Saturday, November 30, 2013 1:21 – 2:05 pm
Listen, Belovéd Children, for there is much you must hear.
Cleanse your souls, My Belovéd Children.
Cleanse your souls and sin no more.
This Dark World is filled with ancient and new vices.
The darkest one is thrilled to bring you down to him
and so successful has he been
despite the Queen of Mercy’s calls to you,
to Love My Belovéd Son, Jesus, the Christ,
the Greatest of all Sacrificed.
She has called you all to Love and has sought peace for this World.
She has interceded for Mankind in all of His sin.
She calls out to you still, just as I do,
hoping with great Love that you will all at once see and understand
and finally come to Me, your Lord God and Eternal Father of Mercy.
You know not what you have done to your souls, what great damages you have done to your souls
and you can only find mercy and reparations through My Greatest Love.
Oh Belovéd Children, know that your time is short.
So much comes so quickly and you will not know the time, the hour when I shall call upon you.
You must be faithful and sinless as you can be.
Aim for perfection although it may seem too far from your eyes.
I see your effort and Love your effort.
Do not fall victim to the hounds of this vulgar World that seek to stagger your eyes with sinful visions
and fill your ears with words and sounds that fill your soul with dread even while your body does not cry out.
These things can deceive you so very easily.
See what the World can do?
Sin makes you immune to it.
It works itself into your mind and body that you may accept it.
Follow your Lord God who Loves you so.
My Beauteous and Most Belovéd Son suffered that you might be saved,
that you would be benefitted by My Greatest Mercy.
Our Love for you knows no limits and thus We wait patiently for you to see Our Love.
Recognize the Love that saves you from the darkness of sin.
Know, Belovéd Children, that to compromise with sin is a dangerous thing, for there is not ever an excuse for this.
Compromise leads to encouragement.
Eventually you cannot see sin for what it is.
See where this World stands as it is.
It has failed to see sin as it is.
The World no longer recognizes sin,
and so you witness the vulgarities or histrionics or dreadfulness or blackness or tar that takes place throughout.
[Vision: I see a huge turnover of sorts, like a wave of black slush, or soft tar or black sludge just turning over and over itself, over and over, in the dark. It represents sins. It looks like it would be gross to touch.]
Children, be offended by sin.
Do not ignore what it is.
See it, identify it for what it is and wipe the dust off your feet from where you have been or stood.
Do not let the place of sin linger upon you.
Do not be near any darknesses, for it clings to My Belovéd Children with the hope of tainting each one of you
and darkness does its job well.
[Vision: I keep seeing a replay of all those sins I saw before – murder and the wars; men killing each other.]
Surely prayer is your strongest weapon, for you cannot take up your hands as weapons,
nor shall you use your tongue sharply to defend My Name ever.
My Love for My Children is a Love of Peace and Mercy and compassion.
Belovéd Children, when you are with Me, such is your Love.
Your Love for Me must be as your Love for others as well.
I grant My Love and Mercy to all who come to Me.
I call out to all of My Belovéd Children with great hope.
I beg even the darkest, most hate-filled Children to Me, for to save one is such a great joy to Me.
It is a joy that overwhelms My Sacred Heart with Greatest or Biggest Love.
[This feels like a reference to Jesus. That it overwhelms His Son, Jesus, His Sacred Heart.]
Know this, Belovéd Children, and approach those who hate Me with Love and Mercy and hope.
Pray always for these Children of Mine,
for they too are Belovéd and very much require My Mercy which pours out for all of My Children
Belovéd Children, each of you dearly needs My Mercy, for none of My Children are sinless.
Each soul that I see has its dark spots or areas that require this.
Such is your pride or arrogance.
My Prayerful Children, how I Love your wondrous and beautiful prayers.
You too must pray for your own Mercy from your Belovéd Father who Loves you so well.
I long to give Mercy to all of My Children.
Thus, each of you must ask for My Mercy and atone for your sins.
Do not make the error of excluding yourself from this act.
Beautiful and Belovéd Children, you are so Belovéd by Me.
More than all things, I wish for each of you to spend your endless eternities with your Most Belovéd Father.
Trust in My Will.
Be faithful in your prayer.
Allow your Belovéd and Eternal God to lead your lives openly, trustfully and I will give you good gifts.
You will see the glory that is Mine.
Belovéd Children, how can I say this enough.
Walk away from all sin and confess your sins.
Take the Eucharist every day.
It is the very holiest.
You must believe that the blessings you receive are more enormous or staggering or awe-inspiring or just too big for us to realize.
If you could know.
You are saved at that moment.
You are fully embraced by God as the full Trinity.
You are a piece of Me in that ineffable moment.
Blesséd Children, the Eucharist is your lifeblood.
Know this to be true.
Respect it with all of your beings.
Do not take it lightly or with a foolish or uninterested heart.
Partake of My Son’s Body and Blood with awe and Love
and meekness and humility and sorrow for His Greatest Sacrifice.
For He has saved you and for that, you have sinned most grievously again and again.
Thus, make yourselves Loving and humble as you come before the Son of God who is Most Belovéd and worship Him soundly!
[The reference to His “Greatest” Sacrifice above is to describe something so big as to be the Greatest of all biggest Love – that is to say, His most very Loving Sacrifice.]
Belovéd Children, repent.
Improve your ways for the sake of My Great Love.
You know not the depths of My Love for you.
I seek only your safety and joy and eternal happiness within My Love.
Believe in Me and that My Will is good.
I do not lead My Belovéd Children astray.
Cast aside the material ways of the World and learn what freedom is by My Love.
Put down the struggles within your hearts and minds and have the relief of Love and Mercy.
Let Me carry your burdens.
I will lighten your burdens with My Love.
And so I say again, Come to Me Belovéd Children.
I await for each of you with open and merciful arms.
Pray, My Belovéd Children, for the World needs Mercy.
Pray that this World learns peace and forgiveness and greatest Mercy for each man and woman.
Pray for My Benedict.
Pray for My Belovéd Priests.
Pray for those who will die this coming month and the next five months and years.
Pray for those who are lost to My Light and Alfred.
Pray that there is peace for My Little Flowers. They are in need of joy in all places.
But I say My Children, pray.
Pray, My Belovéd Children.
Pray and have My Peace.
Peace, My Children.
Peace. Peace.
Listen, Belovéd Children, for there is much you must hear.
Cleanse your souls, My Belovéd Children.
Cleanse your souls and sin no more.
This Dark World is filled with ancient and new vices.
The darkest one is thrilled to bring you down to him
and so successful has he been
despite the Queen of Mercy’s calls to you,
to Love My Belovéd Son, Jesus, the Christ,
the Greatest of all Sacrificed.
She has called you all to Love and has sought peace for this World.
She has interceded for Mankind in all of His sin.
She calls out to you still, just as I do,
hoping with great Love that you will all at once see and understand
and finally come to Me, your Lord God and Eternal Father of Mercy.
You know not what you have done to your souls, what great damages you have done to your souls
and you can only find mercy and reparations through My Greatest Love.
Oh Belovéd Children, know that your time is short.
So much comes so quickly and you will not know the time, the hour when I shall call upon you.
You must be faithful and sinless as you can be.
Aim for perfection although it may seem too far from your eyes.
I see your effort and Love your effort.
Do not fall victim to the hounds of this vulgar World that seek to stagger your eyes with sinful visions
and fill your ears with words and sounds that fill your soul with dread even while your body does not cry out.
These things can deceive you so very easily.
See what the World can do?
Sin makes you immune to it.
It works itself into your mind and body that you may accept it.
Follow your Lord God who Loves you so.
My Beauteous and Most Belovéd Son suffered that you might be saved,
that you would be benefitted by My Greatest Mercy.
Our Love for you knows no limits and thus We wait patiently for you to see Our Love.
Recognize the Love that saves you from the darkness of sin.
Know, Belovéd Children, that to compromise with sin is a dangerous thing, for there is not ever an excuse for this.
Compromise leads to encouragement.
Eventually you cannot see sin for what it is.
See where this World stands as it is.
It has failed to see sin as it is.
The World no longer recognizes sin,
and so you witness the vulgarities or histrionics or dreadfulness or blackness or tar that takes place throughout.
[Vision: I see a huge turnover of sorts, like a wave of black slush, or soft tar or black sludge just turning over and over itself, over and over, in the dark. It represents sins. It looks like it would be gross to touch.]
Children, be offended by sin.
Do not ignore what it is.
See it, identify it for what it is and wipe the dust off your feet from where you have been or stood.
Do not let the place of sin linger upon you.
Do not be near any darknesses, for it clings to My Belovéd Children with the hope of tainting each one of you
and darkness does its job well.
[Vision: I keep seeing a replay of all those sins I saw before – murder and the wars; men killing each other.]
Surely prayer is your strongest weapon, for you cannot take up your hands as weapons,
nor shall you use your tongue sharply to defend My Name ever.
My Love for My Children is a Love of Peace and Mercy and compassion.
Belovéd Children, when you are with Me, such is your Love.
Your Love for Me must be as your Love for others as well.
I grant My Love and Mercy to all who come to Me.
I call out to all of My Belovéd Children with great hope.
I beg even the darkest, most hate-filled Children to Me, for to save one is such a great joy to Me.
It is a joy that overwhelms My Sacred Heart with Greatest or Biggest Love.
[This feels like a reference to Jesus. That it overwhelms His Son, Jesus, His Sacred Heart.]
Know this, Belovéd Children, and approach those who hate Me with Love and Mercy and hope.
Pray always for these Children of Mine,
for they too are Belovéd and very much require My Mercy which pours out for all of My Children
Belovéd Children, each of you dearly needs My Mercy, for none of My Children are sinless.
Each soul that I see has its dark spots or areas that require this.
Such is your pride or arrogance.
My Prayerful Children, how I Love your wondrous and beautiful prayers.
You too must pray for your own Mercy from your Belovéd Father who Loves you so well.
I long to give Mercy to all of My Children.
Thus, each of you must ask for My Mercy and atone for your sins.
Do not make the error of excluding yourself from this act.
Beautiful and Belovéd Children, you are so Belovéd by Me.
More than all things, I wish for each of you to spend your endless eternities with your Most Belovéd Father.
Trust in My Will.
Be faithful in your prayer.
Allow your Belovéd and Eternal God to lead your lives openly, trustfully and I will give you good gifts.
You will see the glory that is Mine.
Belovéd Children, how can I say this enough.
Walk away from all sin and confess your sins.
Take the Eucharist every day.
It is the very holiest.
You must believe that the blessings you receive are more enormous or staggering or awe-inspiring or just too big for us to realize.
If you could know.
You are saved at that moment.
You are fully embraced by God as the full Trinity.
You are a piece of Me in that ineffable moment.
Blesséd Children, the Eucharist is your lifeblood.
Know this to be true.
Respect it with all of your beings.
Do not take it lightly or with a foolish or uninterested heart.
Partake of My Son’s Body and Blood with awe and Love
and meekness and humility and sorrow for His Greatest Sacrifice.
For He has saved you and for that, you have sinned most grievously again and again.
Thus, make yourselves Loving and humble as you come before the Son of God who is Most Belovéd and worship Him soundly!
[The reference to His “Greatest” Sacrifice above is to describe something so big as to be the Greatest of all biggest Love – that is to say, His most very Loving Sacrifice.]
Belovéd Children, repent.
Improve your ways for the sake of My Great Love.
You know not the depths of My Love for you.
I seek only your safety and joy and eternal happiness within My Love.
Believe in Me and that My Will is good.
I do not lead My Belovéd Children astray.
Cast aside the material ways of the World and learn what freedom is by My Love.
Put down the struggles within your hearts and minds and have the relief of Love and Mercy.
Let Me carry your burdens.
I will lighten your burdens with My Love.
And so I say again, Come to Me Belovéd Children.
I await for each of you with open and merciful arms.
Pray, My Belovéd Children, for the World needs Mercy.
Pray that this World learns peace and forgiveness and greatest Mercy for each man and woman.
Pray for My Benedict.
Pray for My Belovéd Priests.
Pray for those who will die this coming month and the next five months and years.
Pray for those who are lost to My Light and Alfred.
Pray that there is peace for My Little Flowers. They are in need of joy in all places.
But I say My Children, pray.
Pray, My Belovéd Children.
Pray and have My Peace.
Peace, My Children.
Peace. Peace.
Tuesday, November 26, 2013 1:23 pm – 1:56 pm Adoration
Clearly You want me to work, so here I am, Lord.
Nervous but present.
Faith and prayer.
How can My Belovéd Children worry when there is great faith in your hearts and constant prayers on your tongues?
Oh Belovéd Children of Mine,
do not concern yourselves with how you shall be called by your Master
but be concerned about how you will appear to Him.
Will you come to Me cloaked in tar or cleansed as dew fall?
Oh Belovéd Children, come to Me cleansed and ready for fullest or biggest Love.
How I will embrace you with big Love!
Thus, do not be concerned about Time.
Only pray and make yourselves ready to greet your Master when He comes.
Do not fail to have oil in your lanterns.
Do not fail to keep your pantries stocked to serve Him well.
Be sure you have a clean bed to offer Him and all will be well.
If you have not prepared
and you have not readied yourself for your Master’s arrival, woe are you,
for your Master will deny you as His servant and will lock you outside His gates.
And so I say prepare!
Partake in the Eucharist and recognize the holiness within you.
You know not the blessing you receive.
Pray always and join Me at My Table.
Do not leave Me standing alone with My Home bare of Children I Love.
Visit Me often and show your Love for Me with much praise and prayer.
Pray to Me in every thing you do,
for I hear all prayers and I am with you,
listening closely as you speak to Me, your Lord God.
I am your God and Heavenly Father.
I have created All that you may be pleased
but so many have abandoned Me and have created displeasure from My Gifts.
Precious Children, how you have warped My Gifts to you and have made them black.
It is an affront to Me and My Heart breaks to see such abominable sins.
The whole of My Kingdom sits aghast at the audacity of Mankind
in how he treats the Lord God of Grace and Mercy.
The Divine Heart bleeds in pain.
The Spirit demands justice, but it is not time.
Oh Belovéd Children, you take such risks,
such dangerous risks with your souls.
You may only understand the logic or feeling of life as it is lived
and know nothing of the soul in which you live,
but I promise you, if you did, you would not be so lackadaisical
or blasé or free or high-handed or base in your actions.
You would be far more careful.
You would behave as if you were holding the most delicate of things, so easily destructible.
So easily tainted and destroyed.
So easily hurt.
You would cherish the purity of your souls
and would rush away from sin instead of embracing it as you do, My Belovéd Children.
But you embrace it and so many souls are tar and darker still
and have little chance at redemption unless they repent.
Prayerful Children, your prayers help those who are lost come home before the fall.
Do not think your prayers are in vain.
Where you may pray here, a soul is saved there and you are blessed by it.
Belovéd Children, bring others to Me.
Time is gone or short and the World will continue to strike back against the sinful natures of Man.
I have shown you two disasters or two things that come.
Ground turns into water- it's consumed by it. And an orange fire that is not red and is wide engulfs a city.
Wolves join wolves, and they laugh in the dark background - planning. There is one who seeks far more power but will not get it. Another wolf will disappear altogether.
In another scene, great buildings are toppling down, bridges shimmy and shake, and people are asking questions everywhere. Then I see the sun, an it is a big round sun and it rises above a dusty flat city or more like a flat desert.
There is nothing to see but dustiness and the sun that is very big has a film of dust in front of it too.
Father, I can’t tell if these visions are movies I’ve seen or are from you! Help!! I can’t remember seeing a movie like this but then maybe I haven’t thought hard enough.
Thus, you will know when you will know, Child. [God's way of saying, I told you so.]
Close your eyes to that which damages your heart and soul.
Close your ears to the words and sounds that might also cause havoc in your heart.
Stay away from that which is Worldly.
Follow Me and confusion ceases to hound you like wolves.
Belovéd Children, I plead with you to pray.
Where you pray once, pray three times more.
Where you pray five times, add one more prayer.
This World is in need of great prayer and even My Most Prayerful need more still to be prepared for what comes.
And so My Belovéd Children, I say, pray.
I Love My Belovéd Children and embrace you with My Love.
Peace My Children.
Clearly You want me to work, so here I am, Lord.
Nervous but present.
Faith and prayer.
How can My Belovéd Children worry when there is great faith in your hearts and constant prayers on your tongues?
Oh Belovéd Children of Mine,
do not concern yourselves with how you shall be called by your Master
but be concerned about how you will appear to Him.
Will you come to Me cloaked in tar or cleansed as dew fall?
Oh Belovéd Children, come to Me cleansed and ready for fullest or biggest Love.
How I will embrace you with big Love!
Thus, do not be concerned about Time.
Only pray and make yourselves ready to greet your Master when He comes.
Do not fail to have oil in your lanterns.
Do not fail to keep your pantries stocked to serve Him well.
Be sure you have a clean bed to offer Him and all will be well.
If you have not prepared
and you have not readied yourself for your Master’s arrival, woe are you,
for your Master will deny you as His servant and will lock you outside His gates.
And so I say prepare!
Partake in the Eucharist and recognize the holiness within you.
You know not the blessing you receive.
Pray always and join Me at My Table.
Do not leave Me standing alone with My Home bare of Children I Love.
Visit Me often and show your Love for Me with much praise and prayer.
Pray to Me in every thing you do,
for I hear all prayers and I am with you,
listening closely as you speak to Me, your Lord God.
I am your God and Heavenly Father.
I have created All that you may be pleased
but so many have abandoned Me and have created displeasure from My Gifts.
Precious Children, how you have warped My Gifts to you and have made them black.
It is an affront to Me and My Heart breaks to see such abominable sins.
The whole of My Kingdom sits aghast at the audacity of Mankind
in how he treats the Lord God of Grace and Mercy.
The Divine Heart bleeds in pain.
The Spirit demands justice, but it is not time.
Oh Belovéd Children, you take such risks,
such dangerous risks with your souls.
You may only understand the logic or feeling of life as it is lived
and know nothing of the soul in which you live,
but I promise you, if you did, you would not be so lackadaisical
or blasé or free or high-handed or base in your actions.
You would be far more careful.
You would behave as if you were holding the most delicate of things, so easily destructible.
So easily tainted and destroyed.
So easily hurt.
You would cherish the purity of your souls
and would rush away from sin instead of embracing it as you do, My Belovéd Children.
But you embrace it and so many souls are tar and darker still
and have little chance at redemption unless they repent.
Prayerful Children, your prayers help those who are lost come home before the fall.
Do not think your prayers are in vain.
Where you may pray here, a soul is saved there and you are blessed by it.
Belovéd Children, bring others to Me.
Time is gone or short and the World will continue to strike back against the sinful natures of Man.
I have shown you two disasters or two things that come.
Ground turns into water- it's consumed by it. And an orange fire that is not red and is wide engulfs a city.
Wolves join wolves, and they laugh in the dark background - planning. There is one who seeks far more power but will not get it. Another wolf will disappear altogether.
In another scene, great buildings are toppling down, bridges shimmy and shake, and people are asking questions everywhere. Then I see the sun, an it is a big round sun and it rises above a dusty flat city or more like a flat desert.
There is nothing to see but dustiness and the sun that is very big has a film of dust in front of it too.
Father, I can’t tell if these visions are movies I’ve seen or are from you! Help!! I can’t remember seeing a movie like this but then maybe I haven’t thought hard enough.
Thus, you will know when you will know, Child. [God's way of saying, I told you so.]
Close your eyes to that which damages your heart and soul.
Close your ears to the words and sounds that might also cause havoc in your heart.
Stay away from that which is Worldly.
Follow Me and confusion ceases to hound you like wolves.
Belovéd Children, I plead with you to pray.
Where you pray once, pray three times more.
Where you pray five times, add one more prayer.
This World is in need of great prayer and even My Most Prayerful need more still to be prepared for what comes.
And so My Belovéd Children, I say, pray.
I Love My Belovéd Children and embrace you with My Love.
Peace My Children.
Monday, November 25, 2013 12:38 – 1:11 pm
High are the mountains you must climb
to meet My Expectations.
Difficult is My Path to follow.
Many will ridicule you and fling stones
and cast spittle upon your face for your Love of Me.
Such is the hate for Me in the World.
Difficult is the path to Me.
Joyous and great is your reward, Belovéd Children.
Believe Me when I say, there will be great times of persecution soon.
Who will say they know and Love Me, God the Father?
Who will proclaim their Love for My Most Belovéd Son, the Lord Jesus, the Christ?
Who will walk with the ease of denial?
Who will shun Me in their fear?
Blesséd Children, you are so Belovéd.
You are so very Loved by your Father.
There are no words by which to fill the description.
There are no words to give you the feeling of heart, of the Love that implodes the heart of “biggest” Love.
You are My Children and thus most Belovéd to Me.
So I ask you, do not deny Me when the path grows thorny.
Do not betray Me from fear.
I am with you always and protect My Children and provide for My Belovéd Ones.
Do not doubt your Loving Father who will always provide for His Belovéd Children, as all good fathers do.
When you are faced with a sword to your chest and made to denounce Me, pray.
Only pray, and the sword will fall away like leaves off a tree from the bearer’s hand.
Do not denounce Me, though.
Praise Me and My Name loudly and joyfully.
There will be a time when My Will is to have or there will be martyrs.
There are many already.
Pray for those who are taken down in their Love for Me.
Their reward is great.
Father, I am tired and all this comes when? What do I tell others? I am making people nervous and I am nervous and my nerves are nervous. Father, help me. Remember, I’m simple. I’m not a saint or a pope or a priest or even remotely holy. I’m trying but my head is spinning.
Child, these words are not yours, but Mine and your pride is not for this.
Do not have qualms over what makes you nervous.
Naturally that which is difficult and troubling makes you nervous, as it should everyone.
Rest assured, Child, you will have the energy to continue your work for Me.
I open all doors for My Belovéd and faith-filled Children.
It comes, impatient Child.
Do not be impatient for disaster to arrive.
Enjoy the days of peace while you can.
Pray deeply and Love others.
For so much comes, you will look back on today with great fondness and regret,
wishing that you had enjoyed the peace so much more or with more understanding.
Okay, but people are nervous. How can you enjoy today worrying about tomorrow?
Does the mother cow worry about giving birth before there is a calf inside her womb?
Or even when the calf is within her but not yet delivering pains to join the World?
No, she does not think about it until the time comes
but instead enjoys the grass she eats
and prepares herself in that way so that she is strong when she must finally face birth.
So it is with you.
Enjoy today even as you prepare for tomorrow.
I am with you and bring you good gifts, Child.
Pray, and I answer.
Do not be arrogant in your prayers, though.
And do not be away from Me for long, for I cannot bear it when My Belovéd Children wander.
I call many.
I call so many yet so many do not answer.
Pray for those who are not answering Me.
It is not something they are safe to do.
Children must come to Me, for Time has run out.
No longer will My Mercy be available to My Belovéd Children.
I do not want to have any one of My Children in pain.
I do not desire to see the eyes of My Belovéd Children so fearful.
Oh Children, We cry out for you.
For the sake of My Son’s great Sacrifice, come to Me and know Love and Mercy!
Oh Children, believe there is a Heaven that is Mine
and know that there is a hell that is dark and very terrible.
Punishment exists and many will know its pains.
Oh Dearest Children, do not disbelieve!
Do not test the boundaries so!
Many of you have souls of tar and are destined for hell if you were to die today.
Hear My Call and be saved!
One word, one prayer, and I am there, to give you so fully My Mercy.
Oh Wicked Children, come to Me, I urge you, before it is too late.
I call to all of you before it is too late.
Thus I ask My Prayerful Children to pray for My Wandering Children
and to bring those who disbelieve to My Home where they may begin to understand My Love.
It Comes, Children.
It Comes.
High are the mountains you must climb
to meet My Expectations.
Difficult is My Path to follow.
Many will ridicule you and fling stones
and cast spittle upon your face for your Love of Me.
Such is the hate for Me in the World.
Difficult is the path to Me.
Joyous and great is your reward, Belovéd Children.
Believe Me when I say, there will be great times of persecution soon.
Who will say they know and Love Me, God the Father?
Who will proclaim their Love for My Most Belovéd Son, the Lord Jesus, the Christ?
Who will walk with the ease of denial?
Who will shun Me in their fear?
Blesséd Children, you are so Belovéd.
You are so very Loved by your Father.
There are no words by which to fill the description.
There are no words to give you the feeling of heart, of the Love that implodes the heart of “biggest” Love.
You are My Children and thus most Belovéd to Me.
So I ask you, do not deny Me when the path grows thorny.
Do not betray Me from fear.
I am with you always and protect My Children and provide for My Belovéd Ones.
Do not doubt your Loving Father who will always provide for His Belovéd Children, as all good fathers do.
When you are faced with a sword to your chest and made to denounce Me, pray.
Only pray, and the sword will fall away like leaves off a tree from the bearer’s hand.
Do not denounce Me, though.
Praise Me and My Name loudly and joyfully.
There will be a time when My Will is to have or there will be martyrs.
There are many already.
Pray for those who are taken down in their Love for Me.
Their reward is great.
Father, I am tired and all this comes when? What do I tell others? I am making people nervous and I am nervous and my nerves are nervous. Father, help me. Remember, I’m simple. I’m not a saint or a pope or a priest or even remotely holy. I’m trying but my head is spinning.
Child, these words are not yours, but Mine and your pride is not for this.
Do not have qualms over what makes you nervous.
Naturally that which is difficult and troubling makes you nervous, as it should everyone.
Rest assured, Child, you will have the energy to continue your work for Me.
I open all doors for My Belovéd and faith-filled Children.
It comes, impatient Child.
Do not be impatient for disaster to arrive.
Enjoy the days of peace while you can.
Pray deeply and Love others.
For so much comes, you will look back on today with great fondness and regret,
wishing that you had enjoyed the peace so much more or with more understanding.
Okay, but people are nervous. How can you enjoy today worrying about tomorrow?
Does the mother cow worry about giving birth before there is a calf inside her womb?
Or even when the calf is within her but not yet delivering pains to join the World?
No, she does not think about it until the time comes
but instead enjoys the grass she eats
and prepares herself in that way so that she is strong when she must finally face birth.
So it is with you.
Enjoy today even as you prepare for tomorrow.
I am with you and bring you good gifts, Child.
Pray, and I answer.
Do not be arrogant in your prayers, though.
And do not be away from Me for long, for I cannot bear it when My Belovéd Children wander.
I call many.
I call so many yet so many do not answer.
Pray for those who are not answering Me.
It is not something they are safe to do.
Children must come to Me, for Time has run out.
No longer will My Mercy be available to My Belovéd Children.
I do not want to have any one of My Children in pain.
I do not desire to see the eyes of My Belovéd Children so fearful.
Oh Children, We cry out for you.
For the sake of My Son’s great Sacrifice, come to Me and know Love and Mercy!
Oh Children, believe there is a Heaven that is Mine
and know that there is a hell that is dark and very terrible.
Punishment exists and many will know its pains.
Oh Dearest Children, do not disbelieve!
Do not test the boundaries so!
Many of you have souls of tar and are destined for hell if you were to die today.
Hear My Call and be saved!
One word, one prayer, and I am there, to give you so fully My Mercy.
Oh Wicked Children, come to Me, I urge you, before it is too late.
I call to all of you before it is too late.
Thus I ask My Prayerful Children to pray for My Wandering Children
and to bring those who disbelieve to My Home where they may begin to understand My Love.
It Comes, Children.
It Comes.
Thursday, November 21, 2013 1:10 pm – 2:11 pm Adoration
*I am starting with a lot of notes from my journal because I had some visions today that I believe are important to share. They are extremely disgusting because they are the sins of the world, so skip them if you need to. If I have conveyed them right, you will be ill.*
I have not finished my 3rd Devotion – Divine Mercy. I was praying for the safety of the Pacific Coast as I've been told – Mexico and California in particular when I started to have all these visions again – the reasons why we will be punished – the sins that people are committing that make me tremble with how evil they are – not just the action, but the feelings of intent behind them. That is even worse because people enjoy it. It was sick and frightening. It was all darkness.
I saw drug dealers with guns shooting men into graves and raping women in the dark – hundreds of women; I saw a group of men take a woman with a baby – they raped her and threw the child on the ground and crushed the baby’s skull with their foot – a military boot. They just stepped on it and they were gleeful (transcribing this now makes me ill; I’m feeling the same dread from before), and they raped the woman, just like that. There were pedophiles licking their lips and a man with big eyes stabbing someone over and over again like he was in a frenzy, or possessed. There was a gang of men kicking someone on the ground like a pack of dogs. There was a vision of two gay women doing things with each other, to each other and there was nothing but darkness there; there are greedy men who steal large sums of money from the poor people. I can see their goodness and feel their simplicity of heart. And again I see the land breaking apart and turning over and upside down into the water. I see a fire in a large trash bin – a steel barrel – at night and people are throwing crosses in to melt, and wooden crucifixes; I see two children in school – a boy and girl who keep switching faces, girl into boy, boy into girl as if they are walking through each other mindlessly. I see violent drunkenness. I see men kicking fathers in the face in front of their families and prostitution by choice and forced prostitution. Wives lying to their husbands and the supporters of all of this "freedom" – especially to kill babies – these loud women are wearing skeleton goat heads and are dancing amongst a sea of babies’ body parts. It is so evil and it is as if tar was running through everything I saw.
I was shaking again as I had the other day and I needed to stop and write it all down to share, despite how terrible it is. The sight of all of this is just too much to see – to feel. The sentiment behind all of these actions is what is most terrifying of all because there is no remorse. There is no plea for God’s Mercy. So many people enjoy it.
And this is why we must pray for those on the Pacific Coast.
He comes! He comes!
Prepare your homes to greet your Master, for He comes!
He comes in Great Glory, My Son, the Christ.
Wrapped in Love and the justice for the World.
Be ready I say.
Have the homes of your Hearts cleansed and ready.
Oh Beauteous and Belovéd Children, do not fear the Father who has created you but take heed.
I warn you to prepare like the wind portends a great storm.
Do not disregard the signs I give you.
Oh Gentle Children who pray for this sinful World,
I bless you and hear your prayers and by your Prayers and intercessions,
My Mercy is given to those who would not have received it otherwise.
Holy Children, you do not or cannot know what comes, but understand that Time is short.
Be prepared to greet your Master with your hearts open and cleansed.
Oh Children, attend reconciliation and partake of the Eucharist, the most Holy of all Holies.
You cannot know the blessings and graces you receive by doing this.
You are in such a state of Grace!
Know well that you must come to My Table often.
Join Me without fail.
It saves you, for you pray to Me and I hear your prayers.
Oh Joyous Children, and when you come to Me with great hopes and your Beauteous prayers,
I hear and answer and am Belovéd by My Children.
Oh Belovéd Children, be faithful to your Heavenly Father who Loves you so Dearly.
Know that I am with you always.
Children, a great Time comes when the maw of evil or darkness will open so widely that all will grow dark.
The World will be like a pit of darkness and during this time you shall be tested.
Pray, Belovéd Children, for these times will be difficult.
My Priests will be so rare or hard to find.
Protect My Belovéd Priests whose Hearts follow My Love.
Some are led astray; others will discern that I am the Light and that which had once seemed right will be wrong.
So many will fail but My Prayerful and Belovéd Priests will lead My Belovéd Children well.
Look to those who are prayerful.
Recognize those who have forgotten Me and who have abandoned the Holy Spirit.
Pray and you will see them.
Recall and know well what I accept and what I do not accept.
Know what is of this World and what is of Me and pray.
Always pray.
Pray for My Belovéd Disciples, for I Love each of them so much or so well.
[My heart swelled to feel Him say this about His Priests.]
Children, Time wanes!
The glorious Mother, the Queen of Peace calls you to worship My Belovéd Son, Christ Jesus.
Obey her calls.
Answer her pleas.
Go to My Son with Love, obedience and worship,
for to Love and obey and worship Him
is to Love and obey and worship your Lord God and Father.
Dearest Children, call to your brothers and sisters; bring them to Me!
So many are unprepared for all that comes.
So many are not prepared that if I were to call them to Me now, they would not recognize My Voice.
My Mercy is theirs.
They need only come to their Father who Loves them so infinitely!
Oh wounded Children, seek healing and protection through My Belovéd Son, Lord Jesus, the Christ.
His Love is limitless and has no boundaries.
Lonely Children, join Me at My Table, for I have a seat for you and you shall never be alone.
Wicked and sin-filled Children, come to Me and repent.
I will grant you Mercy and give you repose.
Cease your sinning, Children.
The World is too dark and the consequences for the grave sins you commit and continue to commit are fearsome.
Allow Me to give you peace through reconciliation and by the Body and Blood of My Son,
Jesus the Christ, whose great Sacrifice has saved you that you might join Us in Our Heavenly domain.
When there is no more time left for Mercy and compassion, the act of judgment will be a cold thing,
and there shall be no mercy or compassion available to you.
Oh Sinful World, how I weep for My Belovéd Children!
How you break My Heart!
Pray My Belovéd Children and lighten your burdens through confession.
Partake of the Eucharist always.
It is your saving grace.
My Son endured such agony and sacrifice that you might celebrate with Us one day.
Do not let His Greatest Sacrifice be in vain.
Oh My Belovéd Son, how He Loves each of you and longs for each of you to be with Him.
But He comes, Father?
He comes in such glory.
His Love will be so overpowering like a fire, a vibrant, immense fire that does not burn.
Oh Children, do not be left behind.
Be prepared to greet your Belovéd Master.
Do not wait, but prepare.
Exactly how and what will Jesus’s glory look like??
Prayer, attend Mass daily, always confession always,
Partake in the Eucharist – this is the most very important,
Pray to Me constantly,
Be Loving always to your brothers and sisters and thus, do not judge.
Dearest Children, Love Me dearly.
Father, and the glory part? ************
The vision I saw was very bright and rather blinding in an odd way. A very yellowish bright white color overcame the sky from over the horizon line. It was an immense and growing light that enveloped everything so all I could see (or wanted to see) was the light. It wasn’t even a true white or a golden yellow but a color somewhere in between that I couldn’t name. At some point, as I am preoccupied by all of the light of this whiteness, a huge sun or orb or host appears almost like an eclipse. It is so big, it looks like it is right in front of me and it is like the dancing host people are said to have seen in holy places. That’s all I saw.
And so I say, pray My Children, for this World and for those who do not or will not know Me.
Pray every day, for their souls are in such danger.
Pray for the coast.
Pray for the coast.
Pray for My Priests and for My Benedict.
Pray for the broken babies.
Pray for those who are darker still.
Pray, Dearest Children. Pray.
I give you My Peace.
Peace Children.
My Peace I give to you.
Peace, Children.
Peace. Peace.
*I am starting with a lot of notes from my journal because I had some visions today that I believe are important to share. They are extremely disgusting because they are the sins of the world, so skip them if you need to. If I have conveyed them right, you will be ill.*
I have not finished my 3rd Devotion – Divine Mercy. I was praying for the safety of the Pacific Coast as I've been told – Mexico and California in particular when I started to have all these visions again – the reasons why we will be punished – the sins that people are committing that make me tremble with how evil they are – not just the action, but the feelings of intent behind them. That is even worse because people enjoy it. It was sick and frightening. It was all darkness.
I saw drug dealers with guns shooting men into graves and raping women in the dark – hundreds of women; I saw a group of men take a woman with a baby – they raped her and threw the child on the ground and crushed the baby’s skull with their foot – a military boot. They just stepped on it and they were gleeful (transcribing this now makes me ill; I’m feeling the same dread from before), and they raped the woman, just like that. There were pedophiles licking their lips and a man with big eyes stabbing someone over and over again like he was in a frenzy, or possessed. There was a gang of men kicking someone on the ground like a pack of dogs. There was a vision of two gay women doing things with each other, to each other and there was nothing but darkness there; there are greedy men who steal large sums of money from the poor people. I can see their goodness and feel their simplicity of heart. And again I see the land breaking apart and turning over and upside down into the water. I see a fire in a large trash bin – a steel barrel – at night and people are throwing crosses in to melt, and wooden crucifixes; I see two children in school – a boy and girl who keep switching faces, girl into boy, boy into girl as if they are walking through each other mindlessly. I see violent drunkenness. I see men kicking fathers in the face in front of their families and prostitution by choice and forced prostitution. Wives lying to their husbands and the supporters of all of this "freedom" – especially to kill babies – these loud women are wearing skeleton goat heads and are dancing amongst a sea of babies’ body parts. It is so evil and it is as if tar was running through everything I saw.
I was shaking again as I had the other day and I needed to stop and write it all down to share, despite how terrible it is. The sight of all of this is just too much to see – to feel. The sentiment behind all of these actions is what is most terrifying of all because there is no remorse. There is no plea for God’s Mercy. So many people enjoy it.
And this is why we must pray for those on the Pacific Coast.
He comes! He comes!
Prepare your homes to greet your Master, for He comes!
He comes in Great Glory, My Son, the Christ.
Wrapped in Love and the justice for the World.
Be ready I say.
Have the homes of your Hearts cleansed and ready.
Oh Beauteous and Belovéd Children, do not fear the Father who has created you but take heed.
I warn you to prepare like the wind portends a great storm.
Do not disregard the signs I give you.
Oh Gentle Children who pray for this sinful World,
I bless you and hear your prayers and by your Prayers and intercessions,
My Mercy is given to those who would not have received it otherwise.
Holy Children, you do not or cannot know what comes, but understand that Time is short.
Be prepared to greet your Master with your hearts open and cleansed.
Oh Children, attend reconciliation and partake of the Eucharist, the most Holy of all Holies.
You cannot know the blessings and graces you receive by doing this.
You are in such a state of Grace!
Know well that you must come to My Table often.
Join Me without fail.
It saves you, for you pray to Me and I hear your prayers.
Oh Joyous Children, and when you come to Me with great hopes and your Beauteous prayers,
I hear and answer and am Belovéd by My Children.
Oh Belovéd Children, be faithful to your Heavenly Father who Loves you so Dearly.
Know that I am with you always.
Children, a great Time comes when the maw of evil or darkness will open so widely that all will grow dark.
The World will be like a pit of darkness and during this time you shall be tested.
Pray, Belovéd Children, for these times will be difficult.
My Priests will be so rare or hard to find.
Protect My Belovéd Priests whose Hearts follow My Love.
Some are led astray; others will discern that I am the Light and that which had once seemed right will be wrong.
So many will fail but My Prayerful and Belovéd Priests will lead My Belovéd Children well.
Look to those who are prayerful.
Recognize those who have forgotten Me and who have abandoned the Holy Spirit.
Pray and you will see them.
Recall and know well what I accept and what I do not accept.
Know what is of this World and what is of Me and pray.
Always pray.
Pray for My Belovéd Disciples, for I Love each of them so much or so well.
[My heart swelled to feel Him say this about His Priests.]
Children, Time wanes!
The glorious Mother, the Queen of Peace calls you to worship My Belovéd Son, Christ Jesus.
Obey her calls.
Answer her pleas.
Go to My Son with Love, obedience and worship,
for to Love and obey and worship Him
is to Love and obey and worship your Lord God and Father.
Dearest Children, call to your brothers and sisters; bring them to Me!
So many are unprepared for all that comes.
So many are not prepared that if I were to call them to Me now, they would not recognize My Voice.
My Mercy is theirs.
They need only come to their Father who Loves them so infinitely!
Oh wounded Children, seek healing and protection through My Belovéd Son, Lord Jesus, the Christ.
His Love is limitless and has no boundaries.
Lonely Children, join Me at My Table, for I have a seat for you and you shall never be alone.
Wicked and sin-filled Children, come to Me and repent.
I will grant you Mercy and give you repose.
Cease your sinning, Children.
The World is too dark and the consequences for the grave sins you commit and continue to commit are fearsome.
Allow Me to give you peace through reconciliation and by the Body and Blood of My Son,
Jesus the Christ, whose great Sacrifice has saved you that you might join Us in Our Heavenly domain.
When there is no more time left for Mercy and compassion, the act of judgment will be a cold thing,
and there shall be no mercy or compassion available to you.
Oh Sinful World, how I weep for My Belovéd Children!
How you break My Heart!
Pray My Belovéd Children and lighten your burdens through confession.
Partake of the Eucharist always.
It is your saving grace.
My Son endured such agony and sacrifice that you might celebrate with Us one day.
Do not let His Greatest Sacrifice be in vain.
Oh My Belovéd Son, how He Loves each of you and longs for each of you to be with Him.
But He comes, Father?
He comes in such glory.
His Love will be so overpowering like a fire, a vibrant, immense fire that does not burn.
Oh Children, do not be left behind.
Be prepared to greet your Belovéd Master.
Do not wait, but prepare.
Exactly how and what will Jesus’s glory look like??
Prayer, attend Mass daily, always confession always,
Partake in the Eucharist – this is the most very important,
Pray to Me constantly,
Be Loving always to your brothers and sisters and thus, do not judge.
Dearest Children, Love Me dearly.
Father, and the glory part? ************
The vision I saw was very bright and rather blinding in an odd way. A very yellowish bright white color overcame the sky from over the horizon line. It was an immense and growing light that enveloped everything so all I could see (or wanted to see) was the light. It wasn’t even a true white or a golden yellow but a color somewhere in between that I couldn’t name. At some point, as I am preoccupied by all of the light of this whiteness, a huge sun or orb or host appears almost like an eclipse. It is so big, it looks like it is right in front of me and it is like the dancing host people are said to have seen in holy places. That’s all I saw.
And so I say, pray My Children, for this World and for those who do not or will not know Me.
Pray every day, for their souls are in such danger.
Pray for the coast.
Pray for the coast.
Pray for My Priests and for My Benedict.
Pray for the broken babies.
Pray for those who are darker still.
Pray, Dearest Children. Pray.
I give you My Peace.
Peace Children.
My Peace I give to you.
Peace, Children.
Peace. Peace.
Wednesday, November 20, 2013 4:44 – 5:23 pm
Father, I am just so dim sometimes.
Child, I Love all of My Creations and created each to their own specialties or responsibilities or will.
Your enthusiasm for life drives you everywhere
and in that Light I have granted you is My Seed that will benefit others and many.
I Love all of My Belovéd Children.
Each is so unique and beautiful and a marvel to Me.
I Love My Work or Handiwork. [It is as if He is smiling about us.]
Father, You seem happy overall today.
It is that many pray and so many prayers are songs to Me.
I cannot resist the beauty of prayers and I answer each call faithfully with a promise for goodness on My Tongue.
Dearest Children, do not fret.
Come to Me for Love and charity. [His charity is generosity in love; unconditional]
Know what it is to Love and be Loved so totally.
Feel the freedom complete Love affords you.
No longer are you a child of the World;
You recognize the truth that has always been before you and that is, you have always been a Child of Mine!
You only need recognize this before all the recognizable floods of Love entered into your hearts!
When you come to Me in Love and repentance in your heart, how I rejoice!
The Holy Spirit opens the waves of Love within you
and you know what it is to be with the Father who Loves you dearly.
Dearest and Faithful Children,
Know that the gladness and joy you feel now for being in My Service is a pale thing
compared to the joys you will know in the Kingdom of Heaven.
Happy is the man who serves God faithfully and throws off his Worldly desires.
His reward will be great and what he threw down for God he will receive a thousand times over in reward.
Oh Children, you wander so.
Even those of you who are so strongly tied to their Belovéd Father stray.
Now is not the Time to stray and be frivolous or make folly.
You do not know when your master will arrive and you also do not want to be unprepared.
Belovéd Children, do not believe that knowing Me is enough.
Like any Lover who loves, spend time with Me.
Join Me at My Table.
Pray to Me and show Me your Love by doing the things that make Me joyous or joyful
and refraining from doing those things that will hurt Me.
Spend time with Me.
I wish to see you more often and I wish to have your voices speaking in My Ears like birdsongs.
Do not stray, Belovéd Children.
You should bring those who are in danger to Me.
Do not waste your Time with idle habits.
Come back to Me with your brothers and sisters so that all of you may begin to pray as one.
So soon will the day become night and will the sky rain fire
and this erring World shall see the complete darkness of its nature.
And so I say, Belovéd Children, do not waste time worrying about that which is so Worldly.
Instead, spend your time in prayer.
There is no time that is not good to pray to Me.
I listen to you always, as you mutter and ponder and weep and beg.
As you laugh and pray generously for others.
Thus you are given great blessings.
Always pray, Children.
It will be your saving grace.
Turn to prayer when all is lost.
Belovéd Children, do not live in fear.
Only live your lives in service to Me.
Love My Belovéd Son, Jesus the Christ.
Kneel before Him and praise Him always with kind words and sincere Love.
How My Belovéd Son Loves you. [BIG Love!!!]
When you Love and praise My Belovéd Son, you Love and praise Me,
For We are One with the Spirit.
Faithful Children, be strong, for difficult times are coming.
Do not consult with “mystifiers” or those who take aim at My Heart with false idols.
They are one of the worst prophets and will guide you wrongly and lead you on the path to the pit.
I see some of My Children already lapping up false words to their terrible detriment.
It is these you must help by showing them what is Light and what is darkness.
Beware, for sophists with excellent arguments step forward to challenge you.
Even [when your tongue is tied] I will protect you.
I protect My Children.
As the wolves then show themselves, you will be prepared and strong.
They are even now pacing about ****.
Do not be fearful when you are called, for I greet you with open arms.
Do not fear, Child.
I will not allow you to be led astray, nor will I give you time to wander.
Such amazing [as in astonishing] things come;
such destructive forces in nature and man-made.
Man prefers war to forgiveness.
Dearest Children, remember always to pray.
Pray for those you Love and those especially who you do not Love.
For those who are hungry or angry or lonely.
Offer them a seat at your Table, for when you invite him in, you invite Me in as well.
Dearest Children, so I say again, pray.
Pray and have My Peace.
Peace Dearest Children.
Peace, Child.
Peace. Peace.
Father, I am just so dim sometimes.
Child, I Love all of My Creations and created each to their own specialties or responsibilities or will.
Your enthusiasm for life drives you everywhere
and in that Light I have granted you is My Seed that will benefit others and many.
I Love all of My Belovéd Children.
Each is so unique and beautiful and a marvel to Me.
I Love My Work or Handiwork. [It is as if He is smiling about us.]
Father, You seem happy overall today.
It is that many pray and so many prayers are songs to Me.
I cannot resist the beauty of prayers and I answer each call faithfully with a promise for goodness on My Tongue.
Dearest Children, do not fret.
Come to Me for Love and charity. [His charity is generosity in love; unconditional]
Know what it is to Love and be Loved so totally.
Feel the freedom complete Love affords you.
No longer are you a child of the World;
You recognize the truth that has always been before you and that is, you have always been a Child of Mine!
You only need recognize this before all the recognizable floods of Love entered into your hearts!
When you come to Me in Love and repentance in your heart, how I rejoice!
The Holy Spirit opens the waves of Love within you
and you know what it is to be with the Father who Loves you dearly.
Dearest and Faithful Children,
Know that the gladness and joy you feel now for being in My Service is a pale thing
compared to the joys you will know in the Kingdom of Heaven.
Happy is the man who serves God faithfully and throws off his Worldly desires.
His reward will be great and what he threw down for God he will receive a thousand times over in reward.
Oh Children, you wander so.
Even those of you who are so strongly tied to their Belovéd Father stray.
Now is not the Time to stray and be frivolous or make folly.
You do not know when your master will arrive and you also do not want to be unprepared.
Belovéd Children, do not believe that knowing Me is enough.
Like any Lover who loves, spend time with Me.
Join Me at My Table.
Pray to Me and show Me your Love by doing the things that make Me joyous or joyful
and refraining from doing those things that will hurt Me.
Spend time with Me.
I wish to see you more often and I wish to have your voices speaking in My Ears like birdsongs.
Do not stray, Belovéd Children.
You should bring those who are in danger to Me.
Do not waste your Time with idle habits.
Come back to Me with your brothers and sisters so that all of you may begin to pray as one.
So soon will the day become night and will the sky rain fire
and this erring World shall see the complete darkness of its nature.
And so I say, Belovéd Children, do not waste time worrying about that which is so Worldly.
Instead, spend your time in prayer.
There is no time that is not good to pray to Me.
I listen to you always, as you mutter and ponder and weep and beg.
As you laugh and pray generously for others.
Thus you are given great blessings.
Always pray, Children.
It will be your saving grace.
Turn to prayer when all is lost.
Belovéd Children, do not live in fear.
Only live your lives in service to Me.
Love My Belovéd Son, Jesus the Christ.
Kneel before Him and praise Him always with kind words and sincere Love.
How My Belovéd Son Loves you. [BIG Love!!!]
When you Love and praise My Belovéd Son, you Love and praise Me,
For We are One with the Spirit.
Faithful Children, be strong, for difficult times are coming.
Do not consult with “mystifiers” or those who take aim at My Heart with false idols.
They are one of the worst prophets and will guide you wrongly and lead you on the path to the pit.
I see some of My Children already lapping up false words to their terrible detriment.
It is these you must help by showing them what is Light and what is darkness.
Beware, for sophists with excellent arguments step forward to challenge you.
Even [when your tongue is tied] I will protect you.
I protect My Children.
As the wolves then show themselves, you will be prepared and strong.
They are even now pacing about ****.
Do not be fearful when you are called, for I greet you with open arms.
Do not fear, Child.
I will not allow you to be led astray, nor will I give you time to wander.
Such amazing [as in astonishing] things come;
such destructive forces in nature and man-made.
Man prefers war to forgiveness.
Dearest Children, remember always to pray.
Pray for those you Love and those especially who you do not Love.
For those who are hungry or angry or lonely.
Offer them a seat at your Table, for when you invite him in, you invite Me in as well.
Dearest Children, so I say again, pray.
Pray and have My Peace.
Peace Dearest Children.
Peace, Child.
Peace. Peace.
Tuesday, November 19, 2013 1:54 pm – 2:20 pm Adoration
While at Adoration today, I wanted to pray the Divine Mercy for the whole world. I asked to see some of the horrors of Man’s sins so I could be more specific in my praying – to understand what hurt Him a lot.
It was HORRIBLE! (I thought I knew the world…) I shook until I started praying the Our Father. I will not spend time here sharing what I saw. I will say that it centered on how much we do against each other. It was very dark and revolting.
How much more can He take from us?
Bewildered and Belovéd Children,
there are things you must do in order to prepare,
for time is short ****
That is, pray, My Belovéds.
I ask you every day now to pray.
I have said this because prayer is strong and I answer every prayer to My Will.
And My Will is driven to give My Belovéd Children only good gifts. [whatever is good for us]
Belovéd Children, do not stray from Me.
You know not the day or hour when your master comes.
And when the hour comes, shall you be ready with great rejoicing
or will you weep in pity because you are outside the gates?
Belovéd Children, I Love each of you and desire to have each of you with Me always.
You are so Loved and special or unique to your Belovéd Father.
You cannot know the depths of My Love.
Please, come to My Love that you are part of My Great Feast.
I call to you with great hope.
I call to you to leave the cheap trappings of this World behind
and discover the true value of My Love as it grows within you.
The materials you once valued will cease to interest you.
Indeed, they will cease to exist for you, so engulfed in My Love shall you be.
Absolute Love and thus Mercy and joy await you, Belovéd Children.
Do not wait!
Come to Me now.
Do not disbelieve Me when I say the day comes when judgment will be cold, just, and merciless.
Thus, seek the compassion of My Great Mercy now.
The Queen of Mercy and Compassion and Peace herself calls out to you, My Belovéd Children.
How do you not answer the sweet and Belovéd calls of the gentle Mother.
She is most Blesséd and Belovéd.
Listen to her calls.
Listen to My Words.
You know not what comes.
Cleanse your souls through My Mercy.
Would you desire to walk into the richest home muddied and soiled in rags and without shoes, smelling of oil and dung.
Would you greet your kindest host with an embrace thus?
You would not do so.
When you are invited to the grandest home, you are thoroughly washed.
You are perfumed and your best clothes are laid out to wear.
Your embrace is filled with fragrances of spice and flowers and you bring gifts to your host because of his generosity.
And why should it not be the same for your Belovéd Father?
I ask that you cleanse your souls by bathing in the compassion of My Great Mercy.
I alone can grant you Mercy and give you peace.
Come to Me with all of your sins.
I will forgive your sins when you come to Me in repentance.
I Love you, My Belovéd Children, and wish desperately for all of you to be with Me always.
Do not allow yourselves to fall into the darkest and cruelest pit of eternity.
It is a hopeless and joyless place.
Do not allow yourself to be seduced into doubting its existence.
There is a hell that exists, just as sin exists and My Belovéd Children, how this World sins.
I see such blackness or darkness across this World.
It sweeps across every land and does not stop.
The sins of this World are grave and My Divine Heart is struck with blow after blow.
It breaks and shatters with each sin.
How My Children wound their Holy Father despite the Great Love I hold for each of you.
My Love is unconditional.
Though you may shatter My Heart over and again, My Love is strong, infinite.
I cannot decry My Love for My Belovéd Children.
Come to Me with your sins, Children and attain or take advantage of Mercy now before it is too late.
Take advantage of the warmth of My Compassion now.
Those who do not will face the cold face of justice where there is only judgment and no mercy or compassion.
Please Children, do not hurt yourselves by delaying to take what is yours.
Must I describe to you the indifference of justice?
Must you experience it before you will believe?
Oh, wicked Children, My Mercy is so great and yet you avoid Me or deny Me still.
Great floods come to you, and these are also indifferent.
This became a Vision of sorts:
They roll over the innocent and the guilty without regard.
Boulders fall to the right as the waters rise on the left.
So much water crashes about and people stay to no end.
Streets run away and sticks run down the roads with the great risen waters.
So indifferent are these waters, they will not care whether you are rich or poor.
Great land will tip over into the water. A big chunk falls like a table tips over.
It starts with crumbs crumbling, but then it is a big field – the table top flipping.
And the water gobbles it up or swallows it up on a bright cold day.
I saw the Pacific coastline from California down to Central America.
*I don't like this kind of specificity, just for the record.*
Father, discernment?
Do not interpret that which is not yours to interpret but always pray.
I said the times to understand will grow more difficult
and there will be times that you will stand as one
while the entire world screams and fights against you.
Do not disbelieve.
Do not be swayed.
It is possible to be one, when all else is wrong, who is the only right.
It is difficult and I am with you always.
Thus you will need to be so very strong in your prayer and trust and faith, Child.
You are not close, yet.
You must work harder.
Your faith is weak.
Children, pray.
It is the message I send in full.
Run from darkness.
Do not sin.
Seek out My Mercy.
And pray.
Pray deeply for this World, for its sins are great and its time short.
Peace to you, My Child.
Peace Children.
Peace. Peace.
While at Adoration today, I wanted to pray the Divine Mercy for the whole world. I asked to see some of the horrors of Man’s sins so I could be more specific in my praying – to understand what hurt Him a lot.
It was HORRIBLE! (I thought I knew the world…) I shook until I started praying the Our Father. I will not spend time here sharing what I saw. I will say that it centered on how much we do against each other. It was very dark and revolting.
How much more can He take from us?
Bewildered and Belovéd Children,
there are things you must do in order to prepare,
for time is short ****
That is, pray, My Belovéds.
I ask you every day now to pray.
I have said this because prayer is strong and I answer every prayer to My Will.
And My Will is driven to give My Belovéd Children only good gifts. [whatever is good for us]
Belovéd Children, do not stray from Me.
You know not the day or hour when your master comes.
And when the hour comes, shall you be ready with great rejoicing
or will you weep in pity because you are outside the gates?
Belovéd Children, I Love each of you and desire to have each of you with Me always.
You are so Loved and special or unique to your Belovéd Father.
You cannot know the depths of My Love.
Please, come to My Love that you are part of My Great Feast.
I call to you with great hope.
I call to you to leave the cheap trappings of this World behind
and discover the true value of My Love as it grows within you.
The materials you once valued will cease to interest you.
Indeed, they will cease to exist for you, so engulfed in My Love shall you be.
Absolute Love and thus Mercy and joy await you, Belovéd Children.
Do not wait!
Come to Me now.
Do not disbelieve Me when I say the day comes when judgment will be cold, just, and merciless.
Thus, seek the compassion of My Great Mercy now.
The Queen of Mercy and Compassion and Peace herself calls out to you, My Belovéd Children.
How do you not answer the sweet and Belovéd calls of the gentle Mother.
She is most Blesséd and Belovéd.
Listen to her calls.
Listen to My Words.
You know not what comes.
Cleanse your souls through My Mercy.
Would you desire to walk into the richest home muddied and soiled in rags and without shoes, smelling of oil and dung.
Would you greet your kindest host with an embrace thus?
You would not do so.
When you are invited to the grandest home, you are thoroughly washed.
You are perfumed and your best clothes are laid out to wear.
Your embrace is filled with fragrances of spice and flowers and you bring gifts to your host because of his generosity.
And why should it not be the same for your Belovéd Father?
I ask that you cleanse your souls by bathing in the compassion of My Great Mercy.
I alone can grant you Mercy and give you peace.
Come to Me with all of your sins.
I will forgive your sins when you come to Me in repentance.
I Love you, My Belovéd Children, and wish desperately for all of you to be with Me always.
Do not allow yourselves to fall into the darkest and cruelest pit of eternity.
It is a hopeless and joyless place.
Do not allow yourself to be seduced into doubting its existence.
There is a hell that exists, just as sin exists and My Belovéd Children, how this World sins.
I see such blackness or darkness across this World.
It sweeps across every land and does not stop.
The sins of this World are grave and My Divine Heart is struck with blow after blow.
It breaks and shatters with each sin.
How My Children wound their Holy Father despite the Great Love I hold for each of you.
My Love is unconditional.
Though you may shatter My Heart over and again, My Love is strong, infinite.
I cannot decry My Love for My Belovéd Children.
Come to Me with your sins, Children and attain or take advantage of Mercy now before it is too late.
Take advantage of the warmth of My Compassion now.
Those who do not will face the cold face of justice where there is only judgment and no mercy or compassion.
Please Children, do not hurt yourselves by delaying to take what is yours.
Must I describe to you the indifference of justice?
Must you experience it before you will believe?
Oh, wicked Children, My Mercy is so great and yet you avoid Me or deny Me still.
Great floods come to you, and these are also indifferent.
This became a Vision of sorts:
They roll over the innocent and the guilty without regard.
Boulders fall to the right as the waters rise on the left.
So much water crashes about and people stay to no end.
Streets run away and sticks run down the roads with the great risen waters.
So indifferent are these waters, they will not care whether you are rich or poor.
Great land will tip over into the water. A big chunk falls like a table tips over.
It starts with crumbs crumbling, but then it is a big field – the table top flipping.
And the water gobbles it up or swallows it up on a bright cold day.
I saw the Pacific coastline from California down to Central America.
*I don't like this kind of specificity, just for the record.*
Father, discernment?
Do not interpret that which is not yours to interpret but always pray.
I said the times to understand will grow more difficult
and there will be times that you will stand as one
while the entire world screams and fights against you.
Do not disbelieve.
Do not be swayed.
It is possible to be one, when all else is wrong, who is the only right.
It is difficult and I am with you always.
Thus you will need to be so very strong in your prayer and trust and faith, Child.
You are not close, yet.
You must work harder.
Your faith is weak.
Children, pray.
It is the message I send in full.
Run from darkness.
Do not sin.
Seek out My Mercy.
And pray.
Pray deeply for this World, for its sins are great and its time short.
Peace to you, My Child.
Peace Children.
Peace. Peace.
Monday, November 18, 2013 1:00 – 1:42 pm Adoration
Father, do You call me?
There is no time where I do not call you or when I am not calling you.
I call My Children to Me always.
You are Belovéd to Me and I Long for your Love.
Turn to Me with your Love and devotion, and you shall know the freedom of true happiness or joy.
There is freedom in My Love
because it is not attached to the Worldly distinctions that make your lives so difficult and dark.
Oh Dearest Children, feel My Spirit rise within you like a surge of powerful or great Love.
Know that it is I who calls you, who fills you, who yearns for you, who Loves you.
[I feel full love!]
I fill you with grace by My Love and to know Me is to know this grace.
This light within you shines when you come to Me.
I am your Holy and Belovéd Father who adores His Children.
You are all worthy of My Love and each of you has such great Love from Me.
It is greater than any Love you can ever know or feel here in this shuddering or staggering World.
Come to Me and be one with your Lord God.
I have made all things for one purpose.
For Love.
Oh Belovéd Children, can you not feel the Beauty of this in your prayers.
Do you feel the truth of this as I answer you?
Belovéd Children, time is short.
The times when Man prospered are over.
Darkness has overtaken the hearts of many and the sins of this World are unfathomable;
My Heart is broken by the hatred I receive from those I hold so closely to My Divine Heart.
I have made each of you with pieces of My Heart – with greatest Love, like Biggest Light –
and by your sins you douse your Lights as quickly as you can.
Your sins are so grave, Dearest Children.
Why do you jump or delve into darkness and endanger yourselves so?
Have you forgotten the joys of Love so quickly and so completely?
Has darkness wrapped itself around you so entirely that you cannot see or have you grown so dark you can no longer wish to see.
Oh Belovéd and lost Children, I wait for you always.
I hope always and give every moment to you that you may be saved by My Belovéd Son’s greatest Sacrifice.
His suffering was great and His pain He poured out and accepted His Charge for you.
Do not be afraid, Lonely Children.
I bring you rest.
Come to Me, angry ones.
I cool your spirit and give you peace at last.
Belovéd Children, do not hate the One who Loves you so “biggest” and who has created you for Love.
Oh Darkened World, your time is done or over or finished.
You have sinned enough or substantially.
My Holy Eyes are wounded.
The bastions of your souls appall Me and I fear for you. [souls are weak because they don't have God]
How I want all of you with Me.
I appeal to each of you.
Do no more sinning.
Atone for your sins.
Look to Me for Mercy and it is yours.
Do not wait.
Time bears down upon you like an avalanche of boulders tumbles down a steep mountain
It goes unchecked.
Do not be caught unaware.
Oh Belovéd Children, so many of My Belovéd Children are not prepared
and when the door or gates are opened, so few will be led in.
Where there are ten, two shall come with Me.
Oh Children, let Me bring all of you to Me.
Pray, Children.
Come join Me at My Table.
I am not a heavy burden, My Children.
Do not ignore or turn away from the Father who Loves you so dearly.
Do not deny Me, Belovéd Children, for when the gates are opened and the choices have been made, I will deny you too.
[His Heart feels achy here – like a big heartbreak]
Belovéd Children, partake in the Sanctity of the Eucharist.
You know not the blessings and holiness that abounds as you share in My Feast.
Blesséd are they who join in the feast of the Lamb.
I protect you Children.
When you show your Love for My Belovéd Son, Jesus the Christ, I pour out great Love upon you.
Worship My Son, Jesus the Christ!
He has saved you by His Sacrifice!
He has brought you redemption.
Worship My Son.
Praise Him.
Glorify Him.
Above all, Love My Son with all of your being.
As you Love My Belovéd Son, Jesus, so do you Love and adore Me.
For We are One.
The Sacred Unity of Father and Son and Spirit.
As One We are Love.
Belovéd Children, greater floods come.
You have not seen the greatest floods yet. [I see a huge wave – it’s a dark, dark one.]
You are seeing only the beginnings, the murmurings of what comes.
Then shall the sun grow dark and the red rocks shall fall and the clouds darken and roil to black.
Prepare yourselves Children.
Do not face these desperate thumps or warnings from nature without Me or My guidance.
[Like knocks or bangs or attacks from nature.]
Pray to Me and I am with you.
I Love your prayers and answer them Lovingly and willingly.
Bring others to Me that they do not face these things without the saving grace of prayer and devotion and great faith.
Oh Children of the earth, beware of the hurricanes on land.
They will destroy like tornadoes and flood like waters by the sea.
Beware of all places by water.
Pray that the water does not rise.
Pray Children.
The water will devastate many.
Blesséd Children, your prayers save the souls of many.
By your prayers, souls receive great mercies.
Pray always, Belovéd Children.
Pray always for those who do not believe and those who are so far from Me.
Pray, Belovéd Children, for discernment.
You will be tested.
And the tests will be strong or difficult – very difficult.
Pray hard and often for discernment.
[I had an uneasy sense of feeling very puzzled; like a very strong indecision.]
Pray for the Little Flowers by the waters.
Children, you are blessed.
Do not allow yourselves to become excessive.
Remember humility and Love your brothers and sisters.
My Dearest Children, I give you good graces and gifts.
I give you peace.
Pray, Dearest Children.
Pray and My Peace or enjoy My Peace within your hearts.
Carry it with you and spread it amongst the angriest of your sisters and brothers.
Pray for their heated hearts and let them come to Me in their passion.
Pray for the Cardinals in the south who do his (Pope Francis) bidding.
Pray for those who live in the East. Another storm comes.
Pray for Michael Rivera.
Do not leave your sisters and brothers to perish without prayer.
Pray Children.
I bless each of you as you pray.
Peace My Belovéd Children.
Peace. Peace.
Father, do You call me?
There is no time where I do not call you or when I am not calling you.
I call My Children to Me always.
You are Belovéd to Me and I Long for your Love.
Turn to Me with your Love and devotion, and you shall know the freedom of true happiness or joy.
There is freedom in My Love
because it is not attached to the Worldly distinctions that make your lives so difficult and dark.
Oh Dearest Children, feel My Spirit rise within you like a surge of powerful or great Love.
Know that it is I who calls you, who fills you, who yearns for you, who Loves you.
[I feel full love!]
I fill you with grace by My Love and to know Me is to know this grace.
This light within you shines when you come to Me.
I am your Holy and Belovéd Father who adores His Children.
You are all worthy of My Love and each of you has such great Love from Me.
It is greater than any Love you can ever know or feel here in this shuddering or staggering World.
Come to Me and be one with your Lord God.
I have made all things for one purpose.
For Love.
Oh Belovéd Children, can you not feel the Beauty of this in your prayers.
Do you feel the truth of this as I answer you?
Belovéd Children, time is short.
The times when Man prospered are over.
Darkness has overtaken the hearts of many and the sins of this World are unfathomable;
My Heart is broken by the hatred I receive from those I hold so closely to My Divine Heart.
I have made each of you with pieces of My Heart – with greatest Love, like Biggest Light –
and by your sins you douse your Lights as quickly as you can.
Your sins are so grave, Dearest Children.
Why do you jump or delve into darkness and endanger yourselves so?
Have you forgotten the joys of Love so quickly and so completely?
Has darkness wrapped itself around you so entirely that you cannot see or have you grown so dark you can no longer wish to see.
Oh Belovéd and lost Children, I wait for you always.
I hope always and give every moment to you that you may be saved by My Belovéd Son’s greatest Sacrifice.
His suffering was great and His pain He poured out and accepted His Charge for you.
Do not be afraid, Lonely Children.
I bring you rest.
Come to Me, angry ones.
I cool your spirit and give you peace at last.
Belovéd Children, do not hate the One who Loves you so “biggest” and who has created you for Love.
Oh Darkened World, your time is done or over or finished.
You have sinned enough or substantially.
My Holy Eyes are wounded.
The bastions of your souls appall Me and I fear for you. [souls are weak because they don't have God]
How I want all of you with Me.
I appeal to each of you.
Do no more sinning.
Atone for your sins.
Look to Me for Mercy and it is yours.
Do not wait.
Time bears down upon you like an avalanche of boulders tumbles down a steep mountain
It goes unchecked.
Do not be caught unaware.
Oh Belovéd Children, so many of My Belovéd Children are not prepared
and when the door or gates are opened, so few will be led in.
Where there are ten, two shall come with Me.
Oh Children, let Me bring all of you to Me.
Pray, Children.
Come join Me at My Table.
I am not a heavy burden, My Children.
Do not ignore or turn away from the Father who Loves you so dearly.
Do not deny Me, Belovéd Children, for when the gates are opened and the choices have been made, I will deny you too.
[His Heart feels achy here – like a big heartbreak]
Belovéd Children, partake in the Sanctity of the Eucharist.
You know not the blessings and holiness that abounds as you share in My Feast.
Blesséd are they who join in the feast of the Lamb.
I protect you Children.
When you show your Love for My Belovéd Son, Jesus the Christ, I pour out great Love upon you.
Worship My Son, Jesus the Christ!
He has saved you by His Sacrifice!
He has brought you redemption.
Worship My Son.
Praise Him.
Glorify Him.
Above all, Love My Son with all of your being.
As you Love My Belovéd Son, Jesus, so do you Love and adore Me.
For We are One.
The Sacred Unity of Father and Son and Spirit.
As One We are Love.
Belovéd Children, greater floods come.
You have not seen the greatest floods yet. [I see a huge wave – it’s a dark, dark one.]
You are seeing only the beginnings, the murmurings of what comes.
Then shall the sun grow dark and the red rocks shall fall and the clouds darken and roil to black.
Prepare yourselves Children.
Do not face these desperate thumps or warnings from nature without Me or My guidance.
[Like knocks or bangs or attacks from nature.]
Pray to Me and I am with you.
I Love your prayers and answer them Lovingly and willingly.
Bring others to Me that they do not face these things without the saving grace of prayer and devotion and great faith.
Oh Children of the earth, beware of the hurricanes on land.
They will destroy like tornadoes and flood like waters by the sea.
Beware of all places by water.
Pray that the water does not rise.
Pray Children.
The water will devastate many.
Blesséd Children, your prayers save the souls of many.
By your prayers, souls receive great mercies.
Pray always, Belovéd Children.
Pray always for those who do not believe and those who are so far from Me.
Pray, Belovéd Children, for discernment.
You will be tested.
And the tests will be strong or difficult – very difficult.
Pray hard and often for discernment.
[I had an uneasy sense of feeling very puzzled; like a very strong indecision.]
Pray for the Little Flowers by the waters.
Children, you are blessed.
Do not allow yourselves to become excessive.
Remember humility and Love your brothers and sisters.
My Dearest Children, I give you good graces and gifts.
I give you peace.
Pray, Dearest Children.
Pray and My Peace or enjoy My Peace within your hearts.
Carry it with you and spread it amongst the angriest of your sisters and brothers.
Pray for their heated hearts and let them come to Me in their passion.
Pray for the Cardinals in the south who do his (Pope Francis) bidding.
Pray for those who live in the East. Another storm comes.
Pray for Michael Rivera.
Do not leave your sisters and brothers to perish without prayer.
Pray Children.
I bless each of you as you pray.
Peace My Belovéd Children.
Peace. Peace.
Friday, November 15, 2013 12:23 – 1:01 pm
Carry yourself along My Path and you will always have your guidance.
Yes, how I Love My Children
and those who are children in their hearts.
You do not need signs and signatures to do My Work, for I lead you not astray.
I am the Lord God from whom all great graces and Biggest Love comes.
Nothing can lead you astray but that which you allow –
What you choose to see,
What you allow yourself to hear,
What you choose to say.
You must be guided by only My Word and move forward with your eyes only upon Me,
With your ears always listening for My Voice,
With your tongue always in praise of My Belovéd Son, the Lord Jesus, the Christ.
When you sink into the interests or follies of this World, you lose your attention and path towards or for Me.
You feel the separation and wonder why your soul feels so bare.
Children, you cannot live in two Worlds and expect to be successful in both.
Either you are of one or the other.
If you dedicate your mind, body, time and soul to this World of luxury, materials, sin and darkness,
you will not be successful in the World of prayer where there is obedience and full joyful Love for Me.
When you put Me, your Lord God first in all things, and take great joy in My Company
and praise the name of My Most Belovéd Son and partake of the Body and Blood of the Eternal Christ,
I will give you great gifts and joy.
You need not and will not be concerned with the trials and problems of the other World.
Instead you will wish always to live for and with Me as My Obedient Children.
Thus I ask you to choose Me.
Come to Me.
Do not be the fruit left on the tree that rots and falls to the ground for the beetles to eat.
Be the sweet and ripened fruit that is picked and is put on the Table of those who celebrate.
You will wish to be counted as one of the few who are sweetened and ripe.
Do not be like the maids who sleep and loll about while their master is away
Or like the ploughers who rest in the shade all day to drink because the master is absent and does not take them to task.
The master will return without word, unexpectedly and will find His servants asleep and His home in disarray.
No fire will be lit to warm him and his fields will be unready to plant.
Then shall he fire these servants and choose new ones who are known to be faithful and dutiful workers.
Do not be the gamblers who doubt they shall lose, and in losing, doubt payment will be collected.
I will choose the ripe fruit and I will find the dutiful servants and I will dole out the consequences of sin.
I am a just God.
I Love My Belovéd Children, but I will not allow inaction and sin to exist without consequence.
Oh Children, you have heard Me over and again.
I have given you My Words and My Warnings.
I have urged you to Love and asked for your Love.
I have pleaded that you cease your vulgar sinning.
The Queen of Peace has interceded for you
and has begged you also to repent, to worship Her Belovéd Son, to atone for your sins.
You have mocked Me and insulted the Most Holy Mother and you have hurled back the Sacrifice
My Belovéd Son suffered for you that you might be saved from an eternity of darkness.
Your sins grow and they are more grave, darker.
You allow yourselves to be inspired by the darkest one and even worship his ways.
You celebrate sins with much enthusiasm and insult My Children who try to guide you back to Me.
Oh Belovéd and erring Children, how I want you with Me.
I will do everything for you to bring you to Me,
but your Time wanes and you will experience the grave consequences of your sins.
Please, Blesséd Children, pray for this World, for it is, as a whole, in such danger.
Pray for My Mercy, for such destruction comes to it at a level unknown or never experienced before.
Pray for atheists, for they are destined for hell until they repent and turn to Christ Jesus.
Through My Son will they find Me.
Pray for Mexico and the side on the left.
It shakes and falls from rains and water.
Pray for all the places where there is water.
The water turns to poison.
Pray, Children.
Pray for Mercy on this World.
Pray, Dearest Children.
They are so strong and I hear your every prayer.
Every word of praise I hear is like a song to My Ears and how I Love My Children and send you great blessings.
And so My Prayerful Children, be My Obedient and Belovéd Children.
Bring others to Me.
Pray always, for prayer is your saving grace.
And know I am ever with you, Loving you and kissing your brow.
I send you My Peace.
Peace, Belovéd Children.
Pray, Children.
Peace, Children.
Peace. Peace.
Carry yourself along My Path and you will always have your guidance.
Yes, how I Love My Children
and those who are children in their hearts.
You do not need signs and signatures to do My Work, for I lead you not astray.
I am the Lord God from whom all great graces and Biggest Love comes.
Nothing can lead you astray but that which you allow –
What you choose to see,
What you allow yourself to hear,
What you choose to say.
You must be guided by only My Word and move forward with your eyes only upon Me,
With your ears always listening for My Voice,
With your tongue always in praise of My Belovéd Son, the Lord Jesus, the Christ.
When you sink into the interests or follies of this World, you lose your attention and path towards or for Me.
You feel the separation and wonder why your soul feels so bare.
Children, you cannot live in two Worlds and expect to be successful in both.
Either you are of one or the other.
If you dedicate your mind, body, time and soul to this World of luxury, materials, sin and darkness,
you will not be successful in the World of prayer where there is obedience and full joyful Love for Me.
When you put Me, your Lord God first in all things, and take great joy in My Company
and praise the name of My Most Belovéd Son and partake of the Body and Blood of the Eternal Christ,
I will give you great gifts and joy.
You need not and will not be concerned with the trials and problems of the other World.
Instead you will wish always to live for and with Me as My Obedient Children.
Thus I ask you to choose Me.
Come to Me.
Do not be the fruit left on the tree that rots and falls to the ground for the beetles to eat.
Be the sweet and ripened fruit that is picked and is put on the Table of those who celebrate.
You will wish to be counted as one of the few who are sweetened and ripe.
Do not be like the maids who sleep and loll about while their master is away
Or like the ploughers who rest in the shade all day to drink because the master is absent and does not take them to task.
The master will return without word, unexpectedly and will find His servants asleep and His home in disarray.
No fire will be lit to warm him and his fields will be unready to plant.
Then shall he fire these servants and choose new ones who are known to be faithful and dutiful workers.
Do not be the gamblers who doubt they shall lose, and in losing, doubt payment will be collected.
I will choose the ripe fruit and I will find the dutiful servants and I will dole out the consequences of sin.
I am a just God.
I Love My Belovéd Children, but I will not allow inaction and sin to exist without consequence.
Oh Children, you have heard Me over and again.
I have given you My Words and My Warnings.
I have urged you to Love and asked for your Love.
I have pleaded that you cease your vulgar sinning.
The Queen of Peace has interceded for you
and has begged you also to repent, to worship Her Belovéd Son, to atone for your sins.
You have mocked Me and insulted the Most Holy Mother and you have hurled back the Sacrifice
My Belovéd Son suffered for you that you might be saved from an eternity of darkness.
Your sins grow and they are more grave, darker.
You allow yourselves to be inspired by the darkest one and even worship his ways.
You celebrate sins with much enthusiasm and insult My Children who try to guide you back to Me.
Oh Belovéd and erring Children, how I want you with Me.
I will do everything for you to bring you to Me,
but your Time wanes and you will experience the grave consequences of your sins.
Please, Blesséd Children, pray for this World, for it is, as a whole, in such danger.
Pray for My Mercy, for such destruction comes to it at a level unknown or never experienced before.
Pray for atheists, for they are destined for hell until they repent and turn to Christ Jesus.
Through My Son will they find Me.
Pray for Mexico and the side on the left.
It shakes and falls from rains and water.
Pray for all the places where there is water.
The water turns to poison.
Pray, Children.
Pray for Mercy on this World.
Pray, Dearest Children.
They are so strong and I hear your every prayer.
Every word of praise I hear is like a song to My Ears and how I Love My Children and send you great blessings.
And so My Prayerful Children, be My Obedient and Belovéd Children.
Bring others to Me.
Pray always, for prayer is your saving grace.
And know I am ever with you, Loving you and kissing your brow.
I send you My Peace.
Peace, Belovéd Children.
Pray, Children.
Peace, Children.
Peace. Peace.
Wednesday, November 13, 2013 1:34 – 2:00 & 5:14 -5:29 pm
See the winds blowing quickly.
Pray, My Children.
Hold fast to all that is good, Holy, and prayerful.
Love Me with all of your souls, Hearts, beings.
So saith I.
Soon the end comes but not before much pain and damage.
The sins of this World are great and My Holy Eyes are insulted by all that they see.
My Nations are plundered and My Belovéd Children have become perverse in their ways.
No longer are the laws of My Love followed.
They are trod upon thoughtlessly and the men and women of the World wake to extreme adversity and pain now.
The pleasures and luxuries of your past will be paid for in your futures.
Know there are consequences for your sins because there are indeed sins and you have indeed sinned.
You have sinned against the Holy God who has Loved you and shown you nothing but Great Mercy.
You have tossed back My Mercy at Me and have flung dung at My Most Belovéd Son.
You have spat at His Blessed image.
You dismiss His Greatest Sacrifice.
You seek out His greatest enemy and welcome him into your bosom.
You embrace darkness and have called it righteous.
You have defied your Lord God by your actions and your words.
Desolate and sinful Children, how I have Loved you and how I have Longed to keep you near.
How I want your Love in return.
How I wish for your trust in My Will.
I wish for your Love and trust and joy in My Love.
Yet, My Belovéd Children, you continue to defy Me, your Loving Father.
You spit upon My Holy Face, and curse My Name freely.
You deface the Holy Mother, the Queen of Peace who so often by her Love has interceded for you,
and this has angered Me greatly.
I am a Loving and protective Father and I am a just God.
My Mercy has been expelled upon all of you.
Oh Blesséd and Belovéd Children, pray for those who break My Heart.
Their chastisement will be grave.
Their chastisement will be grave.
Even in My Great Mercy, I must be stern.
Even in My Great Love, My Children must be shown that sin has its consequences,
just as Love and obedience have consequences
I plead with you, My Blessed Children,
pray now for those who are most wayward and save them from the intense or extreme pain of this wide fire.
Who shall see and feel it but those who must.
Those who must be forced to know the choices before them.
The absolute truth of the choices before them.
They shall them choose.
And the World will continue in its chaos and for a time, there will be peace or silence or quiet or no smokes.
Dearest Children,
I say pray and do not fear the rancor of the leviathan (or let it) deter you from your work from your prayer.
He seeks to lead My Most Prayerful Servants away from Me.
Know this to be true and do not fear the leviathan but know that he is working hard within this World.
How he works and so often effectively.
Hold tight also to your children and bring them to Me.
Do not allow them to stray from my Love.
Do not let them misunderstand My Love.
Pray, My Belovéd Children.
Pray deeply for this World.
Such pain comes to heal or cleanse this sinful World.
I bless My Prayerful Children.
My Obedient Servants, be not afraid of your Loving Father, but be always faithful to Me and great prayer.
Such is the power of prayer.
It can crumble great mountains and reverse the tracks of great rivers.
Great prayer will slay the leviathan when he stands before you,
within all of his darkness that encroaches like a cave or maw.
Prayer, My Belovéd Children, is your sharpest, most effective weapon.
When you are with Me, I am for you and you are saved.
Do not fear, for My Love is your protection
and your Almighty and Eternal Father saves His Belovéd Children and protects you from all evils.
Hold the cross before you and know the greatest Sacrifice of the Lord Jesus Christ.
Worship Him for His Passion.
Oh Lord Jesus, He has surely saved you from an eternity of death and darkness.
Walk with My Belovéd Son and know only the joys of Greatest Love and Greatest Mercy.
Do not ever move your eyes away from His.
He is your guide.
He is your shepherd.
Allow My Belovéd Son to lead you to Me.
See the winds blowing quickly.
Pray, My Children.
Hold fast to all that is good, Holy, and prayerful.
Love Me with all of your souls, Hearts, beings.
So saith I.
Soon the end comes but not before much pain and damage.
The sins of this World are great and My Holy Eyes are insulted by all that they see.
My Nations are plundered and My Belovéd Children have become perverse in their ways.
No longer are the laws of My Love followed.
They are trod upon thoughtlessly and the men and women of the World wake to extreme adversity and pain now.
The pleasures and luxuries of your past will be paid for in your futures.
Know there are consequences for your sins because there are indeed sins and you have indeed sinned.
You have sinned against the Holy God who has Loved you and shown you nothing but Great Mercy.
You have tossed back My Mercy at Me and have flung dung at My Most Belovéd Son.
You have spat at His Blessed image.
You dismiss His Greatest Sacrifice.
You seek out His greatest enemy and welcome him into your bosom.
You embrace darkness and have called it righteous.
You have defied your Lord God by your actions and your words.
Desolate and sinful Children, how I have Loved you and how I have Longed to keep you near.
How I want your Love in return.
How I wish for your trust in My Will.
I wish for your Love and trust and joy in My Love.
Yet, My Belovéd Children, you continue to defy Me, your Loving Father.
You spit upon My Holy Face, and curse My Name freely.
You deface the Holy Mother, the Queen of Peace who so often by her Love has interceded for you,
and this has angered Me greatly.
I am a Loving and protective Father and I am a just God.
My Mercy has been expelled upon all of you.
Oh Blesséd and Belovéd Children, pray for those who break My Heart.
Their chastisement will be grave.
Their chastisement will be grave.
Even in My Great Mercy, I must be stern.
Even in My Great Love, My Children must be shown that sin has its consequences,
just as Love and obedience have consequences
I plead with you, My Blessed Children,
pray now for those who are most wayward and save them from the intense or extreme pain of this wide fire.
Who shall see and feel it but those who must.
Those who must be forced to know the choices before them.
The absolute truth of the choices before them.
They shall them choose.
And the World will continue in its chaos and for a time, there will be peace or silence or quiet or no smokes.
Dearest Children,
I say pray and do not fear the rancor of the leviathan (or let it) deter you from your work from your prayer.
He seeks to lead My Most Prayerful Servants away from Me.
Know this to be true and do not fear the leviathan but know that he is working hard within this World.
How he works and so often effectively.
Hold tight also to your children and bring them to Me.
Do not allow them to stray from my Love.
Do not let them misunderstand My Love.
Pray, My Belovéd Children.
Pray deeply for this World.
Such pain comes to heal or cleanse this sinful World.
I bless My Prayerful Children.
My Obedient Servants, be not afraid of your Loving Father, but be always faithful to Me and great prayer.
Such is the power of prayer.
It can crumble great mountains and reverse the tracks of great rivers.
Great prayer will slay the leviathan when he stands before you,
within all of his darkness that encroaches like a cave or maw.
Prayer, My Belovéd Children, is your sharpest, most effective weapon.
When you are with Me, I am for you and you are saved.
Do not fear, for My Love is your protection
and your Almighty and Eternal Father saves His Belovéd Children and protects you from all evils.
Hold the cross before you and know the greatest Sacrifice of the Lord Jesus Christ.
Worship Him for His Passion.
Oh Lord Jesus, He has surely saved you from an eternity of death and darkness.
Walk with My Belovéd Son and know only the joys of Greatest Love and Greatest Mercy.
Do not ever move your eyes away from His.
He is your guide.
He is your shepherd.
Allow My Belovéd Son to lead you to Me.
Tuesday, November 12, 2013 1:16 – 1:59 pm
See My Mercy is in everything, in everywhere you look.
I grant Mercy to each of you every day
because you are so Belovéd to Me, My Children.
See what I have placed around you, the joys and beauties I have laid at your feet.
It is to show you how much your Heavenly Father Loves His Belovéd Children.
I wish only to show My Belovéd Children what is Beautiful and kind.
Look into My Heart, Children, and find My Great Love.
I wait for each of you patiently even as I long for your Love.
Belovéd and Dearest Children, do not let your Lord God and Heavenly Father be disappointed.
Do not withhold your Love from Me.
My Heart weeps when you are away from Me.
It breaks when you deny Me.
Do not tread so unbearably upon My Divine and Eternal Heart.
Do not treat Me thus.
My Love is infinite and large. [Inadequate words]
It knows no limits or boundaries.
My Love is so large as to be all-encompassing of your very being, for I am Love,
and how can Love not be in its entirety except to be Love in and of itself.
Dearest and Belovéd Children, pray for the darkness comes.
You know this to be true.
You have seen My Most Blesséd Mother and her desperate pleas or warnings for the World.
Many of you sense in your souls that the weather is indeed changing into something more.
Oh Belovéd Children, your prayers are great
and stem many of the punishments meant to be wielded against this sinful World.
Many more still come unchecked.
There will be large fires.
Fires in cities filled with tall buildings and no trees.
The fires will not be red, but orange.
They will not grow high, but they will be wide instead.
The fires will destroy very much, much of the good of the city.
Those areas that are sinful will be left untouched.
I am calling My Children to Me.
Through disasters?? Why? Why not something less scary and violent?
This is their own consequences for their sins
and I assure you it is a far easier consequence to bear than the alternative.
Well, why not destroy the sinful people? The ones who have really been malicious?
I gather My Children, Dear Child.
What will happen to this World should not happen to those Children who Love Me and have never denied Me their Love.
The innocents should not endure what the sinful will be made to endure.
This odd fire??
The disasters and calumnies are merely the pangs that imply something greater occurs.
The breeze that increases to a wind before a rainstorm.
The pang of labor before the baby is born.
The destructions of illness before My Belovéd Children leave the World to join Me for judgment.
(I am thinking about my friend Bonnie which is why He points to this)
What happens when you die?
You cannot be made privy to this unless you die or have died.
Your time is not here.
Lovely Child, your time is not now.
You have much work to do in My Name, Belovéd One.
Do not fret, for you too will one day see the eyes of God and know the true and absolute meaning of joy by intense Love.
Belovéd Children, do not ask for that which is not yours to know.
I am your Lord God.
I protect My Belovéd Children as a Father who dotes on his sons and daughters.
My Plans for you are good.
I give you good gifts.
You need not worry about how or why.
Know only that you can trust in your Lord God.
Children, pocket your doubts and toss them away at your earliest chance.
Do not doubt your Lord God.
Do not concern yourself with how you might continue living.
My House is always open to you, and I will always provide for My Belovéd Children.
When you most think you are failed and can rise up no more, this is when you are strongest,
for this is when you have left your pride outside and your need for Love exceeds pride.
You accept My Love and then you will trust that your God and Holy Father will provide for the Child He adores.
Thus, trust in the Lord.
I will look after you as a shepherd tends to his sheep.
Children, worship My Son, the Lord Jesus Christ,
for My Mercy has come through Him and His Greatest Sacrifice.
His Love for you is as great as My Own.
We are as One.
We are Love and seek your Love for Us.
Worship My Son on bended knee and (with) full hearts.
Glorify Him with words of praise.
Sing Him songs of praise.
Describe to those who do not know the meaning of His Passion, the Holiness of His Sacrifice,
that He is Christ the Redeemer.
Treat Him always with respect, Children.
Glorify His Name; do not smash it to the ground and walk upon it
as you would the narrow and filthy lines of a common street.
Dearest Children,
Time has changed and this marks a dangerous time for My Belovéd Children.
Great bodies of waters are tempestuous in the east.
But the fires are in cities in the west.
They burn what is good and leave that which had (has) rotted the city.
It will be obvious – that the light of the cities has disappeared and these places are now in darkness.
It will be clear that darkness has taken over, but the Children of the World will continue to embrace the darkness freely.
Indeed, many will be so foolish as to support and promote that which is dark,
and they will douse what light flickers amongst them.
Do you see the wide fires in the eyes of the foolish?
Do you see how their hearts believe it is opportunity when in fact it is a danger calling to them?
Belovéd Children, close your eyes and keep the cross in your sight.
Open your eyes and keep your eyes focused on all that is Godly and Holy.
Pray, Belovéd Children.
Now is the time to pray earnestly, deeply, continuously, for yourselves and for this World.
Pray to the Queen of Mercy and Peace.
Ask her to cover you with her gentle mantle and worship My Son thoroughly.
Pray for (or about) the antics of Pope Francis.
[I see him riding in a sort of open chariot – square sort of one - but the chariot is being carried by others.]
Pray for those who will die this year and in five years, for no one is prepared.
Pray for those who are creating false religions and lead so many astray.
Pray for those who have troubled marriages. Their center should always be Me.
Peace, My Belovéd Children.
Peace Be with you, Belovéd Children.
Peace. Peace.
Additional Note: I wanted to comment about something several of you are asking about and indicating your concern. It is in reference to the message on November 12, specifically the following:
Pray for (or about) the antics of Pope Francis. [I see him riding in a sort of open chariot – square sort of one - but the chariot is being carried by others.]
The word “antics” has set off several alarms. After I heard from one reader, I prayed about this. When I received the message, I also had a vision with the chariot and I believe it is the chariot that is important. To give more context before I continue, if you had not seen the following article, and the picture in particular, take a look at the following site.
The Pope is very friendly and puts himself out in the open with people (as he did in his playfulness with this couple). In my vision, others carried the chariot for him. His inclination to be out in the open (his playfulness, or antics) very well could worry others about his safety given what happened to John Paul II. I hope this helps.
See My Mercy is in everything, in everywhere you look.
I grant Mercy to each of you every day
because you are so Belovéd to Me, My Children.
See what I have placed around you, the joys and beauties I have laid at your feet.
It is to show you how much your Heavenly Father Loves His Belovéd Children.
I wish only to show My Belovéd Children what is Beautiful and kind.
Look into My Heart, Children, and find My Great Love.
I wait for each of you patiently even as I long for your Love.
Belovéd and Dearest Children, do not let your Lord God and Heavenly Father be disappointed.
Do not withhold your Love from Me.
My Heart weeps when you are away from Me.
It breaks when you deny Me.
Do not tread so unbearably upon My Divine and Eternal Heart.
Do not treat Me thus.
My Love is infinite and large. [Inadequate words]
It knows no limits or boundaries.
My Love is so large as to be all-encompassing of your very being, for I am Love,
and how can Love not be in its entirety except to be Love in and of itself.
Dearest and Belovéd Children, pray for the darkness comes.
You know this to be true.
You have seen My Most Blesséd Mother and her desperate pleas or warnings for the World.
Many of you sense in your souls that the weather is indeed changing into something more.
Oh Belovéd Children, your prayers are great
and stem many of the punishments meant to be wielded against this sinful World.
Many more still come unchecked.
There will be large fires.
Fires in cities filled with tall buildings and no trees.
The fires will not be red, but orange.
They will not grow high, but they will be wide instead.
The fires will destroy very much, much of the good of the city.
Those areas that are sinful will be left untouched.
I am calling My Children to Me.
Through disasters?? Why? Why not something less scary and violent?
This is their own consequences for their sins
and I assure you it is a far easier consequence to bear than the alternative.
Well, why not destroy the sinful people? The ones who have really been malicious?
I gather My Children, Dear Child.
What will happen to this World should not happen to those Children who Love Me and have never denied Me their Love.
The innocents should not endure what the sinful will be made to endure.
This odd fire??
The disasters and calumnies are merely the pangs that imply something greater occurs.
The breeze that increases to a wind before a rainstorm.
The pang of labor before the baby is born.
The destructions of illness before My Belovéd Children leave the World to join Me for judgment.
(I am thinking about my friend Bonnie which is why He points to this)
What happens when you die?
You cannot be made privy to this unless you die or have died.
Your time is not here.
Lovely Child, your time is not now.
You have much work to do in My Name, Belovéd One.
Do not fret, for you too will one day see the eyes of God and know the true and absolute meaning of joy by intense Love.
Belovéd Children, do not ask for that which is not yours to know.
I am your Lord God.
I protect My Belovéd Children as a Father who dotes on his sons and daughters.
My Plans for you are good.
I give you good gifts.
You need not worry about how or why.
Know only that you can trust in your Lord God.
Children, pocket your doubts and toss them away at your earliest chance.
Do not doubt your Lord God.
Do not concern yourself with how you might continue living.
My House is always open to you, and I will always provide for My Belovéd Children.
When you most think you are failed and can rise up no more, this is when you are strongest,
for this is when you have left your pride outside and your need for Love exceeds pride.
You accept My Love and then you will trust that your God and Holy Father will provide for the Child He adores.
Thus, trust in the Lord.
I will look after you as a shepherd tends to his sheep.
Children, worship My Son, the Lord Jesus Christ,
for My Mercy has come through Him and His Greatest Sacrifice.
His Love for you is as great as My Own.
We are as One.
We are Love and seek your Love for Us.
Worship My Son on bended knee and (with) full hearts.
Glorify Him with words of praise.
Sing Him songs of praise.
Describe to those who do not know the meaning of His Passion, the Holiness of His Sacrifice,
that He is Christ the Redeemer.
Treat Him always with respect, Children.
Glorify His Name; do not smash it to the ground and walk upon it
as you would the narrow and filthy lines of a common street.
Dearest Children,
Time has changed and this marks a dangerous time for My Belovéd Children.
Great bodies of waters are tempestuous in the east.
But the fires are in cities in the west.
They burn what is good and leave that which had (has) rotted the city.
It will be obvious – that the light of the cities has disappeared and these places are now in darkness.
It will be clear that darkness has taken over, but the Children of the World will continue to embrace the darkness freely.
Indeed, many will be so foolish as to support and promote that which is dark,
and they will douse what light flickers amongst them.
Do you see the wide fires in the eyes of the foolish?
Do you see how their hearts believe it is opportunity when in fact it is a danger calling to them?
Belovéd Children, close your eyes and keep the cross in your sight.
Open your eyes and keep your eyes focused on all that is Godly and Holy.
Pray, Belovéd Children.
Now is the time to pray earnestly, deeply, continuously, for yourselves and for this World.
Pray to the Queen of Mercy and Peace.
Ask her to cover you with her gentle mantle and worship My Son thoroughly.
Pray for (or about) the antics of Pope Francis.
[I see him riding in a sort of open chariot – square sort of one - but the chariot is being carried by others.]
Pray for those who will die this year and in five years, for no one is prepared.
Pray for those who are creating false religions and lead so many astray.
Pray for those who have troubled marriages. Their center should always be Me.
Peace, My Belovéd Children.
Peace Be with you, Belovéd Children.
Peace. Peace.
Additional Note: I wanted to comment about something several of you are asking about and indicating your concern. It is in reference to the message on November 12, specifically the following:
Pray for (or about) the antics of Pope Francis. [I see him riding in a sort of open chariot – square sort of one - but the chariot is being carried by others.]
The word “antics” has set off several alarms. After I heard from one reader, I prayed about this. When I received the message, I also had a vision with the chariot and I believe it is the chariot that is important. To give more context before I continue, if you had not seen the following article, and the picture in particular, take a look at the following site.
The Pope is very friendly and puts himself out in the open with people (as he did in his playfulness with this couple). In my vision, others carried the chariot for him. His inclination to be out in the open (his playfulness, or antics) very well could worry others about his safety given what happened to John Paul II. I hope this helps.
Friday, November 8, 2013 1:36 pm -2:13 pm Adoration
I do not fail you, My Children.
My Love for you is large and it is real.
Do not favor the love that is offered by the World, which is lined with a thin shell,
loosely covered and so easily broken.
Take the Love I offer.
It is real, dense or intense, strong and enduring.
I am Love and to have Me is to have Eternal Love.
Do not turn away from Me, My Belovéd Children.
These times are not the times to e frivolous or impulsive or childish.
You must stay with your Loving Shepherd, for the storm comes,
and your Belovéd Shepherd leads you safely through the storm.
Do not wander, My Belovéd Children.
The time for My Mercy ends.
The Gates are closed and the coldness or distance of the just or of justice or judgment arrives.
There will be no compassion or mercy in the eyes of the One who judges,
for the time I offered My Mercy so freely and Lovingly and so willingly was yours
but you turned Me away in your vanity and arrogance.
When I offered you comfort, you mocked My Love.
When I offered Love in your repose, you laughed and defied Me with such doubt and dubious words.
When I begged for you to come to Me, your Belovéd Father who Loves you so,
you turned away and defiled My Name and that of My Belovéd Son.
You sinned in the most terrific or extreme ways.
You brought down your children into a life of the corrupt or perverse.
You took Me away from the children I Love so dearly.
You blasted their souls with your sins.
You transgressed further and when you exhausted yourselves of one sin, you sought out and discovered more.
Women roared against their children and men snuck away to fornicate in their caves with one another.
Others poisoned one another and worked like demons and reduced the value I placed on each of My Belovéd Children to nothing but refuse.
And how these will be judged with equivocal and fearful eyes.
Yes, the Gates to My Merciful gift are closed.
What more will mankind do in his sin?
I offer suffering in a bid for Mercy.
Grab hold of every morsel I provide, for even the crumbs of My Table will sustain you.
Such a bad time comes.
Bad, Father?
Nature seeks retribution and storms grow more violent.
The oceans churn more violently.
The winds blow more treacherously.
The earth shakes more dangerously.
The storms move themselves back and forth over land and sea and cause more destruction that what has ever been seen by man.
The World will see those things and not believe the signs.
And so many more storms will occur until the people begin to understand.
Pray, My Belovéd Children and do not fear your Loving Father.
I give My Children good gifts and I do not wish to have those I Love fear their Belovéd Father.
My Plan is good and it is right or correct.
Never doubt that My Plan for you has not been written and is so Blessed and joyous.
Yet the souls and minds of the humankind cannot grasp this.
My Love and My Plan is too big for My Belovéd Children to understand now.
[That is “greatest Love” about what He said here – that it is too big.]
Belovéd Children, know that I Love you dearly.
I am your Holy and Belovéd Father.
Worship and adore My Son, the Lord Jesus, the Christ.
Believe in the One true Christ.
Believe in Him, Jesus the Christ, and know life everlasting through His Love.
For His Love for you is as Mine.
Greatest or Biggest Love.
All-encompassing and limitless.
Children, you must pray.
Pray and fill your hearts and souls with the Life and Light of the Most Sacred Eucharist.
Do not take this Most Holy Sacrifice for granted.
The Blessings that are yours as you receive the Body of My Son, the Lord Jesus Christ are rapturous, golden, inexplicable Love.
You are in a state or surrounded by Heaven or all that is Heavenly.
Know that soon you will not have such access to the Belovéd Eucharist.
Do not waste time.
Take its blessings into your soul daily.
The strength and guidance and clarity and discernment it provides to the prayerful is incomprehensible and invaluable.
You will need powerful discernment soon.
[This was quite strong - as if we cannot give in to middle grounds or cannot be lukewarm in our belief in Him]
Dearest Children, understand what I accept and what I do not accept;
What I Love and what I do not Love;
What is a sin and what is offensive to Me.
I want each of you with Me and you must cleanse your souls of sin and sin no more.
The confession is your conduit to Me.
Accept My Graces through your confessor and know the beauty and joy of forgiveness.
Belovéd Children, My Love for you is boundless.
Pray to Me always and throughout your days.
Pray for those who will die, for many are unprepared.
Pray for My Belovéd Benedict.
Pray for the Little Flowers who will drown.
Pray for the leaders of countries that plot to go to war. They desire a large and bloody war.
Pray for fair weather in the States. The middle especially. [mid west?]
Pray for those who are driving in very busy streets [India – I saw India specifically; maybe MX]
Pray for the atheists. They are so close to falling. Pray for them.
Pray for her, pray for her.
Love those you have around you and do not judge.
Will I say this again?
Do not judge your brothers and your sisters.
Peace be with you and those who you Love.
Peace Dear Children.
Peace. Peace.
I do not fail you, My Children.
My Love for you is large and it is real.
Do not favor the love that is offered by the World, which is lined with a thin shell,
loosely covered and so easily broken.
Take the Love I offer.
It is real, dense or intense, strong and enduring.
I am Love and to have Me is to have Eternal Love.
Do not turn away from Me, My Belovéd Children.
These times are not the times to e frivolous or impulsive or childish.
You must stay with your Loving Shepherd, for the storm comes,
and your Belovéd Shepherd leads you safely through the storm.
Do not wander, My Belovéd Children.
The time for My Mercy ends.
The Gates are closed and the coldness or distance of the just or of justice or judgment arrives.
There will be no compassion or mercy in the eyes of the One who judges,
for the time I offered My Mercy so freely and Lovingly and so willingly was yours
but you turned Me away in your vanity and arrogance.
When I offered you comfort, you mocked My Love.
When I offered Love in your repose, you laughed and defied Me with such doubt and dubious words.
When I begged for you to come to Me, your Belovéd Father who Loves you so,
you turned away and defiled My Name and that of My Belovéd Son.
You sinned in the most terrific or extreme ways.
You brought down your children into a life of the corrupt or perverse.
You took Me away from the children I Love so dearly.
You blasted their souls with your sins.
You transgressed further and when you exhausted yourselves of one sin, you sought out and discovered more.
Women roared against their children and men snuck away to fornicate in their caves with one another.
Others poisoned one another and worked like demons and reduced the value I placed on each of My Belovéd Children to nothing but refuse.
And how these will be judged with equivocal and fearful eyes.
Yes, the Gates to My Merciful gift are closed.
What more will mankind do in his sin?
I offer suffering in a bid for Mercy.
Grab hold of every morsel I provide, for even the crumbs of My Table will sustain you.
Such a bad time comes.
Bad, Father?
Nature seeks retribution and storms grow more violent.
The oceans churn more violently.
The winds blow more treacherously.
The earth shakes more dangerously.
The storms move themselves back and forth over land and sea and cause more destruction that what has ever been seen by man.
The World will see those things and not believe the signs.
And so many more storms will occur until the people begin to understand.
Pray, My Belovéd Children and do not fear your Loving Father.
I give My Children good gifts and I do not wish to have those I Love fear their Belovéd Father.
My Plan is good and it is right or correct.
Never doubt that My Plan for you has not been written and is so Blessed and joyous.
Yet the souls and minds of the humankind cannot grasp this.
My Love and My Plan is too big for My Belovéd Children to understand now.
[That is “greatest Love” about what He said here – that it is too big.]
Belovéd Children, know that I Love you dearly.
I am your Holy and Belovéd Father.
Worship and adore My Son, the Lord Jesus, the Christ.
Believe in the One true Christ.
Believe in Him, Jesus the Christ, and know life everlasting through His Love.
For His Love for you is as Mine.
Greatest or Biggest Love.
All-encompassing and limitless.
Children, you must pray.
Pray and fill your hearts and souls with the Life and Light of the Most Sacred Eucharist.
Do not take this Most Holy Sacrifice for granted.
The Blessings that are yours as you receive the Body of My Son, the Lord Jesus Christ are rapturous, golden, inexplicable Love.
You are in a state or surrounded by Heaven or all that is Heavenly.
Know that soon you will not have such access to the Belovéd Eucharist.
Do not waste time.
Take its blessings into your soul daily.
The strength and guidance and clarity and discernment it provides to the prayerful is incomprehensible and invaluable.
You will need powerful discernment soon.
[This was quite strong - as if we cannot give in to middle grounds or cannot be lukewarm in our belief in Him]
Dearest Children, understand what I accept and what I do not accept;
What I Love and what I do not Love;
What is a sin and what is offensive to Me.
I want each of you with Me and you must cleanse your souls of sin and sin no more.
The confession is your conduit to Me.
Accept My Graces through your confessor and know the beauty and joy of forgiveness.
Belovéd Children, My Love for you is boundless.
Pray to Me always and throughout your days.
Pray for those who will die, for many are unprepared.
Pray for My Belovéd Benedict.
Pray for the Little Flowers who will drown.
Pray for the leaders of countries that plot to go to war. They desire a large and bloody war.
Pray for fair weather in the States. The middle especially. [mid west?]
Pray for those who are driving in very busy streets [India – I saw India specifically; maybe MX]
Pray for the atheists. They are so close to falling. Pray for them.
Pray for her, pray for her.
Love those you have around you and do not judge.
Will I say this again?
Do not judge your brothers and your sisters.
Peace be with you and those who you Love.
Peace Dear Children.
Peace. Peace.
Wednesday, November 6, 2013 4:43 – 5:28 pm
The pain is great, the wound deep...
Everywhere you go, Child, I am.
Look to the skies and see the gifts I Bestow on you.
Look to the ground and see still more gifts.
Look into the hearts of your sisters and brothers
and you will see some of the greatest gifts I give you.
Oh Belovéd Children, see the gifts I give you
and treat them as the precious things they are.
Do not be clouded by the insensitivities of this corrupted World.
Do not strip down that which I have made because it meets no standards of this warring and saddened World.
Seek not to please the World, for not only will you fail – the viper always attacks and bites and poisons –
you will fail to lead a life that is pleasing to Me and filled with Love.
Live your lives according to My Expectations or Standards
and you will know the joy of obedience and restraint and the rewards from Love and patience.
When you seek to please your Heavenly Eternal Father who Loves you with such Greatest Love,
My Heart swells and I revel in your Love for Me
To receive the Love of My Children is a sweetness like no other.
Joyous am I to receive your Love, for My Own is unconditional.
When you are faith-filled and trust Me absolutely in My Plan for you, I am pleased by your faith.
Do not allow despondence to bring doubt into your hearts.
My Will for My Belovéd Children is like the Eternal Parent who seeks always to protect the child.
I want to fortify My Children, protect them, show them Love, let them know only joy.
Belovéd Children, walk in the path that My Greatest Love has set before you.
I give you good gifts and My Heart swells by your trust.
When you wander, your journey is bound by great wells and stout mountains that make for hard teachers.
Oh Dearest Children, the work I give you is light and My Love is not a burden.
Merely Love Me with all of your heart and Love your brothers and sisters dearly.
Do not use wealth, position or other temptations to bring darkness into their lives.
Do not be envious of your sisters and brothers.
Rejoice in the success of your brothers and sisters.
Surely they are blessed, but their faith and the trust they have for Me is very different from your own.
Would you envy your brothers and sisters with riches and mansion knowing that tomorrow their only son would fall ill
and their home were to burn and be lost to flames?
Do not succumb to envy and jealousy.
It is a base sin.
Do not judge your sisters and brothers.
I have said this often, for it is an important piece or thing or sin or action to remember.
When you judge your sisters and your brothers, you do such a grave thing.
You add to your own sins those that belong to whom you have judged.
You insult Me, your Lord God – judgment is My Position only,
for who deigns to be perfect in this clarity enough to judge but that who is perfection?
When you judge your brothers and sisters, I judge you with the same heavy hand!
And when you judge those who I have created in My Own Image, you judge Me for My Work.
And who is arrogant enough to say this but the ignorant and the arrogant – those in most danger of losing their souls.
Thus, do not judge your brothers and sisters.
Do not seek out ways to deceive your brothers and sisters.
Do not (remove or tax or cheat others) out of more than what is your just due.
Do not scorn your brothers or sisters or bring them low.
Instead treat each brother and sister with a kindness and generosity that reeks of the fragrance of Heaven!
Show your brothers and sisters great Love.
Invite the lowly to your table.
Do not give scraps to the poor, but give them the best cuts and articles that they may feel prized and valued.
Pray for each brother and sister you encounter.
Do not fall or lapse into the realm of hatred or peevishness.
Start with Love and there is no room for hate.
Spread love by your example and be sure that by your inner light, My Children will be drawn to you.
Oh Beautiful and Young Children, pray often and deeply, (those who are new to a relationship with God)
for there is so much more that you must do and time is short – so very short.
Do not wait until the night falls and all is quiet to secure yourself.
Prepare your home against thieves while you still have light to see any sneaking upon your land.
Just as you cannot wait to prepare for that which comes.
Pray, Children!
That is how you best prepare.
Prayer is the answer to all that you see.
Always remember that I hear and answer your prayers even as the World is in the state of chaos.
Know I am ever with you, Loving you and filling you with hope and joy and all things good.
Look to Me always when your heart is heavy and your burdens too large to carry.
Call and I am there to bear the brunt of your load.
Trust in Me, Belovéd Children, and all of your fears are eliminated.
Trust in Me and your concerns turn into joy.
Trust in Me and give your life over to the One God who Loves His Children,
and I shall welcome you into My Loving arms.
I give My Children good gifts.
Worship My Son, the Lord Jesus Christ.
His glory is boundless.
He is the Christ.
He is My Son.
He is the Sacrificial Lamb who has saved you from eternal damnation.
Worship Him Children and give Him grace.
Belovéd Children, I give you peace.
My peace is yours to grow your faith in Me.
Your trust in Me will fill your heart with an even greater understanding of life and Love and life everlasting.
Dearest Children, there is much about which you must pray.
Pray that corruption wanes around the World.
Pray for those who are stricken by what they have heard or learned.
Pray for peace.
Pray for Israel.
Pray for the Little Flowers.
Pray for mild seasons.
And for the nuns who seek to change the tasks I have set forth for My Disciples.
Let the fire not extend beyond the tall walls of the pit.
Pray that the fired edges back.
It pulls so many in.
Pray for the priests who say the Masses and for more confessors.
Pray, Children, pray.
Peace Children.
I give you My Peace.
As always, My Peace is with you.
Peace, Child.
Peace. Peace.
The pain is great, the wound deep...
Everywhere you go, Child, I am.
Look to the skies and see the gifts I Bestow on you.
Look to the ground and see still more gifts.
Look into the hearts of your sisters and brothers
and you will see some of the greatest gifts I give you.
Oh Belovéd Children, see the gifts I give you
and treat them as the precious things they are.
Do not be clouded by the insensitivities of this corrupted World.
Do not strip down that which I have made because it meets no standards of this warring and saddened World.
Seek not to please the World, for not only will you fail – the viper always attacks and bites and poisons –
you will fail to lead a life that is pleasing to Me and filled with Love.
Live your lives according to My Expectations or Standards
and you will know the joy of obedience and restraint and the rewards from Love and patience.
When you seek to please your Heavenly Eternal Father who Loves you with such Greatest Love,
My Heart swells and I revel in your Love for Me
To receive the Love of My Children is a sweetness like no other.
Joyous am I to receive your Love, for My Own is unconditional.
When you are faith-filled and trust Me absolutely in My Plan for you, I am pleased by your faith.
Do not allow despondence to bring doubt into your hearts.
My Will for My Belovéd Children is like the Eternal Parent who seeks always to protect the child.
I want to fortify My Children, protect them, show them Love, let them know only joy.
Belovéd Children, walk in the path that My Greatest Love has set before you.
I give you good gifts and My Heart swells by your trust.
When you wander, your journey is bound by great wells and stout mountains that make for hard teachers.
Oh Dearest Children, the work I give you is light and My Love is not a burden.
Merely Love Me with all of your heart and Love your brothers and sisters dearly.
Do not use wealth, position or other temptations to bring darkness into their lives.
Do not be envious of your sisters and brothers.
Rejoice in the success of your brothers and sisters.
Surely they are blessed, but their faith and the trust they have for Me is very different from your own.
Would you envy your brothers and sisters with riches and mansion knowing that tomorrow their only son would fall ill
and their home were to burn and be lost to flames?
Do not succumb to envy and jealousy.
It is a base sin.
Do not judge your sisters and brothers.
I have said this often, for it is an important piece or thing or sin or action to remember.
When you judge your sisters and your brothers, you do such a grave thing.
You add to your own sins those that belong to whom you have judged.
You insult Me, your Lord God – judgment is My Position only,
for who deigns to be perfect in this clarity enough to judge but that who is perfection?
When you judge your brothers and sisters, I judge you with the same heavy hand!
And when you judge those who I have created in My Own Image, you judge Me for My Work.
And who is arrogant enough to say this but the ignorant and the arrogant – those in most danger of losing their souls.
Thus, do not judge your brothers and sisters.
Do not seek out ways to deceive your brothers and sisters.
Do not (remove or tax or cheat others) out of more than what is your just due.
Do not scorn your brothers or sisters or bring them low.
Instead treat each brother and sister with a kindness and generosity that reeks of the fragrance of Heaven!
Show your brothers and sisters great Love.
Invite the lowly to your table.
Do not give scraps to the poor, but give them the best cuts and articles that they may feel prized and valued.
Pray for each brother and sister you encounter.
Do not fall or lapse into the realm of hatred or peevishness.
Start with Love and there is no room for hate.
Spread love by your example and be sure that by your inner light, My Children will be drawn to you.
Oh Beautiful and Young Children, pray often and deeply, (those who are new to a relationship with God)
for there is so much more that you must do and time is short – so very short.
Do not wait until the night falls and all is quiet to secure yourself.
Prepare your home against thieves while you still have light to see any sneaking upon your land.
Just as you cannot wait to prepare for that which comes.
Pray, Children!
That is how you best prepare.
Prayer is the answer to all that you see.
Always remember that I hear and answer your prayers even as the World is in the state of chaos.
Know I am ever with you, Loving you and filling you with hope and joy and all things good.
Look to Me always when your heart is heavy and your burdens too large to carry.
Call and I am there to bear the brunt of your load.
Trust in Me, Belovéd Children, and all of your fears are eliminated.
Trust in Me and your concerns turn into joy.
Trust in Me and give your life over to the One God who Loves His Children,
and I shall welcome you into My Loving arms.
I give My Children good gifts.
Worship My Son, the Lord Jesus Christ.
His glory is boundless.
He is the Christ.
He is My Son.
He is the Sacrificial Lamb who has saved you from eternal damnation.
Worship Him Children and give Him grace.
Belovéd Children, I give you peace.
My peace is yours to grow your faith in Me.
Your trust in Me will fill your heart with an even greater understanding of life and Love and life everlasting.
Dearest Children, there is much about which you must pray.
Pray that corruption wanes around the World.
Pray for those who are stricken by what they have heard or learned.
Pray for peace.
Pray for Israel.
Pray for the Little Flowers.
Pray for mild seasons.
And for the nuns who seek to change the tasks I have set forth for My Disciples.
Let the fire not extend beyond the tall walls of the pit.
Pray that the fired edges back.
It pulls so many in.
Pray for the priests who say the Masses and for more confessors.
Pray, Children, pray.
Peace Children.
I give you My Peace.
As always, My Peace is with you.
Peace, Child.
Peace. Peace.
Tuesday, November 5, 2013 12:37 – 1:24 pm
Dear Lord, I do hear You and with Your help to make me strong enough to endure what comes, I accept the job, Your Will. (gulp)
Glorify the King who is My Son, Jesus the Christ.
See Him in His Glory!
His Divine Mercy calls out to each of you so openly and largely.
Why do you not hear?
Why do you not see?
Children, this World is a saddened place and lacks a joy that was meant for it and all of My Creatures within it.
My Children, you are Belovéd and I call each of you to Me.
But you do not respond.
You are not responding.
Your souls exist like shells and they are filled with sins that make them so dark.
Please Belovéd Children, step out of this darkness and redeem your souls.
Come to Me for Mercy.
See the Merciful Heart and the Blood that has been poured out for you!
Pray, Belovéd Children.
Pray for these Children who live and play in darkness.
This brings them My Light and when they glimpse it, they are brought closer to Me.
Without prayer, their souls become darker still.
Oh Woeful Children, My Heart collapses in despair to see your souls thus.
If you knew.
If you saw the danger and the “ill-health” or illness you are submitting yourselves to,
how you would howl and pull your hair from your very head.
Children, you are meant for Love.
Love is meant for you.
You are meant for Me and I am meant for you, for I am Love.
What do you shrink back from Me?
Why do you run from the One who saves you?
Dearest Children, you must believe that just as there is day and night, so is there Heaven and hell.
I give you My Great Mercy when you ask at every moment.
I give it to you even when you sin.
I give it to you when you fall to your knees in atonement and fear.
When you lay dying and in doubt of your redemption,
I place My Hand upon your brow and with deep Love and joy, I grant you My Mercy.
Merely ask, and it is yours.
Bring your sorrow to Me and I forgive and heal you.
Dearest Children, when you live in darkness and disbelieve in My Love;
when you deny Me and see only the World before you and live by its rules
and by its standards and forego on My Mercy and Love,
it is breaking My Eternal Heart.
I send My Angels to you to show you My Love.
Many signs and messengers will try to dissuade you.
If by your logic your heart is unconvinced, there can be little chance for you.
You must love Me with all of your Heart and all of your mind and all of your being.
When you do not, Heaven does not exist for you.
And yet it is here, as is hell.
And I do not want any of My Children to fall.
I do every thing to keep you away from falling because you also are My Belovéd Children, even in your ignorance.
Wondrous and Devout Children, you shall know the joy of Heaven.
By your grace and Love for your Lord Jesus the Christ you will have gained access to Life everlasting.
We have heard your prayers and we have reveled in your devotion.
Precious Children, be not afraid of Time.
My Plan for the Children I Love so Dearly is good.
What parent seeks to bring harm to his Belovéd Children.
And how much more Loving and affectionate is your Belovéd and Eternal Father?
Oh Dearest and Belovéd Children, prepare your own selves, for the master comes but you will not know the day or hour.
You must be prepared like the good servant who has readied the house to welcome home his master.
The lamps are alight.
The fireplace is lit for warmth.
Wine is poured and a bed has been prepared.
Do not be the lax and miscreant servant who has spent the days relaxing with folded arms,
allowing the wax to wane on candles
and the wine to turn to vinegar.
Do not be he who has chopped no wood for the fire and has no bed for his master.
For who will the master praise and commend and reward?
The servant who was prepared or the one who was lax?
Do not be the man who leaves off prayer today in order to work because he believes he will pray tomorrow.
Do not be the man who disregards God the Father in exchange or in favor of gold and wealth and fame and position.
When My Hand comes to you and you face your Holy and Eternal Judge, what shall you say then?
How will you work or suffer to use your old and position?
I am first in all things.
Pray today and every day.
I may take you at any hour and ask for your account of life.
Be joyful when I see you and be prepared to rejoice and say, My Lord, I have prayed to you always.
You have heard my prayers.
Devoted Children, pray for those who die this year and in the five years to come, for so very many die unprepared.
Your prayers are so very strong and their souls are saved by them and they are ever thankful.
Pray for the wicked, for they must change and turn away from their perversity and murder and illness.
Pray for mothers who struggle with life.
Pray for the abandoned.
Pray for prisoners.
Pray for the outcasts of this World.
Pray that storms will be gentle and waters shallow.
Pray for her, for her task is heavy.
Pray for those who grow old. No one cares for them now.
Blesséd are the Children of war.
Their suffering saves them.
Belovéd Children, the World falters.
Pray, Dear Children.
I take you into My Heart, My Belovéd Children and give you My Peace.
Peace, Belovéd Children.
Peace. Peace.
Dear Lord, I do hear You and with Your help to make me strong enough to endure what comes, I accept the job, Your Will. (gulp)
Glorify the King who is My Son, Jesus the Christ.
See Him in His Glory!
His Divine Mercy calls out to each of you so openly and largely.
Why do you not hear?
Why do you not see?
Children, this World is a saddened place and lacks a joy that was meant for it and all of My Creatures within it.
My Children, you are Belovéd and I call each of you to Me.
But you do not respond.
You are not responding.
Your souls exist like shells and they are filled with sins that make them so dark.
Please Belovéd Children, step out of this darkness and redeem your souls.
Come to Me for Mercy.
See the Merciful Heart and the Blood that has been poured out for you!
Pray, Belovéd Children.
Pray for these Children who live and play in darkness.
This brings them My Light and when they glimpse it, they are brought closer to Me.
Without prayer, their souls become darker still.
Oh Woeful Children, My Heart collapses in despair to see your souls thus.
If you knew.
If you saw the danger and the “ill-health” or illness you are submitting yourselves to,
how you would howl and pull your hair from your very head.
Children, you are meant for Love.
Love is meant for you.
You are meant for Me and I am meant for you, for I am Love.
What do you shrink back from Me?
Why do you run from the One who saves you?
Dearest Children, you must believe that just as there is day and night, so is there Heaven and hell.
I give you My Great Mercy when you ask at every moment.
I give it to you even when you sin.
I give it to you when you fall to your knees in atonement and fear.
When you lay dying and in doubt of your redemption,
I place My Hand upon your brow and with deep Love and joy, I grant you My Mercy.
Merely ask, and it is yours.
Bring your sorrow to Me and I forgive and heal you.
Dearest Children, when you live in darkness and disbelieve in My Love;
when you deny Me and see only the World before you and live by its rules
and by its standards and forego on My Mercy and Love,
it is breaking My Eternal Heart.
I send My Angels to you to show you My Love.
Many signs and messengers will try to dissuade you.
If by your logic your heart is unconvinced, there can be little chance for you.
You must love Me with all of your Heart and all of your mind and all of your being.
When you do not, Heaven does not exist for you.
And yet it is here, as is hell.
And I do not want any of My Children to fall.
I do every thing to keep you away from falling because you also are My Belovéd Children, even in your ignorance.
Wondrous and Devout Children, you shall know the joy of Heaven.
By your grace and Love for your Lord Jesus the Christ you will have gained access to Life everlasting.
We have heard your prayers and we have reveled in your devotion.
Precious Children, be not afraid of Time.
My Plan for the Children I Love so Dearly is good.
What parent seeks to bring harm to his Belovéd Children.
And how much more Loving and affectionate is your Belovéd and Eternal Father?
Oh Dearest and Belovéd Children, prepare your own selves, for the master comes but you will not know the day or hour.
You must be prepared like the good servant who has readied the house to welcome home his master.
The lamps are alight.
The fireplace is lit for warmth.
Wine is poured and a bed has been prepared.
Do not be the lax and miscreant servant who has spent the days relaxing with folded arms,
allowing the wax to wane on candles
and the wine to turn to vinegar.
Do not be he who has chopped no wood for the fire and has no bed for his master.
For who will the master praise and commend and reward?
The servant who was prepared or the one who was lax?
Do not be the man who leaves off prayer today in order to work because he believes he will pray tomorrow.
Do not be the man who disregards God the Father in exchange or in favor of gold and wealth and fame and position.
When My Hand comes to you and you face your Holy and Eternal Judge, what shall you say then?
How will you work or suffer to use your old and position?
I am first in all things.
Pray today and every day.
I may take you at any hour and ask for your account of life.
Be joyful when I see you and be prepared to rejoice and say, My Lord, I have prayed to you always.
You have heard my prayers.
Devoted Children, pray for those who die this year and in the five years to come, for so very many die unprepared.
Your prayers are so very strong and their souls are saved by them and they are ever thankful.
Pray for the wicked, for they must change and turn away from their perversity and murder and illness.
Pray for mothers who struggle with life.
Pray for the abandoned.
Pray for prisoners.
Pray for the outcasts of this World.
Pray that storms will be gentle and waters shallow.
Pray for her, for her task is heavy.
Pray for those who grow old. No one cares for them now.
Blesséd are the Children of war.
Their suffering saves them.
Belovéd Children, the World falters.
Pray, Dear Children.
I take you into My Heart, My Belovéd Children and give you My Peace.
Peace, Belovéd Children.
Peace. Peace.
Monday, November 4, 2013 2:20 – 3:06 pm
We lost our dear friend Bonnie today unexpectedly, because He needed her or wanted her with Him. I am unhappy about it because He has made me spoiled. I am selfish with so many blessings, I forget that His gifts are His to give and take.
Peace, Dear Child, for My Will is good and your faith weak.
Know that I am ever with you and you need not fear time.
I see your heart and know your concerns and desires.
My Will is always correct (My) good Child.
It is not for you to question but to trust.
Your Heavenly Father or Parent Loves His Belovéd Children more than you can know.
I pour My Love upon you daily and see to your needs by your prayers.
I watch you when you are foul and sinful and hope for you to confess
that you may partake in the Body and Blood that renews your spirit.
I see when you are joyous and I rejoice in your joy.
I see when you have placed your brothers and sisters above yourself and it gladdens My Heart.
Oh Beautiful and Belovéd Children of Mine, I turn none away as you seek My Light.
I long for each of you to know Me and to seek out My Great Love.
Know the Passion of My Son’s Love for you.
The Lord, Jesus the Christ.
He has redeemed all of mankind that you might see the pearls of Heaven
and enter into its gates and live a life everlasting with the One who Loves and Adores you most and above all.
Do not be fearful of time, Dearest Children.
It is not for you to be fearful but only to be prepared.
To wash your soul of your sins and seek to atone for those things that have offended Me.
My Mercy is for you and My Love is yours.
Do not fear the Eternal Father who Loves you and protects you.
The tree does not disdain the water that keeps it alive, nor the sun that helps it grow.
Why should My Belovéd Children fear their Heavenly Father who is first a Belovéd Parent,
seeking only your wellness and happiness.
Oh Belovéd Children, increase your prayers.
Increase your prayers and know that this appeals to Me.
I am the One True God and when I hear your prayers, it pleases Me and My Heart swells with Greatest Love and joy.
Prayer brings My Angels great joy and they long for your calls.
Children, do not fear your Belovéd and Loving God.
I am ever with you, guiding you as you ask, answering prayers when you call, kissing your brow tenderly as you sleep.
My Breath is gentle upon you and it gives you new life through the blessings of the Holy Spirit.
You are renewed every moment by My Love.
My Love for each of My Children is so great and so specific or unique to each of My Children.
Oh Children of the Sacred Heart, pray, for I hear your prayers
and by your prayers many good things are given to this saddened World.
Children of the Divine and Merciful Heart, continue your prayers.
You save so many as people come to Me for Mercy and know My Love
because you are faithful to your prayers and strong in your prayers.
Your Heavenly Father cannot resist prayers from His devout Children.
I answer your prayers and give you, as My Belovéd Children, blessings and good gifts.
In My Great Love, I do not lead you near darkness.
I lead you only to Light.
I do not give you poison to drink.
I give you good wine.
I do not give you opportunities to play with vipers nor do I introduce you to that which is foul.
Know this to be true.
My Son Jesus the Christ is the Light of this World.
Walk with Him and you walk with Me.
But if you walk towards darkness and all that is base, you walk without Me.
Love My Belovéd Son, Jesus the Lord and King.
Love Him and you Love Your Father. Your Heavenly Father.
We are One with the Spirit and through Us all life is changed.
Love. We are Love and We are. I am.
I have and always will.
Do not try to grasp what is too big for your hands.
It spills over regardless.
Think not of what you do not know but pray and Love and you will later know.
My Love for you, My Belovéd Children, is great.
If you could understand even a little of this, a piece of sand, one star in the sky full of stars,
it would never be enough to fulfill the Love you could understand of My Own for you.
Children, understand Me.
You are precious to Me.
You are My Belovéd Children.
My Love for you has no limits, no boundaries and no conditions.
I am for you, My Children. I am yours.
Belovéd Children, I entreat you to pray.
Pray for this sorely polluted World, for its sins are terrible and grow worse every day.
Pray daily for My Little Flowers.
They are learning too many things in darkness that transgress their souls
and spin them into little versions of large sins.
Do no corrupt My Little Flowers against Me.
I find this particularly offensive and the punishment for such a sin is harsh or not faint.
Pray for the lost; they wander without Light and need help to find their way back to their Belovéd Father.
Pray for them, for they too are worthy of Redemption.
Pray for the soldiers who march upon towns and who do not wish to be there. Their anger is great and volatile.
Pray for the smaller peoples in the East.
Pray for the people who do not seek to lead but lead nonetheless.
Pray for those who die this year for many are unprepared.
Love your sisters and your brothers and cause them no harm.
Be generous in your Love and seek only that which will aid and lift them up.
Bless the Children of this World with My Words, for I Love them dearly and how they must know this.
Peace be to them.
And I say peace, Dear Children.
We lost our dear friend Bonnie today unexpectedly, because He needed her or wanted her with Him. I am unhappy about it because He has made me spoiled. I am selfish with so many blessings, I forget that His gifts are His to give and take.
Peace, Dear Child, for My Will is good and your faith weak.
Know that I am ever with you and you need not fear time.
I see your heart and know your concerns and desires.
My Will is always correct (My) good Child.
It is not for you to question but to trust.
Your Heavenly Father or Parent Loves His Belovéd Children more than you can know.
I pour My Love upon you daily and see to your needs by your prayers.
I watch you when you are foul and sinful and hope for you to confess
that you may partake in the Body and Blood that renews your spirit.
I see when you are joyous and I rejoice in your joy.
I see when you have placed your brothers and sisters above yourself and it gladdens My Heart.
Oh Beautiful and Belovéd Children of Mine, I turn none away as you seek My Light.
I long for each of you to know Me and to seek out My Great Love.
Know the Passion of My Son’s Love for you.
The Lord, Jesus the Christ.
He has redeemed all of mankind that you might see the pearls of Heaven
and enter into its gates and live a life everlasting with the One who Loves and Adores you most and above all.
Do not be fearful of time, Dearest Children.
It is not for you to be fearful but only to be prepared.
To wash your soul of your sins and seek to atone for those things that have offended Me.
My Mercy is for you and My Love is yours.
Do not fear the Eternal Father who Loves you and protects you.
The tree does not disdain the water that keeps it alive, nor the sun that helps it grow.
Why should My Belovéd Children fear their Heavenly Father who is first a Belovéd Parent,
seeking only your wellness and happiness.
Oh Belovéd Children, increase your prayers.
Increase your prayers and know that this appeals to Me.
I am the One True God and when I hear your prayers, it pleases Me and My Heart swells with Greatest Love and joy.
Prayer brings My Angels great joy and they long for your calls.
Children, do not fear your Belovéd and Loving God.
I am ever with you, guiding you as you ask, answering prayers when you call, kissing your brow tenderly as you sleep.
My Breath is gentle upon you and it gives you new life through the blessings of the Holy Spirit.
You are renewed every moment by My Love.
My Love for each of My Children is so great and so specific or unique to each of My Children.
Oh Children of the Sacred Heart, pray, for I hear your prayers
and by your prayers many good things are given to this saddened World.
Children of the Divine and Merciful Heart, continue your prayers.
You save so many as people come to Me for Mercy and know My Love
because you are faithful to your prayers and strong in your prayers.
Your Heavenly Father cannot resist prayers from His devout Children.
I answer your prayers and give you, as My Belovéd Children, blessings and good gifts.
In My Great Love, I do not lead you near darkness.
I lead you only to Light.
I do not give you poison to drink.
I give you good wine.
I do not give you opportunities to play with vipers nor do I introduce you to that which is foul.
Know this to be true.
My Son Jesus the Christ is the Light of this World.
Walk with Him and you walk with Me.
But if you walk towards darkness and all that is base, you walk without Me.
Love My Belovéd Son, Jesus the Lord and King.
Love Him and you Love Your Father. Your Heavenly Father.
We are One with the Spirit and through Us all life is changed.
Love. We are Love and We are. I am.
I have and always will.
Do not try to grasp what is too big for your hands.
It spills over regardless.
Think not of what you do not know but pray and Love and you will later know.
My Love for you, My Belovéd Children, is great.
If you could understand even a little of this, a piece of sand, one star in the sky full of stars,
it would never be enough to fulfill the Love you could understand of My Own for you.
Children, understand Me.
You are precious to Me.
You are My Belovéd Children.
My Love for you has no limits, no boundaries and no conditions.
I am for you, My Children. I am yours.
Belovéd Children, I entreat you to pray.
Pray for this sorely polluted World, for its sins are terrible and grow worse every day.
Pray daily for My Little Flowers.
They are learning too many things in darkness that transgress their souls
and spin them into little versions of large sins.
Do no corrupt My Little Flowers against Me.
I find this particularly offensive and the punishment for such a sin is harsh or not faint.
Pray for the lost; they wander without Light and need help to find their way back to their Belovéd Father.
Pray for them, for they too are worthy of Redemption.
Pray for the soldiers who march upon towns and who do not wish to be there. Their anger is great and volatile.
Pray for the smaller peoples in the East.
Pray for the people who do not seek to lead but lead nonetheless.
Pray for those who die this year for many are unprepared.
Love your sisters and your brothers and cause them no harm.
Be generous in your Love and seek only that which will aid and lift them up.
Bless the Children of this World with My Words, for I Love them dearly and how they must know this.
Peace be to them.
And I say peace, Dear Children.
Saturday, November 2, 2013 12:45 – 1:34 pm
My Belovéd Son, the Lord Jesus Christ, Loves the Children of this unkind World.
He has given His Eternal Life to save each of you regardless of your sins.
The murderer,
the brutal,
the liar,
those who are not forthright,
the adulteress,
the thief, the toxic, the unfaithful.
All sinners He has saved because His Love is infinite and glorious.
Know the grace of forgiveness and unconditional Love, My Belovéd Children.
Oh Dearest Children, do you not know that graces is yours when you come to Me for forgiveness?
Oh My Belovéd Children, I long to embrace you with My Ever-enduring Love.
You are My Belovéd Children and I will never dismiss you or disregard or turn you away.
I welcome you home with open arms!
I set a chair for you next or near to Me so that you might partake in My Feast in Holiness.
I am made joyous by your presence and My Heart swells with satisfaction.
Your Love for Me brings Me such pleasure, My Belovéd Children.
Is it not a small thing to Love your Eternal Father in exchange for all the Blessings and gifts you will receive in return?
Oh Children who wander, return to your Heavenly Father who awaits your return with a hopeful heart and open arms.
I have prepared a feast for you,
hoping as I do always, that you will learn
and recognize My Light and Love for you and quickly return home.
Oh Children, Love My Son, Jesus.
He is your Redeemer.
He is the Christ.
He is the King of Heaven and earth.
Worship Him with glorious words and humble Love.
Worship at His feet and feel the Love and goodness that He is.
My Belovéd Son is Mercy and Love.
He is the New Covenant and through Him you are saved.
Recognize this greatest gift He has given to you.
Praise His name and worship Him faithfully.
Do not take Him or His Greatest Gift of Life for granted.
He is the Most Holy One.
My Belovéd Son is Love.
To Love Him is to Love Me.
We are One with the Spirit and as One We are God.
He is My Belovéd Son as I am His Belovéd Father.
When you Love Me, you are Loving Him.
When you worship My Son, Jesus, you also worship Me.
We are One with the Spirit and the Spirit brings new life and holiness and joy.
Oh Holy Children, never wander from your Eternal Father.
Do not go astray.
How I Love you and want you always with me.
Your prayers are like sweet wine to My Ears and your prayers are heard and I answer each according to My Will.
Love Me always.
When you face the leviathan, I am with you.
Call on Me by your prayers and I strengthen you.
Know I am ever with you, through your pains.
I take your hands and hold you as you weep.
I comfort you in your sorrows and glorify or feel great gladness or satisfaction in your joys and accomplishment.
When I see the goodness as you Love your own children, My Heart swells with Love.
Love the Little Flowers always and gently.
Let them laugh and have their joy.
Accept their Love with joy, for theirs is the purest of all Love and their tongues the purest of all tongues.
Do not corrupt the souls of the Little Flowers.
It brings Me sadness and displeasure
It is a foul thing and a great sin to lead those I Love so dearly away from their Heavenly Father.
[Special message for children. This is said with such love & indulgence! It's beautiful! Share it with kids! It's a love note!]
Oh joyous children, know your Eternal Father adores you and Loves your laughter.
Your joy is My joy.
When you sleep, I am ever by you, watching you, holding your hands.
My Angels smile upon you and Love you as I do.
They run with you as you play and laugh as you laugh.
The angels are almost children themselves and so they love you so well.
Know, My Belovéd Flowers, you are like gold to Me.
You are My Precious and Most Dear Flowers.
Mothers and Fathers, treat your babies, your children, always with Love and be tender to each other.
Children know what Love is and learn Love from you.
Be Loving teachers to them.
Remember the promise you made under My Holy and Loving Eyes.
Know always that I am the center of your Love and My Will is always right.
Know faithfully that I give good gifts to My Children
and trust in Me, your Belovéd Father
who Loves you with such an Eternal and glorious Love, you cannot comprehend such enormity!
[It is an intensity here.]
Dearest Children, have faith in My Love.
I am Love and Mercy.
Always pray and I am always here.
Allow Me to be your Loving Father.
Let Me lead your lives.
My Divinity is your Blessing.
The World is in need of My Mercy.
Such sadness has it brought Me when I have seen the errors and pain and brutality committed,
brothers against brothers against sisters and brothers, fathers, mothers.
This World cannot continue so tragically sinning and turning itself so entirely black with darkness.
The sins I see become more brutal or more terrific or extreme and My Heart breaks to see this.
My Holy Name is plundered.
My Son is no longer worshipped but depicted as evil or degraded or eradicated.
There can no longer be a World that exists thus.
It insults My Holy Eyes and the Sacred Heart weeps.
Desperate Children, pray.
Pray for this World, for it is only by your prayers that the World is saved.
Blessed are those who endure the attacks set upon them in My Name.
They shall find glory in the Kingdom of Heaven.
Deny Me and I will not know you when I am asked.
Call Me and I will be your rock.
Dearest Children, become muscular or strengthened in your prayers.
Your prayer and ability for discernment are essential.
Know this to be so and know that time is short.
The World heals but much destruction comes and even the World is finite or can die.
Prayer is strong.
Pray Children and you will have strength and protection and Love.
Do not fear when your faith is strong and your Love for Me intact.
I am your Heavenly Father.
No one can take from you the new life you have been given.
My Belovéd Son, Jesus the Christ has insured this by His Holy Body and Blood.
Never doubt the depth of My Love for you.
The Leviathan staggers before Me and runs away from those who know and Love Me.
For he knows their strength.
Rest My Children.
For I Love you and want you to have peace in your hearts.
Peace, My Belovéd Children.
Know My Infinite Love and My Peace.
Peace, Children.
Peace. Peace.
My Belovéd Son, the Lord Jesus Christ, Loves the Children of this unkind World.
He has given His Eternal Life to save each of you regardless of your sins.
The murderer,
the brutal,
the liar,
those who are not forthright,
the adulteress,
the thief, the toxic, the unfaithful.
All sinners He has saved because His Love is infinite and glorious.
Know the grace of forgiveness and unconditional Love, My Belovéd Children.
Oh Dearest Children, do you not know that graces is yours when you come to Me for forgiveness?
Oh My Belovéd Children, I long to embrace you with My Ever-enduring Love.
You are My Belovéd Children and I will never dismiss you or disregard or turn you away.
I welcome you home with open arms!
I set a chair for you next or near to Me so that you might partake in My Feast in Holiness.
I am made joyous by your presence and My Heart swells with satisfaction.
Your Love for Me brings Me such pleasure, My Belovéd Children.
Is it not a small thing to Love your Eternal Father in exchange for all the Blessings and gifts you will receive in return?
Oh Children who wander, return to your Heavenly Father who awaits your return with a hopeful heart and open arms.
I have prepared a feast for you,
hoping as I do always, that you will learn
and recognize My Light and Love for you and quickly return home.
Oh Children, Love My Son, Jesus.
He is your Redeemer.
He is the Christ.
He is the King of Heaven and earth.
Worship Him with glorious words and humble Love.
Worship at His feet and feel the Love and goodness that He is.
My Belovéd Son is Mercy and Love.
He is the New Covenant and through Him you are saved.
Recognize this greatest gift He has given to you.
Praise His name and worship Him faithfully.
Do not take Him or His Greatest Gift of Life for granted.
He is the Most Holy One.
My Belovéd Son is Love.
To Love Him is to Love Me.
We are One with the Spirit and as One We are God.
He is My Belovéd Son as I am His Belovéd Father.
When you Love Me, you are Loving Him.
When you worship My Son, Jesus, you also worship Me.
We are One with the Spirit and the Spirit brings new life and holiness and joy.
Oh Holy Children, never wander from your Eternal Father.
Do not go astray.
How I Love you and want you always with me.
Your prayers are like sweet wine to My Ears and your prayers are heard and I answer each according to My Will.
Love Me always.
When you face the leviathan, I am with you.
Call on Me by your prayers and I strengthen you.
Know I am ever with you, through your pains.
I take your hands and hold you as you weep.
I comfort you in your sorrows and glorify or feel great gladness or satisfaction in your joys and accomplishment.
When I see the goodness as you Love your own children, My Heart swells with Love.
Love the Little Flowers always and gently.
Let them laugh and have their joy.
Accept their Love with joy, for theirs is the purest of all Love and their tongues the purest of all tongues.
Do not corrupt the souls of the Little Flowers.
It brings Me sadness and displeasure
It is a foul thing and a great sin to lead those I Love so dearly away from their Heavenly Father.
[Special message for children. This is said with such love & indulgence! It's beautiful! Share it with kids! It's a love note!]
Oh joyous children, know your Eternal Father adores you and Loves your laughter.
Your joy is My joy.
When you sleep, I am ever by you, watching you, holding your hands.
My Angels smile upon you and Love you as I do.
They run with you as you play and laugh as you laugh.
The angels are almost children themselves and so they love you so well.
Know, My Belovéd Flowers, you are like gold to Me.
You are My Precious and Most Dear Flowers.
Mothers and Fathers, treat your babies, your children, always with Love and be tender to each other.
Children know what Love is and learn Love from you.
Be Loving teachers to them.
Remember the promise you made under My Holy and Loving Eyes.
Know always that I am the center of your Love and My Will is always right.
Know faithfully that I give good gifts to My Children
and trust in Me, your Belovéd Father
who Loves you with such an Eternal and glorious Love, you cannot comprehend such enormity!
[It is an intensity here.]
Dearest Children, have faith in My Love.
I am Love and Mercy.
Always pray and I am always here.
Allow Me to be your Loving Father.
Let Me lead your lives.
My Divinity is your Blessing.
The World is in need of My Mercy.
Such sadness has it brought Me when I have seen the errors and pain and brutality committed,
brothers against brothers against sisters and brothers, fathers, mothers.
This World cannot continue so tragically sinning and turning itself so entirely black with darkness.
The sins I see become more brutal or more terrific or extreme and My Heart breaks to see this.
My Holy Name is plundered.
My Son is no longer worshipped but depicted as evil or degraded or eradicated.
There can no longer be a World that exists thus.
It insults My Holy Eyes and the Sacred Heart weeps.
Desperate Children, pray.
Pray for this World, for it is only by your prayers that the World is saved.
Blessed are those who endure the attacks set upon them in My Name.
They shall find glory in the Kingdom of Heaven.
Deny Me and I will not know you when I am asked.
Call Me and I will be your rock.
Dearest Children, become muscular or strengthened in your prayers.
Your prayer and ability for discernment are essential.
Know this to be so and know that time is short.
The World heals but much destruction comes and even the World is finite or can die.
Prayer is strong.
Pray Children and you will have strength and protection and Love.
Do not fear when your faith is strong and your Love for Me intact.
I am your Heavenly Father.
No one can take from you the new life you have been given.
My Belovéd Son, Jesus the Christ has insured this by His Holy Body and Blood.
Never doubt the depth of My Love for you.
The Leviathan staggers before Me and runs away from those who know and Love Me.
For he knows their strength.
Rest My Children.
For I Love you and want you to have peace in your hearts.
Peace, My Belovéd Children.
Know My Infinite Love and My Peace.
Peace, Children.
Peace. Peace.