Hello Readers - I just wanted to send a short note to let you know that I'm still here and to give you a little update. I have not received any messages since September 14th (see below). A few folks were wondering about that. As soon as God speaks to me, I'll post it all asap. In the meantime, you can revisit previous messages AND visit the prayer board.
God bless everybody!
God bless everybody!

Wednesday, September 14, 2016
“For a small gain, men labor and toil but the loss of the soul is little thought of.” – My Imitation of Christ.
I hope I can remember all the revelations You gave me at Mass and Adoration! First, as You carried the Cross, Veronica wiped Your face. I imagined how cool and tender her touch felt to You. How her kindness and courage must have given You a little peace and maybe some joy in that someone cared enough to console You. Like that singular relief we feel when someone else gently takes care of us, with dignity, when we’re ill.
Your humility and complete humbleness with the figure of the Cross.... The Cross represents our Love for You, our thankfulness for Your sacrifice, and that we are Christians who express our Love and devotion to You. And yet, in Your times, being hung on a cross was for the corrupt people of society – the thieves, murderers, and the "muck." It was a debasing death. And here You are, the Son of God who is all grace and goodness and glory, being killed on a cross. How can any of us complain when we are insulted or made to feel insignificant? How can we complain and feel sorry for ourselves when we are left out, ostracize, insulted, lied about, gossiped about? You, the Son of God, went through all of this and worse. You made Yourself a man. How much more humble does that make You and how much more Love do You show than any of us ever try to?
I am going to try and “enjoy” in Your name, anytime I’ve feel that way. Society is good at making people feel inadequate, really. I suppose a lot of the things You showed me went into my Heart and are forgotten because my brain is small. That’s okay. I wanted to give You all my thanks for what You’ve given me. For communicating with Me in such simple and beautiful ways I can understand. Thank You for the duck tape and bungee cords. I see the difference between being close to You and wandering. Wandering away from You made me miserable and un-peaceful and troubled. XOXO
11:48 – 12:21 pm (33 minutes)
Precious Children, I cast My Great Mercy upon this World and invite each of you to My Table. You are My Belovéd Children and need the strong and holy and correct guidance of your Blesséd Father. Come to Me in repentance and Love and your sins are forgiven by Me. Oh, Precious Children, you are too small to understand the nature and force or blessings or depths of My Mercy. You are too small to grasp the solace and relief My Forgiveness gives to your Souls. Accept My offer of Mercy and come to Me, Your Belovéd Father and Lord God.
The King of Heaven, the King of Glory beckons you and longs for your Love. Oh, Little Children, Belovéd Ones, give My Belovéd Son, the Christ Jesus, all of your Love and adoration. He must always be at the forefront of your lives. You do not yet grasp the essential-ness or crucialness of doing so. Children, why do you dismiss the Son of God and His Great Love for you? His is a gentle, compassionate Love and casts no burdens but only joy and redemption upon you. Do not dismiss the Savior of Man, lest you lose Everlasting Life.
Belovéd Children, hold fast to your prayers. Come to Me daily, for I hear every call, every word uttered to Me. I hear your pleas for mercy, for help, for the health of all that fills your Hearts. I hear your praises and lavish or revel lavishly in them. [It gives excessive joy to God] Children, trust in Me. Trust in My Will for you. I answer your every prayer with ultimate HOLINESS BIG LOVE. I do not cast My Children aside. I am impatient for your Hearts, My Children. Come to Me now while the sun is warm and the breezes cool. Shutter your doors and windows to the storm that comes by staying near Me, your Heavenly Father and Lord God. For I have made all things, all animals and plants. The whole of nature bends to My Will and is meant as a gift to My Belovéd Children.
The sins of this World shake the core or health of this world or planet or earth. [very literal physically] Your sins shake the foundations of this earth and clouds of fire will erupt from the skies. It shall hail fire and deserts will be barren and the lushest gardens shall dry up and the world shall be destitute.
Belovéd Children, choose Life. Choose Everlasting and Eternal Life. Repent of your sins and know what I Love and what I will not accept. Be faithful to your Hearts, for the Holiest Spirit speaks to you and guides you rightly by speaking to your Hearts. Listen, for He whispers and pray that you shall receive discernment.
Many lie in wait to prophesize wrongly, to deceive My Belovéd Children, and to make you accept all that is a sin. They shall be such good or amazing sophists, many shall be deceived. They will be so canny, many will believe that what is a devastating sin is nothing but the nature of Man after all. White is not black and black cannot be white. My Children, do not be fooled by those who would promote or encourage you to sin.
Belovéd Children, I hear your questions and doubts or misgivings. I say to you, how can you know what I Love and accept and what offends Me, what I do not accept, if you do not know Me? You cannot know Me when you do not pray, when you are perpetually absent to My Home. You cannot discern without the graces and powerful blessings given to you through My Belovéd Son, the Christ Jesus, with the body and blood of the Eucharist. If My Belovéd Children could fathom, even minutely, what it is to be given such a BIG gift, how you would treasure your priests and pine to have the Blesséd Eucharist upon your tongue always or daily or constantly. Children, for My discernment, you must bring yourselves close to Me, your Lord God and Eternal Father, for I am Love and I AM and all that is has been poured out upon (you) by My Love of My Creations.
Belovéd Children, come to Me in Love and repentance. Ask for My Divine Mercy and it is yours. Unburden your Hearts of sin and know the peace and blessings of My Forgiveness and compassion. I Am Love. I am your Eternal Father. What Father cannot Love their Children completely or with bursting Heart? What Father would turn away a Belovéd Child? I turn no Child away, for you are Mine. You are for Me as I am for you. You were made from Love, for Love, with Love. Satisfy the cries of your Souls by coming to your Lord God and Father. Let Me fill you up with My Love and graces. Thus shall you know forgiveness, peace, and the relief of purest, unending, unshifting, unconditional Love. Let Me bring you solace.
I know so many of My Children live in sorrow. I see the anger of this World and urge you to forgive as you want to be forgiven. Love, as desire to be Loved. Know that every forgiveness you grant to those you would hate brings Me such joy and gladness, and I place great Mercies and consolations upon your Hearts.
Love your Brothers and Sisters. Do not judge one another, for you are not fit to judge. I am the just Lord. In My Purest Perfection, I alone can judge. How would My Belovéd Children judge the very precious Children I have created? Do not judge but Love. Give mercy and pity to those who suffer by hatred and anger. Pray to Me and I shall guide you and place the Light of My Eternal Love within your Hearts. Love, My Children. It is essential. Forgive, My Children, for this too is essential to your Souls.
Come to Me constantly and always. Renew your Love for Me daily. Watch by your very prayers how your Hearts grow as does your understanding or discernment of My Will. Pray, Belovéd Children. Pray and trust in My Eternal Love.
“For a small gain, men labor and toil but the loss of the soul is little thought of.” – My Imitation of Christ.
I hope I can remember all the revelations You gave me at Mass and Adoration! First, as You carried the Cross, Veronica wiped Your face. I imagined how cool and tender her touch felt to You. How her kindness and courage must have given You a little peace and maybe some joy in that someone cared enough to console You. Like that singular relief we feel when someone else gently takes care of us, with dignity, when we’re ill.
Your humility and complete humbleness with the figure of the Cross.... The Cross represents our Love for You, our thankfulness for Your sacrifice, and that we are Christians who express our Love and devotion to You. And yet, in Your times, being hung on a cross was for the corrupt people of society – the thieves, murderers, and the "muck." It was a debasing death. And here You are, the Son of God who is all grace and goodness and glory, being killed on a cross. How can any of us complain when we are insulted or made to feel insignificant? How can we complain and feel sorry for ourselves when we are left out, ostracize, insulted, lied about, gossiped about? You, the Son of God, went through all of this and worse. You made Yourself a man. How much more humble does that make You and how much more Love do You show than any of us ever try to?
I am going to try and “enjoy” in Your name, anytime I’ve feel that way. Society is good at making people feel inadequate, really. I suppose a lot of the things You showed me went into my Heart and are forgotten because my brain is small. That’s okay. I wanted to give You all my thanks for what You’ve given me. For communicating with Me in such simple and beautiful ways I can understand. Thank You for the duck tape and bungee cords. I see the difference between being close to You and wandering. Wandering away from You made me miserable and un-peaceful and troubled. XOXO
11:48 – 12:21 pm (33 minutes)
Precious Children, I cast My Great Mercy upon this World and invite each of you to My Table. You are My Belovéd Children and need the strong and holy and correct guidance of your Blesséd Father. Come to Me in repentance and Love and your sins are forgiven by Me. Oh, Precious Children, you are too small to understand the nature and force or blessings or depths of My Mercy. You are too small to grasp the solace and relief My Forgiveness gives to your Souls. Accept My offer of Mercy and come to Me, Your Belovéd Father and Lord God.
The King of Heaven, the King of Glory beckons you and longs for your Love. Oh, Little Children, Belovéd Ones, give My Belovéd Son, the Christ Jesus, all of your Love and adoration. He must always be at the forefront of your lives. You do not yet grasp the essential-ness or crucialness of doing so. Children, why do you dismiss the Son of God and His Great Love for you? His is a gentle, compassionate Love and casts no burdens but only joy and redemption upon you. Do not dismiss the Savior of Man, lest you lose Everlasting Life.
Belovéd Children, hold fast to your prayers. Come to Me daily, for I hear every call, every word uttered to Me. I hear your pleas for mercy, for help, for the health of all that fills your Hearts. I hear your praises and lavish or revel lavishly in them. [It gives excessive joy to God] Children, trust in Me. Trust in My Will for you. I answer your every prayer with ultimate HOLINESS BIG LOVE. I do not cast My Children aside. I am impatient for your Hearts, My Children. Come to Me now while the sun is warm and the breezes cool. Shutter your doors and windows to the storm that comes by staying near Me, your Heavenly Father and Lord God. For I have made all things, all animals and plants. The whole of nature bends to My Will and is meant as a gift to My Belovéd Children.
The sins of this World shake the core or health of this world or planet or earth. [very literal physically] Your sins shake the foundations of this earth and clouds of fire will erupt from the skies. It shall hail fire and deserts will be barren and the lushest gardens shall dry up and the world shall be destitute.
Belovéd Children, choose Life. Choose Everlasting and Eternal Life. Repent of your sins and know what I Love and what I will not accept. Be faithful to your Hearts, for the Holiest Spirit speaks to you and guides you rightly by speaking to your Hearts. Listen, for He whispers and pray that you shall receive discernment.
Many lie in wait to prophesize wrongly, to deceive My Belovéd Children, and to make you accept all that is a sin. They shall be such good or amazing sophists, many shall be deceived. They will be so canny, many will believe that what is a devastating sin is nothing but the nature of Man after all. White is not black and black cannot be white. My Children, do not be fooled by those who would promote or encourage you to sin.
Belovéd Children, I hear your questions and doubts or misgivings. I say to you, how can you know what I Love and accept and what offends Me, what I do not accept, if you do not know Me? You cannot know Me when you do not pray, when you are perpetually absent to My Home. You cannot discern without the graces and powerful blessings given to you through My Belovéd Son, the Christ Jesus, with the body and blood of the Eucharist. If My Belovéd Children could fathom, even minutely, what it is to be given such a BIG gift, how you would treasure your priests and pine to have the Blesséd Eucharist upon your tongue always or daily or constantly. Children, for My discernment, you must bring yourselves close to Me, your Lord God and Eternal Father, for I am Love and I AM and all that is has been poured out upon (you) by My Love of My Creations.
Belovéd Children, come to Me in Love and repentance. Ask for My Divine Mercy and it is yours. Unburden your Hearts of sin and know the peace and blessings of My Forgiveness and compassion. I Am Love. I am your Eternal Father. What Father cannot Love their Children completely or with bursting Heart? What Father would turn away a Belovéd Child? I turn no Child away, for you are Mine. You are for Me as I am for you. You were made from Love, for Love, with Love. Satisfy the cries of your Souls by coming to your Lord God and Father. Let Me fill you up with My Love and graces. Thus shall you know forgiveness, peace, and the relief of purest, unending, unshifting, unconditional Love. Let Me bring you solace.
I know so many of My Children live in sorrow. I see the anger of this World and urge you to forgive as you want to be forgiven. Love, as desire to be Loved. Know that every forgiveness you grant to those you would hate brings Me such joy and gladness, and I place great Mercies and consolations upon your Hearts.
Love your Brothers and Sisters. Do not judge one another, for you are not fit to judge. I am the just Lord. In My Purest Perfection, I alone can judge. How would My Belovéd Children judge the very precious Children I have created? Do not judge but Love. Give mercy and pity to those who suffer by hatred and anger. Pray to Me and I shall guide you and place the Light of My Eternal Love within your Hearts. Love, My Children. It is essential. Forgive, My Children, for this too is essential to your Souls.
Come to Me constantly and always. Renew your Love for Me daily. Watch by your very prayers how your Hearts grow as does your understanding or discernment of My Will. Pray, Belovéd Children. Pray and trust in My Eternal Love.

Thursday, September 8, 2016 3:05 – 3:21 – 4:09 pm
Jesus as a human being: I figure, You must’ve been afraid when You prayed on the rock asking Our Father to take this cup away, if possible. Then, I think how heartbroken You were to be betrayed by Judas, although maybe You knew that was coming. And the beatings...You did not want them but anticipated it, given You were dealing with soldiers...the other thing that strikes me as so human and so fearful and so essentially tied for me to Your humanity and singular Love for us was the nails. Did You know they’d use nails instead of ropes, like the thieves? If You didn’t, what a horrible new knowledge of torture You faced...My Heart is so shocked by the image of soldiers hammering those nails through. When I think of it, I feel like my own soul howls for You. So maybe that is it – the souls and Love of those who Loved and Love You howl(ed) in pain for You while You suffered. I hope I’d have been like Veronica. I’d hope I’d be kind and brave enough to try to bring You some comfort while You endured everything for us. Anyway, I wanted to say thanks. Not only for guiding me and saving me by going through such terrible things, but also for making Yourself human as You knew that’d be the only way man could even remotely understand Your guidance and Our Father’s Love for us. What He wants from us and for us. And we STILL get it wrong! So thank You for showing me that You laugh and feel joy. That You are playful and affectionate. That You know fear and the sorrow of death. That You are generous, wise, and forgiving. That You are compassionate and hold great Love for Your Mother :-) . That You felt anger and pain. That You showed us what humility really is. And forgiveness and righteousness. I see You and those qualities every day in others, and yet we are never perfect. I see where sometimes we do follow and behave in Your image. The Holy Spirit guides (or prods) our souls to kindness, generosity, pity, Love….xoxoxox
3:21 – 4:09 pm
Oh Belovéd Children, worship the One who you behold on the Most Holy Cross, for He is My Belovéd Son and by your Love and adoration of Him, My Heart is made glad. Belovéd Children, you have not long to choose. Do you not see the gifts I give to you? Do you not hear My Calls?
Do not ignore the warnings of a great storm, but prepare yourselves before it hits or lands. Why would you wish to be swept away and killed when, with forethought and planning, you would live through the storm in safety and warmth? Oh Children, hear Me, your Belovéd Lord God and Father. Do not wait. Do not be frivolous with your Time. Seek My Mercy and forgiveness, for they are yours to take. They are your Souls’ bounty, and yet so many of My Children stand so poor and starving within this World. The Souls of My Belovéd Children starve for lack of holiness and prayer.
The fruit of a tree cannot be reaped if the tree has no water or has not been richly watered. When you, My Children, are not devoted to Me, your Lord God who Loves you, you are starved of all that is of Me. Why do you seek darkness instead of light? Why do you corrupt what is good with what is terrible. Your eyes are shut to understanding because your Souls are given no nourishment. And when a tree is starved of water, it does not prosper but dies. Come to Me for Love and compassion and I give succor to your Souls.
Your Heavenly Father Loves each of His/My Children so well, I will never let you starve. Come to Me, My Beauteous Children, and bask in the light of My Overwhelming Love. Do not doubt but trust in Me. I lead you to truth and Love and righteousness. Avoid the temptations and accolades of this World, My Children. These are but temporal things or gifts and do nothing for your Souls. My Belovéd Children, know that your Souls are sacred and so fragile. You cannot subject your Souls to sin without its devastation and this devastation rings loudly as a lament in My Heart.
Belovéd Children, turn to the Christ Jesus who is My Belovéd Son. He has saved you for Everlasting or Eternal Life with Love. You need only choose Love (God). Choose Light. Choose Christ who is so in Love with each of you. Worship and give adulation to the Christ Jesus, for He is the truth and the Word. When you place your Lord God at the forefront of your lives, how blesséd are you and how healthy are your Souls. I am not a burden and My Forgiveness is a gift purchased by My Holy and Most Belovéd Son. Who can you say will Love you more dearly and more deeply than the Eternal One who has created you for Love, from Love, and with Love. [And God has said that He is Love
Belovéd Children, do not stray. For even a moment, do not stray from My Love. You do not know the hour at which I shall call you. You do not know the devastations of sin upon your Souls. Thus I say, repair your fragile Souls by seeking Me out and accepting with your entire Hearts My Love and Mercy and Graces. My Heart is unfathomably BIG immense, and you cannot understand My Great Capacity for Love and thus for forgiveness. Mercy is yours, My Children. Take this glorious bounty that I lay before you with eagerness and thankfulness. Come to Me with humble, repentant, Loving Hearts and I embrace you tightly with My Great Love.
Travel the path of Love the Christ has laid before you and honor His Great Sacrifice with all of your Hearts. Express to Him your Love, thankfulness, and worshipful adulations. He is perfect Love and He is My Most Belovéd Son, the Christ. When you wound Him with your disregard, you wound Me, as I am His Loving Father, and what befalls Him befalls Me. When you praise the Son, so you praise the Father, and the joy in Heaven is grand or great [like a holy spectacular!]. When you dismiss My Son, the whole of Heaven is astounded by this World’s foolishness, disregard, or disrespect or such un-Love. [Un-love is the complete opposite of Love, or that which is of the anti-Christ.]
The Christ has given to each of you a resplendent and precious gift. Eternal Life is too large for your small Souls to grasp. You also do not grasp the terribleness of an eternity without Me. For I am Love and without Love, you are put asunder (from Him and…put into…) into torments and suffering. Do not disbelieve that sins are detrimental. There are special sufferings or consequences or punishments for those who fall to sin and dismiss the Christ. Oh, Belovéd Children, do not commit this act of un-Love. You do not know the horror of what you do. Crave My Love and tie yourselves to the Glory of My Belovéd Son! He has given each of you the path to Eternal Life.
Belovéd Children, believe that your Belovéd Lord God and Father gives you good gifts and does not lead you to the garden of vipers but to the Glories of Love. Do no not wait, My Children. Trust in My Love and choose Me. Choose Redemption, and forgiveness and Mercy. Oh Children, My Mercy is so BIG, unconditional! You need only come to Me and how My Loving Heart revels in your Love.
Come to Me, Children and show that your Love has needed no prompting, no devastation, and no conditions. Come to Me freely by the pure Love of your Hearts, and reach out to Me now. This World is shattered by sin and the earth’s body cries out savagely. Be One with your Lord God and know the strength of My Love guides you and makes you whole. The rumblings of this earth shall grow with most unusual pains. Hear the rocks rumble as they fall down mountains and the fire that spreads like an uncontained river. See the fires that fall from the skies and the depthless holes that appear on the grounds before you. See such storms with winds that devastate the land and fires that destroy that is in their path. See what the earth spats (not spit but fights) out, for it is sin that disturbs this World. Sin is the road to devastation, My Children, and how this World embraces darknesses.
My Blessed Heart is heavy with despair and sadness, for so many of My Children do not take notice but submit their Hearts to untruths and the lies of sophists. Belovéd Children, run from those who would pull you away from My Love. Escape from those who would denounce My Belovéd Son, the Christ.
There will be those who live in darkness and those who are most blind who shall lead the foolish and weak. How can you know My Will when you do not know Me? How can you see the path before you without the Holy Guidance of My Light or Spirit who precedes Me? Belovéd Children, I urge you most essentially or determinedly or with great urgency to pray and follow and Love, obey and cherish My Belovéd Son. It is through Him that you shall come to Me. When you deny Him and His Love, I shall not know you on the day of judgment and shall treat you as a stranger to Love.
Pray, Belovéd Children, and prepare your Hearts. Partake of the Most Holy Eucharist always. You do not know the depths and ecclesiastical blessings you will receive by your devotion. Within the Eucharist is My Son and His Never-ending Love for you. He nourishes your Soul and brings you into Loving Communion with His Most Sacred Heart. [Very powerful] Thus, I say Belovéd Children, go to the Christ in repentance and Love as often as you can, for one day soon the well of the Church shall dry up and a host of misgivings shall evolve to disbelief and betrayals within My Most Holy Church (and this) will bring the World to its knees.
Pray and partake of the Eucharist. Come to Me and accept My Great Love. I will give you succor when the land is barren and the Souls of My People starve for want of Me and those who serve Me with truthful Hearts and with great Love for Me like that of the innocent children I Love so dearly (will be given help during those times). Belovéd Children, pray, for soon you shall grow confused and will be drawn away from Love. Only through constant and devout prayer do you receive discernment. Only through deepest prayer do you receive consolation. It is only through great prayer that you shall not be led astray.
Come to Me now and understand what I accept and what I do not accept. Do not fall with the lukewarm who rely on My conveniences. I am the Lord God. I am Eternal and Mighty. My Children, you must put Me first lest you die in darkness and the temporal that take you away from My Love. Thus, I say, pray, My Children. Pray and I shall guide you and protect you and give you consolation through the storm.
Peace, My Children. Offer to each other all that is Love.
Jesus as a human being: I figure, You must’ve been afraid when You prayed on the rock asking Our Father to take this cup away, if possible. Then, I think how heartbroken You were to be betrayed by Judas, although maybe You knew that was coming. And the beatings...You did not want them but anticipated it, given You were dealing with soldiers...the other thing that strikes me as so human and so fearful and so essentially tied for me to Your humanity and singular Love for us was the nails. Did You know they’d use nails instead of ropes, like the thieves? If You didn’t, what a horrible new knowledge of torture You faced...My Heart is so shocked by the image of soldiers hammering those nails through. When I think of it, I feel like my own soul howls for You. So maybe that is it – the souls and Love of those who Loved and Love You howl(ed) in pain for You while You suffered. I hope I’d have been like Veronica. I’d hope I’d be kind and brave enough to try to bring You some comfort while You endured everything for us. Anyway, I wanted to say thanks. Not only for guiding me and saving me by going through such terrible things, but also for making Yourself human as You knew that’d be the only way man could even remotely understand Your guidance and Our Father’s Love for us. What He wants from us and for us. And we STILL get it wrong! So thank You for showing me that You laugh and feel joy. That You are playful and affectionate. That You know fear and the sorrow of death. That You are generous, wise, and forgiving. That You are compassionate and hold great Love for Your Mother :-) . That You felt anger and pain. That You showed us what humility really is. And forgiveness and righteousness. I see You and those qualities every day in others, and yet we are never perfect. I see where sometimes we do follow and behave in Your image. The Holy Spirit guides (or prods) our souls to kindness, generosity, pity, Love….xoxoxox
3:21 – 4:09 pm
Oh Belovéd Children, worship the One who you behold on the Most Holy Cross, for He is My Belovéd Son and by your Love and adoration of Him, My Heart is made glad. Belovéd Children, you have not long to choose. Do you not see the gifts I give to you? Do you not hear My Calls?
Do not ignore the warnings of a great storm, but prepare yourselves before it hits or lands. Why would you wish to be swept away and killed when, with forethought and planning, you would live through the storm in safety and warmth? Oh Children, hear Me, your Belovéd Lord God and Father. Do not wait. Do not be frivolous with your Time. Seek My Mercy and forgiveness, for they are yours to take. They are your Souls’ bounty, and yet so many of My Children stand so poor and starving within this World. The Souls of My Belovéd Children starve for lack of holiness and prayer.
The fruit of a tree cannot be reaped if the tree has no water or has not been richly watered. When you, My Children, are not devoted to Me, your Lord God who Loves you, you are starved of all that is of Me. Why do you seek darkness instead of light? Why do you corrupt what is good with what is terrible. Your eyes are shut to understanding because your Souls are given no nourishment. And when a tree is starved of water, it does not prosper but dies. Come to Me for Love and compassion and I give succor to your Souls.
Your Heavenly Father Loves each of His/My Children so well, I will never let you starve. Come to Me, My Beauteous Children, and bask in the light of My Overwhelming Love. Do not doubt but trust in Me. I lead you to truth and Love and righteousness. Avoid the temptations and accolades of this World, My Children. These are but temporal things or gifts and do nothing for your Souls. My Belovéd Children, know that your Souls are sacred and so fragile. You cannot subject your Souls to sin without its devastation and this devastation rings loudly as a lament in My Heart.
Belovéd Children, turn to the Christ Jesus who is My Belovéd Son. He has saved you for Everlasting or Eternal Life with Love. You need only choose Love (God). Choose Light. Choose Christ who is so in Love with each of you. Worship and give adulation to the Christ Jesus, for He is the truth and the Word. When you place your Lord God at the forefront of your lives, how blesséd are you and how healthy are your Souls. I am not a burden and My Forgiveness is a gift purchased by My Holy and Most Belovéd Son. Who can you say will Love you more dearly and more deeply than the Eternal One who has created you for Love, from Love, and with Love. [And God has said that He is Love
Belovéd Children, do not stray. For even a moment, do not stray from My Love. You do not know the hour at which I shall call you. You do not know the devastations of sin upon your Souls. Thus I say, repair your fragile Souls by seeking Me out and accepting with your entire Hearts My Love and Mercy and Graces. My Heart is unfathomably BIG immense, and you cannot understand My Great Capacity for Love and thus for forgiveness. Mercy is yours, My Children. Take this glorious bounty that I lay before you with eagerness and thankfulness. Come to Me with humble, repentant, Loving Hearts and I embrace you tightly with My Great Love.
Travel the path of Love the Christ has laid before you and honor His Great Sacrifice with all of your Hearts. Express to Him your Love, thankfulness, and worshipful adulations. He is perfect Love and He is My Most Belovéd Son, the Christ. When you wound Him with your disregard, you wound Me, as I am His Loving Father, and what befalls Him befalls Me. When you praise the Son, so you praise the Father, and the joy in Heaven is grand or great [like a holy spectacular!]. When you dismiss My Son, the whole of Heaven is astounded by this World’s foolishness, disregard, or disrespect or such un-Love. [Un-love is the complete opposite of Love, or that which is of the anti-Christ.]
The Christ has given to each of you a resplendent and precious gift. Eternal Life is too large for your small Souls to grasp. You also do not grasp the terribleness of an eternity without Me. For I am Love and without Love, you are put asunder (from Him and…put into…) into torments and suffering. Do not disbelieve that sins are detrimental. There are special sufferings or consequences or punishments for those who fall to sin and dismiss the Christ. Oh, Belovéd Children, do not commit this act of un-Love. You do not know the horror of what you do. Crave My Love and tie yourselves to the Glory of My Belovéd Son! He has given each of you the path to Eternal Life.
Belovéd Children, believe that your Belovéd Lord God and Father gives you good gifts and does not lead you to the garden of vipers but to the Glories of Love. Do no not wait, My Children. Trust in My Love and choose Me. Choose Redemption, and forgiveness and Mercy. Oh Children, My Mercy is so BIG, unconditional! You need only come to Me and how My Loving Heart revels in your Love.
Come to Me, Children and show that your Love has needed no prompting, no devastation, and no conditions. Come to Me freely by the pure Love of your Hearts, and reach out to Me now. This World is shattered by sin and the earth’s body cries out savagely. Be One with your Lord God and know the strength of My Love guides you and makes you whole. The rumblings of this earth shall grow with most unusual pains. Hear the rocks rumble as they fall down mountains and the fire that spreads like an uncontained river. See the fires that fall from the skies and the depthless holes that appear on the grounds before you. See such storms with winds that devastate the land and fires that destroy that is in their path. See what the earth spats (not spit but fights) out, for it is sin that disturbs this World. Sin is the road to devastation, My Children, and how this World embraces darknesses.
My Blessed Heart is heavy with despair and sadness, for so many of My Children do not take notice but submit their Hearts to untruths and the lies of sophists. Belovéd Children, run from those who would pull you away from My Love. Escape from those who would denounce My Belovéd Son, the Christ.
There will be those who live in darkness and those who are most blind who shall lead the foolish and weak. How can you know My Will when you do not know Me? How can you see the path before you without the Holy Guidance of My Light or Spirit who precedes Me? Belovéd Children, I urge you most essentially or determinedly or with great urgency to pray and follow and Love, obey and cherish My Belovéd Son. It is through Him that you shall come to Me. When you deny Him and His Love, I shall not know you on the day of judgment and shall treat you as a stranger to Love.
Pray, Belovéd Children, and prepare your Hearts. Partake of the Most Holy Eucharist always. You do not know the depths and ecclesiastical blessings you will receive by your devotion. Within the Eucharist is My Son and His Never-ending Love for you. He nourishes your Soul and brings you into Loving Communion with His Most Sacred Heart. [Very powerful] Thus, I say Belovéd Children, go to the Christ in repentance and Love as often as you can, for one day soon the well of the Church shall dry up and a host of misgivings shall evolve to disbelief and betrayals within My Most Holy Church (and this) will bring the World to its knees.
Pray and partake of the Eucharist. Come to Me and accept My Great Love. I will give you succor when the land is barren and the Souls of My People starve for want of Me and those who serve Me with truthful Hearts and with great Love for Me like that of the innocent children I Love so dearly (will be given help during those times). Belovéd Children, pray, for soon you shall grow confused and will be drawn away from Love. Only through constant and devout prayer do you receive discernment. Only through deepest prayer do you receive consolation. It is only through great prayer that you shall not be led astray.
Come to Me now and understand what I accept and what I do not accept. Do not fall with the lukewarm who rely on My conveniences. I am the Lord God. I am Eternal and Mighty. My Children, you must put Me first lest you die in darkness and the temporal that take you away from My Love. Thus, I say, pray, My Children. Pray and I shall guide you and protect you and give you consolation through the storm.
Peace, My Children. Offer to each other all that is Love.

Wednesday, September 7, 2016 3:10 – 3:50 pm
“He that desires to retain the grace of God let him be thankful for grace when it is given, and patient when it is withdrawn: let him pray that it may return; let him be cautious and humble lest he lose it." - From My Imitation of Christ
Great confirmation. Thanks. Lesson learned…. XO
Belovéd Children, I am with you always and long for your attention. Belovéd Children, I long for your prayers, for they are like songs to My Heavenly ears. Believe in Me, My Children. Believe in My GREAT Love and capacity for forgiveness. I am your doting Father and long to pour My Love upon this World.
This World is canny yet unprepared. Call to Me and ready your Hearts with Love, Mercy, and prayer. Do not judge your Brothers and Sisters who I Love so well, for I created each of you with Love and for Love. How can any child accuse or judge another when I have made each of you and perfection and judgement are Mine.
Belovéd Children, come to Me with repentance in your Hearts and Love and humility in your Souls. I long for each of My Belovéd Children to come to Me, to adore and Love deeply My Most Beatific and Belovéd Son, the Christ. It is through His Purest Love that you are saved for Eternal Life. But each of you must call out to your Lord God. Come to Me for My Great Mercy, and I will make you whole. Come to Me for Mercy, and I shall cleanse your Souls. Come to Me for My GREATEST Love and you shall bear the justice and joy of Eternal Life.
Belovéd Children, you are so small and fragile in My Eyes [This is said with such LOVE! We are so totally cherished by Him!] You do not see because you are blind in your fragility. You do not hear because you are so small. You do not understand or long for Me because you do not pray. Those who pray to Me every day or perpetually or constantly are the salve that brings joy to My Heart, that soothes the pain from missing My Belovéd Children.
Your prayers I hear and answer and I give you good gifts and healthy or helpful or just guidance. Open your Hearts to Me, Belovéd Children. Do not wait to prepare for the storm. Do not stand idle and trust this World and its words. For I am the Lord God and I seek your Hearts as I long for you to seek Mine. My Love for you is endless. My Mercy is your bounty. Come for the treasure of My Love and forgiveness.
Belovéd Children, such numbers of Belovéd Souls are lost to Me daily. Those who reject the Christ, My Most Belovéd Son, reject the Eternal Father and cannot enjoy or enter into the gift My Son has given each of you of Eternal Life with Love. Belovéd Children, I am just and I am Merciful. I look kindly upon the humble and with great relief and joy do I forgive and Love the Children who grant Me their full Hearts and attention. I long for your Love and affection. I am an affectionate father and take great joy in giving My Belovéd Children good gifts.
My Belovéd Children, know that there is a time to be given gifts and a time to work. You must do the correct work for your Souls and walk on the path the Beauteous Christ Jesus has made for you. I am not a burden but (I) lighten the weight of your worries or concerns. Give Me your Hearts and you shall know My Glory is a gift upon you and I shall kiss your brow and give you strength in times of trauma or devastation. Belovéd Children, you cannot expect compensation when you have not worked. You cannot expect joy if you do not Love. You must work and live the life that pleases your Holy and Loving Father. This is not a burden but an aid or support or (that which helps) to make everything manageable.
My Love shows you the beauty and essentialness of your prayers and Love for Me. My Love for you is unending. I Love each of you without condition. I do not hold back My Love for you. I do not expect or demand perfection of you. I long for you. For your Love. For your warmth and companionship [He is affectionate]. Belovéd Children, I am not an intrusive God. Your Love for Me I cherish and desire but I will not or cannot demand My Belovéd Children. Thus, you must each find your way to Me with guidance of the Christ Jesus who is My Most Belovéd Son who Loves you.
We are One in Our Love for you and thus, when you depart from the Father, you are away from the Son. When you dismiss the Son, so you dismiss the Father and I will not know you. Thus I say, do not make your Loving Father and Holy Lord a stranger to your lives. Come to Me and know GREATEST Love and the peace of My Forgiveness. My Mercy is boundless and My Heart is always BIGLY open to you, My Belovéd Children.
Pray, My Children and bring Mercy to bear when your Hearts are struck by this World. Forgive and Love and turn to Me, as I will show you Love and Forgiveness. I am the Lord God, and all that I do and all that I give is good. Trust in Me, for I am the Lord God. The Christ Jesus, My Belovéd Son, dotes on you and how His Love is so great, at the price of His Life, He purchased or opened the door to each of you for Everlasting Life amongst Us.
Belovéd Children, there are consequences for sin. Know this to be true. The Kingdom of Heaven is My Perfection and I long for you, each of you, to know its AMAZINGNESS, BEAUTY or to be Spiritually awed by it. [Like a child is in awe of an amusement park!] I want you with Me, for you are for Me as I am for you. In its perfection, there is no place for the imperfect, and sin is the ultimate imperfection. Thus, I say, come to Me with Love and repentance, and the gates of Heaven shall be open to you. The Father and Son and Spirit and those who are Beatific will welcome each of you most joyously.
Know, My Children, what I accept and what I do not accept. Know or believe to your core that I Love you. Trust in Me. Be faithful and attentive to your God who Loves you so entirely. Grasp or go with passion and desperate need to the Christ and benefit daily from the Great Blessings of the Most Holy of Holies. My Children must partake in this gift for it is inimitable and essential for your Souls. Take advantage of the bounty before you, for one day the thief shall take your homes and treasures and access to its blessings will all but disappear. [That is, access to the Church and the Holy Eucharist.] Take or partake of the Most Holy Eucharist, My Children. It is the Great Blessing and cleanses and brings blessings, great blessings to you.
Love, My Children. Love Me and Love others, especially those who wrong you. It is an easy thing to enjoy the sweet berries, as they are ripe and sweet. It is a difficult thing to plant the trees, till the land, and wait to harvest. Thus, I am endeared to those who Love their enemies. Love those who hurt you. Place the Love and Mercy of My Heart into your own through prayer and Love. My Love and forgiveness are an example for what your lives can be, and that is, peaceful and righteous. Strive to forgive and Love.
You honor the Christ, My Belovéd Son, when you demonstrate the fullness of your Heart by Loving deeply those He deeply Loves and forgiving freely those He will forgive. Work now, as difficult as work is when others are at play. Work towards that which is just and right, and your rewards will be far richer than the most resplendent joys you seek on earth. Pray, Love, forgive. Give your Hearts to Me. Follow My Belovéd Son. Thus shall you know peace and the Glories in Heaven.
“He that desires to retain the grace of God let him be thankful for grace when it is given, and patient when it is withdrawn: let him pray that it may return; let him be cautious and humble lest he lose it." - From My Imitation of Christ
Great confirmation. Thanks. Lesson learned…. XO
Belovéd Children, I am with you always and long for your attention. Belovéd Children, I long for your prayers, for they are like songs to My Heavenly ears. Believe in Me, My Children. Believe in My GREAT Love and capacity for forgiveness. I am your doting Father and long to pour My Love upon this World.
This World is canny yet unprepared. Call to Me and ready your Hearts with Love, Mercy, and prayer. Do not judge your Brothers and Sisters who I Love so well, for I created each of you with Love and for Love. How can any child accuse or judge another when I have made each of you and perfection and judgement are Mine.
Belovéd Children, come to Me with repentance in your Hearts and Love and humility in your Souls. I long for each of My Belovéd Children to come to Me, to adore and Love deeply My Most Beatific and Belovéd Son, the Christ. It is through His Purest Love that you are saved for Eternal Life. But each of you must call out to your Lord God. Come to Me for My Great Mercy, and I will make you whole. Come to Me for Mercy, and I shall cleanse your Souls. Come to Me for My GREATEST Love and you shall bear the justice and joy of Eternal Life.
Belovéd Children, you are so small and fragile in My Eyes [This is said with such LOVE! We are so totally cherished by Him!] You do not see because you are blind in your fragility. You do not hear because you are so small. You do not understand or long for Me because you do not pray. Those who pray to Me every day or perpetually or constantly are the salve that brings joy to My Heart, that soothes the pain from missing My Belovéd Children.
Your prayers I hear and answer and I give you good gifts and healthy or helpful or just guidance. Open your Hearts to Me, Belovéd Children. Do not wait to prepare for the storm. Do not stand idle and trust this World and its words. For I am the Lord God and I seek your Hearts as I long for you to seek Mine. My Love for you is endless. My Mercy is your bounty. Come for the treasure of My Love and forgiveness.
Belovéd Children, such numbers of Belovéd Souls are lost to Me daily. Those who reject the Christ, My Most Belovéd Son, reject the Eternal Father and cannot enjoy or enter into the gift My Son has given each of you of Eternal Life with Love. Belovéd Children, I am just and I am Merciful. I look kindly upon the humble and with great relief and joy do I forgive and Love the Children who grant Me their full Hearts and attention. I long for your Love and affection. I am an affectionate father and take great joy in giving My Belovéd Children good gifts.
My Belovéd Children, know that there is a time to be given gifts and a time to work. You must do the correct work for your Souls and walk on the path the Beauteous Christ Jesus has made for you. I am not a burden but (I) lighten the weight of your worries or concerns. Give Me your Hearts and you shall know My Glory is a gift upon you and I shall kiss your brow and give you strength in times of trauma or devastation. Belovéd Children, you cannot expect compensation when you have not worked. You cannot expect joy if you do not Love. You must work and live the life that pleases your Holy and Loving Father. This is not a burden but an aid or support or (that which helps) to make everything manageable.
My Love shows you the beauty and essentialness of your prayers and Love for Me. My Love for you is unending. I Love each of you without condition. I do not hold back My Love for you. I do not expect or demand perfection of you. I long for you. For your Love. For your warmth and companionship [He is affectionate]. Belovéd Children, I am not an intrusive God. Your Love for Me I cherish and desire but I will not or cannot demand My Belovéd Children. Thus, you must each find your way to Me with guidance of the Christ Jesus who is My Most Belovéd Son who Loves you.
We are One in Our Love for you and thus, when you depart from the Father, you are away from the Son. When you dismiss the Son, so you dismiss the Father and I will not know you. Thus I say, do not make your Loving Father and Holy Lord a stranger to your lives. Come to Me and know GREATEST Love and the peace of My Forgiveness. My Mercy is boundless and My Heart is always BIGLY open to you, My Belovéd Children.
Pray, My Children and bring Mercy to bear when your Hearts are struck by this World. Forgive and Love and turn to Me, as I will show you Love and Forgiveness. I am the Lord God, and all that I do and all that I give is good. Trust in Me, for I am the Lord God. The Christ Jesus, My Belovéd Son, dotes on you and how His Love is so great, at the price of His Life, He purchased or opened the door to each of you for Everlasting Life amongst Us.
Belovéd Children, there are consequences for sin. Know this to be true. The Kingdom of Heaven is My Perfection and I long for you, each of you, to know its AMAZINGNESS, BEAUTY or to be Spiritually awed by it. [Like a child is in awe of an amusement park!] I want you with Me, for you are for Me as I am for you. In its perfection, there is no place for the imperfect, and sin is the ultimate imperfection. Thus, I say, come to Me with Love and repentance, and the gates of Heaven shall be open to you. The Father and Son and Spirit and those who are Beatific will welcome each of you most joyously.
Know, My Children, what I accept and what I do not accept. Know or believe to your core that I Love you. Trust in Me. Be faithful and attentive to your God who Loves you so entirely. Grasp or go with passion and desperate need to the Christ and benefit daily from the Great Blessings of the Most Holy of Holies. My Children must partake in this gift for it is inimitable and essential for your Souls. Take advantage of the bounty before you, for one day the thief shall take your homes and treasures and access to its blessings will all but disappear. [That is, access to the Church and the Holy Eucharist.] Take or partake of the Most Holy Eucharist, My Children. It is the Great Blessing and cleanses and brings blessings, great blessings to you.
Love, My Children. Love Me and Love others, especially those who wrong you. It is an easy thing to enjoy the sweet berries, as they are ripe and sweet. It is a difficult thing to plant the trees, till the land, and wait to harvest. Thus, I am endeared to those who Love their enemies. Love those who hurt you. Place the Love and Mercy of My Heart into your own through prayer and Love. My Love and forgiveness are an example for what your lives can be, and that is, peaceful and righteous. Strive to forgive and Love.
You honor the Christ, My Belovéd Son, when you demonstrate the fullness of your Heart by Loving deeply those He deeply Loves and forgiving freely those He will forgive. Work now, as difficult as work is when others are at play. Work towards that which is just and right, and your rewards will be far richer than the most resplendent joys you seek on earth. Pray, Love, forgive. Give your Hearts to Me. Follow My Belovéd Son. Thus shall you know peace and the Glories in Heaven.