Correction from January: Originally I had believed "the storm," "the Warning," and "the Chastisement" were three discrete occurrences. I have come to believe that they are two; that the storm and the Warning are one in the same (called "the Hare") and the Chastisement is what was called "the Pig." I am praying for God's guidance and confirmation on this. See the January 30, 2013 entry referencing the storm and the Warning and the March 27th entry below.
Praying for Benedict

Jesus Laughing
Monday, March 04, 2013 11:39 am -12:16pm
On killing the innocent - abortion....
So many millions. Women of the World, do not take this sin lightly.
Come to Me and ask for forgiveness.
Weep at My feet on their behalf.
I forgive and bring you peace,
But first you must come to Me and repent of your sins.
It is a grave sin and it will cost you dearly. The consequences are worse than your actions. They are severe and eternal or perpetual.
Oh Children, I hear your prayers on bright days and revel in your love for Me.
Blessed Children, how happy you make Me with your prayers. Thank you.
Please pray for My Loving Benedict. He needs your prayers. I Love My Benedict.
He is a good and loving servant to Me.
He comes to Me with an open and honest heart.
He sings to Me with his prayers for the World.
He prays and craves peace.
Pray for My Benedict.
Oh World. There are such beautiful pockets of Light.
Today I share My Love or that I am pleased.
People walk happily and enjoy My Blessings.
Bring them to Me. Show them that these things are not random but indeed blessings from their Loving Father/Parent.
Show them I am real. My Love is real. The Word is real. ****
Trust in Me. Give Me that gift and respect, for I am the Lord God and all things come through Me. ****
I am simple. I am Love. How beautiful and simple is Love? Is that not something all can do and understand with an open heart? Love Me simply with an uncomplicated and untroubled heart.
When your love is simple and untouched by doubt, trust comes easily. Belief comes easily. Devotion and happiness come easily. The thrills from My gifts and Miracles come easily and with abundant joy. ****
Pray for My Beloved Benedict. Merely pray for him.
For atheists.
For My Priests.
For My aborted Flowers. Let them not wail ever more.
For peace.
But especially today for My Benedict.
I am your Loving God and will answer Your prayers.
I am your Loving and Celestial Parent.
Know that I am where you are and will be always. ****
Tuesday, March 05, 2013 9:59-10:45 am
Father, Will You give me Your Words so that I can learn?
How happy I am to know you listen to your Loving Parent.
I open doors for you when you follow Me. ****
My heart swells when you ask Your Loving Parent to hold you and help you.
I am your Loving Father and wish only to give you Love and happiness and joyous gifts. ****
Trust in your Parent who knows all and will lead you only to happiness and green fields and warmth.
I send the warmth and safety and reassurances of My Love.
It is a Love that makes you feel safe and protected it does not make you second guess My intentions,
For I am Good.
Do not fall into the trap of being persuaded to think otherwise, though others will try to convince you; will try to make you doubt My abundant Love.
Ask yourself, what have they to gain and what have you to lose by doing so?
They gain a soul for the dark one and you lose My Eternal Love.
What for shall you do this?
Would you trade a pound of gold for a bit of rice?
Or a crumbled beetle? I think not.
You trade a pound of gold for nothing besides what it is worth and My Love is immeasurable and invaluable.
I am with you every day and everywhere.
I am.
Pray for:
Martin’s sister, for Tony, Emilio, Saundra, Reggie, Fernando, Greta, Chauncey, Beto, Margaret, Tino, Margie, Mario, Benjamin, Aidan, Timothy, Jeremy, Lisa, Suzanna, Jessica, Alfred, Lilly, Martha, Rita, Sal (or Sally – male), Jack, James, Frederick (Fred), Barney, Cecilia, Joanie, Maggie, Pedro, Jessica, Sammy, Jackie, Bella, Barbara, John, James, Mark, Edward, Forest, Jake, Cecil, Reagan and/or Meghan, Jessica, Devin, Marcus, Hugo, Sandra, Debbie, Margot, Marie, Maria, Bennie, Barbara, Maria, Danny, Jean Marc, Lucy, Bob, Randall, Ethel, Jimmy, James, William, Padre, Dino, Vincent, the Estrada’s, the DiLongorios, the Petinis, the Logos, the Pietraskis, the Dolares, Roberto, the Vanderbilt’s, the Jameson’s, the Dawson’s, the Smiths, the DiLongo’s, the Manga’s or Mandra’s?, Bethany, Robin, Jose, Fabian, Roy, Ray, Sebastian, the Samson’s, the Singers, the Lockwood’s, Patricia, the Paterson’s, the Redondo’s, the Clontz family, the Bravos, the DiMarcos, the Elanti’s, the Franco’s, the Holloway’s, Jacob, Louie, Pieter, Tammy, Urrutia’s, Vegas, the Williams, the Wente’s, Wilbur, and Gabriel.
Pray for them deeply. Pray for your brothers and sisters with a deep and faithful heart, for I Love you and Love your prayers and answer your prayers. See Me in all things and in all people.
I am everywhere Loving You. ****
Peace. ****
On killing the innocent - abortion....
So many millions. Women of the World, do not take this sin lightly.
Come to Me and ask for forgiveness.
Weep at My feet on their behalf.
I forgive and bring you peace,
But first you must come to Me and repent of your sins.
It is a grave sin and it will cost you dearly. The consequences are worse than your actions. They are severe and eternal or perpetual.
Oh Children, I hear your prayers on bright days and revel in your love for Me.
Blessed Children, how happy you make Me with your prayers. Thank you.
Please pray for My Loving Benedict. He needs your prayers. I Love My Benedict.
He is a good and loving servant to Me.
He comes to Me with an open and honest heart.
He sings to Me with his prayers for the World.
He prays and craves peace.
Pray for My Benedict.
Oh World. There are such beautiful pockets of Light.
Today I share My Love or that I am pleased.
People walk happily and enjoy My Blessings.
Bring them to Me. Show them that these things are not random but indeed blessings from their Loving Father/Parent.
Show them I am real. My Love is real. The Word is real. ****
Trust in Me. Give Me that gift and respect, for I am the Lord God and all things come through Me. ****
I am simple. I am Love. How beautiful and simple is Love? Is that not something all can do and understand with an open heart? Love Me simply with an uncomplicated and untroubled heart.
When your love is simple and untouched by doubt, trust comes easily. Belief comes easily. Devotion and happiness come easily. The thrills from My gifts and Miracles come easily and with abundant joy. ****
Pray for My Beloved Benedict. Merely pray for him.
For atheists.
For My Priests.
For My aborted Flowers. Let them not wail ever more.
For peace.
But especially today for My Benedict.
I am your Loving God and will answer Your prayers.
I am your Loving and Celestial Parent.
Know that I am where you are and will be always. ****
Tuesday, March 05, 2013 9:59-10:45 am
Father, Will You give me Your Words so that I can learn?
How happy I am to know you listen to your Loving Parent.
I open doors for you when you follow Me. ****
My heart swells when you ask Your Loving Parent to hold you and help you.
I am your Loving Father and wish only to give you Love and happiness and joyous gifts. ****
Trust in your Parent who knows all and will lead you only to happiness and green fields and warmth.
I send the warmth and safety and reassurances of My Love.
It is a Love that makes you feel safe and protected it does not make you second guess My intentions,
For I am Good.
Do not fall into the trap of being persuaded to think otherwise, though others will try to convince you; will try to make you doubt My abundant Love.
Ask yourself, what have they to gain and what have you to lose by doing so?
They gain a soul for the dark one and you lose My Eternal Love.
What for shall you do this?
Would you trade a pound of gold for a bit of rice?
Or a crumbled beetle? I think not.
You trade a pound of gold for nothing besides what it is worth and My Love is immeasurable and invaluable.
I am with you every day and everywhere.
I am.
Pray for:
Martin’s sister, for Tony, Emilio, Saundra, Reggie, Fernando, Greta, Chauncey, Beto, Margaret, Tino, Margie, Mario, Benjamin, Aidan, Timothy, Jeremy, Lisa, Suzanna, Jessica, Alfred, Lilly, Martha, Rita, Sal (or Sally – male), Jack, James, Frederick (Fred), Barney, Cecilia, Joanie, Maggie, Pedro, Jessica, Sammy, Jackie, Bella, Barbara, John, James, Mark, Edward, Forest, Jake, Cecil, Reagan and/or Meghan, Jessica, Devin, Marcus, Hugo, Sandra, Debbie, Margot, Marie, Maria, Bennie, Barbara, Maria, Danny, Jean Marc, Lucy, Bob, Randall, Ethel, Jimmy, James, William, Padre, Dino, Vincent, the Estrada’s, the DiLongorios, the Petinis, the Logos, the Pietraskis, the Dolares, Roberto, the Vanderbilt’s, the Jameson’s, the Dawson’s, the Smiths, the DiLongo’s, the Manga’s or Mandra’s?, Bethany, Robin, Jose, Fabian, Roy, Ray, Sebastian, the Samson’s, the Singers, the Lockwood’s, Patricia, the Paterson’s, the Redondo’s, the Clontz family, the Bravos, the DiMarcos, the Elanti’s, the Franco’s, the Holloway’s, Jacob, Louie, Pieter, Tammy, Urrutia’s, Vegas, the Williams, the Wente’s, Wilbur, and Gabriel.
Pray for them deeply. Pray for your brothers and sisters with a deep and faithful heart, for I Love you and Love your prayers and answer your prayers. See Me in all things and in all people.
I am everywhere Loving You. ****
Peace. ****
On Being Prideful

El Toro
Sunday, March 10, 2013 3:06– 4:03 pm
He has given us such a fine and beautiful day. The air is snappy and fresh and the sun is blinding and vibrant. The birds are coming out finally.
I thank You for inviting me in this morning.
I hear your prayers and the prayers of all My Lambs.
Such beautiful prayers.
I bless them. All of them.
My gentle hand rests on each head and grants them peace and happiness and full lives. ****
Much prayer is needed.
My Sundays are always such joys or so joyful. We in Heaven hear and sing/hear the songs of worship.
It is a dance of Love here. ****
Light the Lanterns, Children! It comes! It comes! You cannot hide as it is unleashed now.
You cannot run as it will catch you or encapture you mid-stride.
You must pray. I shall be there to protect you like a good parent. You will see no harm if you pray to your Loving Father. Through Me All things are possible.
I am God who adores My Children. But come to Me now, My Lambs, before you are disciplined.
Why taste the poison when you may drink milk instead.
Honey and milk that will sustain you ****
Pray for Benedict. My Sweet and Beloved Benedict who serves Me so well. So prayerfully.
There is such sourness or bitterness against him.
Pray for him. My Beautiful Benedict.
My faithful Benedict whose eyes look to Me for forgiveness and Love.
Such is his example for this wicked world that hates so much and accuses so much and forgives so little.
Do not judge. That is for Me, Children.
I cannot describe the disaster of that type or manner or sort of pride.
When you are so proud as to judge others in My stead, you risk being brought down to the dirt in the ground.
Your place in Heaven is not assured.
There is no glory or kindness in judgment and accusations.
Where do they put you at the end?
What more do you gain?
Would you make slaves of men?
Would you rip the limbs off your brothers?
Would you favor having your own eyes plucked out in punishment for your own transgressions.
No, I say to thee.
Keep your finger from pointing out.
Place it inward that you might improve upon your own heart or the Love within your own heart.
I Love you when you look to your own garden to adjust the soil and swaddle the primroses accordingly.
For without My Love, you have no Light.
You are in utter darkness. ****
Know how I Love you and do not stop praying. ****
Visit Me at My Table as often as you can.
You are always invited. A chair is always set for you.
Pray. Pray for the atheists and the babies and their lost mothers and My Priests who work so hard.
Pray for peace. Pray for the protection of the children.
Ask My Gentle Mother to look over them. ****
Love Me. Show your love for Me.
Pray. Pray for the World.
Pray for your leader (President Obama)
Many are led to the cliff, over the cliff and to the fire pit.
Because of the zealousness and blindness and pride.
Pray for him. Pray for him.
Pray for Israel.
Pray for those places that are hot now.
When the sun and water come together to exhaust the heart everywhere in the World.
Pray for those peoples.
Always pray.
Do not let this go by the wayside.
Pray the rosary.
One prayed in part is blessed for its intention. We laugh because I often fall asleep before I finish praying.
Pray the rosary for you help others when you do so.
Peace I give you.
Share this peace.
I Love you. Share My Love.
Amen. Amen.
Tuesday, March 12, 2013 3:56 – 4:55 pm
We were talking about people we love and friends of mine and what motivated people to commit suicide...a story about Jesus sticks out in my mind. People are celebrating in Heaven, but He is standing by Heaven's gate looking very sad. Someone comes to Him and asks, "Jesus! What's the matter? We're all celebrating! Join us! Why look so sad?" And He replied, "I was waiting for Judas." It shows how heartbroken He is about His friend.
Father, I understand what you meant about Judas. Whether he fell or committed suicide, it didn’t matter. He died thinking You would never forgive him. I am so sorry…I know how it hurts.
He was lost in his heart as so many become.
Suicide is a draw from the wicked one.
He takes great pleasure in seeing My Beloved Children in such despair.
There is always hope, though. My Love is big and encompasses All.
I hold the hands of those who are dying so that they have every opportunity, all the time issued, to repent.
And many do.
It vexes the dark one. When their souls are not damned.
It brings joy to My Angels and Heaven when this happens.
Oh how We Love when Our Beloved Children repent.
I am always prepared to forgive. Always.
I am not a question but the answer.
Oh Children,
Why do you allow your hearts to die?
I am so proud of our church. I had not realized how involved it was - very community-oriented and busy.
Father, see our parish? Isn’t it wonderful? We are always so happy to be with You. Are there many others like it?
Truly I see its goodness and community and continuity.
There are fine hearts and good souls or spirits amidst you there.
There are some who must let the Holy Spirit in after they have left My Table.
It is not enough to pray on Sunday and slap or steal from your neighbor on the morrow.
My Children should not praise Me and put sweet and precious Words on their tongues,
only to yell or berate your children relentlessly.
You cannot Love Me and not Love your brother. It is contrary to My Will.
Please know that harmony and kindness, generosity of heart is so good and so necessary.
Women are generous with one hand but destroy their generosity with their mouths.
Do not speak ill of your sisters and brothers, My Little Mothers.
There is no good to be gained here.
Be good to your wives.
Be gentle and firm with your love.
Listen to their cares that you both may understand the other and work to harmonize or in harmony
and grow what I have blessed.
Children, pray.
I will help you lead good lives, only pray.
Prayer moves mountains and runs rivers off their course.
Just sisters.
Do not take for granted what I give you.
All of My Love allows you to promote My Forgiveness and Love.
Do not become prideful....
Please do not abandon Me. Do not give into whims.... They are numbered.
Sad Sisters, I Love and adore you. My Faithful prayers, Those who pray - literally.
don’t you realize all things come through Me?
All great gifts of joy and happiness and wellness?
You are like gentle birds and your voices touch so many.
Gather your supplies. Prepare your heart for battle.
Ready your prayers and rosaries. Pray for the World and those you love.
For the Children, that they might not suffer the horror and see the blood and experience
the terror of falling fire.
Will You tell me more of Heaven or other signs?
Heaven has a perfume that is rare as it is old. It is an aroma of Love.
To breathe it in is to restore the heart.
You smell it sometimes unexpectedly, softly.
Are there dogs? (I do ask Him these questions because they are important to me and thus important to Him.)
How can I make one without the other? It is all that you cherish and full of My Love.
It is everlasting.
My Child, where shall I begin?
You have seen it and I have described it.
It is far too much for you right now.
Once there, you will not want to leave. It is joyous. ****
What more? Will You explain the pigs off the cliff? Are they literally pigs? This question is based on something He mentioned with regard to the world and how people were behaving.
See the pigs falling off the cliff, falling and falling and squealing as they tumble down.
One after another.
These are the filthy unrepentant souls of humanity.
They will become so frenzied, all reason will escape them.
People will begin to do unspeakable crimes.
Others will shake their heads and wonder why and how this can happen.
Like Connecticut (Newtown)? All those little children and the teachers?
Worse. Much Worse.
Like Mexico and the violence there?
Worse because it will be widespread and even more frenzied.
Decapitations, genocides, complete erasure of peoples.
Run! Leap away from the fire ****
Come to My Table and join Me at My Feast.
Do not be lazy or unbalanced.
Sleep when it is time to sleep and wake when you must wake.
I want to see you. I want to hear your loving prayers.
Do not betray your Loving Father.
Come to Me and rejoice in My Love.
My peace I give to you. Amen
Thank you for your devotion. Peace.
He has given us such a fine and beautiful day. The air is snappy and fresh and the sun is blinding and vibrant. The birds are coming out finally.
I thank You for inviting me in this morning.
I hear your prayers and the prayers of all My Lambs.
Such beautiful prayers.
I bless them. All of them.
My gentle hand rests on each head and grants them peace and happiness and full lives. ****
Much prayer is needed.
My Sundays are always such joys or so joyful. We in Heaven hear and sing/hear the songs of worship.
It is a dance of Love here. ****
Light the Lanterns, Children! It comes! It comes! You cannot hide as it is unleashed now.
You cannot run as it will catch you or encapture you mid-stride.
You must pray. I shall be there to protect you like a good parent. You will see no harm if you pray to your Loving Father. Through Me All things are possible.
I am God who adores My Children. But come to Me now, My Lambs, before you are disciplined.
Why taste the poison when you may drink milk instead.
Honey and milk that will sustain you ****
Pray for Benedict. My Sweet and Beloved Benedict who serves Me so well. So prayerfully.
There is such sourness or bitterness against him.
Pray for him. My Beautiful Benedict.
My faithful Benedict whose eyes look to Me for forgiveness and Love.
Such is his example for this wicked world that hates so much and accuses so much and forgives so little.
Do not judge. That is for Me, Children.
I cannot describe the disaster of that type or manner or sort of pride.
When you are so proud as to judge others in My stead, you risk being brought down to the dirt in the ground.
Your place in Heaven is not assured.
There is no glory or kindness in judgment and accusations.
Where do they put you at the end?
What more do you gain?
Would you make slaves of men?
Would you rip the limbs off your brothers?
Would you favor having your own eyes plucked out in punishment for your own transgressions.
No, I say to thee.
Keep your finger from pointing out.
Place it inward that you might improve upon your own heart or the Love within your own heart.
I Love you when you look to your own garden to adjust the soil and swaddle the primroses accordingly.
For without My Love, you have no Light.
You are in utter darkness. ****
Know how I Love you and do not stop praying. ****
Visit Me at My Table as often as you can.
You are always invited. A chair is always set for you.
Pray. Pray for the atheists and the babies and their lost mothers and My Priests who work so hard.
Pray for peace. Pray for the protection of the children.
Ask My Gentle Mother to look over them. ****
Love Me. Show your love for Me.
Pray. Pray for the World.
Pray for your leader (President Obama)
Many are led to the cliff, over the cliff and to the fire pit.
Because of the zealousness and blindness and pride.
Pray for him. Pray for him.
Pray for Israel.
Pray for those places that are hot now.
When the sun and water come together to exhaust the heart everywhere in the World.
Pray for those peoples.
Always pray.
Do not let this go by the wayside.
Pray the rosary.
One prayed in part is blessed for its intention. We laugh because I often fall asleep before I finish praying.
Pray the rosary for you help others when you do so.
Peace I give you.
Share this peace.
I Love you. Share My Love.
Amen. Amen.
Tuesday, March 12, 2013 3:56 – 4:55 pm
We were talking about people we love and friends of mine and what motivated people to commit suicide...a story about Jesus sticks out in my mind. People are celebrating in Heaven, but He is standing by Heaven's gate looking very sad. Someone comes to Him and asks, "Jesus! What's the matter? We're all celebrating! Join us! Why look so sad?" And He replied, "I was waiting for Judas." It shows how heartbroken He is about His friend.
Father, I understand what you meant about Judas. Whether he fell or committed suicide, it didn’t matter. He died thinking You would never forgive him. I am so sorry…I know how it hurts.
He was lost in his heart as so many become.
Suicide is a draw from the wicked one.
He takes great pleasure in seeing My Beloved Children in such despair.
There is always hope, though. My Love is big and encompasses All.
I hold the hands of those who are dying so that they have every opportunity, all the time issued, to repent.
And many do.
It vexes the dark one. When their souls are not damned.
It brings joy to My Angels and Heaven when this happens.
Oh how We Love when Our Beloved Children repent.
I am always prepared to forgive. Always.
I am not a question but the answer.
Oh Children,
Why do you allow your hearts to die?
I am so proud of our church. I had not realized how involved it was - very community-oriented and busy.
Father, see our parish? Isn’t it wonderful? We are always so happy to be with You. Are there many others like it?
Truly I see its goodness and community and continuity.
There are fine hearts and good souls or spirits amidst you there.
There are some who must let the Holy Spirit in after they have left My Table.
It is not enough to pray on Sunday and slap or steal from your neighbor on the morrow.
My Children should not praise Me and put sweet and precious Words on their tongues,
only to yell or berate your children relentlessly.
You cannot Love Me and not Love your brother. It is contrary to My Will.
Please know that harmony and kindness, generosity of heart is so good and so necessary.
Women are generous with one hand but destroy their generosity with their mouths.
Do not speak ill of your sisters and brothers, My Little Mothers.
There is no good to be gained here.
Be good to your wives.
Be gentle and firm with your love.
Listen to their cares that you both may understand the other and work to harmonize or in harmony
and grow what I have blessed.
Children, pray.
I will help you lead good lives, only pray.
Prayer moves mountains and runs rivers off their course.
Just sisters.
Do not take for granted what I give you.
All of My Love allows you to promote My Forgiveness and Love.
Do not become prideful....
Please do not abandon Me. Do not give into whims.... They are numbered.
Sad Sisters, I Love and adore you. My Faithful prayers, Those who pray - literally.
don’t you realize all things come through Me?
All great gifts of joy and happiness and wellness?
You are like gentle birds and your voices touch so many.
Gather your supplies. Prepare your heart for battle.
Ready your prayers and rosaries. Pray for the World and those you love.
For the Children, that they might not suffer the horror and see the blood and experience
the terror of falling fire.
Will You tell me more of Heaven or other signs?
Heaven has a perfume that is rare as it is old. It is an aroma of Love.
To breathe it in is to restore the heart.
You smell it sometimes unexpectedly, softly.
Are there dogs? (I do ask Him these questions because they are important to me and thus important to Him.)
How can I make one without the other? It is all that you cherish and full of My Love.
It is everlasting.
My Child, where shall I begin?
You have seen it and I have described it.
It is far too much for you right now.
Once there, you will not want to leave. It is joyous. ****
What more? Will You explain the pigs off the cliff? Are they literally pigs? This question is based on something He mentioned with regard to the world and how people were behaving.
See the pigs falling off the cliff, falling and falling and squealing as they tumble down.
One after another.
These are the filthy unrepentant souls of humanity.
They will become so frenzied, all reason will escape them.
People will begin to do unspeakable crimes.
Others will shake their heads and wonder why and how this can happen.
Like Connecticut (Newtown)? All those little children and the teachers?
Worse. Much Worse.
Like Mexico and the violence there?
Worse because it will be widespread and even more frenzied.
Decapitations, genocides, complete erasure of peoples.
Run! Leap away from the fire ****
Come to My Table and join Me at My Feast.
Do not be lazy or unbalanced.
Sleep when it is time to sleep and wake when you must wake.
I want to see you. I want to hear your loving prayers.
Do not betray your Loving Father.
Come to Me and rejoice in My Love.
My peace I give to you. Amen
Thank you for your devotion. Peace.

Wednesday, March 13, 2013 11:10 am – 12:07
I am still thinking about Judas…especially because he committed suicide. I’m sorry.
What sadness there is in him, not believing that I forgive.
Oh brother, Oh Disciple of Mine.
Oh Child, My Heart is huge or large and can and will forgive all and anything of any of My children.
Why should you believe otherwise.
It does not matter what depth of the betrayal. My Love is greater.
Far greater and My capacity for forgiveness knows no bounds. Do not fear Me.
Do not betray your own heart in your sorrow.
Oh Children,
Come to Me and be white again. There is no cost for coming to Me.
Never think I hold your sins against you when you come to Me in sorrow and with regrets.
Oh Children,
My Great arms are open to welcome you and love you and forgive you.
I do not care what stone you have cast, what humility you have suffered.
Know My Love and how it shall free your heart of these terrible burdens.
I do not like to or wish to see My Beloved Children carrying the yoke of these burdens.
How heavy they are, Dear Children.
You deserve happiness.
Come to Me, Children.
Especially when you believe you have been in too much darkness.
Indeed, I am
And can wash you clean.
Oh Beautiful Children,
You will find such relief and lightness of heart in forgiveness.
It is like a breeze that passes by you and is gone.
Come to Me, Children and find Love.
If you have played in the darkest reaches of the world, I can forgive you and bring you Light and Life.
If you have stolen to serve your addictions, I can make you well.
If you have raped women and pillaged and horrified My Little Ones, surely these things are sins,
But come to Me with regret and great sorrow and repentance in your heart, and I will clean your soul.
I will open My Arms wider and Love You.
If you have killed one man or many, if you have killed your family or the families of many, repent and I shall forgive.
My capacity for forgiveness is unlike what the world is unable to offer.
I have such Love that I am and will and do forgive the least and most of all sins.
You are not less than the man who steals or lies or cheats or commits adultery.
You are not less than the woman who kills her children or those who commit bestiality or roar against Me.
They are no better than breaking My Commandment to obey and respect your loving parents.
Do you not see, My Children?
Do you not understand?
Your judgments are not Mine.
My judgment is My Own and I am just.
Therefore I say to all of you who would judge in My stead, do not judge.
Do not judge for Me. Forgive even in the most difficult times and demonstrations of frenzy and hatred, forgive.
For when you judge and hate, you take on the sins of that whom you would judge.
You shoulder the very sins of the murderer or liar
Or rapist
Or pedophile
Or adulterer
Or thief.
How shall that help you when your judgment comes to pass?
Will you want those trespasses written upon your soul?
It is so difficult but it broadens the heart and I see your efforts and they are good.
I know your sorrows and tribulations.
I know the hurts and weaknesses that sting you.
Forgiveness makes you stronger and more able to face these tribulations.
To hate and blame and point fingers in anger may suit the mind and heart only temporarily,
But hatred causes such damage to the heart and soul.
No healing or Love can come from hatred.
No scores are settled from hatred.
Pain comes from hatred. Anger, evil, wars, destruction, death, suicide.
All of these things are the wicked results of hatred.
If you doubt this, see the World.
Look back to the start of all troubles and the root will always be a deep hatred.
Do not forsake Me Children.
Do not fall into this trap. And I beg of you, most of all, do not fall into self-hatred.
Oh shallow darkness raises its hands to envelop the weak at heart, the self loathing.
No, Children. Do not hate what I have created. No matter what your sin, come to Me and I will show you Light.
Do not ever hate yourself. That leads only to the darkest forms of trouble.
Please, Children,
Know My Words are true.
I Love You unconditionally.
I am with you when you lay sick in a puddle of your own refuse on the street.
I am with you in your mistakes driving.
I am with you when you have fought viciously with someone you love.
I am with you when your passion takes another life.
I am with you when you divorce.
I am with you as you abuse your own children in your love for chemicals.
Do you not see?
My Hand is always there to pull you up.
I am merely waiting for you to come to Me so we can wash you clean with My Love and Light.
Then We can rejoice.
Remember Judas. He died doubting My Love. Oh Child of Mine. What sorrow.
My Heart is bleeding for the knowledge of this.
My Judas did not believe My forgiveness could be so large as to forgive him his betrayal.
So it is with so many of My Children.
Do not make that mistake, Children!
Believe in My Eternal Love! I am here for you always.
Trust in Me in your darkest hours. Look to Me when everyone has rejected you.
I am here.
How I Love you. What joys you bring Me with your love. ****
Pray. Pray. Learn.
Understand and pray about what I have said.
You must have a strong and solid foundation if you are to build a strong house.
You do not want your house to sink because your foundation was weak. So pray.
Pray very much, especially for our Judas’s out in the World.
Find them and bring them back into My Light.
Bring them hope.
I send you great Love and peace.
Amen, I say. Amen.
I am still thinking about Judas…especially because he committed suicide. I’m sorry.
What sadness there is in him, not believing that I forgive.
Oh brother, Oh Disciple of Mine.
Oh Child, My Heart is huge or large and can and will forgive all and anything of any of My children.
Why should you believe otherwise.
It does not matter what depth of the betrayal. My Love is greater.
Far greater and My capacity for forgiveness knows no bounds. Do not fear Me.
Do not betray your own heart in your sorrow.
Oh Children,
Come to Me and be white again. There is no cost for coming to Me.
Never think I hold your sins against you when you come to Me in sorrow and with regrets.
Oh Children,
My Great arms are open to welcome you and love you and forgive you.
I do not care what stone you have cast, what humility you have suffered.
Know My Love and how it shall free your heart of these terrible burdens.
I do not like to or wish to see My Beloved Children carrying the yoke of these burdens.
How heavy they are, Dear Children.
You deserve happiness.
Come to Me, Children.
Especially when you believe you have been in too much darkness.
Indeed, I am
And can wash you clean.
Oh Beautiful Children,
You will find such relief and lightness of heart in forgiveness.
It is like a breeze that passes by you and is gone.
Come to Me, Children and find Love.
If you have played in the darkest reaches of the world, I can forgive you and bring you Light and Life.
If you have stolen to serve your addictions, I can make you well.
If you have raped women and pillaged and horrified My Little Ones, surely these things are sins,
But come to Me with regret and great sorrow and repentance in your heart, and I will clean your soul.
I will open My Arms wider and Love You.
If you have killed one man or many, if you have killed your family or the families of many, repent and I shall forgive.
My capacity for forgiveness is unlike what the world is unable to offer.
I have such Love that I am and will and do forgive the least and most of all sins.
You are not less than the man who steals or lies or cheats or commits adultery.
You are not less than the woman who kills her children or those who commit bestiality or roar against Me.
They are no better than breaking My Commandment to obey and respect your loving parents.
Do you not see, My Children?
Do you not understand?
Your judgments are not Mine.
My judgment is My Own and I am just.
Therefore I say to all of you who would judge in My stead, do not judge.
Do not judge for Me. Forgive even in the most difficult times and demonstrations of frenzy and hatred, forgive.
For when you judge and hate, you take on the sins of that whom you would judge.
You shoulder the very sins of the murderer or liar
Or rapist
Or pedophile
Or adulterer
Or thief.
How shall that help you when your judgment comes to pass?
Will you want those trespasses written upon your soul?
It is so difficult but it broadens the heart and I see your efforts and they are good.
I know your sorrows and tribulations.
I know the hurts and weaknesses that sting you.
Forgiveness makes you stronger and more able to face these tribulations.
To hate and blame and point fingers in anger may suit the mind and heart only temporarily,
But hatred causes such damage to the heart and soul.
No healing or Love can come from hatred.
No scores are settled from hatred.
Pain comes from hatred. Anger, evil, wars, destruction, death, suicide.
All of these things are the wicked results of hatred.
If you doubt this, see the World.
Look back to the start of all troubles and the root will always be a deep hatred.
Do not forsake Me Children.
Do not fall into this trap. And I beg of you, most of all, do not fall into self-hatred.
Oh shallow darkness raises its hands to envelop the weak at heart, the self loathing.
No, Children. Do not hate what I have created. No matter what your sin, come to Me and I will show you Light.
Do not ever hate yourself. That leads only to the darkest forms of trouble.
Please, Children,
Know My Words are true.
I Love You unconditionally.
I am with you when you lay sick in a puddle of your own refuse on the street.
I am with you in your mistakes driving.
I am with you when you have fought viciously with someone you love.
I am with you when your passion takes another life.
I am with you when you divorce.
I am with you as you abuse your own children in your love for chemicals.
Do you not see?
My Hand is always there to pull you up.
I am merely waiting for you to come to Me so we can wash you clean with My Love and Light.
Then We can rejoice.
Remember Judas. He died doubting My Love. Oh Child of Mine. What sorrow.
My Heart is bleeding for the knowledge of this.
My Judas did not believe My forgiveness could be so large as to forgive him his betrayal.
So it is with so many of My Children.
Do not make that mistake, Children!
Believe in My Eternal Love! I am here for you always.
Trust in Me in your darkest hours. Look to Me when everyone has rejected you.
I am here.
How I Love you. What joys you bring Me with your love. ****
Pray. Pray. Learn.
Understand and pray about what I have said.
You must have a strong and solid foundation if you are to build a strong house.
You do not want your house to sink because your foundation was weak. So pray.
Pray very much, especially for our Judas’s out in the World.
Find them and bring them back into My Light.
Bring them hope.
I send you great Love and peace.
Amen, I say. Amen.
Saturday, March 16, 2013 1:42 – 3:04pm
I am amazed by God’s vocabulary. That He speaks as we do. Even the words “joke” and "cool" are familiar to Him. In the news…we have a new pope – Pope Francis I. He is from Argentina.
So, Father, will You speak with me today? I want so much to hear from You.
Do not believe or stop acting as if time does not matter. For it does. It moves quickly for you.
Humanity never realizes the brevity of life. The fragility of life. ****
Come to My Table. You hear My invitations. ****
And pray or worship. I long to hear your voice praying to Me ****
You must go to Confession. Do not think you are perpetually clean.
You do and think many sins that even you are unaware of.
Pray before you seek reconciliation. Pray that you may identify the most tenable and hurtful of those sins.
**** Pray. ****
Will I ever hear Your “Voice” Voice?
Are My Holy Words not enough or not satisfactory to you?
My voice is Love.
You hear Me all the time. In the morning sounds, in children speaking, in a good deed done unseen...
My voice is everywhere.
But Your speaking voice? (I always figured Him for the James Earl Jones voice, of course. Deep, resonant.)
I Am.
I know these things are difficult to grasp,
But I Am.
My voice is thus everywhere, but not as you define it. I am My Voice, My Word, My Cry, My Laughter all manifested in My Love. All of one and one of all.
How about angels? How do they communicate?
Angels speak with their actions and mannerisms and expressions.
They are not “talkative” in the sense that you mean.
My Angels do not need to speak to make their thoughts known.
My Angels are so beautiful. They work so hard for Me.
I sensed a shy shuffling nearby; as if they felt so loved by His compliment. They were so pleased and joyous because of it. It was a very quiet joy but immense. Like when your heart flutters because you have a crush on someone or losing your breath on a steep fall of a roller coaster.
What do they look like though?
My Angels are so varied in their beauty, like each of you.
They take on the characteristics of those they protect. ****
(When I was quite young, someone told me that if I prayed hard enough, God would tell me my guardian angel's name. It's true. His name is Michael. He isn't the Arch Angel. He's my angel.)
I use My Beautiful tools with such joy.
I smile upon you – all of you – as I watch you work and hear your prayers.
How can a Loving Parent turn away from such love and faith and worship. ****
Blessed are the women, My handmaids who work so quietly, smiling, prayerful, like sweet and gentle children in the sun. You are so faithful as you pray to draw your men to Me.
I hear your prayers and see that your motives are pure or good.
I will bring your husbands to their knees and they will beg you so that they may join you in your faithful worship of Me.
Blessed are the women who pray for the men who are lost, for I hear your prayers.
You are faithful and never doubt My Love.
I answer your prayers because of your faith and because I Love My Faithful Daughters.
You care for others so truly.
You have followed My Own Mother’s example.
There is no finer way.
Pray for your sisters who are lost to Me.
Those who have murdered their children are living with a grave sin and must come to Me with sorrow and great regret in their hearts. I long to forgive them.
There is much to forgive.
They must come to Me, though, and recognize their sin.
Pray for those who make these murders possible especially those by their own hands.
By the knife or by a pill, they will have the lives of many children to account for and I will have no pity on their souls as I judge, for the children will bear witness as they watch from over My shoulders.
Pray for the fathers who have taken no stand in this, for they will have to account for their inaction.
That too is a sin. As their babies turned to them in desperation for safety, they turned their backs on their own sons and daughters. there are consequences for these betrayals.
Come to Me with great sorrow and regret in your heart and ask for forgiveness.
I can forgive you, but you must come to Me and recognize your sin, for it is a grave sin.
Murder is not of Me.
Not of a child or adult, not of innocents,
Or convicts.
I do not sanction murder. Life and death are Mine alone to give or take. Blessed is he who follows this Commandment. Truly it is a black scourge on the palms of Humanity.
Take your new life Children and make good use of yourselves. Be good to others. Be kind.
Teach your children to Love and worship the Lord God, Jesus the Christ.
Love thy neighbor as yourself.
Be gentle with your children so they grow to be patient and kind themselves.
Be generous with your blessings.
The riches and health I have given you should be shared.
Worry not of money. Do not cherish it.
I will provide and I will take away. Riches do you no good in death.
Generosity does you well in death.
Choose wisely, for this life is a flicker of time that precedes another and establishes your setting. Do not treat this life as if you were an animal. Only dumb enough to eat, rut and sleep.
You must be kind, generous, loving, gentle, obedient, and above all, faithful to Me, your Loving Parent.
I give My Children good gifts.
Believe in Me and I will watch over you protectively all of your days.
Come to Me and put down your heavy bags and sorrows.
Shift those weights to Me that I may carry them for you.
I am strong and constant. I do not grow weary nor does My Love falter.
Depend on Me.
Lean on My Heart.
Use My Hands to cry into.
Weep and I will wipe your tears.
Tell Me your sorrows and I shall bring you peace.
Do you see, My Children? Do you understand the depth of My Love for you? I am your rock.
Peace be ever with My Children. Pray to Me always, especially in your times of need.
But pray.
Pray for the men.
Pray for the atheists.
Pray for the priests.
Pray for My Benedict. ****
Pray for the Children, especially those who will be aborted this spring.
Pray for those who fight against abortion.
Pray for Pope Francis, for he is good.
Pray for the Children, that they will not be scare or terrified.
Pray for those who believe but do not believe all.
Pray that the world repents of its evil.
Pray for peace in the world.
Thank you, My Children.
Thank you for your great faith.
Peace to you, My Children.
Amen. Amen.
Tuesday, March 19, 2013 1:47 -2:27 pm
I don’t know how anyone can live a life without God. He’s just so amazing and present. He turned another rosary gold for me while I was praying just because...
For now is the time to start touching many.
Many will not believe.
Disbelievers will make their decision and fail.
Pray for them, for they cannot fail for too long.
Others will read and know My Words are true.
They will take great comfort in My Words
So many beautiful and faithful Children. They are good.
You must all bring more Children to Me that they many know My Love.
Happy are they who are called to be in My Outstretched Arms.
My Love extends and knows no bounds.
It goes beyond the eastern lines and western skies.
It is so large and full, it dwarves the great night skies that sit above you.
Bring those who are lost to My Love back into the fold.
There are so many lost souls looking for an answer but have nowhere to turn.
Give them your hand and Mine. We will celebrate and have great joy.
Speak with lost women. There are so many with so much anger and hurt or sorrow in their souls.
Let them know forgiveness is possible. Peace too is possible.
But they must come through Me.
Sinners, Sinners of the world, every person from all peoples, know Me and know forgiveness.
Feel peace and a Love greater than your hearts can grasp.
A Love that can shut out all fears and hatreds.
Call on Me and ask Me for My aid.
There I will be, with ready hands to build you up and arms wide to hold you and eyes filled with tender love.
Oh World,
While you slander and forsake, My Love is patient and strong.
While you wander and dip your hands in filth and claw for riches that will gain you nothing tomorrow, I pave a road for you that leads to glory that you might one day follow Me and use the path and make your way home.
Your sins can be forgiven.
I am great and I am filled with love for you and I am Love.
See Me and see Love. Call on Me and call on Love.
There is no greater power than I.
Oh Children,
Do not desert Me. Stand beside Me all of your lives. Hold My waiting hand all of your lives.
Love Me all of your lives, for I am God, your loving Father. I give good gifts to My Beloved Children.
I lead you justly on paths that will bring you to Light and joy. Trust in Me.
Oh Children, Beloved Children, do trust in Me. Your faith will be rewarded. Your trust will be rewarded.
I will never fail you. I am incapable of failure.
Love Me with all of your hearts.
Too soon everything will change for this world and surely your faith will be tested.
You must pray and listen to what the Holy Spirit tells your Beloved hearts and pray again for discernment.
Times are going to become difficult. Love Me and I will protect you. Pray and the Holy Spirit will guide you.
You have been warned and time does not stand still.
Tighten your belts and stand firm.
Outsiders without faith or trust come to misguide you.
They will talk and talk and convince many that what is white is black and what is black is white.
Do not follow these liars.
White will always be white as black is always black.
Pray for discernment and the Holy Spirit will touch you.
Fear not but live and pray with your eyes open. Do not follow worldly ways.
Especially now in these days that are so critical for you. ****
Oh Children pray!
I do not want you to be led astray by words;
Words that are vipers dressed as flowers and harmless animals.
He seemed sad that so many people disbelieved.
Don’t be sad. Many love and worship You.
I am blessing all who help you and all who believe and spread My Words.
Amen, I say to you, these are fearsome times
Pray for peace and the children and the atheists and the disciples and My Benedict.
**** Please pray. Peace My Child. Peace, for I Love you very much. Peace. Peace.
Wednesday, March 20, 2013 11:51 am -12:49 pm
At church this morning, I sat on the very last pew and could see the back of the heads of all His morning “regulars.” That is what He has called the folks who attend morning mass during the week. It occurred to me that they look like little puffy silver flakes of snow. Some fluffier and poufy, others small and compact – good packing snow. All scattered around and unique as snowflakes are. I’ve felt so left out and sorrow-filled. No Communion for me until I go to confession. It feels bad. “Lord, I am not worthy to receive you, but only say the Word and I shall be healed.” That has always given me so much comfort, like the story about the woman who says to herself, “If I can only touch a bit of his robe, I know even that little piece of Him will heal me of my illness.” And it does. And Jesus noticed her great faith.
God? Would You like to speak today or no? Your Child waits…
It is not difficult to Love your fellow Man. I have made your hearts capable of such Love. But you have choice as well
True happiness can only come through a loving and deep relationship with your Loving Father, God.
You cannot question this, as it is true. Just as a parent adores his children, so do I adore My Children.
As a mother seeks to protect her children from all dangers, as do I with My all encompassing Love.
Your Father will not fail you.
Trust in Me. Give Me your hearts.
I will hold them carefully, lovingly. No harm shall come to you. No trouble shall be so hard for you to overcome. For I will give you My strength to bear what tribulations you face in this World. ****
Oh Dear Children, how I Love you. Do not be afraid of My Love.
Men, do not hate My Love or be fearful of it.
Your fear and hate is as needless as fearing and hating the sun that warms you
Or the sweet waters that slake your thirst.
These are things that give you life.
Why do you hate that which gives you life?
Oh men of the World, do not fear Me so.
Did I not send My Only Son as man that He might be with you in a way you might understand and thus give you salvation in such a gruesome and painful way that you would understand the extent of His Father’s Love.
Woe are the Men that hate what gives them life.
Their sleep will be filled with dreams of centipedes and the cold;
Their days with hunger and war. Do not betray Me, men. Is it worth your soul to turn Love away?
Would you eat a sour grape instead of the sweetest figs?
Would you chew on the bitter roots of trees or enjoy the fine warm loaves of bread with honey and water to wash it down.
Do not be foolish, men. Wipe away your pride and logic.
My Way is not your way. Take comfort in that and open your heart.
Think and feel with your heart and close your mind to worldliness.
It clouds your understanding and acceptance of Me.
When you are able to do this, your eyes will open to My Love.
Oh Loving Children, I hear your prayers for the World, and I answer them. I give pockets of peace and by your prayers you prevent the wickedness of more wars. I Love your prayers.
I hear when you pray for your families and friends on their behalf and Love your generosity.
My angels listen and sing and add their prayers to yours. They intercede for you as well. My good angels.
So many different and generous prayers. I keep loved ones safe or happy.
I see your tears and want to brush them away.
My Will differs with the ways of this World.
Oh Children,
Continue praying, for I do answer prayers.
Pray that My teachings are not eliminated by this world. Do not let evil annihilate My Words by censoring My Love.
Do not allow the dark one to manipulate people and convince the world that I do not exist.
He is decidedly trying and succeeding.
Where there is poverty, tribulation. Where there are the impoverished, I am loved and worshiped and adored.
I am respected and praised. The poor see and believe in Me and My Works. They have no Worldly riches, but they walk in great faith. I Love their efforts because they understand and have knowledge of sin and do not condone it or compromise with it. Blessed are these creatures, these beautiful Children of Mine, for they will be rich in Heaven.
And those who are rich with gold will have no riches in death. Gold has no worth in death. Nor does silver, nor diamonds, or social standing or haughty behavior. Woe are those who are rich in this life and do not share.
Do not give their hand to their neighbor, for when death comes, they will find My Hand is not outstretched for them.
Such is judgment and death.
Go to My Table. Sit and listen righteously. Hear My Words and My teachers, for they are good and have much to say and you have much to learn. Do not dismiss My Gospel. These things did not occur and become recorded by happenstance or by some act of amusement. Be guided by this and hear My Words. Act upon My Words.
My Son, Jesus the Christ was sacrificed for your sins that I might forgive your transgressions.
Be thankful and worship Him, My only Son.
He sacrificed much.
He gave all for you.
Recognize Him.
Do not betray Him.
Take advantage of His great sacrifice, for He did it for you.
How great is Our Love for you. Even had there been only one of you left in this world or one hundred, one million, or one trillion, still His sacrifice would have been done, to save one life or the trillions.
Such is Our Love.
Glory to You, Lord God.
You are in the final hours, Children. Do not disbelieve this.
Sin has become commonplace and incredible in its depth and breadth.
The things that now occur in this world dwarf whatever happened in the past.
The mass murdering of children with no thought is a staggering and hateful grave sin.
Murder, war, violence, hatred, perversion.
I turn My Face away from it for it reeks of Satan and it sickens My Loving heart.
Children, turn away from sin and come to My Loving heart.
All forgiveness is possible through Me.
Merely come to Me with a sorrowful heart and spirit and you shall be forgiven and saved.
Turn away from perversion. Repent from having murdered your child.
Come to Me, atheists of the world and know My Heavenly Love.
Oh Spirits. Oh Love. Oh Children, gather more to Me.
They must be saved. They must know My Love. Please help them. Pray for them.
Introduce them to My Love. And pray for the world.
Pray for My Loving Benedict, so prayerful and sure.
He is quiet but there in the shadows, persuasive and loving.
Pray for the atheists, for Francis, ****
For the unborn babies, for the children who will be frightened, for your priests,
for those who are so close to the edge of the cliff, the fire licks at their feet, for world peace, **** Pray for peace.
Pray Children.
I Love your prayers.
I hear your prayers.
I answer your prayers.
Peace I say to you.
Amen, I say. Let peace enter your hearts and spread.
Amen. Peace. Peace.
Thursday, March 21, 2013 3:43 – 4:45 pm
God, I guess Your version of time and mine are different. Please help me to know when it counts or when it is necessary to be “Me-Fast” v. “You Fast.” I always move at warp speed. The latter, You-Fast, I suppose, we can say would require an element of patience. Please, just remind me.
**** I will always guide you. Pray, always pray and be still to hear My Guidance. Listen to your heart.
Love the world and My Children.
Provide an example by your love and silence which shows no judgment. ****
Keep your thoughts away from judging as well.
Actions speak even when your mouth does not.
Life for some can be difficult enough without leers and insults of others. Add no more to their burdens. ****
The world must know that it loses more time. Their place here with Me is not assured.
So many take My Love for granted and do not pray.
Others do not believe and still others actively blaspheme against My Love as if for sport.
How or why would they question My Love?
It is everywhere around them, in their health, and family and nature and in the community they seek.
They believe I judge harshly.
They do not understand My Will and the fragility of their souls.
It is an interesting and sad state that some, in their blesséd intelligence or logic, note quite clearly what is around them appreciatively but they cannot imagine what there is around the corner beyond.
They are going to come to that corner where they will turn and face a new reality and then they will understand and soulfully perpetually and with great agony regret their short-sightedness and pride.
Pride is detrimental.
People believe themselves intelligent, all-knowing, careful, unyielding, powerfully rich, inescapable, impervious to dangers of the soul –
Amen, I tell ye, woe are those who play folly with the soul. They will lose it as they play.
Do not doubt Me. Your souls are so fragile. You need My Love to sustain you.
I am Love.
What for would you enjoy death and disease and war?
Why do you want your mothers and sisters raped and your fathers’ goods plundered?
Are you content to have given over your soul to darkness?
Do you not see its price?
Are your eyes blinded and bound?
What truth bewilders your senses that you can believe thus?
Children of the World,
You must stop this worldly philandering. The designs and deceptions you have weaved at the expense of others are like gold idols that you have crafted to worship.
Where are your hearts, Man?
Can you not see the children in pain?
In hunger?
Year after year and country after country.
It goes on as Man eats and drinks gold and silver and cries that he is unfulfilled.
He knows not My Love nor His own love or charity.
It is an insult to My Heart and to Humanity, where there should be no hatred or anger, but only My Love and peace and joy.
While you fail, I beg you, do not fail. There is still time.
I grant you time because I hear the loving and beautiful prayers of so many.
They appeal to My Ever-loving Heart. Their prayer can change the wickedness of the World, and so I give a little more time for those who do not know Me to turn to Me in Love and sorrow and repentance.
For always remember and believe, My Lambs, that My capacity for Forgiveness and Love is insurmountable.
I can forgive you. You only need come to Me in your sorrow and I will embrace you in Love and forgiveness and make you whole.
My prayerful Children are insistent and good. How they work to get My hopes fulfilled.
How I Love them for their efforts. Each day I give them strength and blessings as they glorify My Name.
Sound the trumpets.
They come. ****
Yes, sound the trumpets twice and thrice.
Warn the people. He comes in the guise of peace and prosperity. ****
Take heed. Mind your souls.
He will be careful and difficult to see.
He will be like a thief who prowls at night in the dark corners and out of sight.
He is war, not peace. He is the damned and will take others with him over the cliff into the fire.
You must not follow him or believe him. Many will. Too many will.
And they will support and defend him with their lives and at the expense of their souls.
Trust in My Words. I do not lie and I Love You. I do not send you words to lie or scare you.
I send you words that you will come to know Me better, that you might be safe and joyful and that you help bring others to Me quickly so that they too can live in the Light of My great Love and in safety and peace.
This World is evil and grows more evil still.
Praise your priests for their strength.
They will have it hard soon.
They will not be so loved and so they will soon require great protection.
My Children, the warning, the unspeakable pain, comes. ****
You have diverted a storm but invited mayhem and fright or the diabolical in lieu of it.
I have seen a quick flash and several pairs of red eyes peeking through black holes on a wall or door, blinking and waiting. They felt very menacing as they just blinked. They put dread in my heart.
Come to Me and be protected by My Love.
Oh Children, pray.
Pray for those who do not know Me and those who speak ill of Me and by doing so damn their souls.
Pray for the aborted children who I Love fiercely.
Pray for the women who have not recognized their sin, for they will not be saved.
Pray for those on chemicals who are unable to express love to Me or their families.
Pray for the Children so My Beautiful and Loving Gentle Mother will take them into her all-encompassing arms that they may be safe from all evils and unafraid when the days of retribution come.
Forgive others for what they have done or do to you.
Grant dispensation with love and with a free and open heart.
I will heal all wounds and see that you are good.
But forgive.
How fully does one have to forgive? I mean beyond the 7 times 70 formula...
Forgiveness ought have not limits.
It takes away any inclination or power for you to testify against the person.
It projects love and compassion.
It seeks to kiss their cheek and shrugs at additional pains and hurts as if they are mere raindrops soon dried and gone.
Forgiveness takes great love and weak memories.
Let hate go, and anger and pains and hurt go.
Do not anticipate those pains in that person, in your own actions, or in the actions of others.
For forgiveness is truly a gift.
Like kindness, it is so unexpected, it surprises the heart and fills it with gladness and removes the sadness and sorrow and regret from the soul. It is truly a gift – very few are more precious.
But do not claim forgiveness only to be kind today and a viper tomorrow.
That is a lie and therefore a sin.
Heavier then is your soul, once for the betrayal and once for your lie.
Is there anything else to share?
Where I am, there is light.
Where I am, there is forgiveness.
Where I am, there is peace.
Where I am, there is protection.
Above all else, where I am, there is great Love.
You cannot flounder with this guiding you.
Amen, I say to you, blessed is he who does My Work faithfully. Amen. Amen.
Peace. Peace.
I am amazed by God’s vocabulary. That He speaks as we do. Even the words “joke” and "cool" are familiar to Him. In the news…we have a new pope – Pope Francis I. He is from Argentina.
So, Father, will You speak with me today? I want so much to hear from You.
Do not believe or stop acting as if time does not matter. For it does. It moves quickly for you.
Humanity never realizes the brevity of life. The fragility of life. ****
Come to My Table. You hear My invitations. ****
And pray or worship. I long to hear your voice praying to Me ****
You must go to Confession. Do not think you are perpetually clean.
You do and think many sins that even you are unaware of.
Pray before you seek reconciliation. Pray that you may identify the most tenable and hurtful of those sins.
**** Pray. ****
Will I ever hear Your “Voice” Voice?
Are My Holy Words not enough or not satisfactory to you?
My voice is Love.
You hear Me all the time. In the morning sounds, in children speaking, in a good deed done unseen...
My voice is everywhere.
But Your speaking voice? (I always figured Him for the James Earl Jones voice, of course. Deep, resonant.)
I Am.
I know these things are difficult to grasp,
But I Am.
My voice is thus everywhere, but not as you define it. I am My Voice, My Word, My Cry, My Laughter all manifested in My Love. All of one and one of all.
How about angels? How do they communicate?
Angels speak with their actions and mannerisms and expressions.
They are not “talkative” in the sense that you mean.
My Angels do not need to speak to make their thoughts known.
My Angels are so beautiful. They work so hard for Me.
I sensed a shy shuffling nearby; as if they felt so loved by His compliment. They were so pleased and joyous because of it. It was a very quiet joy but immense. Like when your heart flutters because you have a crush on someone or losing your breath on a steep fall of a roller coaster.
What do they look like though?
My Angels are so varied in their beauty, like each of you.
They take on the characteristics of those they protect. ****
(When I was quite young, someone told me that if I prayed hard enough, God would tell me my guardian angel's name. It's true. His name is Michael. He isn't the Arch Angel. He's my angel.)
I use My Beautiful tools with such joy.
I smile upon you – all of you – as I watch you work and hear your prayers.
How can a Loving Parent turn away from such love and faith and worship. ****
Blessed are the women, My handmaids who work so quietly, smiling, prayerful, like sweet and gentle children in the sun. You are so faithful as you pray to draw your men to Me.
I hear your prayers and see that your motives are pure or good.
I will bring your husbands to their knees and they will beg you so that they may join you in your faithful worship of Me.
Blessed are the women who pray for the men who are lost, for I hear your prayers.
You are faithful and never doubt My Love.
I answer your prayers because of your faith and because I Love My Faithful Daughters.
You care for others so truly.
You have followed My Own Mother’s example.
There is no finer way.
Pray for your sisters who are lost to Me.
Those who have murdered their children are living with a grave sin and must come to Me with sorrow and great regret in their hearts. I long to forgive them.
There is much to forgive.
They must come to Me, though, and recognize their sin.
Pray for those who make these murders possible especially those by their own hands.
By the knife or by a pill, they will have the lives of many children to account for and I will have no pity on their souls as I judge, for the children will bear witness as they watch from over My shoulders.
Pray for the fathers who have taken no stand in this, for they will have to account for their inaction.
That too is a sin. As their babies turned to them in desperation for safety, they turned their backs on their own sons and daughters. there are consequences for these betrayals.
Come to Me with great sorrow and regret in your heart and ask for forgiveness.
I can forgive you, but you must come to Me and recognize your sin, for it is a grave sin.
Murder is not of Me.
Not of a child or adult, not of innocents,
Or convicts.
I do not sanction murder. Life and death are Mine alone to give or take. Blessed is he who follows this Commandment. Truly it is a black scourge on the palms of Humanity.
Take your new life Children and make good use of yourselves. Be good to others. Be kind.
Teach your children to Love and worship the Lord God, Jesus the Christ.
Love thy neighbor as yourself.
Be gentle with your children so they grow to be patient and kind themselves.
Be generous with your blessings.
The riches and health I have given you should be shared.
Worry not of money. Do not cherish it.
I will provide and I will take away. Riches do you no good in death.
Generosity does you well in death.
Choose wisely, for this life is a flicker of time that precedes another and establishes your setting. Do not treat this life as if you were an animal. Only dumb enough to eat, rut and sleep.
You must be kind, generous, loving, gentle, obedient, and above all, faithful to Me, your Loving Parent.
I give My Children good gifts.
Believe in Me and I will watch over you protectively all of your days.
Come to Me and put down your heavy bags and sorrows.
Shift those weights to Me that I may carry them for you.
I am strong and constant. I do not grow weary nor does My Love falter.
Depend on Me.
Lean on My Heart.
Use My Hands to cry into.
Weep and I will wipe your tears.
Tell Me your sorrows and I shall bring you peace.
Do you see, My Children? Do you understand the depth of My Love for you? I am your rock.
Peace be ever with My Children. Pray to Me always, especially in your times of need.
But pray.
Pray for the men.
Pray for the atheists.
Pray for the priests.
Pray for My Benedict. ****
Pray for the Children, especially those who will be aborted this spring.
Pray for those who fight against abortion.
Pray for Pope Francis, for he is good.
Pray for the Children, that they will not be scare or terrified.
Pray for those who believe but do not believe all.
Pray that the world repents of its evil.
Pray for peace in the world.
Thank you, My Children.
Thank you for your great faith.
Peace to you, My Children.
Amen. Amen.
Tuesday, March 19, 2013 1:47 -2:27 pm
I don’t know how anyone can live a life without God. He’s just so amazing and present. He turned another rosary gold for me while I was praying just because...
For now is the time to start touching many.
Many will not believe.
Disbelievers will make their decision and fail.
Pray for them, for they cannot fail for too long.
Others will read and know My Words are true.
They will take great comfort in My Words
So many beautiful and faithful Children. They are good.
You must all bring more Children to Me that they many know My Love.
Happy are they who are called to be in My Outstretched Arms.
My Love extends and knows no bounds.
It goes beyond the eastern lines and western skies.
It is so large and full, it dwarves the great night skies that sit above you.
Bring those who are lost to My Love back into the fold.
There are so many lost souls looking for an answer but have nowhere to turn.
Give them your hand and Mine. We will celebrate and have great joy.
Speak with lost women. There are so many with so much anger and hurt or sorrow in their souls.
Let them know forgiveness is possible. Peace too is possible.
But they must come through Me.
Sinners, Sinners of the world, every person from all peoples, know Me and know forgiveness.
Feel peace and a Love greater than your hearts can grasp.
A Love that can shut out all fears and hatreds.
Call on Me and ask Me for My aid.
There I will be, with ready hands to build you up and arms wide to hold you and eyes filled with tender love.
Oh World,
While you slander and forsake, My Love is patient and strong.
While you wander and dip your hands in filth and claw for riches that will gain you nothing tomorrow, I pave a road for you that leads to glory that you might one day follow Me and use the path and make your way home.
Your sins can be forgiven.
I am great and I am filled with love for you and I am Love.
See Me and see Love. Call on Me and call on Love.
There is no greater power than I.
Oh Children,
Do not desert Me. Stand beside Me all of your lives. Hold My waiting hand all of your lives.
Love Me all of your lives, for I am God, your loving Father. I give good gifts to My Beloved Children.
I lead you justly on paths that will bring you to Light and joy. Trust in Me.
Oh Children, Beloved Children, do trust in Me. Your faith will be rewarded. Your trust will be rewarded.
I will never fail you. I am incapable of failure.
Love Me with all of your hearts.
Too soon everything will change for this world and surely your faith will be tested.
You must pray and listen to what the Holy Spirit tells your Beloved hearts and pray again for discernment.
Times are going to become difficult. Love Me and I will protect you. Pray and the Holy Spirit will guide you.
You have been warned and time does not stand still.
Tighten your belts and stand firm.
Outsiders without faith or trust come to misguide you.
They will talk and talk and convince many that what is white is black and what is black is white.
Do not follow these liars.
White will always be white as black is always black.
Pray for discernment and the Holy Spirit will touch you.
Fear not but live and pray with your eyes open. Do not follow worldly ways.
Especially now in these days that are so critical for you. ****
Oh Children pray!
I do not want you to be led astray by words;
Words that are vipers dressed as flowers and harmless animals.
He seemed sad that so many people disbelieved.
Don’t be sad. Many love and worship You.
I am blessing all who help you and all who believe and spread My Words.
Amen, I say to you, these are fearsome times
Pray for peace and the children and the atheists and the disciples and My Benedict.
**** Please pray. Peace My Child. Peace, for I Love you very much. Peace. Peace.
Wednesday, March 20, 2013 11:51 am -12:49 pm
At church this morning, I sat on the very last pew and could see the back of the heads of all His morning “regulars.” That is what He has called the folks who attend morning mass during the week. It occurred to me that they look like little puffy silver flakes of snow. Some fluffier and poufy, others small and compact – good packing snow. All scattered around and unique as snowflakes are. I’ve felt so left out and sorrow-filled. No Communion for me until I go to confession. It feels bad. “Lord, I am not worthy to receive you, but only say the Word and I shall be healed.” That has always given me so much comfort, like the story about the woman who says to herself, “If I can only touch a bit of his robe, I know even that little piece of Him will heal me of my illness.” And it does. And Jesus noticed her great faith.
God? Would You like to speak today or no? Your Child waits…
It is not difficult to Love your fellow Man. I have made your hearts capable of such Love. But you have choice as well
True happiness can only come through a loving and deep relationship with your Loving Father, God.
You cannot question this, as it is true. Just as a parent adores his children, so do I adore My Children.
As a mother seeks to protect her children from all dangers, as do I with My all encompassing Love.
Your Father will not fail you.
Trust in Me. Give Me your hearts.
I will hold them carefully, lovingly. No harm shall come to you. No trouble shall be so hard for you to overcome. For I will give you My strength to bear what tribulations you face in this World. ****
Oh Dear Children, how I Love you. Do not be afraid of My Love.
Men, do not hate My Love or be fearful of it.
Your fear and hate is as needless as fearing and hating the sun that warms you
Or the sweet waters that slake your thirst.
These are things that give you life.
Why do you hate that which gives you life?
Oh men of the World, do not fear Me so.
Did I not send My Only Son as man that He might be with you in a way you might understand and thus give you salvation in such a gruesome and painful way that you would understand the extent of His Father’s Love.
Woe are the Men that hate what gives them life.
Their sleep will be filled with dreams of centipedes and the cold;
Their days with hunger and war. Do not betray Me, men. Is it worth your soul to turn Love away?
Would you eat a sour grape instead of the sweetest figs?
Would you chew on the bitter roots of trees or enjoy the fine warm loaves of bread with honey and water to wash it down.
Do not be foolish, men. Wipe away your pride and logic.
My Way is not your way. Take comfort in that and open your heart.
Think and feel with your heart and close your mind to worldliness.
It clouds your understanding and acceptance of Me.
When you are able to do this, your eyes will open to My Love.
Oh Loving Children, I hear your prayers for the World, and I answer them. I give pockets of peace and by your prayers you prevent the wickedness of more wars. I Love your prayers.
I hear when you pray for your families and friends on their behalf and Love your generosity.
My angels listen and sing and add their prayers to yours. They intercede for you as well. My good angels.
So many different and generous prayers. I keep loved ones safe or happy.
I see your tears and want to brush them away.
My Will differs with the ways of this World.
Oh Children,
Continue praying, for I do answer prayers.
Pray that My teachings are not eliminated by this world. Do not let evil annihilate My Words by censoring My Love.
Do not allow the dark one to manipulate people and convince the world that I do not exist.
He is decidedly trying and succeeding.
Where there is poverty, tribulation. Where there are the impoverished, I am loved and worshiped and adored.
I am respected and praised. The poor see and believe in Me and My Works. They have no Worldly riches, but they walk in great faith. I Love their efforts because they understand and have knowledge of sin and do not condone it or compromise with it. Blessed are these creatures, these beautiful Children of Mine, for they will be rich in Heaven.
And those who are rich with gold will have no riches in death. Gold has no worth in death. Nor does silver, nor diamonds, or social standing or haughty behavior. Woe are those who are rich in this life and do not share.
Do not give their hand to their neighbor, for when death comes, they will find My Hand is not outstretched for them.
Such is judgment and death.
Go to My Table. Sit and listen righteously. Hear My Words and My teachers, for they are good and have much to say and you have much to learn. Do not dismiss My Gospel. These things did not occur and become recorded by happenstance or by some act of amusement. Be guided by this and hear My Words. Act upon My Words.
My Son, Jesus the Christ was sacrificed for your sins that I might forgive your transgressions.
Be thankful and worship Him, My only Son.
He sacrificed much.
He gave all for you.
Recognize Him.
Do not betray Him.
Take advantage of His great sacrifice, for He did it for you.
How great is Our Love for you. Even had there been only one of you left in this world or one hundred, one million, or one trillion, still His sacrifice would have been done, to save one life or the trillions.
Such is Our Love.
Glory to You, Lord God.
You are in the final hours, Children. Do not disbelieve this.
Sin has become commonplace and incredible in its depth and breadth.
The things that now occur in this world dwarf whatever happened in the past.
The mass murdering of children with no thought is a staggering and hateful grave sin.
Murder, war, violence, hatred, perversion.
I turn My Face away from it for it reeks of Satan and it sickens My Loving heart.
Children, turn away from sin and come to My Loving heart.
All forgiveness is possible through Me.
Merely come to Me with a sorrowful heart and spirit and you shall be forgiven and saved.
Turn away from perversion. Repent from having murdered your child.
Come to Me, atheists of the world and know My Heavenly Love.
Oh Spirits. Oh Love. Oh Children, gather more to Me.
They must be saved. They must know My Love. Please help them. Pray for them.
Introduce them to My Love. And pray for the world.
Pray for My Loving Benedict, so prayerful and sure.
He is quiet but there in the shadows, persuasive and loving.
Pray for the atheists, for Francis, ****
For the unborn babies, for the children who will be frightened, for your priests,
for those who are so close to the edge of the cliff, the fire licks at their feet, for world peace, **** Pray for peace.
Pray Children.
I Love your prayers.
I hear your prayers.
I answer your prayers.
Peace I say to you.
Amen, I say. Let peace enter your hearts and spread.
Amen. Peace. Peace.
Thursday, March 21, 2013 3:43 – 4:45 pm
God, I guess Your version of time and mine are different. Please help me to know when it counts or when it is necessary to be “Me-Fast” v. “You Fast.” I always move at warp speed. The latter, You-Fast, I suppose, we can say would require an element of patience. Please, just remind me.
**** I will always guide you. Pray, always pray and be still to hear My Guidance. Listen to your heart.
Love the world and My Children.
Provide an example by your love and silence which shows no judgment. ****
Keep your thoughts away from judging as well.
Actions speak even when your mouth does not.
Life for some can be difficult enough without leers and insults of others. Add no more to their burdens. ****
The world must know that it loses more time. Their place here with Me is not assured.
So many take My Love for granted and do not pray.
Others do not believe and still others actively blaspheme against My Love as if for sport.
How or why would they question My Love?
It is everywhere around them, in their health, and family and nature and in the community they seek.
They believe I judge harshly.
They do not understand My Will and the fragility of their souls.
It is an interesting and sad state that some, in their blesséd intelligence or logic, note quite clearly what is around them appreciatively but they cannot imagine what there is around the corner beyond.
They are going to come to that corner where they will turn and face a new reality and then they will understand and soulfully perpetually and with great agony regret their short-sightedness and pride.
Pride is detrimental.
People believe themselves intelligent, all-knowing, careful, unyielding, powerfully rich, inescapable, impervious to dangers of the soul –
Amen, I tell ye, woe are those who play folly with the soul. They will lose it as they play.
Do not doubt Me. Your souls are so fragile. You need My Love to sustain you.
I am Love.
What for would you enjoy death and disease and war?
Why do you want your mothers and sisters raped and your fathers’ goods plundered?
Are you content to have given over your soul to darkness?
Do you not see its price?
Are your eyes blinded and bound?
What truth bewilders your senses that you can believe thus?
Children of the World,
You must stop this worldly philandering. The designs and deceptions you have weaved at the expense of others are like gold idols that you have crafted to worship.
Where are your hearts, Man?
Can you not see the children in pain?
In hunger?
Year after year and country after country.
It goes on as Man eats and drinks gold and silver and cries that he is unfulfilled.
He knows not My Love nor His own love or charity.
It is an insult to My Heart and to Humanity, where there should be no hatred or anger, but only My Love and peace and joy.
While you fail, I beg you, do not fail. There is still time.
I grant you time because I hear the loving and beautiful prayers of so many.
They appeal to My Ever-loving Heart. Their prayer can change the wickedness of the World, and so I give a little more time for those who do not know Me to turn to Me in Love and sorrow and repentance.
For always remember and believe, My Lambs, that My capacity for Forgiveness and Love is insurmountable.
I can forgive you. You only need come to Me in your sorrow and I will embrace you in Love and forgiveness and make you whole.
My prayerful Children are insistent and good. How they work to get My hopes fulfilled.
How I Love them for their efforts. Each day I give them strength and blessings as they glorify My Name.
Sound the trumpets.
They come. ****
Yes, sound the trumpets twice and thrice.
Warn the people. He comes in the guise of peace and prosperity. ****
Take heed. Mind your souls.
He will be careful and difficult to see.
He will be like a thief who prowls at night in the dark corners and out of sight.
He is war, not peace. He is the damned and will take others with him over the cliff into the fire.
You must not follow him or believe him. Many will. Too many will.
And they will support and defend him with their lives and at the expense of their souls.
Trust in My Words. I do not lie and I Love You. I do not send you words to lie or scare you.
I send you words that you will come to know Me better, that you might be safe and joyful and that you help bring others to Me quickly so that they too can live in the Light of My great Love and in safety and peace.
This World is evil and grows more evil still.
Praise your priests for their strength.
They will have it hard soon.
They will not be so loved and so they will soon require great protection.
My Children, the warning, the unspeakable pain, comes. ****
You have diverted a storm but invited mayhem and fright or the diabolical in lieu of it.
I have seen a quick flash and several pairs of red eyes peeking through black holes on a wall or door, blinking and waiting. They felt very menacing as they just blinked. They put dread in my heart.
Come to Me and be protected by My Love.
Oh Children, pray.
Pray for those who do not know Me and those who speak ill of Me and by doing so damn their souls.
Pray for the aborted children who I Love fiercely.
Pray for the women who have not recognized their sin, for they will not be saved.
Pray for those on chemicals who are unable to express love to Me or their families.
Pray for the Children so My Beautiful and Loving Gentle Mother will take them into her all-encompassing arms that they may be safe from all evils and unafraid when the days of retribution come.
Forgive others for what they have done or do to you.
Grant dispensation with love and with a free and open heart.
I will heal all wounds and see that you are good.
But forgive.
How fully does one have to forgive? I mean beyond the 7 times 70 formula...
Forgiveness ought have not limits.
It takes away any inclination or power for you to testify against the person.
It projects love and compassion.
It seeks to kiss their cheek and shrugs at additional pains and hurts as if they are mere raindrops soon dried and gone.
Forgiveness takes great love and weak memories.
Let hate go, and anger and pains and hurt go.
Do not anticipate those pains in that person, in your own actions, or in the actions of others.
For forgiveness is truly a gift.
Like kindness, it is so unexpected, it surprises the heart and fills it with gladness and removes the sadness and sorrow and regret from the soul. It is truly a gift – very few are more precious.
But do not claim forgiveness only to be kind today and a viper tomorrow.
That is a lie and therefore a sin.
Heavier then is your soul, once for the betrayal and once for your lie.
Is there anything else to share?
Where I am, there is light.
Where I am, there is forgiveness.
Where I am, there is peace.
Where I am, there is protection.
Above all else, where I am, there is great Love.
You cannot flounder with this guiding you.
Amen, I say to you, blessed is he who does My Work faithfully. Amen. Amen.
Peace. Peace.

The picture above is of my mother's rosary. She purchased two of the same exact rosaries while in Rome. They were both blessed by His Holiness, Pope Emeritus Benedict. The one in the picture below is the rosary she gave to me. A few weeks ago, it looked just like hers - silver. Now it is gold! Note that hers is still clearly silver. Pretty cool, huh?!
Come to Me, Children of the World. I offer Love, peace, and protection. I offer forgiveness and peace and happiness for your spirit.
Oh welcome sad children with your broken hearts and wounded souls. I will heal you and make you whole.
My Love for you is so great, you cannot measure it. I desire to give you all of My Love. You are unique and beautiful and precious to Me. Please come to Me. Pray and I will answer. Pray and I will heal. Have faith and I will give you good gifts like a Loving Parent. ****
I make nothing but beautiful and perfect creatures. Every one of them is so perfect in every detail. How I Love each one. I spent time creating each one of you. How can I not Love and adore what I have created? ****
Children must pray for peace, for the Flowers’ prayers are the strongest. They are so powerful, My Flowers.
I can resist them nothing! Have them always pray for peace.
Parents, Love your children gently. Do not make murderers of them by keeping their eyes open to gratuitous violence, sexuality, and broken Commandments.
When they see lies or children disrespecting their own mothers and fathers, when they see theft or murder, when they hear My name spoken in vain, blasphemed, when they see hatred all for the sake of entertainment, they learn that these things are acceptable.
They grow to believe that lies and idolatry and murder are a part of life that are acceptable. This is not true.
Do not let them compromise with sin! They must learn to love.
Love Me and love others above all and do not accept those other things, those terrible things to be true or necessary.
It is not so!
Parents, love one another and do not give into divorce and affairs. Work on your commitment, for your children see and learn from you. Oh Parents, what responsibilities you have. And what beauty you bring. So blessed are mothers and fathers for bringing new life into the world. Treat it as such. A blessing. A gift. A miracle. I bless you, parents, for I see your work.
Love your mothers.
They are your gentle women who bore you for the months and sustained you and sustain you still with shelter and love. Respect and Love your mothers always.
Love your fathers.
They protect you from the evils of the world.
They provide the strength and foundation of your home and give warmth and great love to your mothers.
Give your fathers respect and love.
Oh welcome sad children with your broken hearts and wounded souls. I will heal you and make you whole.
My Love for you is so great, you cannot measure it. I desire to give you all of My Love. You are unique and beautiful and precious to Me. Please come to Me. Pray and I will answer. Pray and I will heal. Have faith and I will give you good gifts like a Loving Parent. ****
I make nothing but beautiful and perfect creatures. Every one of them is so perfect in every detail. How I Love each one. I spent time creating each one of you. How can I not Love and adore what I have created? ****
Children must pray for peace, for the Flowers’ prayers are the strongest. They are so powerful, My Flowers.
I can resist them nothing! Have them always pray for peace.
Parents, Love your children gently. Do not make murderers of them by keeping their eyes open to gratuitous violence, sexuality, and broken Commandments.
When they see lies or children disrespecting their own mothers and fathers, when they see theft or murder, when they hear My name spoken in vain, blasphemed, when they see hatred all for the sake of entertainment, they learn that these things are acceptable.
They grow to believe that lies and idolatry and murder are a part of life that are acceptable. This is not true.
Do not let them compromise with sin! They must learn to love.
Love Me and love others above all and do not accept those other things, those terrible things to be true or necessary.
It is not so!
Parents, love one another and do not give into divorce and affairs. Work on your commitment, for your children see and learn from you. Oh Parents, what responsibilities you have. And what beauty you bring. So blessed are mothers and fathers for bringing new life into the world. Treat it as such. A blessing. A gift. A miracle. I bless you, parents, for I see your work.
Love your mothers.
They are your gentle women who bore you for the months and sustained you and sustain you still with shelter and love. Respect and Love your mothers always.
Love your fathers.
They protect you from the evils of the world.
They provide the strength and foundation of your home and give warmth and great love to your mothers.
Give your fathers respect and love.

Wednesday, March 27, 2013 10:08 – 10:15-11:43 am
To pray and be blessed to sing in Tongues is amazing, especially because I can’t sing. I felt like I was singing with others. It was beautiful and I could almost sense a chorus of praise in certain “words” that were repeated…or sounds.
Lord, I feel like You have tons to tell me today. I don’t know why, but do You?
What is the difference between the Warning and the Chastisement?
One is a hare and the second a rough pig.
What they are called does not matter. Know that the first will be bad.
It will be painful. But it will not destroy the world. There will be roiling clouds and red fire from the skies. The winds will wail unnaturally and animals will be restless. The second will be grand and terrible in its grandness or size.
It will destroy the world as you know it.
It is punishment for those who were given the chance to turn to Me and Love Me and choose Me but did not and continued to blaspheme and murder and rape and pillage. The punishment will strike them and they will be in such wonder and dread and they will recognize their error and wait for forgiveness and help/aid, but I shall not know them anymore.
I do not want any of My Beloved Children to experience that horrible moment, but so many ask for the experience.
So many live in darkness and revel in it. They are on a track down and it moves so fast.
Each one of their faces are burned black as their eyes look this way and that for more trouble to cause.
It is a grim sight for Me. I Love all of My Children. Why do they wound Me so?
Pray and bring them back to Me. You can do this. Share My Words and My Love with others.
Save those who are close to death. Show them I Love and forgive. Show the helpless that I provide and protect.
Show the ruffian and thieves that there is generosity and peace within My Love.
Touch their hearts with My Love.
Oh Children, please, work quickly, for time is so very short. ****
Remind others and your own heart that judgment is for Me and for Me only.
To play the judge is to lift yourself to a higher position than My Beloved Son and that is a sin.
It is a grave sin and those whom you deem fit to judge give the burden of their sins over to you that you may carry them and your own when I am ready to judge.
Will you face Me and be fearless because you believe you are unstained or untainted by sin?
It is a dangerous folly to believe this, so do not judge lest I judge you more harshly.
I prefer to Love, and forgive My Children.
Make My Heart putty in your hands by loving and pleasing Me and confessing your sins; by asking for My forgiveness; by praying and being My humble and Loving servants.
Oh how I will raise you up in glory and great Love in return.
You will win the world in exchange for your love and loyalty and service.
Do you see. I give Love and you receive love. You give love and receive more of My Love. I am incapable of hatred.
My Arms will hold you and embrace you as you are My Beloved Children.
How can you resist My greatest offer of Love? I am patient and always hopeful.
I wait for your prayers and answer them with great relish.
Oh Beloved Children,
Know that I am here with you, carrying your burdens when you can no longer bear them.
I am with you when you are ill and in the streets dying.
I am with you when you are vastly sick and fighting ugly disease.
I am with you holding your hand when humanity turns against you and scorns you.
I whisper into your ear words of Love and comfort.
Know this.
My Will is impossible for you to understand but I give good gifts to My Children.
I do not let you fall down now so that you can fall down in twenty years.
You fall now so you can warn your children or their children from falling down.
Every action, every piece of life that occurs, whether by your decision or another's, has a reason by My Will.
Do not believe I am wishing you ill will. Only that My Will differs from yours and I know all and see what goodness can come from the pain and wicked actions of darkness and the dark one.
Do not be afraid and do not let your heart crumble.
I am with you holding you, loving you, healing you and waiting patiently for you to see this.
To return My Love and embrace.
Come to Me and be saved.
(The reference below is with regard the evil in the world.)
They plan and negotiate on the World’s stage and it pleases all those who watch.
They are praised as peacekeepers and will become more popular.
They will put on great shows of kindness and generosity.
As people believe and applaud them, their words will become complex.
Their rhetoric will no longer be simple.
Black will be white and white will be called black. Morals are shredded even now. Prepare yourself for it will become far worse. Babies will be burned and no one will object to this because the complexity of their words will convince their followers that burning babies is necessary to prevent disease. It is not and killing babies is evil.
That black is white. They will convince many...that believing in Me is dated and ridiculous. That I do not exist beyond superstition or the equivalent of idols. They will insist there is no proof of Me and My Love. Priests will be broken in two. Sacristies will be plundered.
Oh Children, protect My Holiness! Those who remain faithful will be ridiculed and ostracized.
Ultimately marginalized from society if they speak up in My defense. **** Then they [those who have persecuted others] will recognize their error and grow terrified. They will appeal to you and you will step away and wash the dust from your hands of these wolves. ****
Please pray for: Desdemonia, Claire, Sandra, Matilda, Martha, Becky, Ryan, Sally, Vincent, Gary, Marcus, Luca, Janine, Margaret, Peter, Jerry, Lucy, Patrick, Mary, Suzanne, Larry, Joseph (Joe), Sammy, Constantine, Sophia, Rudy, Allan, Susie, David, Mark, Jessica, Frank, Fred, Charlie, Danny, Cecil, Doris, Mya, Sherry, Tammy, Andrea, Luther, Peggy, the president, Jackie, Petra, Julia, Santos, Ruben, Laura, Nancy, Frederick, Anthony, Carmen, “Tigger,” Grandma, Chauncey, Tino, Olivia, Heidi, Susan, and Betty.
For atheists,
For priests,
For My Beloved Benedict, always for My Beloved Benedict,
For the Beautiful Flowers that they not be afraid,
For the women who have had abortions.
For those who support or perform abortion – it is a grave sin,
For those who murder and pillage that they come to know My Love,
For her that she discern My Words with the Light of My Love in her Heart.
Peace be with you.
Peace I say.
Peace. Peace.
To pray and be blessed to sing in Tongues is amazing, especially because I can’t sing. I felt like I was singing with others. It was beautiful and I could almost sense a chorus of praise in certain “words” that were repeated…or sounds.
Lord, I feel like You have tons to tell me today. I don’t know why, but do You?
What is the difference between the Warning and the Chastisement?
One is a hare and the second a rough pig.
What they are called does not matter. Know that the first will be bad.
It will be painful. But it will not destroy the world. There will be roiling clouds and red fire from the skies. The winds will wail unnaturally and animals will be restless. The second will be grand and terrible in its grandness or size.
It will destroy the world as you know it.
It is punishment for those who were given the chance to turn to Me and Love Me and choose Me but did not and continued to blaspheme and murder and rape and pillage. The punishment will strike them and they will be in such wonder and dread and they will recognize their error and wait for forgiveness and help/aid, but I shall not know them anymore.
I do not want any of My Beloved Children to experience that horrible moment, but so many ask for the experience.
So many live in darkness and revel in it. They are on a track down and it moves so fast.
Each one of their faces are burned black as their eyes look this way and that for more trouble to cause.
It is a grim sight for Me. I Love all of My Children. Why do they wound Me so?
Pray and bring them back to Me. You can do this. Share My Words and My Love with others.
Save those who are close to death. Show them I Love and forgive. Show the helpless that I provide and protect.
Show the ruffian and thieves that there is generosity and peace within My Love.
Touch their hearts with My Love.
Oh Children, please, work quickly, for time is so very short. ****
Remind others and your own heart that judgment is for Me and for Me only.
To play the judge is to lift yourself to a higher position than My Beloved Son and that is a sin.
It is a grave sin and those whom you deem fit to judge give the burden of their sins over to you that you may carry them and your own when I am ready to judge.
Will you face Me and be fearless because you believe you are unstained or untainted by sin?
It is a dangerous folly to believe this, so do not judge lest I judge you more harshly.
I prefer to Love, and forgive My Children.
Make My Heart putty in your hands by loving and pleasing Me and confessing your sins; by asking for My forgiveness; by praying and being My humble and Loving servants.
Oh how I will raise you up in glory and great Love in return.
You will win the world in exchange for your love and loyalty and service.
Do you see. I give Love and you receive love. You give love and receive more of My Love. I am incapable of hatred.
My Arms will hold you and embrace you as you are My Beloved Children.
How can you resist My greatest offer of Love? I am patient and always hopeful.
I wait for your prayers and answer them with great relish.
Oh Beloved Children,
Know that I am here with you, carrying your burdens when you can no longer bear them.
I am with you when you are ill and in the streets dying.
I am with you when you are vastly sick and fighting ugly disease.
I am with you holding your hand when humanity turns against you and scorns you.
I whisper into your ear words of Love and comfort.
Know this.
My Will is impossible for you to understand but I give good gifts to My Children.
I do not let you fall down now so that you can fall down in twenty years.
You fall now so you can warn your children or their children from falling down.
Every action, every piece of life that occurs, whether by your decision or another's, has a reason by My Will.
Do not believe I am wishing you ill will. Only that My Will differs from yours and I know all and see what goodness can come from the pain and wicked actions of darkness and the dark one.
Do not be afraid and do not let your heart crumble.
I am with you holding you, loving you, healing you and waiting patiently for you to see this.
To return My Love and embrace.
Come to Me and be saved.
(The reference below is with regard the evil in the world.)
They plan and negotiate on the World’s stage and it pleases all those who watch.
They are praised as peacekeepers and will become more popular.
They will put on great shows of kindness and generosity.
As people believe and applaud them, their words will become complex.
Their rhetoric will no longer be simple.
Black will be white and white will be called black. Morals are shredded even now. Prepare yourself for it will become far worse. Babies will be burned and no one will object to this because the complexity of their words will convince their followers that burning babies is necessary to prevent disease. It is not and killing babies is evil.
That black is white. They will convince many...that believing in Me is dated and ridiculous. That I do not exist beyond superstition or the equivalent of idols. They will insist there is no proof of Me and My Love. Priests will be broken in two. Sacristies will be plundered.
Oh Children, protect My Holiness! Those who remain faithful will be ridiculed and ostracized.
Ultimately marginalized from society if they speak up in My defense. **** Then they [those who have persecuted others] will recognize their error and grow terrified. They will appeal to you and you will step away and wash the dust from your hands of these wolves. ****
Please pray for: Desdemonia, Claire, Sandra, Matilda, Martha, Becky, Ryan, Sally, Vincent, Gary, Marcus, Luca, Janine, Margaret, Peter, Jerry, Lucy, Patrick, Mary, Suzanne, Larry, Joseph (Joe), Sammy, Constantine, Sophia, Rudy, Allan, Susie, David, Mark, Jessica, Frank, Fred, Charlie, Danny, Cecil, Doris, Mya, Sherry, Tammy, Andrea, Luther, Peggy, the president, Jackie, Petra, Julia, Santos, Ruben, Laura, Nancy, Frederick, Anthony, Carmen, “Tigger,” Grandma, Chauncey, Tino, Olivia, Heidi, Susan, and Betty.
For atheists,
For priests,
For My Beloved Benedict, always for My Beloved Benedict,
For the Beautiful Flowers that they not be afraid,
For the women who have had abortions.
For those who support or perform abortion – it is a grave sin,
For those who murder and pillage that they come to know My Love,
For her that she discern My Words with the Light of My Love in her Heart.
Peace be with you.
Peace I say.
Peace. Peace.

Join Me and My Beloved Mother and rejoice with us.
So many do not come or heed her warning.
There is no time now.
Your time has wound down.
We are now ready and you have just moments to understand.
How I Love My Children.
Come to Me and be safe.
Such things, evil, difficulties come.
Do not be fooled, for it will be difficult, even for you.
Even for those who have dedicated their lives to Me.
It will be more difficult still for those who blaspheme against Me as if for sport.
Pray and ask others to pray.
Prayer helps to protect you and save you from “overdose” or from being overpowered or overwhelmed.
I know Love
I give Love.
I wait for prayers of Love and grant My Children beautiful gifts of Love.
You have seen this and can bear witness to this.
All through the days, I see My Children and listen to their sweet prayers and answer them according to My Will.
And My Will is just and good.
My answers are always righteous. I am never wrong. ****
Oh Child, so much danger comes to this World.
My Warning comes because there is so much hatred, and pillage and murder and rape, and killing of innocents, and kidnappings and prostitution and trafficking and dulling of minds and avarice and gluttony and atheism and blasphemy and sexual perversity and revenge – hearts that are vengeful, and ingratitude.
All of these things. So much of them and all of them so dark and powerful.
These, the nature or state of the World, call on Me to cleanse all of you of this infamy and filth.
Wouldn’t Man prefer to live cleaned and purified and whole?
Oh Child, the world brings Me sadness and weariness. I can forgive, though.
Those who will come to Me will be saved.
We will rejoice.
Bring them to Me. ****
Thank You for Your help and for Your Gentle Mother’s grace to allow me to see. She is an incredible, holy and amazing woman. Strong! Loving!
Thank you, My Child.
Truly she loves the children of this world and her gentle heart breaks to see her words fall on deaf ears.
She loves you too and is gratified by your attention and love.
Continue to pray.
Prepare yourself for the skepticism....****
Even the devout.
They will disbelieve My Words and scorn you.
My Words will anger them because they will not want to hear or have their behavior curbed.
They know in their hearts that what they do and live is a sin, but they reject this knowledge for the sake of convenience.
They must learn for themselves that My Laws are not mocked.
Do not be surprised or offended by their disbelief or scorn.
They will come to understand My Messages.
It will only take them longer.
Perhaps so long that the Warning will come first and will be the thing that convinces them.
That is not good, but even the faithful lapse in judgment, as you will too.
That is why prayer is so important.
It will keep you from being deceived and will help you follow the correct path to Me.
Pray your rosary every day.
Do not forget.
Do not fail Me on this.
It is very important for you to do this in order to fulfill your duties.
My strong and willing Child, I Love you so dearly.
Pray for My Beloved Benedict...****
Defend My Sweet Benedict kindly, for he is good.
Do not be fooled, Young Child.
White is always white and black is always black.
Look deeply at meanings.
If you sense black, step away, even if the world claims it is white.
The entire world can be wrong while you are right.
Do not be afraid to stand up and say this is not white.
Or this is black!
Yes, people will scorn and attack you.
Thus is My Work for you.
The work of all My Servants will become extremely difficult.
Prepare to shield and protect priests.
Do not turn those you know away.
When one you do not know comes to your door, ask him questions about black and white things.
That will tell you whether to turn him away or give him shelter.
Be careful of your tongue.
There will be many eyes watching, in the skies, in the windows, at people, in the woods.
It will be difficult, but blessed are those that render aid to My True Shepherds.
I will give them great glory in Heaven.
The following vision came to me. It sounds odd, but it must be taken in the context of other things that were perhaps not shared.
"They are already very angry with the World. (I don't know who this is reference to.)
As one (man) sits frowning below a tree, an orange-faced monkey leaps off the tree and causes a coconut to fall upon the man’s head. The man believes wrongly that his neighbor has flung it at him, so he seeks to kill his neighbor and the neighbor's family with great swords.
The orange monkey stands aside and laughs at the trouble he has caused and looks for another tree with another person below to hit with a coconut. It has become an interesting game to him now."
Call the guards in! Light the lanterns! For He comes!
Prepare the bowls and the silver. Lift the good drapes and lay down the rug! The Master comes.
Prepare for His arrival! Make all things clean and ready.
Give Him great lights by which to see our efforts and a sturdy fire by which to warm Himself.
Lay fresh, sweet straw for His bed that He will sleep soundly.
Make ready!
For He comes! He comes!
The great Master comes!
So many do not come or heed her warning.
There is no time now.
Your time has wound down.
We are now ready and you have just moments to understand.
How I Love My Children.
Come to Me and be safe.
Such things, evil, difficulties come.
Do not be fooled, for it will be difficult, even for you.
Even for those who have dedicated their lives to Me.
It will be more difficult still for those who blaspheme against Me as if for sport.
Pray and ask others to pray.
Prayer helps to protect you and save you from “overdose” or from being overpowered or overwhelmed.
I know Love
I give Love.
I wait for prayers of Love and grant My Children beautiful gifts of Love.
You have seen this and can bear witness to this.
All through the days, I see My Children and listen to their sweet prayers and answer them according to My Will.
And My Will is just and good.
My answers are always righteous. I am never wrong. ****
Oh Child, so much danger comes to this World.
My Warning comes because there is so much hatred, and pillage and murder and rape, and killing of innocents, and kidnappings and prostitution and trafficking and dulling of minds and avarice and gluttony and atheism and blasphemy and sexual perversity and revenge – hearts that are vengeful, and ingratitude.
All of these things. So much of them and all of them so dark and powerful.
These, the nature or state of the World, call on Me to cleanse all of you of this infamy and filth.
Wouldn’t Man prefer to live cleaned and purified and whole?
Oh Child, the world brings Me sadness and weariness. I can forgive, though.
Those who will come to Me will be saved.
We will rejoice.
Bring them to Me. ****
Thank You for Your help and for Your Gentle Mother’s grace to allow me to see. She is an incredible, holy and amazing woman. Strong! Loving!
Thank you, My Child.
Truly she loves the children of this world and her gentle heart breaks to see her words fall on deaf ears.
She loves you too and is gratified by your attention and love.
Continue to pray.
Prepare yourself for the skepticism....****
Even the devout.
They will disbelieve My Words and scorn you.
My Words will anger them because they will not want to hear or have their behavior curbed.
They know in their hearts that what they do and live is a sin, but they reject this knowledge for the sake of convenience.
They must learn for themselves that My Laws are not mocked.
Do not be surprised or offended by their disbelief or scorn.
They will come to understand My Messages.
It will only take them longer.
Perhaps so long that the Warning will come first and will be the thing that convinces them.
That is not good, but even the faithful lapse in judgment, as you will too.
That is why prayer is so important.
It will keep you from being deceived and will help you follow the correct path to Me.
Pray your rosary every day.
Do not forget.
Do not fail Me on this.
It is very important for you to do this in order to fulfill your duties.
My strong and willing Child, I Love you so dearly.
Pray for My Beloved Benedict...****
Defend My Sweet Benedict kindly, for he is good.
Do not be fooled, Young Child.
White is always white and black is always black.
Look deeply at meanings.
If you sense black, step away, even if the world claims it is white.
The entire world can be wrong while you are right.
Do not be afraid to stand up and say this is not white.
Or this is black!
Yes, people will scorn and attack you.
Thus is My Work for you.
The work of all My Servants will become extremely difficult.
Prepare to shield and protect priests.
Do not turn those you know away.
When one you do not know comes to your door, ask him questions about black and white things.
That will tell you whether to turn him away or give him shelter.
Be careful of your tongue.
There will be many eyes watching, in the skies, in the windows, at people, in the woods.
It will be difficult, but blessed are those that render aid to My True Shepherds.
I will give them great glory in Heaven.
The following vision came to me. It sounds odd, but it must be taken in the context of other things that were perhaps not shared.
"They are already very angry with the World. (I don't know who this is reference to.)
As one (man) sits frowning below a tree, an orange-faced monkey leaps off the tree and causes a coconut to fall upon the man’s head. The man believes wrongly that his neighbor has flung it at him, so he seeks to kill his neighbor and the neighbor's family with great swords.
The orange monkey stands aside and laughs at the trouble he has caused and looks for another tree with another person below to hit with a coconut. It has become an interesting game to him now."
Call the guards in! Light the lanterns! For He comes!
Prepare the bowls and the silver. Lift the good drapes and lay down the rug! The Master comes.
Prepare for His arrival! Make all things clean and ready.
Give Him great lights by which to see our efforts and a sturdy fire by which to warm Himself.
Lay fresh, sweet straw for His bed that He will sleep soundly.
Make ready!
For He comes! He comes!
The great Master comes!

Tuesday, April 16, 2013 11:23 - 12:14 pm
Well, the book on discernment has taught me much. One thing is that perhaps the Lord is finished with me. The second is that perhaps He was finished with me a long time ago but I didn't realize it. And finally, perhaps my experiences may have crept into the messages themselves. This, as I understand it, is natural.
So I am praying and have been praying for patience and understanding. To know if He is done with me, and if not, to see that is the case and be patient too. To know that it is okay to hope, but it is all His will. It is very difficult to separate it all. So I will trust in God to help me know. In the meantime, I will just open myself up to His presence and be faithful to Him. Be restful and peaceful and still.
Well, the book on discernment has taught me much. One thing is that perhaps the Lord is finished with me. The second is that perhaps He was finished with me a long time ago but I didn't realize it. And finally, perhaps my experiences may have crept into the messages themselves. This, as I understand it, is natural.
So I am praying and have been praying for patience and understanding. To know if He is done with me, and if not, to see that is the case and be patient too. To know that it is okay to hope, but it is all His will. It is very difficult to separate it all. So I will trust in God to help me know. In the meantime, I will just open myself up to His presence and be faithful to Him. Be restful and peaceful and still.