Hearts and Beings the Christ, Son of God.
Sin not against the Spirit.
Love God above all else and Lovey your brothers and sisters unconditionally.
This is how you prepare.
All things come from those. [In terms of proper preparation…]
If you Love your brothers, you do not judge them or lie to them or fight with them or gossip about their lives.
When you are in Love with Me, your Lord God, you defend My Name with Love and not weaponry.
You follow Me with trust and faith.
When you Love Me, you no longer Love the things of this World.
All things come about from these things –
what I want from you and what I do not want you to do to prepare for the Christ, My Belovéd Son.
[My heart felt like exploding with His Great Joy when He spoke of Jesus.]
Oh Belovéd Children, find rest after your prayer and find comfort in My Constant Presence.
I am ever with you.
When you weep, come to Me.
Come to Me in your anger and indignance.
Let Me be your foundation, My Children.
Peace be with you, My Belovéd Children.
Peace to you, Jennifer.
Peace. Peace.
Note: *I have no knowledge of a Jennifer and/or whether the initial singular “Child” at the beginning of this message was in reference to her. I do know it was not in reference to me this time.
There are no words to describe His hugs.
My Dearest and Belovéd Children, come to Me with all your faith and live in harmony with My Love.
I seek you out and press My Lips to your brow with such great tenderness.
Do not turn Me away, Belovéd Child. *[See note at end of message]
I am yours and I Love you as no other can.
Belovéd Children, relate your hearts to My Great Love and forgiveness.
Do not hold the hearts of your brothers and sisters hostage by your lack of forgiveness.
It is a thorn in My Heart and grieves your Heavenly Father so.
Forgive others as you wish Me to forgive you on the or your final day of judgment.
Do you not prefer the warmth and Love of forgiveness than the cold and bitter void of unforgiveness?
I plead with you, make forgiveness a key to your hearts.
Forgiveness will bring you much joy when it is unconditional and provided with Mercy and open Love.
Children, seek always to give one another a constant gift of forgiveness.
I look upon this as a great blessing or act of Love for Me, your Heavenly Father.
Joyous Children, your praise rings throughout Heaven.
It comes over Me like waves of Love and I adore you for the gift.
Even the angels dance as We hear your songs of praise.
My Beautiful Children, when you come to Me, to My House, to rejoice, the whole of Heaven rejoices by your faith and Love.
Oh Children, fill My Home every day with your Love.
Bring others to Me who do not know Me or do not know Me intimately and I will give them Light.
Belovéd Children, share My Love and your knowledge of it with your brothers and sisters.
Call to them as I have called to you and show them the way to My Light.
Oh Beauteous Children, I underscore My Love for you because it is BIGGER than you can ever know or understand.
It dwarfs everything you see, from the mountains to the oceans and to the outermost limits of your skies and beyond.
I have so much Love for My Children, you cannot understand it but only respond by Loving Me in your way or
to the extent you are able or to the best that you are able.
I take your Love as a beautiful gift and hold it close to My Heart within My Hands.
I treasure your Love as it is something so faith-filled and pure.
It is trusting and sure and My Heart swells with Love because of your raw or naked devotion.
Your purest Love makes it clear to Me how much trust you have for your Lord God and Father and I am joyous for it.
My Dearest Children, bring Me your greatest Love and see how much I appreciate your reciprocity.
You are My Belovéd Children and I want you ever with Me for all of your days.
Glean from prayer the extent of My Love.
The Spirit touches each of you with Love and you feel a touch of what awaits in Heaven for you.
Your home in Heaven is a joy and blesséd and BIGGEST Love that is beyond reverent and sacred,
for it is yours and mine together all encompassed by greatest Love.
I want you with Me for eternity and so I call to each of you with great longing and hope.
Choose Me, Dear Children.
Come to Me.
Prefer Me to all that is temporary in this World.
Know the reality of My Love and see the falsehood of the World’s many idols.
Belovéd Children, do not follow and worship the many idols set up before you by the darknesses of this World,
for there are so many.
Know in your heart which of the things you see are false idols and move your hearts away from their grasp.
Know what I Love and what I do not Love.
Know what I find acceptable and what I do not and will not accept.
Understand that I Am and you cannot be with Me and with this World all at once.
The Love in this World or for this World and your Love for Me are divisive.
They cannot, these two loves, co-exist.
You are either for Me or you are against Me.
I Love you dearly and always will want you for Me and with Me.
My Mercy, regardless of the lies and pains you may issue forth towards Me, your Loving God,
(you) will always be met with My Great Mercy when you come to Me in sorrow and repentance.
I am ever ready to take your hand and allow you to weep your tears of sorrow upon My Breast.
I forgive you even when you cannot forgive yourself. [My heart swelled here.]
Rely on My Greatest Love for you.
Do not doubt My Great Mercy.
It is there for you, regardless of your sins.
Come to your Loving Father who welcomes you Home with open arms and great Love.
Bewildered Children, I will untangle the concerns that wrangle within your hearts.
Allow Me to comfort you.
Allow Me to lead you.
Trust that your Lord God and Almighty Father will lead you away from tribulations
and will give you clarity and discernment
Trust in My Will for you, for your Father gives His Children good gifts and can no more betray His Belovéd Children
as I can betray My Own Self which is I and I Am Love by its constance.
Do not fear or doubt the One who has Created you.
I am your Creator.
I made you from great Love that you may know Love and be loved and love others.
Man, you are meant for happiness and grace.
Let Me, your Heavenly Father, guide you to joy and grace.
Belovéd Children, the skies swirl and the darkened clouds begin to roil.
Who can do this but the King of Kings, His Heavenly Royalty, My Belovéd Son, the Christ.
See the clouds roil and know the Master comes!
He comes down as a Cross that falls through the clouds with glory and splendor.
The Master arrives to view all that is around Him.
Do not be found empty-handed.
Be ready to invite your Master home.
Do not be with the ones who scurry in fear and disbelief.
Tongues of fire will be released that day and will touch all ends of the earth.
They will crack like whips and seek out those who run relentlessly.
Do not be caught with the damned, Children.
Fill your lamps and ready your homes, for the Master comes amidst great clouds and fire.
The fire whips are like veins with multiple arms extending to every part of the World.
Beyond what is visible to our eyes.
And yet, every eye in this World will see the coming of his Master as if it were before him only.
The dread of those who are unprepared will be great, and the celebrations of those who welcome Him eagerly will be joyous in their gravity.
And so I say, Belovéd Children, make haste and do not be found unprepared.
(I drew what I saw in the journal. The cross drops through the roiling black, gray and red clouds. The fire is red whips, and like lightning does, it has many branches that extend everywhere throughout the world.)
Again, Father, I’ll ask this because so many others continue to do – but I believe I know…am I wrong? Is there more to do in preparation besides prayer?
Dearest Child, prayer is of the utmost importance but above that as always will be above all things is the Eucharist.
It is the Holiest of All Holies.
Imbue yourself with the Eucharist and its ineffable blessings.
When you partake in the Eucharist, We are within you in earnest and the blessings you receive are incomparable.
Thus, receive Communion always.
Prayer too.
Always pray, in everything you do.
Make your life an extended prayer that you ask Me to be ever with you, and so I will be.
Blesséd Children, why do you fear the Words of your Creator?
The Father who Loves His Children beyond all things?
I am your Heavenly Father and I see to My Children with great Love.
Do not be weakened by this World and the fears it may expose to you.
Trust in your Belovéd Father.
Trust in the God who Loves you dearly.
These things must happen, and so I say again, prepare your homes for your Master’s arrival
and do not be caught without oils in your lamp and not a bed for your guest.
Fill your cupboards and fill the beddings with fresh hay, lest you are surprised in the evening.
Prepare, My Belovéd Children.
Pray, Children.
Always, always pray.
I am with you and listening as you pray.
Love your Lord God.
Worship with all of your Hearts and Beings the Christ, Son of God.
Sin not against the Spirit.
Love God above all else and Lovey your brothers and sisters unconditionally.
This is how you prepare.
All things come from those. [In terms of proper preparation…]
If you Love your brothers, you do not judge them or lie to them or fight with them or gossip about their lives.
When you are in Love with Me, your Lord God, you defend My Name with Love and not weaponry.
You follow Me with trust and faith.
When you Love Me, you no longer Love the things of this World.
All things come about from these things –
what I want from you and what I do not want you to do to prepare for the Christ, My Belovéd Son.
[My heart felt like exploding with His Great Joy when He spoke of Jesus.]
Oh Belovéd Children, find rest after your prayer and find comfort in My Constant Presence.
I am ever with you.
When you weep, come to Me.
Come to Me in your anger and indignance.
Let Me be your foundation, My Children.
Peace be with you, My Belovéd Children.
Peace to you, Jennifer.
Peace. Peace.
Note: *I have no knowledge of a Jennifer and/or whether the initial singular “Child” at the beginning of this message was in reference to her. I do know it was not in reference to me this time.

Tuesday, January 28, 2014 5:28 – 6:17 pm
I thanked God for accepting a penny from His “pipsqueak.” The comparison of His Love and affection (sort of) is like a wealthy man – a father – who has all the money in the world. His child overhears his father talking about paying for something expensive, so the child, in his concern, finds a single penny which to contribute. “Here father. I only have a penny, but you can have it.”
“Here, God. It's only a penny, but here is my Love for You.” And the wealthy father is consumed by his son’s humble love and desire to contribute – something so very small compared to his great wealth, but something so very precious to him because it was given to him by a generous son. God too.
Our “pipsqueak” Love – the pipsqueak Love I offer Him is NOTHING compared to His Love. It is like giving a penny to a trillionaire. But the contribution, no matter how small or humble, is so very precious to God. It is the Love that counts. And even if it seems small to us, it’s HUGE to God!
Belovéd Children, know My Love and reach deeply into your hearts to understand this.
Make My Love a part of your core or existence or being.
You are My Precious and most Belovéd Children and I Love you.
I am with you always.
Call and I am with you, listening to your prayers.
My Will for My Children is always good.
Do not doubt My Generosity or Love.
I prepare a feast for each of you.
Come to Me as obedient Children and celebrate with Me in My Feast.
The King of Kings is calling you.
Love Him.
Love My Son, Jesus, the Christ, the Redeemer and King.
Worship Him as you worship Me, for We are One or We are the same.
Belovéd Flowers, walk steadily with your hands in mine.
Fear no darkness and concern yourselves only with Love.
Little Flowers, your Love is cherished.
I Love to see your joy, and your music or songs stuns My Angels with joy by their beauty.
You are My Good and Precious, Beauteous Flowers.
Pray, young children.
Your breath is like a (relief) against the scars and wounds inflicted by this World.
Your prayers are precious and special.
I listen to each of you and Love you dearly.
Precious Flowers, know you are ever first with My Love and I watch you and it brings Me Great Joy.
Gentle Ones, when you are sad, call on Me like a friend.
We will talk and hold hands and My father’s Heart will console you always
and place peace into your most Loving of All Hearts.
My Beauteous Flowers, do not reproach those around you.
Be kind to each other, for I point to you as examples of My Great Love for purity, simplicity or honesty or innocence.
Precious children, I am with you.
Pray and I will answer you and take great joy from this.
My Belovéd Flowers, you are My Great Joy.
Belovéd Fathers, Beauteous Mothers, do not fail in your sacred tasks to your children.
Be kind and peaceful amongst them.
Children crave your Love and so I say, do not deny or keep your Love from your children.
Do not be aloof with the Little Flowers who are good and righteous.
Treasure them, as they are Great Gifts from your Eternal Father who Loves you.
Belovéd Mothers, teach your children to be gentle and to worship Me with full hearts.
Fathers, share My Greatest Love with your children.
Let them understand the greatest sacrifice, that of the Christ and the BIGNESS of His Love.
Our Love.
For We are One.
Belovéd Children, do not degrade or denigrate the Little Flowers.
Do not betray their hearts.
Do not lead them away from My Love but show them that they must embrace it.
Do not harm or never harm the Little Flowers.
I Love My Belovéd Little Flowers.
Be Loving to them always.
Love them. Love.
[It is all combined – that is to explain, give children your greatest love in all ways. Your hearts should be full.]
Generous Children, know that I am with you and Love your work.
I see into your hearts and know the good that is there.
I am gladdened or made happy when I see brothers Loving brothers and sisters Loving sisters.
Love each other as I Love you.
Yes, Father, but it’s difficult to love people when I’m upset or antagonized….
Turn your pain and anger over to your Lord God.
I will cool the heat of your tempers with My Breath and embrace you with Love.
Do not use anger or words or swords in My Name as weapons.
You need no weapons in life but prayer which is strong than all things.
A knife cannot cut what a prayer can cut.
A sword cannot divide in two what prayer mends together.
There is no fire so destructive that prayer cannot douse.
Prayer, My Love, is always your answer.
When you doubt, pray.
When you are weary, call to Me with prayer.
When you are frightened, your prayer brings My Army of Angels to your side
and I am with you to brush My Hand against your brow and calm the waves that overcome you.
Prayer, My Children, is a very real tool or weapon or safety net or solution. [– not weapon but more of a strength.]
When you begin to have absolute faith in Me and trust absolutely that I answer your prayers,
you will see mountains moved.
You will see stars fall from the skies and great leaders fall to their knees.
Belovéd Children, you must but only trust in your True and Faithful Father who Loves you
and waits for your call every moment of every day.
Know this, Children.
I am the Lord of Compassion and Mercy.
I offer compassion and Mercy to all of My Children.
Do not doubt this but know in the depths of your Hearts that this is true and I am the One True God.
Have faith in My Love for you.
Do not doubt the Father who Loves you and who ever looks after you and your safety.
Dedicate your lives to Loving Me and you will know great joy.
You will learn trust and discernment.
You will know comfort and Love when you are most in need.
You will have joyousness in your home as you invite Me to your own table.
I am your Lord God and I wish or hope for My Children to include Me in all things.
In all places or pieces of life.
Belovéd Children, every minute concern that is of importance to you
is vastly important or is of vast concern to your Loving Father.
I want you to share your fears and pain with Me just as I crave to share your joys and successes!
Invite Me in, My Belovéd Children.
I wait for your Loving call.
Know that I am here and I cherish My Belovéd Children.
Belovéd Children, you must pray.
So much comes and prayer is the supplement that prepares you for the holocaust.
It is not for you to fear or wonder when you are with Me, your Loving Father.
What do you fear when I am for you?
Prayer is what makes you stronger in your Love and understanding.
Belovéd Children, you must pray deeply and with intimacy to prepare for the next part or for what is upcoming.
Strengthen your souls and gird your belts.
You have been warned time and again and soon the buttresses of this World will fail
and the weight of Man’s Sins will be cast heavily upon the backs of all sinners.
Do not betray Me.
Love Me.
Trust in Me.
Be faithful and obedient to your Loving Father and know I am always with you.
I emphasize this.
Belovéd Children, have peace in your Hearts.
I grant you My Peace.
Pray with great diffidence to the Christ and worship Him as you do Me.
We are One and you praise Him when you praise Me.
And when you praise the Son, you praise the Father also.
Belovéd Children, join Me at My Table and receive that which is of God.
It is a miracle and a gift.
Take the Eucharist with Great knowledge and recognition,
for you are given all that is I by the Greatest Sacrifice through My Belovéd Son, Jesus the Christ.
He is My Son, My Belovéd Son.
Worship Him with full Love and diffidence, Children.
Belovéd Children, pray.
Know that I Love you, and have peace.
Peace to you, Belovéd Children.
Peace, I say.
Peace. Peace.
I thanked God for accepting a penny from His “pipsqueak.” The comparison of His Love and affection (sort of) is like a wealthy man – a father – who has all the money in the world. His child overhears his father talking about paying for something expensive, so the child, in his concern, finds a single penny which to contribute. “Here father. I only have a penny, but you can have it.”
“Here, God. It's only a penny, but here is my Love for You.” And the wealthy father is consumed by his son’s humble love and desire to contribute – something so very small compared to his great wealth, but something so very precious to him because it was given to him by a generous son. God too.
Our “pipsqueak” Love – the pipsqueak Love I offer Him is NOTHING compared to His Love. It is like giving a penny to a trillionaire. But the contribution, no matter how small or humble, is so very precious to God. It is the Love that counts. And even if it seems small to us, it’s HUGE to God!
Belovéd Children, know My Love and reach deeply into your hearts to understand this.
Make My Love a part of your core or existence or being.
You are My Precious and most Belovéd Children and I Love you.
I am with you always.
Call and I am with you, listening to your prayers.
My Will for My Children is always good.
Do not doubt My Generosity or Love.
I prepare a feast for each of you.
Come to Me as obedient Children and celebrate with Me in My Feast.
The King of Kings is calling you.
Love Him.
Love My Son, Jesus, the Christ, the Redeemer and King.
Worship Him as you worship Me, for We are One or We are the same.
Belovéd Flowers, walk steadily with your hands in mine.
Fear no darkness and concern yourselves only with Love.
Little Flowers, your Love is cherished.
I Love to see your joy, and your music or songs stuns My Angels with joy by their beauty.
You are My Good and Precious, Beauteous Flowers.
Pray, young children.
Your breath is like a (relief) against the scars and wounds inflicted by this World.
Your prayers are precious and special.
I listen to each of you and Love you dearly.
Precious Flowers, know you are ever first with My Love and I watch you and it brings Me Great Joy.
Gentle Ones, when you are sad, call on Me like a friend.
We will talk and hold hands and My father’s Heart will console you always
and place peace into your most Loving of All Hearts.
My Beauteous Flowers, do not reproach those around you.
Be kind to each other, for I point to you as examples of My Great Love for purity, simplicity or honesty or innocence.
Precious children, I am with you.
Pray and I will answer you and take great joy from this.
My Belovéd Flowers, you are My Great Joy.
Belovéd Fathers, Beauteous Mothers, do not fail in your sacred tasks to your children.
Be kind and peaceful amongst them.
Children crave your Love and so I say, do not deny or keep your Love from your children.
Do not be aloof with the Little Flowers who are good and righteous.
Treasure them, as they are Great Gifts from your Eternal Father who Loves you.
Belovéd Mothers, teach your children to be gentle and to worship Me with full hearts.
Fathers, share My Greatest Love with your children.
Let them understand the greatest sacrifice, that of the Christ and the BIGNESS of His Love.
Our Love.
For We are One.
Belovéd Children, do not degrade or denigrate the Little Flowers.
Do not betray their hearts.
Do not lead them away from My Love but show them that they must embrace it.
Do not harm or never harm the Little Flowers.
I Love My Belovéd Little Flowers.
Be Loving to them always.
Love them. Love.
[It is all combined – that is to explain, give children your greatest love in all ways. Your hearts should be full.]
Generous Children, know that I am with you and Love your work.
I see into your hearts and know the good that is there.
I am gladdened or made happy when I see brothers Loving brothers and sisters Loving sisters.
Love each other as I Love you.
Yes, Father, but it’s difficult to love people when I’m upset or antagonized….
Turn your pain and anger over to your Lord God.
I will cool the heat of your tempers with My Breath and embrace you with Love.
Do not use anger or words or swords in My Name as weapons.
You need no weapons in life but prayer which is strong than all things.
A knife cannot cut what a prayer can cut.
A sword cannot divide in two what prayer mends together.
There is no fire so destructive that prayer cannot douse.
Prayer, My Love, is always your answer.
When you doubt, pray.
When you are weary, call to Me with prayer.
When you are frightened, your prayer brings My Army of Angels to your side
and I am with you to brush My Hand against your brow and calm the waves that overcome you.
Prayer, My Children, is a very real tool or weapon or safety net or solution. [– not weapon but more of a strength.]
When you begin to have absolute faith in Me and trust absolutely that I answer your prayers,
you will see mountains moved.
You will see stars fall from the skies and great leaders fall to their knees.
Belovéd Children, you must but only trust in your True and Faithful Father who Loves you
and waits for your call every moment of every day.
Know this, Children.
I am the Lord of Compassion and Mercy.
I offer compassion and Mercy to all of My Children.
Do not doubt this but know in the depths of your Hearts that this is true and I am the One True God.
Have faith in My Love for you.
Do not doubt the Father who Loves you and who ever looks after you and your safety.
Dedicate your lives to Loving Me and you will know great joy.
You will learn trust and discernment.
You will know comfort and Love when you are most in need.
You will have joyousness in your home as you invite Me to your own table.
I am your Lord God and I wish or hope for My Children to include Me in all things.
In all places or pieces of life.
Belovéd Children, every minute concern that is of importance to you
is vastly important or is of vast concern to your Loving Father.
I want you to share your fears and pain with Me just as I crave to share your joys and successes!
Invite Me in, My Belovéd Children.
I wait for your Loving call.
Know that I am here and I cherish My Belovéd Children.
Belovéd Children, you must pray.
So much comes and prayer is the supplement that prepares you for the holocaust.
It is not for you to fear or wonder when you are with Me, your Loving Father.
What do you fear when I am for you?
Prayer is what makes you stronger in your Love and understanding.
Belovéd Children, you must pray deeply and with intimacy to prepare for the next part or for what is upcoming.
Strengthen your souls and gird your belts.
You have been warned time and again and soon the buttresses of this World will fail
and the weight of Man’s Sins will be cast heavily upon the backs of all sinners.
Do not betray Me.
Love Me.
Trust in Me.
Be faithful and obedient to your Loving Father and know I am always with you.
I emphasize this.
Belovéd Children, have peace in your Hearts.
I grant you My Peace.
Pray with great diffidence to the Christ and worship Him as you do Me.
We are One and you praise Him when you praise Me.
And when you praise the Son, you praise the Father also.
Belovéd Children, join Me at My Table and receive that which is of God.
It is a miracle and a gift.
Take the Eucharist with Great knowledge and recognition,
for you are given all that is I by the Greatest Sacrifice through My Belovéd Son, Jesus the Christ.
He is My Son, My Belovéd Son.
Worship Him with full Love and diffidence, Children.
Belovéd Children, pray.
Know that I Love you, and have peace.
Peace to you, Belovéd Children.
Peace, I say.
Peace. Peace.

Monday, January 27, 2014 Adoration 1:10 – 2:05 pm
Precious Children, I await your prayers anxiously.
When you call to Me, My joy soars and the angels glorify and sing My Name.
Your prayers I hear and, My Belovéd Children, I do or will answer each of them.
Have faith in your Heavenly Father who Loves and adores His Children.
I see all that happens in your World and in your lives.
I am with you as you work and as you play with your children, My Belovéd Little Flowers.
Rejoice in their laughter, for they are the brightest spirits in My Heart.
Precious Children, do not mistake My Love and indulgence for…”push-overed-ness” or thoughtlessness or blindness to your sins.
[It was very hard to define – as if to say, I’m not a pushover.]
Sin exists and it must cease in order for your lives to be intertwined with the Spirit of the One True God.
I ask obedience of My Belovéd Children, because I wish to have them with Me always.
You are the Main Love or My Core Love and it is righteous.
Yes, My Love is Righteous and it is limitless and full or BIG.
Yet I do not condone the sins of Man.
I am a forgiving Father and I am a just God.
Be righteous, My Children and lead a life of joy and purity that you may be led to your Lord God
and not succumb to the harshness or severity of judgment and punishment.
Belovéd Children, how I Love each of you and want you with Me.
How can you be with Me when you are against Me?
How can you know My Love when you are filled with hate?
How can you trust and become faith-filled when you do not seek the Light and the truth?
When you are blind to the sacrifice of Love made by My Cherished and Belovéd Son, the Christ?
Oh, Disobedient Children, there is little time for you.
Come to Me and repent.
Come to Me in sorrow and put down the swords you wield against your Lord God and Creator who finds you so precious.
I will embrace you with My Mercy and Forgiveness.
I will surround you with Great or Biggest Love.
Hear Me, Disobedient Ones.
Time is against you and the doors to My Mercy will not be open to you.
I am a just and righteous God and judgment is…description…without My Mercy.
[I could not capture the words to describe what was conveyed – that judgment will be really cold; harsh, unbearable; almost more of a feeling of chaos with fear.]
Hear Me, Disobedient Children, cease your sinning.
Do not compromise with sin.
Cease rejoicing in your sins and in the sins of your brothers and sisters.
Do not corrupt others by your sins, but repent and show them the way to the Lord and the Christ.
Show your brothers and sisters a path to redemption as you too walk to Me in repentance.
Belovéd Children, I promise you that I do not turn My Children away. Ever.
You are My Belovéd and Precious … BIGGEST LOVE… creations
and I do not toss away that which I have created and that which I Love.
[Again I cannot describe the BIGNESS He was conveying of His Love for us.]
I do not refuse the Love of My Belovéd Children nor will I withhold My Mercy
when My Belovéd Children are woeful in their sorrow.
My Children, I am always close to you.
Call Me but once and I am with you, ever attentive to your words and Love.
Love Me gentle Children.
Throw disobedience away and know Greatest Love.
Love Me, your Eternal Father, oh Disobedient Children.
My compassion is endless and I am here, waiting for your call.
Disobedient Children, you are so very Belovéd and you must acknowledge your Lord God and turn your back to sin.
Do not promulgate sin.
The deviance and perversity and brutality in this World saddens Me and crushes the Sacred Heart so thoroughly.
Do not join in the perversity of darkness.
Do not succumb to greed in exchange for foregoing everlasting Love.
Oh Belovéd Children, walk away from sin.
Turn your face away from the destructive forces that seek to draw you to darkness.
Recognize the signs when you are falling.
When you are forced to choose that over your Lord God, it is surely a darkness that will overcome you.
I say, cut those ties that will lead you to sin.
Be faithful and Loving to Me.
Love your brothers and sisters and do not steal from them but share your wealth with those who hunger.
Love your brothers and sisters as you Love Me, and live in communion with one another.
Love as you are meant to Love and step away from the darkness that attacks your eyes and ears and thus your soul.
Do not think what you see and what you hear will not affect what you do and the darkness within your soul.
I say to you, do not stretch your hand into darkness to test its power.
It is powerful and will easily pull you in.
Do not relent!
Stay with your Heavenly Father.
Join hands with those who pray for those children who are disobedient.
Be strong and do not succumb to the empty and ‘shiny’ charms of this World. [like gold]
Look to Me for Love and good gifts.
Trust in Me completely and I guide My Children righteously.
Have strongest faith in Me and your faith will be rewarded a thousand fold.
Do not waver, Belovéd Children.
My Belovéd Son, Jesus, the Christ, is My Heart.
Through Him you know Me and with Him I adore you.
Our Love for you is all-encompassing.
Your Savior is here to redeem you, Children.
Seek His Love and know Greatest Light.
Follow His Heart and know what is just.
Praise Him and Worship My Son with all of your beings and know peace and deepest Love from the One who has redeemed you.
Praise Him, Belovéd Children, for He is My Belovéd Son.
Praise My Son and you praise Me.
Belovéd Children, I wait for you to come to Me.
Do not be frivolous with your Time!
Pray, My Belovéds. Pray.
For spring comes as do the winds and Jerusalem will sing today
but her self-righteousness has become her sin.
Oh Jerusalem, will you fail your Lord God?
Jerusalem, My fickle child,
you are doomed for destruction.
You shall crumble and fail.
You shall fall hard upon your knees as your enemies lay waste to your homes
and cenacles and synagogues.
Do not turn away, for this truth comes and will come to pass.
Israel fails.
Oh Judah, how you have broken My Heart.
Not one friend will you have but the least of all
and still you will fail or fall.
Jerusalem, say good-bye to all that you have known and loved.
It crumbles and falls away.
See the noontime fades or fading into the red dust.
Hear the trample or treble of running feet.
Listen to the prayers grow louder and louder.
Jerusalem, you will fall.
Jerusalem, you will fall.
Keep your tongues clean and your hands free.
You can do no more to save yourself.
Oh Judea, you have turned against Me.
Jerusalem, My Lover, I shall favor you no more.
See the waters fight over you.
The land will be smashed in two.
Oh Belovéd Jerusalem, you have stepped into darkness again and this is the result.
Blesséd Children, run away to prayer.
Love your Lord God and Jesus, the Christ.
You have but one route for redemption.
You have One Savior.
Approach Him with Great Prayers filled with praise and worship and Love.
For He too cherishes and Loves you.
Belovéd Children, repent.
Come to Me now.
Do not wait, for your Time is short.
Do not risk eternity, Children.
Oh Children, pray and know that I am with you.
Babylon falls but I am ever close to My Belovéd Children.
Pray, good Children.
Know that I hear your prayers.
Pray, Children, for this World sins in such new and monstrous or chilling or amazing or new and big ways.
Pray Children.
Your prayer is a salve on My Heart.
Belovéd Children, pray.
I emphasize this.
Dearest Children, I Love you and send you My Peace.
Peace, My Children.
Peace. Peace.
Thursday, January 23, 2014 3:10 pm – This entry was not shared publicly on its date, as I received it on a day when I suffered through multiple interruptions and my prayer time turned ridiculously difficult (the phone, the dog, the doorbell...).
What can only be stymied is that which is not love but forgiveness.
With forgiveness comes Light.
Children of this World must learn to forgive, lest the World plow into complete darkness as it does.
Once it was washed clean because the people sinned so flagrantly.
People were dismissive of their God, God the Father, who had blessed them with great bounty.
They sinned and they were washed away in punishment.
Here now I see such courageous or outrageous or daring or caustic sins. [Courageous as in, with audacity.]
Your sinning is new and more distasteful.
You kill by millions and debauchery is no longer an exception.
Oh Children, cease sinning.
Wrap your arms around yourselves and seek safety.
Do not place yourselves in the company of sin.
Do not compromise with sin.
It is a foul thing and I look down upon this. [frown upon it]
Instead be obedient Children and seek to Love your Heavenly Father.
There is a time that comes when smoke billows blackly in the skies.
The clouds of black will roil and curl.
All will be dark outside and you cannot run from this, but pray.
Such a horrid time this shall be.
As I said, multiple interruptions made it impossible for me to continue praying....He did continue His message, as you read above.
Precious Children, I await your prayers anxiously.
When you call to Me, My joy soars and the angels glorify and sing My Name.
Your prayers I hear and, My Belovéd Children, I do or will answer each of them.
Have faith in your Heavenly Father who Loves and adores His Children.
I see all that happens in your World and in your lives.
I am with you as you work and as you play with your children, My Belovéd Little Flowers.
Rejoice in their laughter, for they are the brightest spirits in My Heart.
Precious Children, do not mistake My Love and indulgence for…”push-overed-ness” or thoughtlessness or blindness to your sins.
[It was very hard to define – as if to say, I’m not a pushover.]
Sin exists and it must cease in order for your lives to be intertwined with the Spirit of the One True God.
I ask obedience of My Belovéd Children, because I wish to have them with Me always.
You are the Main Love or My Core Love and it is righteous.
Yes, My Love is Righteous and it is limitless and full or BIG.
Yet I do not condone the sins of Man.
I am a forgiving Father and I am a just God.
Be righteous, My Children and lead a life of joy and purity that you may be led to your Lord God
and not succumb to the harshness or severity of judgment and punishment.
Belovéd Children, how I Love each of you and want you with Me.
How can you be with Me when you are against Me?
How can you know My Love when you are filled with hate?
How can you trust and become faith-filled when you do not seek the Light and the truth?
When you are blind to the sacrifice of Love made by My Cherished and Belovéd Son, the Christ?
Oh, Disobedient Children, there is little time for you.
Come to Me and repent.
Come to Me in sorrow and put down the swords you wield against your Lord God and Creator who finds you so precious.
I will embrace you with My Mercy and Forgiveness.
I will surround you with Great or Biggest Love.
Hear Me, Disobedient Ones.
Time is against you and the doors to My Mercy will not be open to you.
I am a just and righteous God and judgment is…description…without My Mercy.
[I could not capture the words to describe what was conveyed – that judgment will be really cold; harsh, unbearable; almost more of a feeling of chaos with fear.]
Hear Me, Disobedient Children, cease your sinning.
Do not compromise with sin.
Cease rejoicing in your sins and in the sins of your brothers and sisters.
Do not corrupt others by your sins, but repent and show them the way to the Lord and the Christ.
Show your brothers and sisters a path to redemption as you too walk to Me in repentance.
Belovéd Children, I promise you that I do not turn My Children away. Ever.
You are My Belovéd and Precious … BIGGEST LOVE… creations
and I do not toss away that which I have created and that which I Love.
[Again I cannot describe the BIGNESS He was conveying of His Love for us.]
I do not refuse the Love of My Belovéd Children nor will I withhold My Mercy
when My Belovéd Children are woeful in their sorrow.
My Children, I am always close to you.
Call Me but once and I am with you, ever attentive to your words and Love.
Love Me gentle Children.
Throw disobedience away and know Greatest Love.
Love Me, your Eternal Father, oh Disobedient Children.
My compassion is endless and I am here, waiting for your call.
Disobedient Children, you are so very Belovéd and you must acknowledge your Lord God and turn your back to sin.
Do not promulgate sin.
The deviance and perversity and brutality in this World saddens Me and crushes the Sacred Heart so thoroughly.
Do not join in the perversity of darkness.
Do not succumb to greed in exchange for foregoing everlasting Love.
Oh Belovéd Children, walk away from sin.
Turn your face away from the destructive forces that seek to draw you to darkness.
Recognize the signs when you are falling.
When you are forced to choose that over your Lord God, it is surely a darkness that will overcome you.
I say, cut those ties that will lead you to sin.
Be faithful and Loving to Me.
Love your brothers and sisters and do not steal from them but share your wealth with those who hunger.
Love your brothers and sisters as you Love Me, and live in communion with one another.
Love as you are meant to Love and step away from the darkness that attacks your eyes and ears and thus your soul.
Do not think what you see and what you hear will not affect what you do and the darkness within your soul.
I say to you, do not stretch your hand into darkness to test its power.
It is powerful and will easily pull you in.
Do not relent!
Stay with your Heavenly Father.
Join hands with those who pray for those children who are disobedient.
Be strong and do not succumb to the empty and ‘shiny’ charms of this World. [like gold]
Look to Me for Love and good gifts.
Trust in Me completely and I guide My Children righteously.
Have strongest faith in Me and your faith will be rewarded a thousand fold.
Do not waver, Belovéd Children.
My Belovéd Son, Jesus, the Christ, is My Heart.
Through Him you know Me and with Him I adore you.
Our Love for you is all-encompassing.
Your Savior is here to redeem you, Children.
Seek His Love and know Greatest Light.
Follow His Heart and know what is just.
Praise Him and Worship My Son with all of your beings and know peace and deepest Love from the One who has redeemed you.
Praise Him, Belovéd Children, for He is My Belovéd Son.
Praise My Son and you praise Me.
Belovéd Children, I wait for you to come to Me.
Do not be frivolous with your Time!
Pray, My Belovéds. Pray.
For spring comes as do the winds and Jerusalem will sing today
but her self-righteousness has become her sin.
Oh Jerusalem, will you fail your Lord God?
Jerusalem, My fickle child,
you are doomed for destruction.
You shall crumble and fail.
You shall fall hard upon your knees as your enemies lay waste to your homes
and cenacles and synagogues.
Do not turn away, for this truth comes and will come to pass.
Israel fails.
Oh Judah, how you have broken My Heart.
Not one friend will you have but the least of all
and still you will fail or fall.
Jerusalem, say good-bye to all that you have known and loved.
It crumbles and falls away.
See the noontime fades or fading into the red dust.
Hear the trample or treble of running feet.
Listen to the prayers grow louder and louder.
Jerusalem, you will fall.
Jerusalem, you will fall.
Keep your tongues clean and your hands free.
You can do no more to save yourself.
Oh Judea, you have turned against Me.
Jerusalem, My Lover, I shall favor you no more.
See the waters fight over you.
The land will be smashed in two.
Oh Belovéd Jerusalem, you have stepped into darkness again and this is the result.
Blesséd Children, run away to prayer.
Love your Lord God and Jesus, the Christ.
You have but one route for redemption.
You have One Savior.
Approach Him with Great Prayers filled with praise and worship and Love.
For He too cherishes and Loves you.
Belovéd Children, repent.
Come to Me now.
Do not wait, for your Time is short.
Do not risk eternity, Children.
Oh Children, pray and know that I am with you.
Babylon falls but I am ever close to My Belovéd Children.
Pray, good Children.
Know that I hear your prayers.
Pray, Children, for this World sins in such new and monstrous or chilling or amazing or new and big ways.
Pray Children.
Your prayer is a salve on My Heart.
Belovéd Children, pray.
I emphasize this.
Dearest Children, I Love you and send you My Peace.
Peace, My Children.
Peace. Peace.
Thursday, January 23, 2014 3:10 pm – This entry was not shared publicly on its date, as I received it on a day when I suffered through multiple interruptions and my prayer time turned ridiculously difficult (the phone, the dog, the doorbell...).
What can only be stymied is that which is not love but forgiveness.
With forgiveness comes Light.
Children of this World must learn to forgive, lest the World plow into complete darkness as it does.
Once it was washed clean because the people sinned so flagrantly.
People were dismissive of their God, God the Father, who had blessed them with great bounty.
They sinned and they were washed away in punishment.
Here now I see such courageous or outrageous or daring or caustic sins. [Courageous as in, with audacity.]
Your sinning is new and more distasteful.
You kill by millions and debauchery is no longer an exception.
Oh Children, cease sinning.
Wrap your arms around yourselves and seek safety.
Do not place yourselves in the company of sin.
Do not compromise with sin.
It is a foul thing and I look down upon this. [frown upon it]
Instead be obedient Children and seek to Love your Heavenly Father.
There is a time that comes when smoke billows blackly in the skies.
The clouds of black will roil and curl.
All will be dark outside and you cannot run from this, but pray.
Such a horrid time this shall be.
As I said, multiple interruptions made it impossible for me to continue praying....He did continue His message, as you read above.

Monday, January 20, 2014 3:25 – 4:25 pm
Belovéd Children, My Love for you is so great.
The Divinity of My Greatest Love is ineffable.
It is so large as to dwarf every mountain and every star
and every moon and all that matters within the skies above you.
My Love for My Belovéd Children only expands
and widens what exists within your own hearts
because My Love is already all-encompassing.
My Love is just as I Am.
[Kind of like saying Love exists because I exist.]
Belovéd Children, accept My Greatest Love openly, and bring great joy to your Eternal Father.
To accept My Love is a great grace.
It brings Me the joy of a father.
Bring joy to Me.
Return My Love with your own sweetest Love.
How that brings such Light into the Heart of your Lord God.
The whole of Heaven sings with praise and glorifies My Name with your Love.
The whole of Heaven rings with angelic song.
Beatific Children, I hear your calls for Mercy and I grant you the Mercy you request.
Your desire for Mercy is so generous as you worry for those you Love so dearly.
You are right to pray for those who are unprepared to die and I answer your prayers, My Belovéd Ones.
Do not doubt your God and Father who Loves you and seeks only to give you good gifts.
My Love for you sustains you.
Trust in Me and I will provide for you all that you require.
All of your needs are answered by My Great Love when you put your trust in Me.
When your faith in your Lord God is greatest and your Life is Mine to Love fully.
When you have given your life to Me so fully that you trust,
that you have given every decision,
every grief,
every joy,
every concern over to the Father who seeks to Love and bless His Belovéd Children.
Oh Belovéd Children, allow Me to be your Father.
Be a child to Me or be like a child with Me.
Trust as a child would and rely on Me like a child relies on his father and mother.
A child trusts his father for food and shelter and Love and warmth and affection and gifts and a bed on which to sleep.
The father puts the child to rest and comforts his child when he is wounded.
Father celebrates his son’s successes and teaches his son how to live a good life of Love and joy.
The child Loves his father with all of his heart and trusts him and adores him and listens to him and is obedient to him because the child knows his father’s Love is true and unbreakable and the foundation of every action the father takes on the child’s behalf.
So it is with your Father.
God the Father.
I wish the same relationship,
the same understanding and trust with My Belovéd Children, for I am your Lord God
and My Love for My Children of this World far exceeds the Love that any father can ever have for his children.
I am Love and Greatest Love comes from your Lord God.
Welcome My Love into your hearts, Children and come to Me like children.
Belovéd Children, worship My Son, Jesus the Christ.
He is your King and Savior.
He has saved you from eternal enmity and an eternity cast out of Heaven, away from Greatest Love.
He brought Light to this World that you might be saved.
He is your Redeemer.
My Son is the Merciful and Beauteous God.
Love and adore the Christ.
My Son, who is most Belovéd to Me, longs for your Love also.
His Sacred Heart shatters when His Love is cast aside.
His Sacred Heart burns with sadness and disappointment from the tears He sheds
when His Love is rejected by those He has sought to save.
Belovéd Son, Jesus, do not weep.
He brings Light to this World.
His Light flickers and brightens in the hearts of Man.
You see it in the eyes of Man.
Love and worship Jesus, the Christ, My Belovéd and Most Cherished Son.
Love Him as no other.
Show your adoration for Him always, for it brings Me great joy and satisfaction.
[My heart is FULL. God's love for His Son is so huge! It's like a big breath after being under water for too long!]
Your absolute Love for My Son reverberates through Me and all of Heaven.
It sends the angels into peels of love and joy.
When you adore My Belovéd Son, Jesus, you serve Me well.
When you worship My Son, Jesus, you worship your Lord God and Father.
For the Father and the Son are One with the Spirit and as One extend Our Love with and through and by each other.
Where there is One, there is All and where there are All there is One.
Pray to the Spirit and He brings you new life.
He brings the joy and strength to fulfill your tasks.
He extends from the Father and Son as a blessing upon your very soul.
Do not disregard a gift from the Spirit.
It is a very holy and sacred thing.
Through the Spirit the Father and Son bless and make their wishes known.
The Holy Spirit is Our conduit and the Spirit must never be degraded or mocked.
Worship the Spirit as you worship God the Father and God the Son, for the Spirit is part of Greatest Love and it too is.
Belovéd Children, pray and do not fear that which you must or will face.
Trust in Me like a child trusts his father, for you are My Children.
Pray, Belovéd Children, and seek at all times purity.
Cease sinning.
Do not repeat the sins you have atoned for.
Repent for those sins you have not.
Seek to be pure and give an accounting, reconcile often for the sake of purity.
Join Me at My Table as often as possible.
Do not fail in this.
My door is open and I await for you.
Child, do not ignore the invitations I send and do not be afraid.
I am with you always, guiding and blessing you.
Trust in Me always and I give you strength.
Do not be afraid.
I see your heart when it trembles, My Belovéd, and I am with you to hold your heart in My Loving Hands.
You are (never)alone.
I send you great beauties to calm your spirit.
I make trees wave and colors flow for you.
Do not be fearful, for I am with you.
Share this [the above] with My Belovéd Children, for so many are also fearful in their own lives.
Children, when you are most lonely, I hold your hands in My Own to warm yours and give you solace.
When you grieve, I hold you and catch your tears which I counted before you were born.
I keep them for days when you will laugh in joy and reassure you with My Love that you will not grieve for long.
My Dearest Children who fear your future, I say, do not fear, for joy is around the corner for you and great blessings.
Nothing happens to you that I do not know and if you place your trust in your Heavenly Father,
know that your future is good.
Belovéd Children who have grown weary, I blow the breath of New Life on your face.
This blessing is My Love and it Lights your heart.
With such Light within you, you cannot help yourself but to share it with others and your weariness wanes.
Saddened Children, do not weep.
I am here for you and protect your Hearts from the permanence of wounds and scars.
When you return My Love, you understand more fully the reasons or benefits of forgiveness.
When you forgive, it is a grace for those whom you have forgiven and for yourself.
You are healed.
Rejoice, Belovéd Children, for you know and worship your Lord God.
Rejoice, Dearest Children, for you are aware and cognizant of your Eternal Father’s Greatest Love for His Children.
So I say, learn to trust your Lord God as a child.
Love your Lord God as a child.
Give your life over to your Lord God as a child gives his life over to his father for all things.
Belovéd Children, always trust in My Love, for it is for you.
Pray, My Belovéds.
Pray for those who will die.
Few are prepared and prayer is crucial for them.
Pray for them.
Pray for the divorced ones and for those on or by the water.
The water is in a rush to engulf land where the water should not be.
The water does not listen to the directions given to it by Man but goes where it will.
Man has kept it imprisoned too long, but it intends to wash the sins of men clear off the lands.
It will wash the lands clean.
Children, pray.
I say always to pray for I Love your prayers and answer your prayers from Greatest Love.
Pray, Children and I Leave you My Peace.
Peace, Belovéd Children.
Peace. Peace.
Belovéd Children, My Love for you is so great.
The Divinity of My Greatest Love is ineffable.
It is so large as to dwarf every mountain and every star
and every moon and all that matters within the skies above you.
My Love for My Belovéd Children only expands
and widens what exists within your own hearts
because My Love is already all-encompassing.
My Love is just as I Am.
[Kind of like saying Love exists because I exist.]
Belovéd Children, accept My Greatest Love openly, and bring great joy to your Eternal Father.
To accept My Love is a great grace.
It brings Me the joy of a father.
Bring joy to Me.
Return My Love with your own sweetest Love.
How that brings such Light into the Heart of your Lord God.
The whole of Heaven sings with praise and glorifies My Name with your Love.
The whole of Heaven rings with angelic song.
Beatific Children, I hear your calls for Mercy and I grant you the Mercy you request.
Your desire for Mercy is so generous as you worry for those you Love so dearly.
You are right to pray for those who are unprepared to die and I answer your prayers, My Belovéd Ones.
Do not doubt your God and Father who Loves you and seeks only to give you good gifts.
My Love for you sustains you.
Trust in Me and I will provide for you all that you require.
All of your needs are answered by My Great Love when you put your trust in Me.
When your faith in your Lord God is greatest and your Life is Mine to Love fully.
When you have given your life to Me so fully that you trust,
that you have given every decision,
every grief,
every joy,
every concern over to the Father who seeks to Love and bless His Belovéd Children.
Oh Belovéd Children, allow Me to be your Father.
Be a child to Me or be like a child with Me.
Trust as a child would and rely on Me like a child relies on his father and mother.
A child trusts his father for food and shelter and Love and warmth and affection and gifts and a bed on which to sleep.
The father puts the child to rest and comforts his child when he is wounded.
Father celebrates his son’s successes and teaches his son how to live a good life of Love and joy.
The child Loves his father with all of his heart and trusts him and adores him and listens to him and is obedient to him because the child knows his father’s Love is true and unbreakable and the foundation of every action the father takes on the child’s behalf.
So it is with your Father.
God the Father.
I wish the same relationship,
the same understanding and trust with My Belovéd Children, for I am your Lord God
and My Love for My Children of this World far exceeds the Love that any father can ever have for his children.
I am Love and Greatest Love comes from your Lord God.
Welcome My Love into your hearts, Children and come to Me like children.
Belovéd Children, worship My Son, Jesus the Christ.
He is your King and Savior.
He has saved you from eternal enmity and an eternity cast out of Heaven, away from Greatest Love.
He brought Light to this World that you might be saved.
He is your Redeemer.
My Son is the Merciful and Beauteous God.
Love and adore the Christ.
My Son, who is most Belovéd to Me, longs for your Love also.
His Sacred Heart shatters when His Love is cast aside.
His Sacred Heart burns with sadness and disappointment from the tears He sheds
when His Love is rejected by those He has sought to save.
Belovéd Son, Jesus, do not weep.
He brings Light to this World.
His Light flickers and brightens in the hearts of Man.
You see it in the eyes of Man.
Love and worship Jesus, the Christ, My Belovéd and Most Cherished Son.
Love Him as no other.
Show your adoration for Him always, for it brings Me great joy and satisfaction.
[My heart is FULL. God's love for His Son is so huge! It's like a big breath after being under water for too long!]
Your absolute Love for My Son reverberates through Me and all of Heaven.
It sends the angels into peels of love and joy.
When you adore My Belovéd Son, Jesus, you serve Me well.
When you worship My Son, Jesus, you worship your Lord God and Father.
For the Father and the Son are One with the Spirit and as One extend Our Love with and through and by each other.
Where there is One, there is All and where there are All there is One.
Pray to the Spirit and He brings you new life.
He brings the joy and strength to fulfill your tasks.
He extends from the Father and Son as a blessing upon your very soul.
Do not disregard a gift from the Spirit.
It is a very holy and sacred thing.
Through the Spirit the Father and Son bless and make their wishes known.
The Holy Spirit is Our conduit and the Spirit must never be degraded or mocked.
Worship the Spirit as you worship God the Father and God the Son, for the Spirit is part of Greatest Love and it too is.
Belovéd Children, pray and do not fear that which you must or will face.
Trust in Me like a child trusts his father, for you are My Children.
Pray, Belovéd Children, and seek at all times purity.
Cease sinning.
Do not repeat the sins you have atoned for.
Repent for those sins you have not.
Seek to be pure and give an accounting, reconcile often for the sake of purity.
Join Me at My Table as often as possible.
Do not fail in this.
My door is open and I await for you.
Child, do not ignore the invitations I send and do not be afraid.
I am with you always, guiding and blessing you.
Trust in Me always and I give you strength.
Do not be afraid.
I see your heart when it trembles, My Belovéd, and I am with you to hold your heart in My Loving Hands.
You are (never)alone.
I send you great beauties to calm your spirit.
I make trees wave and colors flow for you.
Do not be fearful, for I am with you.
Share this [the above] with My Belovéd Children, for so many are also fearful in their own lives.
Children, when you are most lonely, I hold your hands in My Own to warm yours and give you solace.
When you grieve, I hold you and catch your tears which I counted before you were born.
I keep them for days when you will laugh in joy and reassure you with My Love that you will not grieve for long.
My Dearest Children who fear your future, I say, do not fear, for joy is around the corner for you and great blessings.
Nothing happens to you that I do not know and if you place your trust in your Heavenly Father,
know that your future is good.
Belovéd Children who have grown weary, I blow the breath of New Life on your face.
This blessing is My Love and it Lights your heart.
With such Light within you, you cannot help yourself but to share it with others and your weariness wanes.
Saddened Children, do not weep.
I am here for you and protect your Hearts from the permanence of wounds and scars.
When you return My Love, you understand more fully the reasons or benefits of forgiveness.
When you forgive, it is a grace for those whom you have forgiven and for yourself.
You are healed.
Rejoice, Belovéd Children, for you know and worship your Lord God.
Rejoice, Dearest Children, for you are aware and cognizant of your Eternal Father’s Greatest Love for His Children.
So I say, learn to trust your Lord God as a child.
Love your Lord God as a child.
Give your life over to your Lord God as a child gives his life over to his father for all things.
Belovéd Children, always trust in My Love, for it is for you.
Pray, My Belovéds.
Pray for those who will die.
Few are prepared and prayer is crucial for them.
Pray for them.
Pray for the divorced ones and for those on or by the water.
The water is in a rush to engulf land where the water should not be.
The water does not listen to the directions given to it by Man but goes where it will.
Man has kept it imprisoned too long, but it intends to wash the sins of men clear off the lands.
It will wash the lands clean.
Children, pray.
I say always to pray for I Love your prayers and answer your prayers from Greatest Love.
Pray, Children and I Leave you My Peace.
Peace, Belovéd Children.
Peace. Peace.

Friday, January 17, 2014 6 pm – 7:07 pm
Beautiful and Belovéd Children, I am ever with you.
I Long for your prayers and devotion.
You are My Children and every day I hope that each of you will answer My Loving Call.
So few do.
Belovéd Children, the weight of My Love is Light.
It is a feather compared to the heaviness this World places upon your back with its choices of darkness.
You are like young lambs, unsure of which path or route or way to take, not knowing which shall lead you to cliffs
or dangerous forests
or homeward to warmth and pastures.
Belovéd Children, when you are with Me, I lead you to all that is good.
You do not worry about the reckonings of this World
because you begin to understand into your heart and thoroughly that they are not for you.
They are not concerns.
When you follow your Lord God, joy comes easily and your sadness is tempered by My Love.
Your heart is held in the safety of My Loving Hands and thus sadness cannot keep its grip on you.
When you are a slave to this World, every piece of your life is weighed down and heavier.
Even joy is less joyful when you do not have an intimacy with the Father who Loves you.
I Love to share in your joy.
Your sadnesses and heartbreaks or tragedies are made difficult, because you do not turn to Me in your despair.
Thus I cannot bring you comfort even while My Father’s Heart yearns to bring you peace.
Your difficulties and concerns are heightened and multiplied because you lack the peace I give that provides clarity and patience.
You lack trust in your Holy and Belovéd Father who treasures your happiness and takes great joy in looking to or after His Belovéd Children.
Thus, My Children, I say follow Me.
My Love changes all that is around you and all that is inside of you and beyond you and about you.
My Light enters you and your Life is changed.
My Light enters you, and you are Saved!
You understand then the glory and benefit and absolute joy and Love of My Son’s Sacrifice.
My Son, the Lord Jesus Christ whom I Love is your Saving Grace.
He has given Himself up that each of you may receive an opportunity for Mercy.
My Blesséd and Most Belovéd Son, Jesus the Christ is your redeemer and King.
Worship Him as such.
His Love for you is great and His compassion reflects the greatness of His Love.
When you Love and worship and adore My Son, My Holy Heart or Self or Being is warmed or made thoroughly, absolutely joyful.
(It is difficult to describe how overwhelming…)
To praise My Son is to praise Me.
Like a proud mom times a million?
Even beyond what you may fathom in even that Love.
Worship My Son and Love Him with all of your being.
He is My Son whom I Love to all end.
Belovéd Children, to Love is a sacred thing.
Purest of all Love is especially Sacred.
Do not dismiss My Sacred Love for you, Children.
It is here for you.
It protects you from the hidden vipers that seek to strike at your legs as you walk through this World.
When you are with Me, you see these vipers easily before they strike and avoid them.
Belovéd Children, I will constantly insist that you accept My Love
and that you learn to pray and be obedient Children to your Lord God.
When you know pure Love and dedicate it to Me, obedience is not difficult.
Obedience becomes a joy; a joy-filled decision and disobedience brings you much agitation and sorrow.
Such is the nature of pure Love.
When you do not Love your Lord God, disobedience is a transgression you do not recognize.
When you do not Love your Lord God, disobedience brings no sorrow.
Your Belovéd Father carries the sorrow for you.
My Heart is filled with angst for My Children who are disobedient, for so many do not believe the Words that are shared with this World.
My Son, Jesus the Christ, the Son of Man, is the World.
He is Love and Love personified.
Do not bring great distresses to yourself by disbelieving this, Children, or by mocking His Love for you.
Reckless Children, you cannot mock what is sacred.
It displeases your Lord God entirely and leads Me to anger.
My Belovéd Son sacrificed Himself that you may be saved.
The Lamb is slaughtered and you ignore the King’s invitation to the celebration.
Do not insult the King of Kings.
What does a King do when he is assaulted by those who are supposed to be loyal?
He brings them to judgment and metes out or doles out their punishment as do I, your Lord God.
I am a just Lord and Love each one of My Children from even before you are born.
I know each of you intimately.
I allow your choice to Love, to Love your Lord God, to be yours, that your Love for Me be true.
As Lord, I also judge.
I judge all Children.
Those who Love Me.
Those who have known Me and ignored Me.
Those who hated Me.
Those who knew Me not at all.
All roads lead to Me and all of My Belovéd Children will be judged according to their worth.
Do not lay down to rest now when time is so crucial.
Pray, Children, and believe in your Loving Father who Loves you so entirely.
Ask Me for anything and it is yours.
I am your Heavenly Father and wait with great joy to give My Belovéd Children good gifts of Greatest Love.
Pray, Dear Children.
Always pray.
I Love your prayers.
They are like songs to Me and your Father is always attentive to your prayers.
I answer your every prayer.
Know this to be true and increase your faith by believing this thoroughly and to your core.
Pray, Dear Children.
Pray for those who do not pray.
They are in much or the most danger.
Their active or mocking or hatefilled denial of Me and My Mercy is a serious mistake on their part.
Pray for them.
They err greatly.
Pray for the souls who are dying now.
Those who will go soon.
So many are unprepared for what comes.
Pray for the unprepared.
Pray for Joseph, Mark, Larry, Sam, Margaret, Ruth Anne, Serena, Jessica, Saundra, Emily, John, Jacob (or Jake?), Justine, Rudy, Marcus, Peter, Rubyann, Julie, Amy, Miranda, Robert, Luanne, Mary, Rosemarie, Benjamin, Maureen, Esmerelda, Poppy, Jerry, Mark, Patty, Christine, Sonya, Patricia, Celia, Dotty (or Dorothy), Pam, Margot, Frank, Jennifer, Marlene, Jimmy, Christopher, Bethany, Joshua, Isabel, Scott, Tim, Patrick.
Pray, Belovéd Children.
I am your Loving Father and I embrace you in My Love.
Do not be fearful of My Greatest Love as it engulfs you.
My Greatest Love is a powerful thing or Love.
It is stronger than the crashing waves of the ocean and larger than the skies you can see and beyond.
I am your Heavenly Father.
I look to Man with a Merciful Eye and a hopeful Heart.
Come to Me, Children and find Love and Mercy.
Do not wait.
Do not be frivolous with your Time.
The doors to Mercy close.
The allotment for Mercy dwindles.
You are My Belovéd Children and sinners.
I seek all of you out with great Love and say,
Come My Belovéd Children and be forgiven.
Come for My Bountiful Mercy, now, for it is yours.
But do not wait Children.
I emphasize this.
Do not wait.
I Love My Belovéd Children and want you always with Me.
Judgment without Mercy will be a scathing thing.
It tears.
Please, Belovéd Children.
Come to Me with repentance in your Hearts.
Pray, Children and have My Peace.
Peace, Bewildered Children.
Peace, My Sorrowful Children.
Peace, My Pained Children.
Peace, My Little Flowers.
Peace, My Belovéd Children.
Peace. Peace.
Note: I have the sense that the above dedications of peace were meant for some of the people we were asked to pray for – people in pain, people in sorrow, people who are overwhelmed.
Beautiful and Belovéd Children, I am ever with you.
I Long for your prayers and devotion.
You are My Children and every day I hope that each of you will answer My Loving Call.
So few do.
Belovéd Children, the weight of My Love is Light.
It is a feather compared to the heaviness this World places upon your back with its choices of darkness.
You are like young lambs, unsure of which path or route or way to take, not knowing which shall lead you to cliffs
or dangerous forests
or homeward to warmth and pastures.
Belovéd Children, when you are with Me, I lead you to all that is good.
You do not worry about the reckonings of this World
because you begin to understand into your heart and thoroughly that they are not for you.
They are not concerns.
When you follow your Lord God, joy comes easily and your sadness is tempered by My Love.
Your heart is held in the safety of My Loving Hands and thus sadness cannot keep its grip on you.
When you are a slave to this World, every piece of your life is weighed down and heavier.
Even joy is less joyful when you do not have an intimacy with the Father who Loves you.
I Love to share in your joy.
Your sadnesses and heartbreaks or tragedies are made difficult, because you do not turn to Me in your despair.
Thus I cannot bring you comfort even while My Father’s Heart yearns to bring you peace.
Your difficulties and concerns are heightened and multiplied because you lack the peace I give that provides clarity and patience.
You lack trust in your Holy and Belovéd Father who treasures your happiness and takes great joy in looking to or after His Belovéd Children.
Thus, My Children, I say follow Me.
My Love changes all that is around you and all that is inside of you and beyond you and about you.
My Light enters you and your Life is changed.
My Light enters you, and you are Saved!
You understand then the glory and benefit and absolute joy and Love of My Son’s Sacrifice.
My Son, the Lord Jesus Christ whom I Love is your Saving Grace.
He has given Himself up that each of you may receive an opportunity for Mercy.
My Blesséd and Most Belovéd Son, Jesus the Christ is your redeemer and King.
Worship Him as such.
His Love for you is great and His compassion reflects the greatness of His Love.
When you Love and worship and adore My Son, My Holy Heart or Self or Being is warmed or made thoroughly, absolutely joyful.
(It is difficult to describe how overwhelming…)
To praise My Son is to praise Me.
Like a proud mom times a million?
Even beyond what you may fathom in even that Love.
Worship My Son and Love Him with all of your being.
He is My Son whom I Love to all end.
Belovéd Children, to Love is a sacred thing.
Purest of all Love is especially Sacred.
Do not dismiss My Sacred Love for you, Children.
It is here for you.
It protects you from the hidden vipers that seek to strike at your legs as you walk through this World.
When you are with Me, you see these vipers easily before they strike and avoid them.
Belovéd Children, I will constantly insist that you accept My Love
and that you learn to pray and be obedient Children to your Lord God.
When you know pure Love and dedicate it to Me, obedience is not difficult.
Obedience becomes a joy; a joy-filled decision and disobedience brings you much agitation and sorrow.
Such is the nature of pure Love.
When you do not Love your Lord God, disobedience is a transgression you do not recognize.
When you do not Love your Lord God, disobedience brings no sorrow.
Your Belovéd Father carries the sorrow for you.
My Heart is filled with angst for My Children who are disobedient, for so many do not believe the Words that are shared with this World.
My Son, Jesus the Christ, the Son of Man, is the World.
He is Love and Love personified.
Do not bring great distresses to yourself by disbelieving this, Children, or by mocking His Love for you.
Reckless Children, you cannot mock what is sacred.
It displeases your Lord God entirely and leads Me to anger.
My Belovéd Son sacrificed Himself that you may be saved.
The Lamb is slaughtered and you ignore the King’s invitation to the celebration.
Do not insult the King of Kings.
What does a King do when he is assaulted by those who are supposed to be loyal?
He brings them to judgment and metes out or doles out their punishment as do I, your Lord God.
I am a just Lord and Love each one of My Children from even before you are born.
I know each of you intimately.
I allow your choice to Love, to Love your Lord God, to be yours, that your Love for Me be true.
As Lord, I also judge.
I judge all Children.
Those who Love Me.
Those who have known Me and ignored Me.
Those who hated Me.
Those who knew Me not at all.
All roads lead to Me and all of My Belovéd Children will be judged according to their worth.
Do not lay down to rest now when time is so crucial.
Pray, Children, and believe in your Loving Father who Loves you so entirely.
Ask Me for anything and it is yours.
I am your Heavenly Father and wait with great joy to give My Belovéd Children good gifts of Greatest Love.
Pray, Dear Children.
Always pray.
I Love your prayers.
They are like songs to Me and your Father is always attentive to your prayers.
I answer your every prayer.
Know this to be true and increase your faith by believing this thoroughly and to your core.
Pray, Dear Children.
Pray for those who do not pray.
They are in much or the most danger.
Their active or mocking or hatefilled denial of Me and My Mercy is a serious mistake on their part.
Pray for them.
They err greatly.
Pray for the souls who are dying now.
Those who will go soon.
So many are unprepared for what comes.
Pray for the unprepared.
Pray for Joseph, Mark, Larry, Sam, Margaret, Ruth Anne, Serena, Jessica, Saundra, Emily, John, Jacob (or Jake?), Justine, Rudy, Marcus, Peter, Rubyann, Julie, Amy, Miranda, Robert, Luanne, Mary, Rosemarie, Benjamin, Maureen, Esmerelda, Poppy, Jerry, Mark, Patty, Christine, Sonya, Patricia, Celia, Dotty (or Dorothy), Pam, Margot, Frank, Jennifer, Marlene, Jimmy, Christopher, Bethany, Joshua, Isabel, Scott, Tim, Patrick.
Pray, Belovéd Children.
I am your Loving Father and I embrace you in My Love.
Do not be fearful of My Greatest Love as it engulfs you.
My Greatest Love is a powerful thing or Love.
It is stronger than the crashing waves of the ocean and larger than the skies you can see and beyond.
I am your Heavenly Father.
I look to Man with a Merciful Eye and a hopeful Heart.
Come to Me, Children and find Love and Mercy.
Do not wait.
Do not be frivolous with your Time.
The doors to Mercy close.
The allotment for Mercy dwindles.
You are My Belovéd Children and sinners.
I seek all of you out with great Love and say,
Come My Belovéd Children and be forgiven.
Come for My Bountiful Mercy, now, for it is yours.
But do not wait Children.
I emphasize this.
Do not wait.
I Love My Belovéd Children and want you always with Me.
Judgment without Mercy will be a scathing thing.
It tears.
Please, Belovéd Children.
Come to Me with repentance in your Hearts.
Pray, Children and have My Peace.
Peace, Bewildered Children.
Peace, My Sorrowful Children.
Peace, My Pained Children.
Peace, My Little Flowers.
Peace, My Belovéd Children.
Peace. Peace.
Note: I have the sense that the above dedications of peace were meant for some of the people we were asked to pray for – people in pain, people in sorrow, people who are overwhelmed.

Wednesday, January 15, 2014 4:38 – 5:20 pm
Belovéd Children, the epiphany has arrived.
It is My Love and My Mercy.
Grasp on to it, for I offer them as gifts to My Children whom I Love so extremely.
I give you peace where there is confusion and unrest.
Look to Me in all things, Children.
I bring you peace.
Brave-hearted Loves who defend Me and My Name, surely My Heart swells and My Love for you is tender.
I long for All of My Children to speak Lovingly of their Lord God and Father
but so few will and you are stoned or castigated when you express your great Love and obedience for Me.
I bless you, Dearest Children, as you say My Name Lovingly.
I smile upon you as you defend My Name when it is mocked.
I will not deny you comfort because your hearts are on My Path.
I am the Creator of all that you see and so many deny I am here.
How can that be when My Children feel Love?
Children, you are Belovéd to Me and must work harder not to sin.
Because you know Me well, your task is a larger one.
Your efforts must be stronger and your Love larger and truer. [Faith must be strong.]
Your hearts must be the most pure because you set the example for those Children who have strayed
or who do not yet know or understand Me, the Lord God.
There is such blindness in the World.
I see it in the young.
The young have been plunged into sap and have become unmoving in their willingness to believe and Love Me.
I am reviled. [This shocked me to my core - to hear it, it is so wrong.]
Pray for these children, for so far astray are they led, they cannot see the difference between darkness and Light.
My children cannot be so easily and quickly ruined.
Their faces are lit by curiosity but not purity or an intimacy with Me.
Their interest wanes and My Heart weeps.
Let your eyes always open and close to rest on Me.
Look, and follow Me unerringly.
Abandon those who will not follow Me.
Forgive those who you have not forgiven.
I see into many hearts that there is much unforgiveness and thus illnesses in your hearts.
Forgive and let the memories of your pain melt away.
It is good to forgive.
I forgive as you will forgive.
Bring comfort to those who are in silent anguish.
Notice these things.
You do so by seeing your brothers and sisters.
Understanding brings much Light to the World.
Belovéd and confused Children, do not be afraid to complete your tasks, for I am with you always.
Please pray for those who shut doors before they are truly open.
Pray for the Little Flowers, for their laughter and play lights up the whole of Heaven.
Pray, My Children.
Pray against the acceptance of violence.
Pray, Dearest Children.
I hear your prayers.
Pray Children and be at Peace.
Peace Children.
Peace. Peace.
Belovéd Children, the epiphany has arrived.
It is My Love and My Mercy.
Grasp on to it, for I offer them as gifts to My Children whom I Love so extremely.
I give you peace where there is confusion and unrest.
Look to Me in all things, Children.
I bring you peace.
Brave-hearted Loves who defend Me and My Name, surely My Heart swells and My Love for you is tender.
I long for All of My Children to speak Lovingly of their Lord God and Father
but so few will and you are stoned or castigated when you express your great Love and obedience for Me.
I bless you, Dearest Children, as you say My Name Lovingly.
I smile upon you as you defend My Name when it is mocked.
I will not deny you comfort because your hearts are on My Path.
I am the Creator of all that you see and so many deny I am here.
How can that be when My Children feel Love?
Children, you are Belovéd to Me and must work harder not to sin.
Because you know Me well, your task is a larger one.
Your efforts must be stronger and your Love larger and truer. [Faith must be strong.]
Your hearts must be the most pure because you set the example for those Children who have strayed
or who do not yet know or understand Me, the Lord God.
There is such blindness in the World.
I see it in the young.
The young have been plunged into sap and have become unmoving in their willingness to believe and Love Me.
I am reviled. [This shocked me to my core - to hear it, it is so wrong.]
Pray for these children, for so far astray are they led, they cannot see the difference between darkness and Light.
My children cannot be so easily and quickly ruined.
Their faces are lit by curiosity but not purity or an intimacy with Me.
Their interest wanes and My Heart weeps.
Let your eyes always open and close to rest on Me.
Look, and follow Me unerringly.
Abandon those who will not follow Me.
Forgive those who you have not forgiven.
I see into many hearts that there is much unforgiveness and thus illnesses in your hearts.
Forgive and let the memories of your pain melt away.
It is good to forgive.
I forgive as you will forgive.
Bring comfort to those who are in silent anguish.
Notice these things.
You do so by seeing your brothers and sisters.
Understanding brings much Light to the World.
Belovéd and confused Children, do not be afraid to complete your tasks, for I am with you always.
Please pray for those who shut doors before they are truly open.
Pray for the Little Flowers, for their laughter and play lights up the whole of Heaven.
Pray, My Children.
Pray against the acceptance of violence.
Pray, Dearest Children.
I hear your prayers.
Pray Children and be at Peace.
Peace Children.
Peace. Peace.

Tuesday, January 14, 2014 10:42 am – 11:53 am Adoration
He has asked me to describe the path on which we follow Him. The one He showed to me.
Picture a beautiful wooded area. It is a place where people walk and amble – an Appalachian Trail. There are pine cones and animals and all the regular things you would expect to see. Tall, tall trees. In this forest there is a very narrow path for you to walk on so that you do not lose your way and get lost.
The forest is the world we live in.
As you meander and walk this path, you sometimes wander off the track because something catches your eye and you want to go explore it. You might see a fallen tree or an interesting red plant. You say to yourself, “I will only go a little way off. Just a few steps so I won’t lose sight of the path and get lost. Then I’ll come back." Off you go. A few steps this way and that. When you get to the plant, you see its bright red leaves. Some won't realize that it’s poison ivy and will touch the stuff and get itchy and upset. Others will realize it for what it is and back away from it. Let's say you're the latter person.
As you back away, naturally you slip on some wet, mushy mushrooms and land on your backside in moss. You realize (now that you’re soggy) that you’ve spent enough time exploring. It’s time to go back to the path, but as you go in the direction where you thought it was supposed to be, it’s not there anymore!
It’s disappeared. All you find is unchartered woods with leaves and twigs and branches everywhere and more mushy mushrooms. You look left and right and left again desperately. You didn’t think you had strayed that far off. Where is the path?! Are you going in circles? Did you just pass that poison ivy again?
Just about the time you’re nearly jumping out of your skin because the chances of becoming a bear's dinner are starting to look very real, you throw yourself on the ground to have a good cry (nose in the leaves and everything).
But finally, you look up and sniffle. You look around and all of a sudden, you realize you’re sitting on the path! You've been right on top of it the whole time and missed it until you fell down and looked up. Until you looked UP...
It was a neat picture He gave me.
Dearest and Blesséd Children, maintain your strongest faith in Me.
I am the One true God and I Love All of My Children.
Children, cease hating and Love each other.
Hatred is a sin and creates all darknesses within this sorrowful World.
Rejoice in Love instead and (in) My Great Light!
Blesséd is he who learns to Love all Men unconditionally and absolutely.
A heart without malice is a heart that is pure.
Seek to make your hearts pure, Belovéd Children.
Do this for Me, My Children, for it brings your Lord God such joy to see or witness this in My Children.
Be kind when you wish to be malicious.
This pleases Me very much.
Thank You, Father so very much!
I hear the prayers of All of My Lambs and thus Child, why are you surprised?
Dearest Children, pray.
Your prayers are like songs to Me and I answer each one according to My Will.
I am for you, My Children.
Do not lose faith, for I give My Belovéd Children good gifts.
I do not present My Belovéd Children with vipers.
Know this and believe fully in My Love for you.
Do not disbelieve in My Love for you.
My Path for you is good.
Follow Me and My Will and know true Love and joy.
Do not doubt but have great faith in your Holy Father who adores His Belovéd Children.
I will bring you succor in your times of need.
Have faith, My Children.
So many Children doubt My Love.
You cannot have a little faith or “sometimes” faith.
Your faith in your Heavenly Father must be complete.
Your faith must be an absolute.
A mother cannot be half a mother just as the sky cannot be only half the sky.
If your faith in Me is lukewarm, better to live in ignorance.
Love Me entirely and thus place all of your faith in your Lord God who Loves you.
Wicked Children, this World taints you so.
Know, My faithful Children, that by your Love and faith you can draw the Worldly into My Fold.
They too have Light within them.
Speak to them in Love and with compassion.
Belovéd Children, I wait for all of you with great longing and ask you to cease sinning.
I must rebuke My Children who have allowed themselves to fall so far
into debauchery, perversity, greed, theft, infamy.
My Belovéd Children insult their Father and Creator and mock My Love for them.
My Belovéd Children murder and plunder and rape and ravage My Belovéd Flowers and destroy all in their path.
There is much sin in this World.
I rebuke and abhor these things, My Children.
I emphasize, My Belovéd Children, this soiled living is an unholy thing;
an affront to your Lord God and should make you fearful of My Judgment.
Belovéd Children, I am a Loving and Merciful God and My Love for My Children is limitless,
but I do not abide by the rampant sinning.
I Love purity and Heaven requires all that is pure come to it and all that is not pure be purified.
Do not be judged unworthy, My Belovéd Children.
Come to Me in Love and sorrow and My Mercy is yours.
Believe in My Love for you and call on Me.
I am not an intrusive God and therefore wait for you.
I do not interfere with your decision to sin, but instead yearn for your obedience and Love.
Belovéd Children, turn to Me and know true Love and joy.
Know great Mercy before the door is shut to you.
The World shall be judged and will you have compassion on your side or will you face your judgment without its warmth.
Please, Belovéd Children, hear My Call.
Do not be frivolous with Time.
You do not know when your Master will come.
You do not know.
Beautiful and Belovéd Children, pray for those who would destroy and kill the Little Flowers randomly and deliberately.
Pray for those who will die in the next (eleven) months, for so many are unprepared.
Their souls wander and need the anchor of My Love. [That is, they need to know God before they die.]
Pray for the rich and wealthy.
Their wealth leads them far astray.
Pray for the indifferent; those who mock My Love.
Pray for My Belovéd Priests who please Me.
Pray for Benedict and for the people of Rome and Italy and of Germany.
Pray for those by the waters always.
The waters loom high.
The waters will do more outrageous things or dances.
In the west.
[The Pacific side of the US and Mexico; the Gulf of Mexico; near Indonesia; Japan’s eastern coast; the Isles of the UK.]
The waters are always wild but they grow wilder still.
They will crawl onto the land and where once there was no water, it will sprout like a spring from the ground.
And where once there was water on land shall it shrink and disappear.
Dearest Children, you are My Belovéds and should not be afraid when your faith is strong.
Know My Love and find comfort.
Find joy and comfort in prayer, My Children.
These things must happen.
Belovéd Children, Love and be faithful.
Love your brothers and sisters.
Do not bring them angst.
Bring joy and Light to this World.
Pray, Children.
You are My Children who I Love.
Pray, for I Love you.
Peace, My Loves. Peace.
Peace. Peace.
He has asked me to describe the path on which we follow Him. The one He showed to me.
Picture a beautiful wooded area. It is a place where people walk and amble – an Appalachian Trail. There are pine cones and animals and all the regular things you would expect to see. Tall, tall trees. In this forest there is a very narrow path for you to walk on so that you do not lose your way and get lost.
The forest is the world we live in.
As you meander and walk this path, you sometimes wander off the track because something catches your eye and you want to go explore it. You might see a fallen tree or an interesting red plant. You say to yourself, “I will only go a little way off. Just a few steps so I won’t lose sight of the path and get lost. Then I’ll come back." Off you go. A few steps this way and that. When you get to the plant, you see its bright red leaves. Some won't realize that it’s poison ivy and will touch the stuff and get itchy and upset. Others will realize it for what it is and back away from it. Let's say you're the latter person.
As you back away, naturally you slip on some wet, mushy mushrooms and land on your backside in moss. You realize (now that you’re soggy) that you’ve spent enough time exploring. It’s time to go back to the path, but as you go in the direction where you thought it was supposed to be, it’s not there anymore!
It’s disappeared. All you find is unchartered woods with leaves and twigs and branches everywhere and more mushy mushrooms. You look left and right and left again desperately. You didn’t think you had strayed that far off. Where is the path?! Are you going in circles? Did you just pass that poison ivy again?
Just about the time you’re nearly jumping out of your skin because the chances of becoming a bear's dinner are starting to look very real, you throw yourself on the ground to have a good cry (nose in the leaves and everything).
But finally, you look up and sniffle. You look around and all of a sudden, you realize you’re sitting on the path! You've been right on top of it the whole time and missed it until you fell down and looked up. Until you looked UP...
It was a neat picture He gave me.
Dearest and Blesséd Children, maintain your strongest faith in Me.
I am the One true God and I Love All of My Children.
Children, cease hating and Love each other.
Hatred is a sin and creates all darknesses within this sorrowful World.
Rejoice in Love instead and (in) My Great Light!
Blesséd is he who learns to Love all Men unconditionally and absolutely.
A heart without malice is a heart that is pure.
Seek to make your hearts pure, Belovéd Children.
Do this for Me, My Children, for it brings your Lord God such joy to see or witness this in My Children.
Be kind when you wish to be malicious.
This pleases Me very much.
Thank You, Father so very much!
I hear the prayers of All of My Lambs and thus Child, why are you surprised?
Dearest Children, pray.
Your prayers are like songs to Me and I answer each one according to My Will.
I am for you, My Children.
Do not lose faith, for I give My Belovéd Children good gifts.
I do not present My Belovéd Children with vipers.
Know this and believe fully in My Love for you.
Do not disbelieve in My Love for you.
My Path for you is good.
Follow Me and My Will and know true Love and joy.
Do not doubt but have great faith in your Holy Father who adores His Belovéd Children.
I will bring you succor in your times of need.
Have faith, My Children.
So many Children doubt My Love.
You cannot have a little faith or “sometimes” faith.
Your faith in your Heavenly Father must be complete.
Your faith must be an absolute.
A mother cannot be half a mother just as the sky cannot be only half the sky.
If your faith in Me is lukewarm, better to live in ignorance.
Love Me entirely and thus place all of your faith in your Lord God who Loves you.
Wicked Children, this World taints you so.
Know, My faithful Children, that by your Love and faith you can draw the Worldly into My Fold.
They too have Light within them.
Speak to them in Love and with compassion.
Belovéd Children, I wait for all of you with great longing and ask you to cease sinning.
I must rebuke My Children who have allowed themselves to fall so far
into debauchery, perversity, greed, theft, infamy.
My Belovéd Children insult their Father and Creator and mock My Love for them.
My Belovéd Children murder and plunder and rape and ravage My Belovéd Flowers and destroy all in their path.
There is much sin in this World.
I rebuke and abhor these things, My Children.
I emphasize, My Belovéd Children, this soiled living is an unholy thing;
an affront to your Lord God and should make you fearful of My Judgment.
Belovéd Children, I am a Loving and Merciful God and My Love for My Children is limitless,
but I do not abide by the rampant sinning.
I Love purity and Heaven requires all that is pure come to it and all that is not pure be purified.
Do not be judged unworthy, My Belovéd Children.
Come to Me in Love and sorrow and My Mercy is yours.
Believe in My Love for you and call on Me.
I am not an intrusive God and therefore wait for you.
I do not interfere with your decision to sin, but instead yearn for your obedience and Love.
Belovéd Children, turn to Me and know true Love and joy.
Know great Mercy before the door is shut to you.
The World shall be judged and will you have compassion on your side or will you face your judgment without its warmth.
Please, Belovéd Children, hear My Call.
Do not be frivolous with Time.
You do not know when your Master will come.
You do not know.
Beautiful and Belovéd Children, pray for those who would destroy and kill the Little Flowers randomly and deliberately.
Pray for those who will die in the next (eleven) months, for so many are unprepared.
Their souls wander and need the anchor of My Love. [That is, they need to know God before they die.]
Pray for the rich and wealthy.
Their wealth leads them far astray.
Pray for the indifferent; those who mock My Love.
Pray for My Belovéd Priests who please Me.
Pray for Benedict and for the people of Rome and Italy and of Germany.
Pray for those by the waters always.
The waters loom high.
The waters will do more outrageous things or dances.
In the west.
[The Pacific side of the US and Mexico; the Gulf of Mexico; near Indonesia; Japan’s eastern coast; the Isles of the UK.]
The waters are always wild but they grow wilder still.
They will crawl onto the land and where once there was no water, it will sprout like a spring from the ground.
And where once there was water on land shall it shrink and disappear.
Dearest Children, you are My Belovéds and should not be afraid when your faith is strong.
Know My Love and find comfort.
Find joy and comfort in prayer, My Children.
These things must happen.
Belovéd Children, Love and be faithful.
Love your brothers and sisters.
Do not bring them angst.
Bring joy and Light to this World.
Pray, Children.
You are My Children who I Love.
Pray, for I Love you.
Peace, My Loves. Peace.
Peace. Peace.

Friday, January 10, 2014 12:05 – 12:53 pm
Do not delay, Dearest Children.
My Mercy is here for you now.
It is abundant and My Compassion is great.
My Love for you is so large, I cannot help but to offer such Mercy
to all of My Belovéd Children who will come to Me
in humility and repentance.
Only, do come now, My Belovéd Children.
The doors to My Mercy will not always be open.
Your opportunity to have this utter compassion is fleeting.
Do not squander such gold.
Do not wait, Dearest Children.
The gold and silver and Worldly concerns that trouble you today and keep you from Me now will surely hurt you later;
later when there is no mercy there for you.
Judgment without Mercy is a cold and just thing.
It is just and truthful and blatant and painful in its honesty
because the warmth and kindness of compassion does not exist with it.
And so I say, beware and seek My Mercy now that you do not face judgment without the warmth of Mercy.
Children, you are so Belovéd and I want you with Me always.
My Love for you is ineffable and BIG.
It sings within the skies and builds the warmth of joy within your hearts.
Listen for the joy and warmth of the Holy Spirit, for He calls.
He gives you Life and joy and blessings even as He guides you away from that which is sinful.
Listen for the Spirit of God and let Him guide you to the Father.
He guides you to Light. [The Spirit guides us to God & Jesus, the Father & the Light.]
Oh Children, Blesséd are you who hold Light in your hearts.
You understand the tasks willed upon you or the tasks at hand by God the Eternal Father.
It is My Wish to bring all of My Belovéd Children to Me in safety and Love.
I wish to give no more to the dark one, for too many of My Children have fallen to him.
I do not want him to gloat over having cast aside many more away from the domain of My Greatest Love.
Why don’t You just HeadBonk people!
[I am frustrated with God at this moment. I am kind of arguing with Him saying, "Why not just make everyone love You! You can, so why not?" He is being very patient with me even though we've had this argument several times.]
It must be their choice, Child, just as it is yours to stray or return or stay close or go afar.
I cannot make the decision for you but only be with you and give My Everlasting Love and aid should you call.
Always, yes.
Recall a time before when you were afar and you chose the conveniences of the Worldly pleasures
and disregarded all that you recognize now as beautiful and constant and essential.
I was blind and dumb then. I didn’t know better.
Thus you must show your Brothers and Sisters who do not know as you have been shown
that they too will see the beauty and importance of My Greatest Love.
And so I tell you, you must expand your work further.
Touch more of My Belovéd Children, that they will believe.
Trust that I shall open doors for you when you face obstacles.
When a door is shut because you proclaim your Love for Me, I shall open many more doors for you.
You shall go through ten more for each one.
Do not hesitate in your work for Me as it is your path and it is righteous.
Look for Me and you will find Me everywhere.
Ask something, anything of your Belovéd Father, and I shall give you threefold gifts.
I cherish My Children and Bless those who give Me absolute trust and fealty.
Blesséd Children, continue to work and pray.
Your prayers are so powerful.
Your prayers of amendment on behalf of yourselves and others are heard
and you are forgiven as are those for whom you have interceded.
Such joy I take in your generosity of Spirit.
Belovéd Children, the Light I see beaming in your hearts for Me assuages the pain I feel
when I witness the darknesses of this World.
You are beauty amongst evil, and you thrive and it pleases Me greatly.
Belovéd Children, remember that I Love All of My Children,
especially those who are bewildered and overcome by darkness.
Pray for these Children.
I give each of them every moment and every opportunity to repent.
If for only a hairbreadth’s time a Child regrets their sin
and has sorrow in their hearts
and calls to Me in their sorrow,
I am there with My Abundant Mercy, covering that Child with Love and embraces and happiness and great relief.
The whole of Heaven leaps in joy when one soul is saved.
Be ever thankful for Mercy.
Be ever merciful to your Brothers and Sisters, for Mercy is a grace and a gift.
It is a great peace and a gift of Love that you bestow on the heart of another.
It is My gift to My Children and I want My Children to share that gift amongst one another.
Be Merciful, Belovéd Children, just as you hope to have Mercy for your souls.
Belovéd Children, My Mercy is limited in its offering before judgment.
I am ever merciful but you are responsible for its request.
There comes a time, very soon, when My Mercy will no longer be available to you.
Thus, call to your Eternal Father now before there is no more Time.
Do not fail yourself in this, Children.
Each of you must ask for My Mercy and repent.
I am your Eternal Father and long to give it to you.
I Love you, Belovéd Children.
Do not wait.
Do not be frivolous with your Time.
NOTE: The following came and I am reticent to put it up here because it seems odd. I ask that you read with a grain of salt. Of course, God reminded me that if I'm afraid of looking ridiculous, that is my pride speaking.
Blesséd Children, it is time to pull down the displays of fear
and roll together the waves that come near.
Watch the waters begin to fall.
Do not come near it.
Merely watch it fall.
Children, be kind to one another and keep each other strong with prayer.
Remember always to pray.
I am the truth and the Light.
Come to Me and to My Father, you shall see new Life and Greatest Love.
Do not be afraid.
For when the World grows most intolerable, look to Me for strength and I will be your guiding Light.
I am the Love and the glory of all Heaven.
Angels worship at My Feet.
They sing their beauteous songs to the Son of God in praise and they are good.
When I say, do not be afraid, I am the Son of Man and I stand before you.
I lead you to Love, to My Almighty Father.
I am Mercy and Light.
I see to you as My Father looks to Me.
Lift My Name up upon your tongues
and be always unafraid to proclaim My Name, Jesus the Christ, in praise and worship.
The human flesh may grow weary.
Your flesh may be weak, but the spirit who knows and Loves Me is strong and brave and tireless.
Blesséd Children, you are precious to Me.
Continue to pray for this World that sins and appalls your Eternal Father so completely.
Pray before I grow reproachful of this World.
Pray for the discipleship of My Belovéd Priests.
Pray for the children who are (considered) as so much garbage and lifelessness.
Pray for those women who are like crows and insist on death in all corners of My World.
Pray, for their punishment is real and it is terrible.
Pray for those who hate their mothers and their fathers.
It is not meant to be so and it is a sin to speak evil of those who bore you.
Mind the expectations of your Lord God
and know with all certainty that your Eternal Father Loves you without boundary.
Peace to each one of My Children, to each unique child.
[Unique is not the right word here. He considers us much bigger than unique and special. It is hard to explain.]
Peace to you, Belovéd One.
Peace to the doves who are special to Me. Those who are gentle and kind.
Peace children.
Peace, Children.
Do not delay, Dearest Children.
My Mercy is here for you now.
It is abundant and My Compassion is great.
My Love for you is so large, I cannot help but to offer such Mercy
to all of My Belovéd Children who will come to Me
in humility and repentance.
Only, do come now, My Belovéd Children.
The doors to My Mercy will not always be open.
Your opportunity to have this utter compassion is fleeting.
Do not squander such gold.
Do not wait, Dearest Children.
The gold and silver and Worldly concerns that trouble you today and keep you from Me now will surely hurt you later;
later when there is no mercy there for you.
Judgment without Mercy is a cold and just thing.
It is just and truthful and blatant and painful in its honesty
because the warmth and kindness of compassion does not exist with it.
And so I say, beware and seek My Mercy now that you do not face judgment without the warmth of Mercy.
Children, you are so Belovéd and I want you with Me always.
My Love for you is ineffable and BIG.
It sings within the skies and builds the warmth of joy within your hearts.
Listen for the joy and warmth of the Holy Spirit, for He calls.
He gives you Life and joy and blessings even as He guides you away from that which is sinful.
Listen for the Spirit of God and let Him guide you to the Father.
He guides you to Light. [The Spirit guides us to God & Jesus, the Father & the Light.]
Oh Children, Blesséd are you who hold Light in your hearts.
You understand the tasks willed upon you or the tasks at hand by God the Eternal Father.
It is My Wish to bring all of My Belovéd Children to Me in safety and Love.
I wish to give no more to the dark one, for too many of My Children have fallen to him.
I do not want him to gloat over having cast aside many more away from the domain of My Greatest Love.
Why don’t You just HeadBonk people!
[I am frustrated with God at this moment. I am kind of arguing with Him saying, "Why not just make everyone love You! You can, so why not?" He is being very patient with me even though we've had this argument several times.]
It must be their choice, Child, just as it is yours to stray or return or stay close or go afar.
I cannot make the decision for you but only be with you and give My Everlasting Love and aid should you call.
Always, yes.
Recall a time before when you were afar and you chose the conveniences of the Worldly pleasures
and disregarded all that you recognize now as beautiful and constant and essential.
I was blind and dumb then. I didn’t know better.
Thus you must show your Brothers and Sisters who do not know as you have been shown
that they too will see the beauty and importance of My Greatest Love.
And so I tell you, you must expand your work further.
Touch more of My Belovéd Children, that they will believe.
Trust that I shall open doors for you when you face obstacles.
When a door is shut because you proclaim your Love for Me, I shall open many more doors for you.
You shall go through ten more for each one.
Do not hesitate in your work for Me as it is your path and it is righteous.
Look for Me and you will find Me everywhere.
Ask something, anything of your Belovéd Father, and I shall give you threefold gifts.
I cherish My Children and Bless those who give Me absolute trust and fealty.
Blesséd Children, continue to work and pray.
Your prayers are so powerful.
Your prayers of amendment on behalf of yourselves and others are heard
and you are forgiven as are those for whom you have interceded.
Such joy I take in your generosity of Spirit.
Belovéd Children, the Light I see beaming in your hearts for Me assuages the pain I feel
when I witness the darknesses of this World.
You are beauty amongst evil, and you thrive and it pleases Me greatly.
Belovéd Children, remember that I Love All of My Children,
especially those who are bewildered and overcome by darkness.
Pray for these Children.
I give each of them every moment and every opportunity to repent.
If for only a hairbreadth’s time a Child regrets their sin
and has sorrow in their hearts
and calls to Me in their sorrow,
I am there with My Abundant Mercy, covering that Child with Love and embraces and happiness and great relief.
The whole of Heaven leaps in joy when one soul is saved.
Be ever thankful for Mercy.
Be ever merciful to your Brothers and Sisters, for Mercy is a grace and a gift.
It is a great peace and a gift of Love that you bestow on the heart of another.
It is My gift to My Children and I want My Children to share that gift amongst one another.
Be Merciful, Belovéd Children, just as you hope to have Mercy for your souls.
Belovéd Children, My Mercy is limited in its offering before judgment.
I am ever merciful but you are responsible for its request.
There comes a time, very soon, when My Mercy will no longer be available to you.
Thus, call to your Eternal Father now before there is no more Time.
Do not fail yourself in this, Children.
Each of you must ask for My Mercy and repent.
I am your Eternal Father and long to give it to you.
I Love you, Belovéd Children.
Do not wait.
Do not be frivolous with your Time.
NOTE: The following came and I am reticent to put it up here because it seems odd. I ask that you read with a grain of salt. Of course, God reminded me that if I'm afraid of looking ridiculous, that is my pride speaking.
Blesséd Children, it is time to pull down the displays of fear
and roll together the waves that come near.
Watch the waters begin to fall.
Do not come near it.
Merely watch it fall.
Children, be kind to one another and keep each other strong with prayer.
Remember always to pray.
I am the truth and the Light.
Come to Me and to My Father, you shall see new Life and Greatest Love.
Do not be afraid.
For when the World grows most intolerable, look to Me for strength and I will be your guiding Light.
I am the Love and the glory of all Heaven.
Angels worship at My Feet.
They sing their beauteous songs to the Son of God in praise and they are good.
When I say, do not be afraid, I am the Son of Man and I stand before you.
I lead you to Love, to My Almighty Father.
I am Mercy and Light.
I see to you as My Father looks to Me.
Lift My Name up upon your tongues
and be always unafraid to proclaim My Name, Jesus the Christ, in praise and worship.
The human flesh may grow weary.
Your flesh may be weak, but the spirit who knows and Loves Me is strong and brave and tireless.
Blesséd Children, you are precious to Me.
Continue to pray for this World that sins and appalls your Eternal Father so completely.
Pray before I grow reproachful of this World.
Pray for the discipleship of My Belovéd Priests.
Pray for the children who are (considered) as so much garbage and lifelessness.
Pray for those women who are like crows and insist on death in all corners of My World.
Pray, for their punishment is real and it is terrible.
Pray for those who hate their mothers and their fathers.
It is not meant to be so and it is a sin to speak evil of those who bore you.
Mind the expectations of your Lord God
and know with all certainty that your Eternal Father Loves you without boundary.
Peace to each one of My Children, to each unique child.
[Unique is not the right word here. He considers us much bigger than unique and special. It is hard to explain.]
Peace to you, Belovéd One.
Peace to the doves who are special to Me. Those who are gentle and kind.
Peace children.
Peace, Children.

Thursday, January 9, 2014 12:00 – 12:46 pm
Oh Children, My Belovéd Children, do not fail Me.
Do not grow weak in your Love or work for Me.
Much evil reigns upon this World of blackness.
I seek the pockets of Love and Light and My Heart swells to see such beauty,
such humility and Love for each brother and sister.
Care for one another, My Children.
Do not shut out those you should Love
and those who so desperately need Love and direction to My Greatest Love.
Do not be selfish with your knowledge of My Love.
Spread it amongst your brothers and sisters that they too may be refreshed and cleansed
and brought into My Waiting Arms.
That their hearts too may tremble with Faith and for Love of Me.
Each Man and Woman should know of My Son’s great Love and Sacrifice.
Each should comprehend the depth of Love He holds for each one of them,
so much so that My Belovéd Son made their everlasting Life possible when indeed it was not.
Every Man and Woman should weep in joy and worship at My Son, Jesus the Christ, at His Blesséd feet in thanks.
Prostrate yourselves and share your Love for My Son.
Belovéd Children, still more darkness comes.
You see what you believe is evil.
The darkness of yesterday was very great.
You were rightly shocked and appalled by what you saw and experienced.
The darkness you witness today is also strong and even more destructive and appalling to you.
The worst has not yet come, My Belovéd Children.
These evils are just twinklings or sparks of what is to happen.
These days will seem like cheerful times compared to the darkness that comes.
Man is not yet finished decimating My Love.
Man has yet to completely decry My Name Worldwide.
When no one dares to worship Me and Love Me and praise Me
and make devotionals to Me and evangelize with great Spirit and courage for Me and all prayer is hidden,
then you will see the darkest times.
My Belovéd Children will be attacked for your Love of Me.
Do not be afraid.
When I am for you and you are with Me, you can only enjoy happiness regardless of this World’s sins.
The World will do great disservices against My Belovéd Priests.
Protect My Belovéd Disciples.
There will be so few of them.
There will be a hand of fire that will reach out to snuff all who proclaim their Love for Me.
Be strong and pray.
I am with you.
I am with you always.
The red fire falls before the stern face of Jesus.
And when the fire is finished, the black clouds peel away to reveal light.
Those whose attempt to eradicate God from the World He has Created will cry and wail over their error.
God is Merciful and compassionate.
But the days open for His Mercy have ended.
The moments He offered so generously His Compassion are over.
Thus those who spit at His Face and denied His Name
and disregarded His Love and mocked His Children
will face judgment without His Generous and Loving Mercy.
They shall see the darkness upon their souls without the Hand of the Lord upon their shoulder.
Wicked Children, the time to beg for Mercy is now.
This World moves quickly towards these darkest moments.
It could happen in one year.
It could happen in two years.
It could happen in three years.
You cannot know but for what you see around you.
Prayer saves so many of My Belovéd Children.
Though so many are lost in such darkness and plagued by such sins,
never forget that My Love for those or My Children is also so very Great.
I wish them to be with Me and so through prayer they are saved.
They are made to understand and find Me.
Do not judge these Children of the World.
Pray for them and gather them up for Me.
Show them your great Love for your Lord God.
Prayer converts many.
Even while you may never see it, the fruits of your labor, know that your prayers are always heard and answered.
Your intercessions on behalf of all sinners are heard
and your Heavenly Father brings His Mercy to those for whom you have offered prayers.
Thus, pray for those who attempt to break down the Love and solace and worship of My Name in this World.
Pray against the words they use that prejudice others to follow them and lead My Children in the wrong directions.
Hear Me, Belovéd and Prayerful Children.
Even those who would believe in Me are led so far astray, they do not recognize My Love when it is in front of them.
There is much judgment where there should not be any at all.
It is a great sin of this World.
Pride and judgment.
Pride develops greed and envy and fear and more jealousy and coveting and then thievery.
Oh Children, of what use will all of those things be when you face the One who Loves (created) you.
You were nothing as I placed you into the World but My Unique and Cherished Child
and what more can you bring to Me but the same cherished Child?
Oh Children, understand the thickness or strength of My Love for you.
Hold strong against the darkness you will find and experience.
It grows much worse in the days and years ahead.
Prayer is your greatest strength.
I say this again for emphasis.
Always pray for this World.
I hear your prayers and answer each of them.
I Love your prayers and wait for you to call.
Know My Love for you is stronger than any evil or darkness, for I am God, your Almighty Father.
Call on Me and you are saved.
Call on Me and My Mercy is yours.
Call to Me and I will demonstrate the greatness of My Love for you and My Belovéd Children.
Let not your faith be shaken.
[A personal message...]
Pray always.
Reconcile and take the ever Holiest Eucharist.
You cannot be guided without it.
It brings you indescribable blessings and keeps you safe
and provides you the strength to see and understand My Directions for you.
I provide the means by which you are cleansed.
Now take the Eucharist with an open and joyous heart daily.
Peace, My Love.
Peace to My Children, My Beauteous and prayerful Children.
How I Love My Belovéd Children.
Do not stray.
Peace be with each of you.
Peace Children.
Peace. Peace.
Oh Children, My Belovéd Children, do not fail Me.
Do not grow weak in your Love or work for Me.
Much evil reigns upon this World of blackness.
I seek the pockets of Love and Light and My Heart swells to see such beauty,
such humility and Love for each brother and sister.
Care for one another, My Children.
Do not shut out those you should Love
and those who so desperately need Love and direction to My Greatest Love.
Do not be selfish with your knowledge of My Love.
Spread it amongst your brothers and sisters that they too may be refreshed and cleansed
and brought into My Waiting Arms.
That their hearts too may tremble with Faith and for Love of Me.
Each Man and Woman should know of My Son’s great Love and Sacrifice.
Each should comprehend the depth of Love He holds for each one of them,
so much so that My Belovéd Son made their everlasting Life possible when indeed it was not.
Every Man and Woman should weep in joy and worship at My Son, Jesus the Christ, at His Blesséd feet in thanks.
Prostrate yourselves and share your Love for My Son.
Belovéd Children, still more darkness comes.
You see what you believe is evil.
The darkness of yesterday was very great.
You were rightly shocked and appalled by what you saw and experienced.
The darkness you witness today is also strong and even more destructive and appalling to you.
The worst has not yet come, My Belovéd Children.
These evils are just twinklings or sparks of what is to happen.
These days will seem like cheerful times compared to the darkness that comes.
Man is not yet finished decimating My Love.
Man has yet to completely decry My Name Worldwide.
When no one dares to worship Me and Love Me and praise Me
and make devotionals to Me and evangelize with great Spirit and courage for Me and all prayer is hidden,
then you will see the darkest times.
My Belovéd Children will be attacked for your Love of Me.
Do not be afraid.
When I am for you and you are with Me, you can only enjoy happiness regardless of this World’s sins.
The World will do great disservices against My Belovéd Priests.
Protect My Belovéd Disciples.
There will be so few of them.
There will be a hand of fire that will reach out to snuff all who proclaim their Love for Me.
Be strong and pray.
I am with you.
I am with you always.
The red fire falls before the stern face of Jesus.
And when the fire is finished, the black clouds peel away to reveal light.
Those whose attempt to eradicate God from the World He has Created will cry and wail over their error.
God is Merciful and compassionate.
But the days open for His Mercy have ended.
The moments He offered so generously His Compassion are over.
Thus those who spit at His Face and denied His Name
and disregarded His Love and mocked His Children
will face judgment without His Generous and Loving Mercy.
They shall see the darkness upon their souls without the Hand of the Lord upon their shoulder.
Wicked Children, the time to beg for Mercy is now.
This World moves quickly towards these darkest moments.
It could happen in one year.
It could happen in two years.
It could happen in three years.
You cannot know but for what you see around you.
Prayer saves so many of My Belovéd Children.
Though so many are lost in such darkness and plagued by such sins,
never forget that My Love for those or My Children is also so very Great.
I wish them to be with Me and so through prayer they are saved.
They are made to understand and find Me.
Do not judge these Children of the World.
Pray for them and gather them up for Me.
Show them your great Love for your Lord God.
Prayer converts many.
Even while you may never see it, the fruits of your labor, know that your prayers are always heard and answered.
Your intercessions on behalf of all sinners are heard
and your Heavenly Father brings His Mercy to those for whom you have offered prayers.
Thus, pray for those who attempt to break down the Love and solace and worship of My Name in this World.
Pray against the words they use that prejudice others to follow them and lead My Children in the wrong directions.
Hear Me, Belovéd and Prayerful Children.
Even those who would believe in Me are led so far astray, they do not recognize My Love when it is in front of them.
There is much judgment where there should not be any at all.
It is a great sin of this World.
Pride and judgment.
Pride develops greed and envy and fear and more jealousy and coveting and then thievery.
Oh Children, of what use will all of those things be when you face the One who Loves (created) you.
You were nothing as I placed you into the World but My Unique and Cherished Child
and what more can you bring to Me but the same cherished Child?
Oh Children, understand the thickness or strength of My Love for you.
Hold strong against the darkness you will find and experience.
It grows much worse in the days and years ahead.
Prayer is your greatest strength.
I say this again for emphasis.
Always pray for this World.
I hear your prayers and answer each of them.
I Love your prayers and wait for you to call.
Know My Love for you is stronger than any evil or darkness, for I am God, your Almighty Father.
Call on Me and you are saved.
Call on Me and My Mercy is yours.
Call to Me and I will demonstrate the greatness of My Love for you and My Belovéd Children.
Let not your faith be shaken.
[A personal message...]
Pray always.
Reconcile and take the ever Holiest Eucharist.
You cannot be guided without it.
It brings you indescribable blessings and keeps you safe
and provides you the strength to see and understand My Directions for you.
I provide the means by which you are cleansed.
Now take the Eucharist with an open and joyous heart daily.
Peace, My Love.
Peace to My Children, My Beauteous and prayerful Children.
How I Love My Belovéd Children.
Do not stray.
Peace be with each of you.
Peace Children.
Peace. Peace.

Wednesday, January 8, 2014 3:36 -4:09 pm
Father? I can’t function without You.
Little Lamb, it is cause for celebration to recognize this
but it wounds Me that it has taken you long to see so clearly
how essential My Love is to your clarity and joy.
Do not roam, Belovéd Children.
Believe that what comes seeks to disunite My Children
through words and behavior that in their presumptuous or pretended truth
will appeal or draw so many of My Belovéd Children in.
Do not follow these Men.
Do not become spellbound by the words of vipers who contradict My Love with melodies and untruths they call logic.
My Love is Light.
Where there is light, there is sight and clarity and there is no darkness where there is light.
Thus hold tightly to My Light.
It is peace. It is Love.
Do not follow that which leads you to darkness.
Where there is darkness, there can be no light.
Belovéd Children, you know this to be true within your hearts
but in your hands and eyes and mouths you feel or act or attain something far different that your soul permits.
Thus I say, close your eyes to darknesses lest they occupy your heart and soul.
Let not your hands become curious; it would be better to place them in fire than in the darknesses of sin.
Do not speak against your brothers and sisters, for to wound one is to wound Me, your Belovéd God and Father.
Would you break My Heart thus?
Look to your Brothers and Sisters and be wary of their eyes and hands and mouths also.
To help one maintain their Love for Me brings Me joy.
Bring to Me the Little Flowers and do not corrupt My children.
They are My Little Flowers who I Love so dearly
and I want you to see as they do and play as they do and trust as they do.
There is no malice in My Little Flowers.
And so I say, because they are so pure, do not corrupt them.
Harken, what comes from the east comes from the west as well.
Sit across the rising tides
and see the fire cross the skies
and it stalls amongst the cities.
Faithful Children, fear not your future, for your days are always numbered and My Love for you a constant.
The ways of this World are surely evil and I see all that Happens and it wounds Me deeply.
I am in Love with My Children and will provide every moment for repentance.
Pray, Children.
That is your role and saving grace.
You cannot take arms against evil except by your great prayers which provides the greatest arms indeed!
You are My Belovéd and Blesséd Children.
Have faith in your Heavenly Father.
I am the Love that will guide you.
Know that My Path for each of you is just and righteous.
I do not lead My Belovéd Lambs to be slaughtered.
I lead My Belovéd Children to My Open Arms to be met with Love, grace and great forgiveness.
Do not be afraid of what the future will be.
If I am with you, nothing can be against you that cannot be detained by your Heavenly Father.
Your Heavenly Father only wants your Love in all of its forms.
Your Love for Me must be always just in all things.
In each day as you rise, your first thoughts must be of Me and your Love for Me and My Great Love for you.
Every moment of the day must be spent in prayer.
Adore Me as I adore you.
Know I am with you always and do not stray from you, My Belovéd Children.
Though you may abandon Me or stray, I do not leave you nor do I stray.
I am a constant as is My Love.
My Love is within you.
Dearest Children, be kind to one another, for there is such unkindness I see.
Do not pass by your brother ignoring his eyes.
Stay in community with one another, as it was meant to be.
Love your brothers and your families.
Do not disintegrate the children, the lives or spirits of the Little Flowers.
This wounds Me and is a grave sin.
Do not lead them away from their Eternal Father who Loves them so.
Come to Me Children of the North.
Come to Me and be saved.
Jerusalem, you must pray.
You do not have much time.
Children, remember the Eucharist.
Take it faithfully, reverently.
You are not so faithful as you must be.
So few are aware.
Child, expand My Word.
Pray and I will make it so, for prayer can move streams and make them great rivers.
Prayers will move planets and knock stars from the great skies.
What I have given, I can take away.
Blesséd Children, I say pray.
Pray and be Loving.
Do not fear the future which you cannot change nor can you know.
Belovéd Children, have peace in your troubled hearts, for I am with you.
Peace, Belovéd Ones.
Peace. Peace.
Father? I can’t function without You.
Little Lamb, it is cause for celebration to recognize this
but it wounds Me that it has taken you long to see so clearly
how essential My Love is to your clarity and joy.
Do not roam, Belovéd Children.
Believe that what comes seeks to disunite My Children
through words and behavior that in their presumptuous or pretended truth
will appeal or draw so many of My Belovéd Children in.
Do not follow these Men.
Do not become spellbound by the words of vipers who contradict My Love with melodies and untruths they call logic.
My Love is Light.
Where there is light, there is sight and clarity and there is no darkness where there is light.
Thus hold tightly to My Light.
It is peace. It is Love.
Do not follow that which leads you to darkness.
Where there is darkness, there can be no light.
Belovéd Children, you know this to be true within your hearts
but in your hands and eyes and mouths you feel or act or attain something far different that your soul permits.
Thus I say, close your eyes to darknesses lest they occupy your heart and soul.
Let not your hands become curious; it would be better to place them in fire than in the darknesses of sin.
Do not speak against your brothers and sisters, for to wound one is to wound Me, your Belovéd God and Father.
Would you break My Heart thus?
Look to your Brothers and Sisters and be wary of their eyes and hands and mouths also.
To help one maintain their Love for Me brings Me joy.
Bring to Me the Little Flowers and do not corrupt My children.
They are My Little Flowers who I Love so dearly
and I want you to see as they do and play as they do and trust as they do.
There is no malice in My Little Flowers.
And so I say, because they are so pure, do not corrupt them.
Harken, what comes from the east comes from the west as well.
Sit across the rising tides
and see the fire cross the skies
and it stalls amongst the cities.
Faithful Children, fear not your future, for your days are always numbered and My Love for you a constant.
The ways of this World are surely evil and I see all that Happens and it wounds Me deeply.
I am in Love with My Children and will provide every moment for repentance.
Pray, Children.
That is your role and saving grace.
You cannot take arms against evil except by your great prayers which provides the greatest arms indeed!
You are My Belovéd and Blesséd Children.
Have faith in your Heavenly Father.
I am the Love that will guide you.
Know that My Path for each of you is just and righteous.
I do not lead My Belovéd Lambs to be slaughtered.
I lead My Belovéd Children to My Open Arms to be met with Love, grace and great forgiveness.
Do not be afraid of what the future will be.
If I am with you, nothing can be against you that cannot be detained by your Heavenly Father.
Your Heavenly Father only wants your Love in all of its forms.
Your Love for Me must be always just in all things.
In each day as you rise, your first thoughts must be of Me and your Love for Me and My Great Love for you.
Every moment of the day must be spent in prayer.
Adore Me as I adore you.
Know I am with you always and do not stray from you, My Belovéd Children.
Though you may abandon Me or stray, I do not leave you nor do I stray.
I am a constant as is My Love.
My Love is within you.
Dearest Children, be kind to one another, for there is such unkindness I see.
Do not pass by your brother ignoring his eyes.
Stay in community with one another, as it was meant to be.
Love your brothers and your families.
Do not disintegrate the children, the lives or spirits of the Little Flowers.
This wounds Me and is a grave sin.
Do not lead them away from their Eternal Father who Loves them so.
Come to Me Children of the North.
Come to Me and be saved.
Jerusalem, you must pray.
You do not have much time.
Children, remember the Eucharist.
Take it faithfully, reverently.
You are not so faithful as you must be.
So few are aware.
Child, expand My Word.
Pray and I will make it so, for prayer can move streams and make them great rivers.
Prayers will move planets and knock stars from the great skies.
What I have given, I can take away.
Blesséd Children, I say pray.
Pray and be Loving.
Do not fear the future which you cannot change nor can you know.
Belovéd Children, have peace in your troubled hearts, for I am with you.
Peace, Belovéd Ones.
Peace. Peace.

Monday, January 6, 2014 3:14 pm – 4:02 pm
It is difficult not to praise God, especially in Tongues. And how can disbelievers not see the consistent language across states and countries amongst complete strangers?
Here I am, Father. Yahweh, show me the way to You.
Sainted and Sweet Child, have no fear of the or your future.
Place all of your trust in Me and know that My Love protects and saves you from the errors and tribulations of this World.
Those you Love Love Me well.
[This was in answer to my question – What about my family & friends?]
[This message I heard Jesus's voice. How do I know? Well, it seemed it was not as BIG. Like the Father is an ocean and Jesus is a sunny river. That is the only way I can describe it. It was more gentle, not that God is ever not gentle, but in a different way. My talks with Jesus have always been more of emotion and very rarely words, especially to this length.]
Brothers and Sisters, know My Father is with you always and makes great demands on those who would be with Him.
I am the Truth and the Light.
Follow Me and observe Love. [It is a most incredible, purest, amazing love. It radiates from Him.]
Follow Me and know Mercy and Forgiveness.
It is through Me and your Love for Me that you see the Kingdom of Heaven, Little Ones.
Believe in My Divinity, Man, and know that My Father watches you closely.
Do not make Him or lead Him to weep.
He is My Father and the Maker of All Things. [There is deep, reverent BIG love here –it is bursting out.]
Trust in Me, His Belovéd and only Son, and know grace, Love and Heaven.
Peaceful Children, your hearts will not or must not be broken with the failure of weakened faith.
Therefore, ensure that you are prayerful
and constantly Loving and good and adored in the Eyes of My Father who Loves you.
Praise His Name constantly and look to the great skies with thanks.
He has made them for you and can blacken them as quickly as He has lightened them.
Brothers and Sisters, repent and encourage your brothers and sisters to repent.
Use no hate in this nor accusation nor condemnation.
Fear is a strong flavor.
Add it to your own hearts but do not strike it into those I would gently bring to My Fold.
For they are like the untamed horses that on seeing you will run away.
Approach gently, slowly, calmly, Lovingly.
There is no peace in an attack.
Brothers and Sisters I speak to you today because it is Time.
Because My Love for you is Great and you must know this to be true.
My Love for you is gentle and I will place My Hand in yours to lead you to Me.
I am charged with bringing My Light to this World, for I Am the Light and the Truth.
Come with Me and know a new Life of joy and communion or union or community.
Brothers and Sisters, show My Blesséd and Holy Father that you are panged to have grieved Him so.
Show your Love for Him and place your head upon His knee and ask for His Mercy.
He cannot resist the requests of His Belovéd Children, especially a request for Mercy.
That is His Greatest Desire – that All of His Belovéd Children go to Him for forgiveness and Mercy,
for His Love for you is unlimited.
It cannot be quenched.
Brothers and Sisters, I say to you today, there is much perversity in this World.
Many who die fall into the pit of hell for their transgressions, not having called for Me in their hour of great need,
nor repenting of sin.
It is a tragic [painful beyond descriptions of tragic].
It is unbearable.
One call.
One hope.
One thought and forgiveness could be theirs, but there was no Light in their souls and how We weep.
We surely separate the wheat from the stones even as Our Hearts moan and break.
We are unyielding in this.
Brothers and Sisters, hear these words I say.
Know that My Belovéd Father rejoices in your Love and prayerfulness.
Do not discontinue your Loving efforts to please Him.
He sees the blackest transgressions of the World and He looks away in disgust.
[Our Love for Him is, as He has said before of Jesus’s wounds, like a salve on His Heart.]
God cannot Love those things that are against Him and the foulness of sin is surely contrary to My Heavenly Father.
Again, do not doubt His Expectations for His Children.
How He Loves you so abundantly.
Grasp these things, Brothers and Sisters.
Do not dismiss these things I say to you.
As many will wonder, who am I to say these things.
Who am I to speak so surely of God, the Heavenly Father.
Do not be deceived into disbelieving, for I too am the Lord;
His Belovéd Son Jesus the Christ, the Light and the Sacrificed.
There must be those who work against the hatred in humanity.
You must Love where you see hatred.
You must give aid where you see need.
You must obey the Father and do not bring Him grief with disobedience.
When you Love, and Love truly, obedience comes with ease, My Brothers and Sisters.
God the Father is speaking to me again – we are called Children.
Speak peaceably and do no harm to one another.
Be assured that a clean Light will greet your Master on His arrival or return.
With all of your hearts, repent.
My Love for you calls you to repent.
I give you full forgiveness when you come to Me in humility and Love.
Dearest Children, do not wait to clean the lamps and replace the old oil with the new.
Make ready your homes while there is time,
lest the Master knocks on your door looking for supper and a bed and find(s) none.
Wretched Servant!
What will you do after you have grieved your Master?
Belovéd Children, put in your hard work today and tomorrow you shall rest.
Do not wait.
Do not endanger yourself by spending this time on things of the flesh.
Your flesh will not help you later, nor will the gold and silver you gather today.
I am your priority.
I am First.
Trust in Me and I will answer all of your needs.
You cannot have two masters just as you cannot have two wives.
Children, you must make your decisions and grow strong in the choice you make.
Come to Me and know Greatest Love.
Be saved from the wave of blackness and fire that comes to overtake the rampant sins,
or ride in the wake of this fire and become engulfed by it.
It does not go well for those who disbelieve and disregard My Love.
Come to Me and know My Love protects you.
Your Love for Me assures you a place in My House where joy is known in great abundance.
The greatest catastrophes are yet to arrive.
The bird animals have not fled.
The horses and dogs have not stomped.
The frogs and fish have not died.
Thus, go and confess your sins, Child.
Take the Eucharist daily and do not make a travesty of My Direction. [A personal reprimand...]
Be guided by your Loving Father, and pray.
Dearest Children, pray.
Peace, Belovéd One.
Peace. Peace.
FYI: I found what it was I was to read regarding Enoch. I was led to Jude, Chapter 1, Verse 14. (I think that is the only chapter in Jude).
“Enoch, of the seventh generation from Adam, prophesied also about them when he said, ‘Behold, the Lord has come with his countless holy ones to execute judgment on all and to convict everyone for all the godless deed that they committed and for all the harsh words godless sinners have uttered against him.’ These people are complainers, disgruntled ones who live by their desires; their mouths utter bombast as they fawn over people to gain advantage.”
It is difficult not to praise God, especially in Tongues. And how can disbelievers not see the consistent language across states and countries amongst complete strangers?
Here I am, Father. Yahweh, show me the way to You.
Sainted and Sweet Child, have no fear of the or your future.
Place all of your trust in Me and know that My Love protects and saves you from the errors and tribulations of this World.
Those you Love Love Me well.
[This was in answer to my question – What about my family & friends?]
[This message I heard Jesus's voice. How do I know? Well, it seemed it was not as BIG. Like the Father is an ocean and Jesus is a sunny river. That is the only way I can describe it. It was more gentle, not that God is ever not gentle, but in a different way. My talks with Jesus have always been more of emotion and very rarely words, especially to this length.]
Brothers and Sisters, know My Father is with you always and makes great demands on those who would be with Him.
I am the Truth and the Light.
Follow Me and observe Love. [It is a most incredible, purest, amazing love. It radiates from Him.]
Follow Me and know Mercy and Forgiveness.
It is through Me and your Love for Me that you see the Kingdom of Heaven, Little Ones.
Believe in My Divinity, Man, and know that My Father watches you closely.
Do not make Him or lead Him to weep.
He is My Father and the Maker of All Things. [There is deep, reverent BIG love here –it is bursting out.]
Trust in Me, His Belovéd and only Son, and know grace, Love and Heaven.
Peaceful Children, your hearts will not or must not be broken with the failure of weakened faith.
Therefore, ensure that you are prayerful
and constantly Loving and good and adored in the Eyes of My Father who Loves you.
Praise His Name constantly and look to the great skies with thanks.
He has made them for you and can blacken them as quickly as He has lightened them.
Brothers and Sisters, repent and encourage your brothers and sisters to repent.
Use no hate in this nor accusation nor condemnation.
Fear is a strong flavor.
Add it to your own hearts but do not strike it into those I would gently bring to My Fold.
For they are like the untamed horses that on seeing you will run away.
Approach gently, slowly, calmly, Lovingly.
There is no peace in an attack.
Brothers and Sisters I speak to you today because it is Time.
Because My Love for you is Great and you must know this to be true.
My Love for you is gentle and I will place My Hand in yours to lead you to Me.
I am charged with bringing My Light to this World, for I Am the Light and the Truth.
Come with Me and know a new Life of joy and communion or union or community.
Brothers and Sisters, show My Blesséd and Holy Father that you are panged to have grieved Him so.
Show your Love for Him and place your head upon His knee and ask for His Mercy.
He cannot resist the requests of His Belovéd Children, especially a request for Mercy.
That is His Greatest Desire – that All of His Belovéd Children go to Him for forgiveness and Mercy,
for His Love for you is unlimited.
It cannot be quenched.
Brothers and Sisters, I say to you today, there is much perversity in this World.
Many who die fall into the pit of hell for their transgressions, not having called for Me in their hour of great need,
nor repenting of sin.
It is a tragic [painful beyond descriptions of tragic].
It is unbearable.
One call.
One hope.
One thought and forgiveness could be theirs, but there was no Light in their souls and how We weep.
We surely separate the wheat from the stones even as Our Hearts moan and break.
We are unyielding in this.
Brothers and Sisters, hear these words I say.
Know that My Belovéd Father rejoices in your Love and prayerfulness.
Do not discontinue your Loving efforts to please Him.
He sees the blackest transgressions of the World and He looks away in disgust.
[Our Love for Him is, as He has said before of Jesus’s wounds, like a salve on His Heart.]
God cannot Love those things that are against Him and the foulness of sin is surely contrary to My Heavenly Father.
Again, do not doubt His Expectations for His Children.
How He Loves you so abundantly.
Grasp these things, Brothers and Sisters.
Do not dismiss these things I say to you.
As many will wonder, who am I to say these things.
Who am I to speak so surely of God, the Heavenly Father.
Do not be deceived into disbelieving, for I too am the Lord;
His Belovéd Son Jesus the Christ, the Light and the Sacrificed.
There must be those who work against the hatred in humanity.
You must Love where you see hatred.
You must give aid where you see need.
You must obey the Father and do not bring Him grief with disobedience.
When you Love, and Love truly, obedience comes with ease, My Brothers and Sisters.
God the Father is speaking to me again – we are called Children.
Speak peaceably and do no harm to one another.
Be assured that a clean Light will greet your Master on His arrival or return.
With all of your hearts, repent.
My Love for you calls you to repent.
I give you full forgiveness when you come to Me in humility and Love.
Dearest Children, do not wait to clean the lamps and replace the old oil with the new.
Make ready your homes while there is time,
lest the Master knocks on your door looking for supper and a bed and find(s) none.
Wretched Servant!
What will you do after you have grieved your Master?
Belovéd Children, put in your hard work today and tomorrow you shall rest.
Do not wait.
Do not endanger yourself by spending this time on things of the flesh.
Your flesh will not help you later, nor will the gold and silver you gather today.
I am your priority.
I am First.
Trust in Me and I will answer all of your needs.
You cannot have two masters just as you cannot have two wives.
Children, you must make your decisions and grow strong in the choice you make.
Come to Me and know Greatest Love.
Be saved from the wave of blackness and fire that comes to overtake the rampant sins,
or ride in the wake of this fire and become engulfed by it.
It does not go well for those who disbelieve and disregard My Love.
Come to Me and know My Love protects you.
Your Love for Me assures you a place in My House where joy is known in great abundance.
The greatest catastrophes are yet to arrive.
The bird animals have not fled.
The horses and dogs have not stomped.
The frogs and fish have not died.
Thus, go and confess your sins, Child.
Take the Eucharist daily and do not make a travesty of My Direction. [A personal reprimand...]
Be guided by your Loving Father, and pray.
Dearest Children, pray.
Peace, Belovéd One.
Peace. Peace.
FYI: I found what it was I was to read regarding Enoch. I was led to Jude, Chapter 1, Verse 14. (I think that is the only chapter in Jude).
“Enoch, of the seventh generation from Adam, prophesied also about them when he said, ‘Behold, the Lord has come with his countless holy ones to execute judgment on all and to convict everyone for all the godless deed that they committed and for all the harsh words godless sinners have uttered against him.’ These people are complainers, disgruntled ones who live by their desires; their mouths utter bombast as they fawn over people to gain advantage.”

Friday, January 3, 2014 2:40 – 3:35 pm
After praying the rosary and the Divine Mercy (I had forgotten how beautiful it felt to pray the rosary), I was led to read Isaiah Chapter 24. It was astounding. It’s about the devastation of the world.
Father? Enoch. Read Enoch. Now this is like a stubborn word in my head.
Jerusalem how you have failed your Lord and God.
The King of Kings looks down upon you with great agony and wonder for your sins.
Have you forgotten your promises to your Belovéd God?
Sweetest Jerusalem, you are now paying for your transgressions
and will stand alone when the dragon’s fire alights through your cities and homes.
Not one of you shall escape its wrath.
Such are the punishments of those Belovéd Children who have played
and turned their backs to their Mighty and Belovéd God.
Oh Sweetest Children of Jerusalem, I called out to you and you ignored My Calls.
I stretched My Hands out to you and you turned your back to Me.
You left Me alone and left Me weeping.
Betrayers of Love, I weep still, for there will be no mercy left to save Jerusalem as she falls and fall she will.
Blesséd Children, do not disbelieve in the devastations of this World.
Do not disbelieve that My Eyes see the drunkards and the pitiable behaviors in the cities.
I frown upon the sins that I see and note them as the earth begins to shake in distress.
Know that time draws closer.
There will be a time that draws ever closer when compassion will depart and only judgment will remain.
Such judgment will come upon the Children of this World.
Dearest and Belovéd Children, you must stop this wild and deviant behavior.
Children, stop this sinning at once and come to Me in reconciliation.
For where once you were joyous in your actions and play, you will suffer bitterly.
Where once you enjoyed drink and food, you will thirst and starve.
Where once you reveled with plenty, you shall lose it all,
as each sin comes back to remind you of your betrayal to your Lord God.
Seek out My Love and Mercy, Belovéd Children.
I shock you to encourage or show you it is important that you come to Me now.
Judgment and punishment are real and to disregard these is to shred your souls.
Father, so many people don’t even believe in souls. That people have souls, like ***. It scares me.
Yes, Child. I know.
Then, how can we…or what happens? I’m sad.
Children of no souls, believe now before the spectre of hell faces you.
Do not bring your Heavenly Father such grief.
Believe, Belovéd Children!
What must I do?
Beauteous Children, learn!
Understand Love!
Vision: At this point, I saw a sort of round headed ax falling forward as if towards me. I was lying down so I could see it coming directly at me from my toes towards my head. I felt as if it were a threat of time rather than injury.
Do not lock the door against My Love, Belovéd Children.
My Most Belovéd Son, Jesus the Christ, is not mocked.
He has saved each of you through His Greatest Sacrifice of Love and longs for each of you to know Him intimately.
Seek His Love and find My Mercy.
Oh Belovéd Children, how can I emphasize this more?
Another Vision: I see what I believe is the death of someone being overcome by a black ink. The person is sitting in death and this black ink is slowly covering him.
Revel in My Love, Children!
Bask in My Mercy!
But do not stray.
Do not sin.
Do not join the ranks of those who would steal or break faith with the promises they have made in My Eyes.
Do not be violent nor curseful. (?)
Do not be cruel or impatient.
Be kind and good to your brothers and sisters and forgive as I will forgive you.
When you do not forgive your brother a debt, so do I not forgive your debt to Me.
When you welcome your brother into your home even as he hates you, in an effort to bring peace,
so shall you be welcomed into My Home. [I felt a lot of joy & anticipation here; as if forgiving is a very good thing.]
Do not judge.
Children, do not judge.
Do not lie against one another.
Do not be perverse or utter perversities.
Do not cause others to be violent.
Be generous and not selfish.
Look after the weak.
Be trustful and Loving of your brothers and sisters and not hateful and suspicious.
Do not allow a dying man to die alone but hold his hand in prayer
that he might be comforted in the knowledge of My Greatest Love and Mercy.
Do not give beauty to the coarse or spend time with those who will be pigs.
Keep yourself clean.
Do not wade amongst sin as it will pull at you until you succumb.
Stay instead in My Light and remain strong, cleansed and Belovéd.
Reconcile often.
Be ever reverent of the Eucharist.
Its blessings are ineffable.
I am within you.
Belovéd Children, above all, Love Me your Lord God.
When you fail in this, you fail in all else.
Thus, the World heads into the destruction of its own making, for you cannot Love two gods at the same time.
You will worship those trifling objects that are fleeting and of this World and lose your way from Me
or you will Love your Lord God Jesus Christ with your whole being.
When I am the center of your being, you do not see that which no longer matters, for your faith in your Belovéd Father, in His Belovéd Son, in the Almighty Spirit who brings life, is such that you will know all that you need will be provided to you.
Ask and you shall have it.
Call and I answer.
When you have Me, you need nothing more, for I am everything and I am.
Belovéd Children, pray and call out to others to reconcile themselves to My Mercy.
My Children must be reverent about this Greatest Sacrifice.
Cleanse yourself and receive God and bask in the greatest glories and blessings from Heaven.
Do not take lightly this BIG gift as it is a GREAT Gift from your Lord God.
It is GREATER and grander than the universe and has greater depth than part of any ocean.
Take the Eucharist with reverence, thankfulness
and a full joyfulness to make your heart swell and sing with the angels in Heaven.
Sing your praise to My Son, Jesus the Christ, Jesu Cristo!
Belovéd Children, you have no choice but to pray,
for your salvation lies within your Love and devotion to your Lord God.
Belovéd Children, My Love for you is endless.
My Mercy is great.
I am with you every day, every moment.
My Love is wrapped around you like a coat of warmth.
I protect you with My Greatest Love and long to hear your voice call out My Name.
Your prayers are like Beautiful songs to Me and My Angels listen attentively with bended ears, enchanted.
Oh Belovéd Children, Love your Eternal Father as He Loves you.
I await your Love patiently.
I look forward to knowing your Love and My Heart grows full by it.
Belovéd Children, know that each of you are precious.
I have placed all the details of this World into it
and yet with so much greater care did I place every eyelash on your eyes and sculpt every bone in your body.
I have placed you each vein and cell and mitochondria and line in your skin to My Perfection and I Love you.
I am pleased by you as My Child.
My unique and precious Child.
Thus knowing the value I have placed on you,
care for yourself accordingly and let nothing befall that which I prize so highly.
Belovéd Children, pray for this World.
Pray for the forgiveness of its sins and its conversion and for peace.
I bring you peace.
Peace, Belovéd Children.
Peace. Peace.
After praying the rosary and the Divine Mercy (I had forgotten how beautiful it felt to pray the rosary), I was led to read Isaiah Chapter 24. It was astounding. It’s about the devastation of the world.
Father? Enoch. Read Enoch. Now this is like a stubborn word in my head.
Jerusalem how you have failed your Lord and God.
The King of Kings looks down upon you with great agony and wonder for your sins.
Have you forgotten your promises to your Belovéd God?
Sweetest Jerusalem, you are now paying for your transgressions
and will stand alone when the dragon’s fire alights through your cities and homes.
Not one of you shall escape its wrath.
Such are the punishments of those Belovéd Children who have played
and turned their backs to their Mighty and Belovéd God.
Oh Sweetest Children of Jerusalem, I called out to you and you ignored My Calls.
I stretched My Hands out to you and you turned your back to Me.
You left Me alone and left Me weeping.
Betrayers of Love, I weep still, for there will be no mercy left to save Jerusalem as she falls and fall she will.
Blesséd Children, do not disbelieve in the devastations of this World.
Do not disbelieve that My Eyes see the drunkards and the pitiable behaviors in the cities.
I frown upon the sins that I see and note them as the earth begins to shake in distress.
Know that time draws closer.
There will be a time that draws ever closer when compassion will depart and only judgment will remain.
Such judgment will come upon the Children of this World.
Dearest and Belovéd Children, you must stop this wild and deviant behavior.
Children, stop this sinning at once and come to Me in reconciliation.
For where once you were joyous in your actions and play, you will suffer bitterly.
Where once you enjoyed drink and food, you will thirst and starve.
Where once you reveled with plenty, you shall lose it all,
as each sin comes back to remind you of your betrayal to your Lord God.
Seek out My Love and Mercy, Belovéd Children.
I shock you to encourage or show you it is important that you come to Me now.
Judgment and punishment are real and to disregard these is to shred your souls.
Father, so many people don’t even believe in souls. That people have souls, like ***. It scares me.
Yes, Child. I know.
Then, how can we…or what happens? I’m sad.
Children of no souls, believe now before the spectre of hell faces you.
Do not bring your Heavenly Father such grief.
Believe, Belovéd Children!
What must I do?
Beauteous Children, learn!
Understand Love!
Vision: At this point, I saw a sort of round headed ax falling forward as if towards me. I was lying down so I could see it coming directly at me from my toes towards my head. I felt as if it were a threat of time rather than injury.
Do not lock the door against My Love, Belovéd Children.
My Most Belovéd Son, Jesus the Christ, is not mocked.
He has saved each of you through His Greatest Sacrifice of Love and longs for each of you to know Him intimately.
Seek His Love and find My Mercy.
Oh Belovéd Children, how can I emphasize this more?
Another Vision: I see what I believe is the death of someone being overcome by a black ink. The person is sitting in death and this black ink is slowly covering him.
Revel in My Love, Children!
Bask in My Mercy!
But do not stray.
Do not sin.
Do not join the ranks of those who would steal or break faith with the promises they have made in My Eyes.
Do not be violent nor curseful. (?)
Do not be cruel or impatient.
Be kind and good to your brothers and sisters and forgive as I will forgive you.
When you do not forgive your brother a debt, so do I not forgive your debt to Me.
When you welcome your brother into your home even as he hates you, in an effort to bring peace,
so shall you be welcomed into My Home. [I felt a lot of joy & anticipation here; as if forgiving is a very good thing.]
Do not judge.
Children, do not judge.
Do not lie against one another.
Do not be perverse or utter perversities.
Do not cause others to be violent.
Be generous and not selfish.
Look after the weak.
Be trustful and Loving of your brothers and sisters and not hateful and suspicious.
Do not allow a dying man to die alone but hold his hand in prayer
that he might be comforted in the knowledge of My Greatest Love and Mercy.
Do not give beauty to the coarse or spend time with those who will be pigs.
Keep yourself clean.
Do not wade amongst sin as it will pull at you until you succumb.
Stay instead in My Light and remain strong, cleansed and Belovéd.
Reconcile often.
Be ever reverent of the Eucharist.
Its blessings are ineffable.
I am within you.
Belovéd Children, above all, Love Me your Lord God.
When you fail in this, you fail in all else.
Thus, the World heads into the destruction of its own making, for you cannot Love two gods at the same time.
You will worship those trifling objects that are fleeting and of this World and lose your way from Me
or you will Love your Lord God Jesus Christ with your whole being.
When I am the center of your being, you do not see that which no longer matters, for your faith in your Belovéd Father, in His Belovéd Son, in the Almighty Spirit who brings life, is such that you will know all that you need will be provided to you.
Ask and you shall have it.
Call and I answer.
When you have Me, you need nothing more, for I am everything and I am.
Belovéd Children, pray and call out to others to reconcile themselves to My Mercy.
My Children must be reverent about this Greatest Sacrifice.
Cleanse yourself and receive God and bask in the greatest glories and blessings from Heaven.
Do not take lightly this BIG gift as it is a GREAT Gift from your Lord God.
It is GREATER and grander than the universe and has greater depth than part of any ocean.
Take the Eucharist with reverence, thankfulness
and a full joyfulness to make your heart swell and sing with the angels in Heaven.
Sing your praise to My Son, Jesus the Christ, Jesu Cristo!
Belovéd Children, you have no choice but to pray,
for your salvation lies within your Love and devotion to your Lord God.
Belovéd Children, My Love for you is endless.
My Mercy is great.
I am with you every day, every moment.
My Love is wrapped around you like a coat of warmth.
I protect you with My Greatest Love and long to hear your voice call out My Name.
Your prayers are like Beautiful songs to Me and My Angels listen attentively with bended ears, enchanted.
Oh Belovéd Children, Love your Eternal Father as He Loves you.
I await your Love patiently.
I look forward to knowing your Love and My Heart grows full by it.
Belovéd Children, know that each of you are precious.
I have placed all the details of this World into it
and yet with so much greater care did I place every eyelash on your eyes and sculpt every bone in your body.
I have placed you each vein and cell and mitochondria and line in your skin to My Perfection and I Love you.
I am pleased by you as My Child.
My unique and precious Child.
Thus knowing the value I have placed on you,
care for yourself accordingly and let nothing befall that which I prize so highly.
Belovéd Children, pray for this World.
Pray for the forgiveness of its sins and its conversion and for peace.
I bring you peace.
Peace, Belovéd Children.
Peace. Peace.