Wednesday, November 28, 2018 Adoration 1:23 pm – 2:15 pm
Children, I call out to you and ask you to pray. Children, your prayers are a salve to the wounds of My Loving Heart. My Heart is wounded by the fantastic sins of this World and My very angels shield their eyes from them. Belovéd Children, sin is like a disease that eats at your body. It grows and consumes until your body is filled with illness. Such is sin and its effects on your Belovéd Souls. Children, sin is like a syphon. It pulls all that is good out of your Soul and leaves nothing but an emptiness of darkness. Children, sin is like a darkness which cannot be penetrated by light. It is a terrible wound to your Souls, and it must not be allowed to fester.
Know this to be true, My Children, a day comes when your sins will be shown plainly in daylight. What was once good becomes good again after having been made black. And all that is black, having clothed itself in white, will be known as the evil they are.
Children, a Time comes when you shall long for the Body of My Most Belovéd Son, and He will be hidden from many. My Children will yearn and thirst for His BIG Blessings. You shall feel lonely and dejected. It is at these times when you must be ever-faithful to the Christ Jesus, proclaim His Word, and trust that He sustains you as you pray.
Children, come close to Me now. Grab the foldings of My robe and cling tightly like children to their Loving Father. Do not stray, but attach yourselves firmly to Me. I give to you good gifts, and I bless the prayerful with guidance, fortitude, and constancy. Where you fear, you will have courage. When you are weak, I shall give you the strength of ten men. Where you are confused, I shall provide you wisdom and discernment, all for the sake of your constant prayers to Me.
Trust that your prayers are heard with Loving ears and I long to give you all of My Graces constantly. My Love for you leads Me to long for each of My Children, regardless of your state. I Love the poor man living in the streets. I Love the fearful child who waits for his parents’ punishments. I Love the lonely, the sinful, the prayerful, the old and young, the murderer and pedophile, the thief, the liar.
I am your Creator. I have created each of you, and I Love what I have created. Thus, I say, come to Me with Contrite and hopeful Hearts, and I shall Love you and forgive you with open arms. Children, you do not believe you are “worthy” of forgiveness, of Love or joy?
Belovéd Children, I have created each of you, the multiple colors within your eyes, the veins and their pathways within your bodies, and the birthmarks on your skin, and what I created is beautiful and precious to Me. Give to Me your Hearts, and I shall make you whole.
Belovéd Children, attend My Most Belovéd Son, the Christ Jesus, with GREAT Love, affection and reverence. Be an example to your brothers as to how He must be worshipped and Glorified, for He is the Son of God, and it is only through Him that you are saved. Thus, I say, My Belovéd Children, approach Him with hope, joy, Love, and tenderness. Adore Him with your entire Heart. Keep My Belovéd Son, the Christ Jesus, company, so that your Hearts are an open invitation to His Love. Salve the wounds of the Cross on His Body with constant prayer and adoration. You do not fathom the blessings you receive from adoring Him for even one minute.
Belovéd Children, there is much to be done, the least of which is not prayer. You must pray every day and seek Me out. Seek out My Most Beauteous and Beatific Son and give to Him all the Love that is contained in your Hearts. Come to Him. Come to your Lord God who craves the company of His Belovéd Children.
Children, prayer will make you strong. Prayer will give you the fortitude you need to face the difficulties you shall face. Prayer will give you the discernment to know what is good and what is a lie, for there are many lies and liars telling lies in this World even now. Children, pray, and by your prayer, the words you say will turn into the music and wisdom of the Holy Spirit who seeks to guide you in all things.
Children, pray for My Belovéd Servants. **** Trust in Me, Children, for you are My Treasures. All that I do and all that I permit is to bring you, My Belovéd Children, to Me. You did not listen to My gentle calls. You did not take heed of My Warnings, and these have been many. So it is disaster now that I use to bring your attention to Me.
Belovéds, I protect you and give you strength to bear your burdens and trials. It will not be or it is not and it will continue not to be an easy time for this World. One shall die after suffering, others shall live to bring suffering to others. Know, My Children, that those of you who are hated and condemned for My Sake have a place in My Kingdom already.
Children, again, I say to you, do not fear. Do not concern yourselves with the trials that come, but trust in Me. I shall give you all that you need when you are in need. Trust in Me and My Will for you.
Children, prepare yourselves with deep, unending prayer. Prayer guides you to Me and shows you the path of righteousness. Many of My Prayerful will be Lights to those who have denied Me for so long and to those who are in ignorance. Prepare with great prayer and arm yourself with all things that are Holy. Do not be afraid, My Children. I Am with you always and My Love for you is BIG and it engulfs you in Times of most need and angst.
Belovéd Children, confusion and fear are not of Me. When you feel confused or fearful, cast out this inner chaos by prayer. The Rosary is the most powerful prayer of all. Belovéd Children, you are My Loves. Do not doubt My Love, but trust in Me. Trust in Me and in that Trust, you are made peaceful or your Hearts are no longer troubled. Peace, My Children.
Children, I call out to you and ask you to pray. Children, your prayers are a salve to the wounds of My Loving Heart. My Heart is wounded by the fantastic sins of this World and My very angels shield their eyes from them. Belovéd Children, sin is like a disease that eats at your body. It grows and consumes until your body is filled with illness. Such is sin and its effects on your Belovéd Souls. Children, sin is like a syphon. It pulls all that is good out of your Soul and leaves nothing but an emptiness of darkness. Children, sin is like a darkness which cannot be penetrated by light. It is a terrible wound to your Souls, and it must not be allowed to fester.
Know this to be true, My Children, a day comes when your sins will be shown plainly in daylight. What was once good becomes good again after having been made black. And all that is black, having clothed itself in white, will be known as the evil they are.
Children, a Time comes when you shall long for the Body of My Most Belovéd Son, and He will be hidden from many. My Children will yearn and thirst for His BIG Blessings. You shall feel lonely and dejected. It is at these times when you must be ever-faithful to the Christ Jesus, proclaim His Word, and trust that He sustains you as you pray.
Children, come close to Me now. Grab the foldings of My robe and cling tightly like children to their Loving Father. Do not stray, but attach yourselves firmly to Me. I give to you good gifts, and I bless the prayerful with guidance, fortitude, and constancy. Where you fear, you will have courage. When you are weak, I shall give you the strength of ten men. Where you are confused, I shall provide you wisdom and discernment, all for the sake of your constant prayers to Me.
Trust that your prayers are heard with Loving ears and I long to give you all of My Graces constantly. My Love for you leads Me to long for each of My Children, regardless of your state. I Love the poor man living in the streets. I Love the fearful child who waits for his parents’ punishments. I Love the lonely, the sinful, the prayerful, the old and young, the murderer and pedophile, the thief, the liar.
I am your Creator. I have created each of you, and I Love what I have created. Thus, I say, come to Me with Contrite and hopeful Hearts, and I shall Love you and forgive you with open arms. Children, you do not believe you are “worthy” of forgiveness, of Love or joy?
Belovéd Children, I have created each of you, the multiple colors within your eyes, the veins and their pathways within your bodies, and the birthmarks on your skin, and what I created is beautiful and precious to Me. Give to Me your Hearts, and I shall make you whole.
Belovéd Children, attend My Most Belovéd Son, the Christ Jesus, with GREAT Love, affection and reverence. Be an example to your brothers as to how He must be worshipped and Glorified, for He is the Son of God, and it is only through Him that you are saved. Thus, I say, My Belovéd Children, approach Him with hope, joy, Love, and tenderness. Adore Him with your entire Heart. Keep My Belovéd Son, the Christ Jesus, company, so that your Hearts are an open invitation to His Love. Salve the wounds of the Cross on His Body with constant prayer and adoration. You do not fathom the blessings you receive from adoring Him for even one minute.
Belovéd Children, there is much to be done, the least of which is not prayer. You must pray every day and seek Me out. Seek out My Most Beauteous and Beatific Son and give to Him all the Love that is contained in your Hearts. Come to Him. Come to your Lord God who craves the company of His Belovéd Children.
Children, prayer will make you strong. Prayer will give you the fortitude you need to face the difficulties you shall face. Prayer will give you the discernment to know what is good and what is a lie, for there are many lies and liars telling lies in this World even now. Children, pray, and by your prayer, the words you say will turn into the music and wisdom of the Holy Spirit who seeks to guide you in all things.
Children, pray for My Belovéd Servants. **** Trust in Me, Children, for you are My Treasures. All that I do and all that I permit is to bring you, My Belovéd Children, to Me. You did not listen to My gentle calls. You did not take heed of My Warnings, and these have been many. So it is disaster now that I use to bring your attention to Me.
Belovéds, I protect you and give you strength to bear your burdens and trials. It will not be or it is not and it will continue not to be an easy time for this World. One shall die after suffering, others shall live to bring suffering to others. Know, My Children, that those of you who are hated and condemned for My Sake have a place in My Kingdom already.
Children, again, I say to you, do not fear. Do not concern yourselves with the trials that come, but trust in Me. I shall give you all that you need when you are in need. Trust in Me and My Will for you.
Children, prepare yourselves with deep, unending prayer. Prayer guides you to Me and shows you the path of righteousness. Many of My Prayerful will be Lights to those who have denied Me for so long and to those who are in ignorance. Prepare with great prayer and arm yourself with all things that are Holy. Do not be afraid, My Children. I Am with you always and My Love for you is BIG and it engulfs you in Times of most need and angst.
Belovéd Children, confusion and fear are not of Me. When you feel confused or fearful, cast out this inner chaos by prayer. The Rosary is the most powerful prayer of all. Belovéd Children, you are My Loves. Do not doubt My Love, but trust in Me. Trust in Me and in that Trust, you are made peaceful or your Hearts are no longer troubled. Peace, My Children.
I provide you constancy & fortitude

Friday, November 23, 2018 3:35 – 4:12 PM (37m)
Were we the first nation to make abortion legal? Did we export such a terrible sin to the rest of the world by convincing people it was okay? Did we redefine conception? What must it do to You, Father? Again, I think of all the ways the world hurts You, and I feel impatient for Your discipline, but I also know You have always told Me not to wish to experience it. Father, will I be alive? Does it happen soon according to “man time” v. “Your time?” Honestly, I hope so. Not to experience it, but to end this madness of sin and the upside down thinking people seem to have these days.
Belovéd Child, you are so small and weak in your faith. With prayer, all things are possible. I can call on the lukewarm and by your one prayer, they shall hear Me. Do you not believe that I rule this World and have a ready hand to rebuke and to bring My Children to Me?
Child, what if I took your time and threw down My Just Chastisement now, today? How many Souls would come to Me? Yet, if I let people, My Belovéd Children, sin unrestrained, should I not postpone or wait to send My Warning so that more Children are woken by it?
My Children are sinning greatly, and the sadness within My Heart is that many no longer recognize sin. Indeed, how can a person recognize something they have not thought of for years? It grows faint in their Hearts. Thus, it is made easier for darkness to introduce new sin after new sin, and those are also accepted because My Children lack true intimacy with Me.
Belovéd Children, so many of My Children approach My Most Cherished and Beatific Son, with hollow Hearts and ignorant Souls. There is little understanding of His Sacrifice. The Name of My Belovéd Son, the Christ Jesus, is spoken without reverence. The Body of Christ is astonishing in the blessings you receive. So few know this, and of those who are told, so few believe.
Children, there is a barrenness in this World. Your Hearts lack the capacity for Peace, even though you are each capable of Love and generosity. This World prefers war and chaos to peace and tranquility. I know why this is so. Many have grown thick with gluttony and impertinent to My Will. Man has ceased to believe in Holy consequences and the Mystery of My Great Love and Mercy. They do not come to Me for Mercy, because they do not believe they sin. What a woeful state in which this World finds itself.
My Enormous Mercy is a rare and specific gift to Man, and yet, because you do not recognize your own sins, you see no need to ask for My Heavenly Mercy. Children, how shocked so many of you shall be that I cringe for you and the pain you will experience.
This is your own making, Belovéd Children. I do nothing that hurts My Children, for I Love you more deeply than the oceans or skies. You cannot fathom My Love for you. This is the reason why I am allowing detriments to take place. This is why the earth trembles and cracks below your feet. It can no longer bear the sins against My Belovéd Son. The ridicule is abundant and there is so little Trust for Him, the One Redeemer who has saved Man.
Saved, if only you would approach Me for My Abundant Love and Mercy.
Belovéd Children, when you do not nourish your bodies with that which is good, your body betrays you and you grow ill. When you do not drink (from) the Cup of Life, you cannot live. Your Soul has been betrayed.
Children, such winds blow and are yet held back through the great intercession of the Most Holy Queen and your avid prayers. Children, if you only believed with your entire being that prayer is powerful, how different things would be. But there is little prayer within this World and the temporal – the riches, the atrocities, the anger, the excesses – that bind you, hold you so tightly. Children, exonerate your Souls and return to Me, your Belovéd Lord God and Father.
Children, I am impatient for your Love. I am impatient about your attention. I am a Loving God and I do not accept My Station in your priorities. Children, know this to be true. Those who have died and who will die, die with the desire for more Time to Love Me more appropriately, but that is when it is too late. Love Me now. Establish a loyal and reverent relationship with the Christ Jesus. He is your Saving Grace. Without Him, there is no Life for you. Without the Christ Jesus and His terrible Sacrifice for you, all of this World would be steeped in darkness, never to know Me at all.
Children, discernment is a gift I bestow upon the prayerful. Follow the instructions of the Holy Spirit and pray. Pray and you will not be led astray. Soon, and already many people, My Belovéds, stray from Me. Many disbelieve and teach their children that My Love is of no concern. They are convinced that I do not exist.
Where there is no light, there is only darkness. When there is even a pin of Light in darkness, darkness is broken. So it is with the wretched, the lukewarm, and the stubborn ones. They shall need a harder reminder that the Lord God does exist and Loves them despite their sins and depravity.
Children, listen when I tell you, prepare. Prepare a dwelling for those who will seek shelter. In return, you shall not go without the blessings of the Eucharist.
Belovéd Children, pray. All your prayers hold My Hand back and give Man more Time. Yet, My patience is tried each time Man sins against Me. Children, do not sin against your Lord God and Father. Those who continue to do so will receive no indemnification from the Son of Many or the Father of Life. Come to Me, Children, and keep your hands ensconced in My Own. Know that the (more) faithful you are, the more you shall have to endure. I provide you constancy and fortitude.
Belovéd Children, pray for My Servants. Many are steeped in the trappings of their positions and Rome was not always this way. Remove the gold that adorns your body and give your foods to those who hunger. Do not maintain such vanity and pride.[This is for priests, bishops, cardinals]
Children, the dragon erupts and even now challenges each of you. Where you are silent and accepting, this is when he attacks and drives you further into misconfusion. Stay close to Me, My Children. Stay close, and your prayers for Love and safety and the safety of your children and their own families is assured.
Belovéd Children, you cannot serve two masters.
I am the One True God. He who does not have faith in Me dies. Those who are strong in their faith are given Eternal Life in the Glory of God’s Majesty. Belovéd Children, go forth into this World and convey My Love to your brothers. I shall see so many very soon.
Do not fear, My Children. I do not hurt those whom I Love so dearly. I give to you My Peace today and for all days.
Were we the first nation to make abortion legal? Did we export such a terrible sin to the rest of the world by convincing people it was okay? Did we redefine conception? What must it do to You, Father? Again, I think of all the ways the world hurts You, and I feel impatient for Your discipline, but I also know You have always told Me not to wish to experience it. Father, will I be alive? Does it happen soon according to “man time” v. “Your time?” Honestly, I hope so. Not to experience it, but to end this madness of sin and the upside down thinking people seem to have these days.
Belovéd Child, you are so small and weak in your faith. With prayer, all things are possible. I can call on the lukewarm and by your one prayer, they shall hear Me. Do you not believe that I rule this World and have a ready hand to rebuke and to bring My Children to Me?
Child, what if I took your time and threw down My Just Chastisement now, today? How many Souls would come to Me? Yet, if I let people, My Belovéd Children, sin unrestrained, should I not postpone or wait to send My Warning so that more Children are woken by it?
My Children are sinning greatly, and the sadness within My Heart is that many no longer recognize sin. Indeed, how can a person recognize something they have not thought of for years? It grows faint in their Hearts. Thus, it is made easier for darkness to introduce new sin after new sin, and those are also accepted because My Children lack true intimacy with Me.
Belovéd Children, so many of My Children approach My Most Cherished and Beatific Son, with hollow Hearts and ignorant Souls. There is little understanding of His Sacrifice. The Name of My Belovéd Son, the Christ Jesus, is spoken without reverence. The Body of Christ is astonishing in the blessings you receive. So few know this, and of those who are told, so few believe.
Children, there is a barrenness in this World. Your Hearts lack the capacity for Peace, even though you are each capable of Love and generosity. This World prefers war and chaos to peace and tranquility. I know why this is so. Many have grown thick with gluttony and impertinent to My Will. Man has ceased to believe in Holy consequences and the Mystery of My Great Love and Mercy. They do not come to Me for Mercy, because they do not believe they sin. What a woeful state in which this World finds itself.
My Enormous Mercy is a rare and specific gift to Man, and yet, because you do not recognize your own sins, you see no need to ask for My Heavenly Mercy. Children, how shocked so many of you shall be that I cringe for you and the pain you will experience.
This is your own making, Belovéd Children. I do nothing that hurts My Children, for I Love you more deeply than the oceans or skies. You cannot fathom My Love for you. This is the reason why I am allowing detriments to take place. This is why the earth trembles and cracks below your feet. It can no longer bear the sins against My Belovéd Son. The ridicule is abundant and there is so little Trust for Him, the One Redeemer who has saved Man.
Saved, if only you would approach Me for My Abundant Love and Mercy.
Belovéd Children, when you do not nourish your bodies with that which is good, your body betrays you and you grow ill. When you do not drink (from) the Cup of Life, you cannot live. Your Soul has been betrayed.
Children, such winds blow and are yet held back through the great intercession of the Most Holy Queen and your avid prayers. Children, if you only believed with your entire being that prayer is powerful, how different things would be. But there is little prayer within this World and the temporal – the riches, the atrocities, the anger, the excesses – that bind you, hold you so tightly. Children, exonerate your Souls and return to Me, your Belovéd Lord God and Father.
Children, I am impatient for your Love. I am impatient about your attention. I am a Loving God and I do not accept My Station in your priorities. Children, know this to be true. Those who have died and who will die, die with the desire for more Time to Love Me more appropriately, but that is when it is too late. Love Me now. Establish a loyal and reverent relationship with the Christ Jesus. He is your Saving Grace. Without Him, there is no Life for you. Without the Christ Jesus and His terrible Sacrifice for you, all of this World would be steeped in darkness, never to know Me at all.
Children, discernment is a gift I bestow upon the prayerful. Follow the instructions of the Holy Spirit and pray. Pray and you will not be led astray. Soon, and already many people, My Belovéds, stray from Me. Many disbelieve and teach their children that My Love is of no concern. They are convinced that I do not exist.
Where there is no light, there is only darkness. When there is even a pin of Light in darkness, darkness is broken. So it is with the wretched, the lukewarm, and the stubborn ones. They shall need a harder reminder that the Lord God does exist and Loves them despite their sins and depravity.
Children, listen when I tell you, prepare. Prepare a dwelling for those who will seek shelter. In return, you shall not go without the blessings of the Eucharist.
Belovéd Children, pray. All your prayers hold My Hand back and give Man more Time. Yet, My patience is tried each time Man sins against Me. Children, do not sin against your Lord God and Father. Those who continue to do so will receive no indemnification from the Son of Many or the Father of Life. Come to Me, Children, and keep your hands ensconced in My Own. Know that the (more) faithful you are, the more you shall have to endure. I provide you constancy and fortitude.
Belovéd Children, pray for My Servants. Many are steeped in the trappings of their positions and Rome was not always this way. Remove the gold that adorns your body and give your foods to those who hunger. Do not maintain such vanity and pride.[This is for priests, bishops, cardinals]
Children, the dragon erupts and even now challenges each of you. Where you are silent and accepting, this is when he attacks and drives you further into misconfusion. Stay close to Me, My Children. Stay close, and your prayers for Love and safety and the safety of your children and their own families is assured.
Belovéd Children, you cannot serve two masters.
I am the One True God. He who does not have faith in Me dies. Those who are strong in their faith are given Eternal Life in the Glory of God’s Majesty. Belovéd Children, go forth into this World and convey My Love to your brothers. I shall see so many very soon.
Do not fear, My Children. I do not hurt those whom I Love so dearly. I give to you My Peace today and for all days.

Tuesday, November 20, 2018 1:33 – 1:39 pm Adoration
Father, speak loudly please. Discernment is so important, and I am so hard of hearing. Also, give me Your grace so I can forgive unconditionally…and with joy…not bitterness or pettiness in My Head. XO
Belovéd Children, pray constantly and believe in My Constancy in My Love of you. I do not abandon My Children. I welcome all Children into My arms for Mercy and unbounding Love.
Children, do not be afraid to approach Me, your Loving God and Heavenly Father. I have created you, and you are precious to Me. No matter how great your sins, come to Me in your sorrow and I will forgive and wipe away the detriment of your sin. You cannot drive Me away, for I am in your Hearts, and I wait with great hope and anxiety for you to come to Me.
Children, believe in My Great Love for you. This World disappoints you and makes you believe that unconditional Love and Mercy do not exist. Do not be fooled into this sad thinking. I am Love and My Love for you is unconditional. I do not force you to come to Me but hope always that your Hearts will hear My Fervent Calls.
Children, it is not long before this World will be faced with a choice. It is that darkness is too appealing to some and that others will recognize the Light of Love and repent with swelling Hearts. Therefore, My Prayerful Ones, increase your prayers for these Souls. Your prayers are so powerful, and I hear each one and answer you. Trust in My Great Love for you. I cannot hate, and I do not lie. Your welfare or health or spiritual health is My only concern. When you sin, your Soul is made ill. It is made dark and that darkness festers like an infected wound. Left uncleansed, this infection spreads and you are made weak. So it is with sin. When you are not cleansed of sin by contrition, you live in darkness and become tempted to sin again. It then becomes easier to sin. As you sin so often, you begin to be unable to recognize sin. Then, you adopt or accept sin, and you are lost.
Cleanse yourselves of sin often, and be assured you do not die from this Life in opposition to My Will for you, which is Everlasting, Eternal Life with the One who Loves you so. Belovéd Children, partake of the Eucharist with GREAT reverence, for My Belovéd Son, the Christ Jesus, is before you. Lay claim to His Love and do not oppose Him with disobedience, sin, and a precarious spirit to Him. You must be reverent. Kneel before Him in prayer and awe, and praise Him always, for He is your Redeemer and has opened the gates of Mercy by His Great and Enduring Sacrifice.
Oh, Children, so many of you take Him for granted. So many of My Belovéd Children fail to comprehend the (?)of His Glory. Do not be lukewarm in your Faith. Do not be lukewarm in your Love for Him. You cannot serve this World and My Belovéd Son at the same Time. He must be your first concern. Your Souls should be your priority above all else.
It is good to work and make use of yourselves in this World. However, so many of My Belovéd Children feel even an hour in My Service and company is an inconvenience. And so many children think their attention to Me is unnecessary. Belovéds, you must know Me intimately, and you cannot do this without prayer and reconciliation and partaking of the Most Holy of Holies, the Sacrificed Lamb and Redeemer, Christ Jesus.
Your lack of prayer and reverence and attentiveness to your Lord God and Father is what causes the anger and chaos and dis-spirited-ness in your homes. [That is to say, lack of spirituality.] Where I am not, only sorrow and misguidance exist. Invite Me into your homes or Lives. Do not submit yourselves to chaos, anger, sorrow, confusion, self-hate, and hatred. These things destroy the Soul and when left unchecked by My Love, grow to enormous amounts. The Times when you are at your weakest, the Times you are furthest from Me, are the Times the evil ones strike. The darkness has many minions, and all hold a great desire for the ruin of your Souls.
Believe, My Children, that hell is real and not even the collection of all the World’s nightmares, sorrows, sins, disasters, and difficulties can compare to Eternal darkness and (the) pains suffered in hell. You cannot be with Me unreconciled. I do not permit sin into the Glory of My Kingdom.
Children, it is important that you bring yourselves closer to Me, now. With every moment you spend apart from Me, the more in danger your Souls are placed. You must know what I accept and do not accept. Those who have lapsed in their faith in Me are in such danger. So I say, My Prayerful Children, pray for them. Pray for those whose Love for Me is lukewarm. Pray for those who sin so easily and gleefully under My Holy and Loving Gaze.
Children, do not wound the God who Loves you so. Do not wound the Sacred Heart of the Christ Jesus. Do not compromise with sin, My Children. It is My Greatest Desire that all of My Belovéd Children live Eternal Lives with Me in the glory of My Kingdom. Know Me. Be attentive to your Lord God and Father. Worship the Christ Jesus with all of your being. He is My Most Belovéd Son, and when He is wounded, so am I wounded. When He is hurt by your lack of Love for Him, so too is the Father. You have only one way to your Lord God and Father, and that is through the Love of My Belovéd and Most Beauteous Son, the Christ Jesus.
Prayerful Ones, increase your prayers for this World and teach others to pray. Much prayer is needed for this World of sin. Belovéd Children, you must pray with great frequency and resolve in reparation for the deaths of My Belovéd Little Flowers. The blood of millions flows within this World, and what I have created, no many can destroy. It is the blood of all these aborted children that runs through the cities of this World. It is unabated death and is a grave and terrible sin against Me. Children, the amount of their blood runs so deeply, it swallows whole cities. And what response can your Righteous Lord give but to bring justice or provide justice for these discarded gifts.
Oh, Children, this very grave sin causes many detriments to this World. The World crumbles and tears at itself as the blood of My Belovéd Little Flowers stains the World. All of Nature is appalled by Man, and the angels who serve Me and who I Love, beg Me to release the sword of justice that they may make amends for this World’s sins in My Heart by striking down those who disobey and hate Me, the Lord God and Heavenly Father.
There are many Souls in danger of hell. Many do not teach their children to Love and Glorify My Name in their innocent Hearts. This too is a grave sin, for what Child grows to be worshipful without the Loving guidance of those who know and Love Me?
Children, so many are in danger of darkness, so I request prayers for them. Pray as the Queen of Heaven has requested, upon the Blesséd Rosaries. Each prayer provides a blessing to Mankind. The Blesséd Mother intercedes for all Mankind. In some instances, for the mitigation of great disasters. In others, it is to provide Time for those who die but who have yet to repent. Others are given to the World as a whole that I delay the Time of My Correction, because it will be such a difficulty, especially for a World that is so spiritually bankrupt. Listen to Me, My Children, and do not wait or disbelieve. The coming Times will be wrought with great difficulties, pain, and disaster. Be strong in your Love and Faith in Me.
Be confident that My Will for you is loving and good. Do not lose your faith when you face great difficulties. Trust that I shall sustain My Children, because you have adhered to My requests and calls for prayer. Children of My Light, many will need your Love of Me to be clear or evident. This will draw My Children to Me by your very example and to attract Souls to Me is such a Great gift to Me.
Belovéd Children, allow My Most Belovéd and reverent Servants to rest in the safety of your homes. As you prepare a dwelling place for Me in your own Hearts, I ask that you prepare a dwelling place for My Belovéd and Devout Servants. Providing a safe place for My Servants will be a great blessing, for those who answer My Request will have a Consecrator always within and will not be starved of the Most Holy Eucharist.
Know, My Children, that you must strengthen your Souls with the GREAT BLESSINGS of your Redeemer, My Belovéd Son, Christ Jesus. Believe that one day soon, as you walk under the sun or converse with your friends or go to work as you do, the Eucharist will become suddenly scarce. Know and beware of those who would claim to be Holy Consecrators, for their Souls are dark and their lies will lead many astray. As the Holy Spirit touches your Heart with discernment over what is evil and what is pure, listen attentively and walk in the direction that keeps you safely ensconced in Love and away from those who would encourage you to sin. [False priests, so to speak, will pretend at being true priests who are able to consecrate hosts. They will not be true priests, and the bread they offer is not the Eucharist at all.]
Belovéd Children, beware of those with golden tongues. Sophists will seek to fool you and lead you away from Me. Sophists want to abolish My Loving Name completely and replace My Love and Mercy and very existence from the minds, Spirits, and words of Mankind. I cannot be made to disappear, for Man is My Loving Priority. Many of My Belovéd Children will fall for these untruths. Some will not recognize the evil work behind the sophists’ words. Those who are weak in prayer are easily misled. Thus, pray for My Children, and guide them when the Time comes.
Belovéd Children, what I allow and what I shall send is not in punishment but to draw My Children close to Me. I have sent calls of Great Love to Capture the attention of Man. The Most Blesséd Mother has warned this World time and again, but so few take heed. Now I resort to disaster and “noise” to gain the attention of Mankind. So steeped in a nature of death is Man that he notices only tragedy and devastations, and often, not even those.
Belovéd Children, be prayerful and do not fear what comes. My Will for you is good. Some of you will be sheltered beneath the mantle of the Most Blesséd Mother of God. Others shall be My Loving Warriors. Others of My Belovéd Children shall be martyred for the reparation of Mans’ great sins, especially for the blood of the children that runs so freely throughout this World. Those of you who are called to martyrdom, do not be afraid. Do not be afraid, but pray. Pray to your Lord God and Father, and I shall give you the grace of strength and courage to endure what you must. Know that whatever pains are inflicted upon you now will be wiped away and rewarded y Me in Eternal Life.
Belovéd Children, rest and be prayerful, for tomorrow you shall need constancy and fortitude. I grant these to you and discernment by your Loving and faithful prayers. Peace, My Children. Do not let your Hearts be troubled. Trust in your Lord God and you are infused with My Peace
Father, speak loudly please. Discernment is so important, and I am so hard of hearing. Also, give me Your grace so I can forgive unconditionally…and with joy…not bitterness or pettiness in My Head. XO
Belovéd Children, pray constantly and believe in My Constancy in My Love of you. I do not abandon My Children. I welcome all Children into My arms for Mercy and unbounding Love.
Children, do not be afraid to approach Me, your Loving God and Heavenly Father. I have created you, and you are precious to Me. No matter how great your sins, come to Me in your sorrow and I will forgive and wipe away the detriment of your sin. You cannot drive Me away, for I am in your Hearts, and I wait with great hope and anxiety for you to come to Me.
Children, believe in My Great Love for you. This World disappoints you and makes you believe that unconditional Love and Mercy do not exist. Do not be fooled into this sad thinking. I am Love and My Love for you is unconditional. I do not force you to come to Me but hope always that your Hearts will hear My Fervent Calls.
Children, it is not long before this World will be faced with a choice. It is that darkness is too appealing to some and that others will recognize the Light of Love and repent with swelling Hearts. Therefore, My Prayerful Ones, increase your prayers for these Souls. Your prayers are so powerful, and I hear each one and answer you. Trust in My Great Love for you. I cannot hate, and I do not lie. Your welfare or health or spiritual health is My only concern. When you sin, your Soul is made ill. It is made dark and that darkness festers like an infected wound. Left uncleansed, this infection spreads and you are made weak. So it is with sin. When you are not cleansed of sin by contrition, you live in darkness and become tempted to sin again. It then becomes easier to sin. As you sin so often, you begin to be unable to recognize sin. Then, you adopt or accept sin, and you are lost.
Cleanse yourselves of sin often, and be assured you do not die from this Life in opposition to My Will for you, which is Everlasting, Eternal Life with the One who Loves you so. Belovéd Children, partake of the Eucharist with GREAT reverence, for My Belovéd Son, the Christ Jesus, is before you. Lay claim to His Love and do not oppose Him with disobedience, sin, and a precarious spirit to Him. You must be reverent. Kneel before Him in prayer and awe, and praise Him always, for He is your Redeemer and has opened the gates of Mercy by His Great and Enduring Sacrifice.
Oh, Children, so many of you take Him for granted. So many of My Belovéd Children fail to comprehend the (?)of His Glory. Do not be lukewarm in your Faith. Do not be lukewarm in your Love for Him. You cannot serve this World and My Belovéd Son at the same Time. He must be your first concern. Your Souls should be your priority above all else.
It is good to work and make use of yourselves in this World. However, so many of My Belovéd Children feel even an hour in My Service and company is an inconvenience. And so many children think their attention to Me is unnecessary. Belovéds, you must know Me intimately, and you cannot do this without prayer and reconciliation and partaking of the Most Holy of Holies, the Sacrificed Lamb and Redeemer, Christ Jesus.
Your lack of prayer and reverence and attentiveness to your Lord God and Father is what causes the anger and chaos and dis-spirited-ness in your homes. [That is to say, lack of spirituality.] Where I am not, only sorrow and misguidance exist. Invite Me into your homes or Lives. Do not submit yourselves to chaos, anger, sorrow, confusion, self-hate, and hatred. These things destroy the Soul and when left unchecked by My Love, grow to enormous amounts. The Times when you are at your weakest, the Times you are furthest from Me, are the Times the evil ones strike. The darkness has many minions, and all hold a great desire for the ruin of your Souls.
Believe, My Children, that hell is real and not even the collection of all the World’s nightmares, sorrows, sins, disasters, and difficulties can compare to Eternal darkness and (the) pains suffered in hell. You cannot be with Me unreconciled. I do not permit sin into the Glory of My Kingdom.
Children, it is important that you bring yourselves closer to Me, now. With every moment you spend apart from Me, the more in danger your Souls are placed. You must know what I accept and do not accept. Those who have lapsed in their faith in Me are in such danger. So I say, My Prayerful Children, pray for them. Pray for those whose Love for Me is lukewarm. Pray for those who sin so easily and gleefully under My Holy and Loving Gaze.
Children, do not wound the God who Loves you so. Do not wound the Sacred Heart of the Christ Jesus. Do not compromise with sin, My Children. It is My Greatest Desire that all of My Belovéd Children live Eternal Lives with Me in the glory of My Kingdom. Know Me. Be attentive to your Lord God and Father. Worship the Christ Jesus with all of your being. He is My Most Belovéd Son, and when He is wounded, so am I wounded. When He is hurt by your lack of Love for Him, so too is the Father. You have only one way to your Lord God and Father, and that is through the Love of My Belovéd and Most Beauteous Son, the Christ Jesus.
Prayerful Ones, increase your prayers for this World and teach others to pray. Much prayer is needed for this World of sin. Belovéd Children, you must pray with great frequency and resolve in reparation for the deaths of My Belovéd Little Flowers. The blood of millions flows within this World, and what I have created, no many can destroy. It is the blood of all these aborted children that runs through the cities of this World. It is unabated death and is a grave and terrible sin against Me. Children, the amount of their blood runs so deeply, it swallows whole cities. And what response can your Righteous Lord give but to bring justice or provide justice for these discarded gifts.
Oh, Children, this very grave sin causes many detriments to this World. The World crumbles and tears at itself as the blood of My Belovéd Little Flowers stains the World. All of Nature is appalled by Man, and the angels who serve Me and who I Love, beg Me to release the sword of justice that they may make amends for this World’s sins in My Heart by striking down those who disobey and hate Me, the Lord God and Heavenly Father.
There are many Souls in danger of hell. Many do not teach their children to Love and Glorify My Name in their innocent Hearts. This too is a grave sin, for what Child grows to be worshipful without the Loving guidance of those who know and Love Me?
Children, so many are in danger of darkness, so I request prayers for them. Pray as the Queen of Heaven has requested, upon the Blesséd Rosaries. Each prayer provides a blessing to Mankind. The Blesséd Mother intercedes for all Mankind. In some instances, for the mitigation of great disasters. In others, it is to provide Time for those who die but who have yet to repent. Others are given to the World as a whole that I delay the Time of My Correction, because it will be such a difficulty, especially for a World that is so spiritually bankrupt. Listen to Me, My Children, and do not wait or disbelieve. The coming Times will be wrought with great difficulties, pain, and disaster. Be strong in your Love and Faith in Me.
Be confident that My Will for you is loving and good. Do not lose your faith when you face great difficulties. Trust that I shall sustain My Children, because you have adhered to My requests and calls for prayer. Children of My Light, many will need your Love of Me to be clear or evident. This will draw My Children to Me by your very example and to attract Souls to Me is such a Great gift to Me.
Belovéd Children, allow My Most Belovéd and reverent Servants to rest in the safety of your homes. As you prepare a dwelling place for Me in your own Hearts, I ask that you prepare a dwelling place for My Belovéd and Devout Servants. Providing a safe place for My Servants will be a great blessing, for those who answer My Request will have a Consecrator always within and will not be starved of the Most Holy Eucharist.
Know, My Children, that you must strengthen your Souls with the GREAT BLESSINGS of your Redeemer, My Belovéd Son, Christ Jesus. Believe that one day soon, as you walk under the sun or converse with your friends or go to work as you do, the Eucharist will become suddenly scarce. Know and beware of those who would claim to be Holy Consecrators, for their Souls are dark and their lies will lead many astray. As the Holy Spirit touches your Heart with discernment over what is evil and what is pure, listen attentively and walk in the direction that keeps you safely ensconced in Love and away from those who would encourage you to sin. [False priests, so to speak, will pretend at being true priests who are able to consecrate hosts. They will not be true priests, and the bread they offer is not the Eucharist at all.]
Belovéd Children, beware of those with golden tongues. Sophists will seek to fool you and lead you away from Me. Sophists want to abolish My Loving Name completely and replace My Love and Mercy and very existence from the minds, Spirits, and words of Mankind. I cannot be made to disappear, for Man is My Loving Priority. Many of My Belovéd Children will fall for these untruths. Some will not recognize the evil work behind the sophists’ words. Those who are weak in prayer are easily misled. Thus, pray for My Children, and guide them when the Time comes.
Belovéd Children, what I allow and what I shall send is not in punishment but to draw My Children close to Me. I have sent calls of Great Love to Capture the attention of Man. The Most Blesséd Mother has warned this World time and again, but so few take heed. Now I resort to disaster and “noise” to gain the attention of Mankind. So steeped in a nature of death is Man that he notices only tragedy and devastations, and often, not even those.
Belovéd Children, be prayerful and do not fear what comes. My Will for you is good. Some of you will be sheltered beneath the mantle of the Most Blesséd Mother of God. Others shall be My Loving Warriors. Others of My Belovéd Children shall be martyred for the reparation of Mans’ great sins, especially for the blood of the children that runs so freely throughout this World. Those of you who are called to martyrdom, do not be afraid. Do not be afraid, but pray. Pray to your Lord God and Father, and I shall give you the grace of strength and courage to endure what you must. Know that whatever pains are inflicted upon you now will be wiped away and rewarded y Me in Eternal Life.
Belovéd Children, rest and be prayerful, for tomorrow you shall need constancy and fortitude. I grant these to you and discernment by your Loving and faithful prayers. Peace, My Children. Do not let your Hearts be troubled. Trust in your Lord God and you are infused with My Peace

Monday, November 19, 2018 3:11 - 4:06 pm
3:08: I don’t know what has come over me, Father, Jesus. It is as if my back is carrying a weight of sadness about this world. I can’t think too much because I get depressed. About sins, abortion…they are so little and innocent and deserving of life and love. Please, Father, forgive us for all of these deaths. I wish I could protect You from the sorrows of this World’s actions and behavior. It makes my stomach turn.
Belovéd Child, you are so small and yet Love so greatly. I am the Lord God and Father. All that My Belovéd Children do affects Me, for joy and gladness or in sorrow and righteousness.
Children, I am a God of Love and Mercy. I am also a God who is just in His Righteousness. Do not think I dismiss your sins so easily in light of My Great Love for you. I do not accept sin and tell you, My Belovéd Children, do not believe that compromising with even one sin is acceptable in My Holy Eyes. Choose Life, My Children. Your Time here is a fleeting moment, but oh, such an important one. Every action, every thought, every emotion and every behavior reverberates in My Heart, and I know you. I know each of you so well. Believe in Me, My Children, for I am the Divine Creator, and what I create cannot be put down in death.
Children, hear Me. Open your eyes and see the truth of My Words. Children, hear Me. Listen to what I say and what I have said. Do not doubt Me in your temporal Life. Do not doubt in My very Presence and true Divinity. So many of My Children fall into sin, because the false treasures it provides are immediate in the eyes of Man, and My Great, infinite, and Eternal rewards are not before your eyes. Thus, there is a lack of trust and belief in the Blessings and Joy I offer My Children. Do not be fooled by what this World gives to you. It is all temporal, but My Love is not.
Know this to be true, My Children, many doubt and resist My Love, and I say, woe to those who have heard but do not believe. Woe to those who have denigrated the Belovéd and Glorious Son of the Father, the Christ Jesus. How must I stand by and listen to His Divine Name treated so coarsely? How long must I endure the ridicule thrust forth by Man, because his faith has lapsed or disappeared entirely.
Children of My Heart, pray. It is only through prayer that mitigates what comes. Man is in desperate need of correction. You are My Belovéd Children, and all that I do and allow is from My Deep Love for you. I am the Perfect and Holy Parent, and what parent does not stop their child from danger?
My Love for you is so great, I am willing to let you witness the shock of your spiritual dryness or damage. Belovéd Children, those who disbelieve or even hate the Christ Jesus shall see or witness the true terror of their Souls’ darknesses. They shall be thrust into blackness and all they shall hear are the moans of those who have paved the path for them with the sins of the past.
Belovéd Children, pray. You cannot know the power of your constant prayers. I delight in your voices and take comfort in the Love in your Hearts for Me. Belovéd Children, not one stone from a mountain or fire from the sky shall hurt you. What comes, you shall understand, because the Spirit will touch you. Do not fear and have no worries. When you are wanting, I provide. Trust in Me explicitly and do not deny Me. Hold strong to My Love and continue praying like My Good Children.
Belovéd Children, a Time of anger and chaos comes. Men shall turn against Man and children will turn against their Fathers. Whole families will be wrenched from each other’s arms because of this chaos and because of their lack of prayer.
Children, now is the Time to declare your Love of Me and your trust in the Lord God, Christ Jesus. Declare your Love loudly, so that others will be amazed. Some will mock you and stone you [physical violence]. Others will laugh and jail you. Yet, still others will hear and see and thus be brought into the bosom of God’s Love.
Anticipate hatred, My Children. You will be hated for Loving Me. Many will be martyred, especially My Most Prayerful and Most Humble Servants. The Spirit shall guide you when you pray for discernment. Pray, and the Spirit shall lead you directly into the saving embrace of Christ, the Eucharist. The Great Blessing shall become so scarce, you will long for the time you could partake of His Great Blessing daily.
Children, strengthen your Souls today, with the Holy Eucharist. Embrace the Love of My Belovéd Son, the Christ Jesus. You live on the cusp of Mercy and Justice. What will you do when you face the latter if you have not garnered the former?
Children, the World’s lack of Love and reverence for the Christ Jesus pangs Me. The whole of Heaven is appalled by the irreverence of this World. So many beg Me to act to correct Man now. Yet, your Most Belovéd Queen of Peace stays My Hand, day after day and hour by hour. Even She tires of the sins committed against the Son of Man. She Loves this World as Her Belovéd Son does. Why do My Children lack respect for My Son? Why do you drive Him away from your lives? He is your Saving Grace. Without Him, you can have no Life. It is only with Him and through Him that I accept you into My Kingdom.
Children, I have chosen many to bring word of My desire. That Man return to their true and just worship of their Lord God and Heavenly King. My Children have sounded the trumpets by their efforts, but they are not believed. Instead, they are ridiculed and insulted by those they would have Me save. Belovéd Children, the Time is so near now. Your sins have grown so massive and terrible, the sins deserve punishment. Instead, I give to Man one more chance to come to Me.
Belovéd Children, when honey does not suffice, shock will. What comes is not a Time of pleasantries and happiness or peace. You will be tested so thoroughly. Keep strong in your faith. You will be threatened by sophists and statesmen who seek power alongside the deceiver.
Oh Children, before you are made a victim or martyr, ensure that you do not succumb to sin nor the lies that you will be told. Rely on the Spirit to guide you lest you grow confused by the traitorous sophists. Listen to Me, My Children and pray. Increase your prayers for this World and know with each prayer you save a person or mitigate disaster. Belovéd Children, the earth screams with labor pains, and My Children do not see. If they see, they do not hear. If they see and hear, too often they ignore what they are told and what is standing before them.
Children, you are Lights within My Eyes and you will continue to be so. It is a blessing for you that you shall be so prayerful. Yet, it is also a detriment to your lives, because you will be a target for the ugly attacks of this World. People will test your Love for Me. My Children, and especially My Holiest Servants, shall be tested. Thus, My Children, give to them all of your prayers and help.
Soon My Belovéd Servants will need to hide, even as their brethren remain standing proudly in front of a desecrated altar. Provide My Good Servants a bed and food. Provide them with shelter and Love. Keep My Servants safe and well, for the Eucharist will be so very scarce. Because the sophists will have purchased the Souls of some of My Precious Servants, they will make claims against those who are faithful and lead them to death. My Servants will flee, and they will be right to do so. They shall hold Mass underground in small places, and their Love and work for My Belovéd Children will sustain many. Thus, I say, prepare for their needs.
Belovéd Children, you are such curious creatures! You cannot know when My Chosen time will arrive. Do not guess at it, for you cannot be correct. Know though, that you will have to face death in Life and Life in death. Even if you die before I give to this World the disasters meant to correct them as My Children, you must still account for yourselves. Therefore, do not prepare solely for My Chastisement. Prepare for the sake of your individual Souls. I shall prevail on earth and I desire that My Children are with Me.
Belovéd Children, the Time for My Mercy ends. It will come suddenly, and those who waited, believing their Time endless, and placed the Worldly over the Eternal shall be shocked and ashamed of their decisions. Children of the Lord, peace can be had when all people in this World turn to Me. I am Love and I can do all things. But this World has embraced death, sin, dishonor, and irreverence instead of Life, piety, virtue, and reverence. So shall you see the detriments of sin.
There will be odd floods in strange places. The ocean will rise and swell unexpectedly. Fires shall rage throughout the land unstopped and unfettered. The earth shall tremble with anger about your sins. Great natural happenings will take place, one worse than the other, until My Belovéd Children recognize and pursue My Love.
Children, you are Mine, for I have created each of you with Love, for Love, and by Love. Trust in your Lord God and know My Peace is ever with you
3:08: I don’t know what has come over me, Father, Jesus. It is as if my back is carrying a weight of sadness about this world. I can’t think too much because I get depressed. About sins, abortion…they are so little and innocent and deserving of life and love. Please, Father, forgive us for all of these deaths. I wish I could protect You from the sorrows of this World’s actions and behavior. It makes my stomach turn.
Belovéd Child, you are so small and yet Love so greatly. I am the Lord God and Father. All that My Belovéd Children do affects Me, for joy and gladness or in sorrow and righteousness.
Children, I am a God of Love and Mercy. I am also a God who is just in His Righteousness. Do not think I dismiss your sins so easily in light of My Great Love for you. I do not accept sin and tell you, My Belovéd Children, do not believe that compromising with even one sin is acceptable in My Holy Eyes. Choose Life, My Children. Your Time here is a fleeting moment, but oh, such an important one. Every action, every thought, every emotion and every behavior reverberates in My Heart, and I know you. I know each of you so well. Believe in Me, My Children, for I am the Divine Creator, and what I create cannot be put down in death.
Children, hear Me. Open your eyes and see the truth of My Words. Children, hear Me. Listen to what I say and what I have said. Do not doubt Me in your temporal Life. Do not doubt in My very Presence and true Divinity. So many of My Children fall into sin, because the false treasures it provides are immediate in the eyes of Man, and My Great, infinite, and Eternal rewards are not before your eyes. Thus, there is a lack of trust and belief in the Blessings and Joy I offer My Children. Do not be fooled by what this World gives to you. It is all temporal, but My Love is not.
Know this to be true, My Children, many doubt and resist My Love, and I say, woe to those who have heard but do not believe. Woe to those who have denigrated the Belovéd and Glorious Son of the Father, the Christ Jesus. How must I stand by and listen to His Divine Name treated so coarsely? How long must I endure the ridicule thrust forth by Man, because his faith has lapsed or disappeared entirely.
Children of My Heart, pray. It is only through prayer that mitigates what comes. Man is in desperate need of correction. You are My Belovéd Children, and all that I do and allow is from My Deep Love for you. I am the Perfect and Holy Parent, and what parent does not stop their child from danger?
My Love for you is so great, I am willing to let you witness the shock of your spiritual dryness or damage. Belovéd Children, those who disbelieve or even hate the Christ Jesus shall see or witness the true terror of their Souls’ darknesses. They shall be thrust into blackness and all they shall hear are the moans of those who have paved the path for them with the sins of the past.
Belovéd Children, pray. You cannot know the power of your constant prayers. I delight in your voices and take comfort in the Love in your Hearts for Me. Belovéd Children, not one stone from a mountain or fire from the sky shall hurt you. What comes, you shall understand, because the Spirit will touch you. Do not fear and have no worries. When you are wanting, I provide. Trust in Me explicitly and do not deny Me. Hold strong to My Love and continue praying like My Good Children.
Belovéd Children, a Time of anger and chaos comes. Men shall turn against Man and children will turn against their Fathers. Whole families will be wrenched from each other’s arms because of this chaos and because of their lack of prayer.
Children, now is the Time to declare your Love of Me and your trust in the Lord God, Christ Jesus. Declare your Love loudly, so that others will be amazed. Some will mock you and stone you [physical violence]. Others will laugh and jail you. Yet, still others will hear and see and thus be brought into the bosom of God’s Love.
Anticipate hatred, My Children. You will be hated for Loving Me. Many will be martyred, especially My Most Prayerful and Most Humble Servants. The Spirit shall guide you when you pray for discernment. Pray, and the Spirit shall lead you directly into the saving embrace of Christ, the Eucharist. The Great Blessing shall become so scarce, you will long for the time you could partake of His Great Blessing daily.
Children, strengthen your Souls today, with the Holy Eucharist. Embrace the Love of My Belovéd Son, the Christ Jesus. You live on the cusp of Mercy and Justice. What will you do when you face the latter if you have not garnered the former?
Children, the World’s lack of Love and reverence for the Christ Jesus pangs Me. The whole of Heaven is appalled by the irreverence of this World. So many beg Me to act to correct Man now. Yet, your Most Belovéd Queen of Peace stays My Hand, day after day and hour by hour. Even She tires of the sins committed against the Son of Man. She Loves this World as Her Belovéd Son does. Why do My Children lack respect for My Son? Why do you drive Him away from your lives? He is your Saving Grace. Without Him, you can have no Life. It is only with Him and through Him that I accept you into My Kingdom.
Children, I have chosen many to bring word of My desire. That Man return to their true and just worship of their Lord God and Heavenly King. My Children have sounded the trumpets by their efforts, but they are not believed. Instead, they are ridiculed and insulted by those they would have Me save. Belovéd Children, the Time is so near now. Your sins have grown so massive and terrible, the sins deserve punishment. Instead, I give to Man one more chance to come to Me.
Belovéd Children, when honey does not suffice, shock will. What comes is not a Time of pleasantries and happiness or peace. You will be tested so thoroughly. Keep strong in your faith. You will be threatened by sophists and statesmen who seek power alongside the deceiver.
Oh Children, before you are made a victim or martyr, ensure that you do not succumb to sin nor the lies that you will be told. Rely on the Spirit to guide you lest you grow confused by the traitorous sophists. Listen to Me, My Children and pray. Increase your prayers for this World and know with each prayer you save a person or mitigate disaster. Belovéd Children, the earth screams with labor pains, and My Children do not see. If they see, they do not hear. If they see and hear, too often they ignore what they are told and what is standing before them.
Children, you are Lights within My Eyes and you will continue to be so. It is a blessing for you that you shall be so prayerful. Yet, it is also a detriment to your lives, because you will be a target for the ugly attacks of this World. People will test your Love for Me. My Children, and especially My Holiest Servants, shall be tested. Thus, My Children, give to them all of your prayers and help.
Soon My Belovéd Servants will need to hide, even as their brethren remain standing proudly in front of a desecrated altar. Provide My Good Servants a bed and food. Provide them with shelter and Love. Keep My Servants safe and well, for the Eucharist will be so very scarce. Because the sophists will have purchased the Souls of some of My Precious Servants, they will make claims against those who are faithful and lead them to death. My Servants will flee, and they will be right to do so. They shall hold Mass underground in small places, and their Love and work for My Belovéd Children will sustain many. Thus, I say, prepare for their needs.
Belovéd Children, you are such curious creatures! You cannot know when My Chosen time will arrive. Do not guess at it, for you cannot be correct. Know though, that you will have to face death in Life and Life in death. Even if you die before I give to this World the disasters meant to correct them as My Children, you must still account for yourselves. Therefore, do not prepare solely for My Chastisement. Prepare for the sake of your individual Souls. I shall prevail on earth and I desire that My Children are with Me.
Belovéd Children, the Time for My Mercy ends. It will come suddenly, and those who waited, believing their Time endless, and placed the Worldly over the Eternal shall be shocked and ashamed of their decisions. Children of the Lord, peace can be had when all people in this World turn to Me. I am Love and I can do all things. But this World has embraced death, sin, dishonor, and irreverence instead of Life, piety, virtue, and reverence. So shall you see the detriments of sin.
There will be odd floods in strange places. The ocean will rise and swell unexpectedly. Fires shall rage throughout the land unstopped and unfettered. The earth shall tremble with anger about your sins. Great natural happenings will take place, one worse than the other, until My Belovéd Children recognize and pursue My Love.
Children, you are Mine, for I have created each of you with Love, for Love, and by Love. Trust in your Lord God and know My Peace is ever with you

Saturday, November 17, 2018 3:38 – 3:58 (before Mass)
Belovéd Children, wherever you are, I am there, watching over you like a Benevolent and Loving Father. Children, I have bequeathed My Mercy to you. Come to Me. Do not delay, My Children. Do not delay.
He who is not with Me is...against Me. He (who) does not abide by My Laws thus breaks them and suffers for his disobedience. Children of My Light, great prayer is necessary. Even as you pray today, increase your prayer. This World is in grave need of My Mercy, but it has no temperance with sin. Children, you are Belovéd to Me, and yet, so many do not know Me.
Many easily and gleefully denigrate the Christ Jesus who is the King of this World and the Savior of Mankind. A rope is thrown to you even as you fall down a deep slope, yet you take no notice of this aid. You are given the antidote for all your ills, but you refuse to be healed by it. You are drowning in a wild sea, but you do not grasp the hand that reaches out to Save you. Belovéd Children, do not betray your Souls by disbelieving in Love. I have Created all things, and I created each of you with great Love, for Love, and from Love.
Know you a part of Me as I am a part of you. Why do you...turn your Creator away?
Children, you are at the precipice of difficulties you do not see or understand. Prayer is a saving grace, and I shall protect those who are prayerful and abide by My Will. Children, do not be foolhardy and stubborn. Do not doubt Me when I say to you, great tests come. How many of you will withstand the difficulties of these tests and remain in the Light of the Christ Jesus? Who will be strong enough to keep faith in God, un-denyingly? [Unbendingly]
The prayerful are My Belovéd Army of Life. All those who pray for this disintegrating World have My Attention and favor. Each prayer mitigates what comes, but not everyone will be saved from suffering. Oh, Children of My Heart, pray and I shall give you grace and strength and discernment. When the dark one would fool you and pull you away from Me, your prayers will smite him, and you shall be lifted by My Belovéd Son, the Christ Jesus.
Do not wonder at how you shall survive these times that come, but place all of your trust in My Belovéd Son. Do not fear that which you shall face. Do not question how you will find food and water. I shall provide all that you need. Only trust in Me and do not stray from the One who saves you.
Dearest Children, sophists speak today and mislead many of My Belovéd Children. They have not called on Me, nor have they accepted My Great Mercy. Thus, their eyes are closed to truth and they are misled by the liar who seeks to bring My Children into darkness.
Belovéd Children, pray and the Holy Spirit will give you discernment. You will see evil when it stands before you, and you will know evil when it is spoken. Belovéd Children, you must be strong in your Faith and Love for Me. Partake of the Holy Consecrated Eucharist, for very soon, even the Deceiver will pretend at providing Life.
[That is, hosts that are not rightly or properly consecrated.]
Know what I accept and what I do not accept. Do not compromise with sin or Man who would call you to sin. It is at these Times when you must be at your strongest.
Little Children, you are so very Belovéd to Me. Thus, I say, pray and become more intimate with your Lord God who Loves you and wants all Souls drawn to His Love. I say to you again, pray. Prayer is your shield and armor. Trust in Me and be led easily to the Light of My Truth and Love. Peace, My Children.
Belovéd Children, wherever you are, I am there, watching over you like a Benevolent and Loving Father. Children, I have bequeathed My Mercy to you. Come to Me. Do not delay, My Children. Do not delay.
He who is not with Me is...against Me. He (who) does not abide by My Laws thus breaks them and suffers for his disobedience. Children of My Light, great prayer is necessary. Even as you pray today, increase your prayer. This World is in grave need of My Mercy, but it has no temperance with sin. Children, you are Belovéd to Me, and yet, so many do not know Me.
Many easily and gleefully denigrate the Christ Jesus who is the King of this World and the Savior of Mankind. A rope is thrown to you even as you fall down a deep slope, yet you take no notice of this aid. You are given the antidote for all your ills, but you refuse to be healed by it. You are drowning in a wild sea, but you do not grasp the hand that reaches out to Save you. Belovéd Children, do not betray your Souls by disbelieving in Love. I have Created all things, and I created each of you with great Love, for Love, and from Love.
Know you a part of Me as I am a part of you. Why do you...turn your Creator away?
Children, you are at the precipice of difficulties you do not see or understand. Prayer is a saving grace, and I shall protect those who are prayerful and abide by My Will. Children, do not be foolhardy and stubborn. Do not doubt Me when I say to you, great tests come. How many of you will withstand the difficulties of these tests and remain in the Light of the Christ Jesus? Who will be strong enough to keep faith in God, un-denyingly? [Unbendingly]
The prayerful are My Belovéd Army of Life. All those who pray for this disintegrating World have My Attention and favor. Each prayer mitigates what comes, but not everyone will be saved from suffering. Oh, Children of My Heart, pray and I shall give you grace and strength and discernment. When the dark one would fool you and pull you away from Me, your prayers will smite him, and you shall be lifted by My Belovéd Son, the Christ Jesus.
Do not wonder at how you shall survive these times that come, but place all of your trust in My Belovéd Son. Do not fear that which you shall face. Do not question how you will find food and water. I shall provide all that you need. Only trust in Me and do not stray from the One who saves you.
Dearest Children, sophists speak today and mislead many of My Belovéd Children. They have not called on Me, nor have they accepted My Great Mercy. Thus, their eyes are closed to truth and they are misled by the liar who seeks to bring My Children into darkness.
Belovéd Children, pray and the Holy Spirit will give you discernment. You will see evil when it stands before you, and you will know evil when it is spoken. Belovéd Children, you must be strong in your Faith and Love for Me. Partake of the Holy Consecrated Eucharist, for very soon, even the Deceiver will pretend at providing Life.
[That is, hosts that are not rightly or properly consecrated.]
Know what I accept and what I do not accept. Do not compromise with sin or Man who would call you to sin. It is at these Times when you must be at your strongest.
Little Children, you are so very Belovéd to Me. Thus, I say, pray and become more intimate with your Lord God who Loves you and wants all Souls drawn to His Love. I say to you again, pray. Prayer is your shield and armor. Trust in Me and be led easily to the Light of My Truth and Love. Peace, My Children.

Wednesday, November 14, 2018 10:48 am – 11:27 am Adoration
Father, I am so sorry and heartbroken for You that Man is so brutal and prefers violence and anger over Love and forgiveness. It makes me so sad. How much more does it hurt You?
Belovéd Children, surely this World’s sins are terrible and Man sins against Me so gleefully and easily or quickly. I weep in sorrow for the repercussions of your sins. I weep, because you do not believe in Me, My Belovéd Son, the Christ Jesus, and thus, you think that sin is not sin but as white as snow. You do not see the darkness in your actions or behavior.
Oh, Children, I am bewildered by your indifference to My Love and Mercy. There are no greater gifts, and yet you show Me daily how you prefer the shallow joys or acclimations of this World. Children, if you could see the state of your Souls, surely you would cringe in despair. You would fear for your Soul and call out to Me desperate for shelter or protection.
Oh, Belovéd Children, do not wait. Do not wait. There is much in this World to fear, and when you are weak and unarmed for your prayerlessness, the storm will come, and you shall experience a bewilderment that will surpass even the most terrible things you have experienced thus far.
I call to Man for your notice and receive no Love or notice from many. Many of My Belovéd Children have fallen asleep and cannot know what My Love is for them. Children, do not wait. Does the weary man wait for the storm to destroy his home in his weariness, or does he pull himself up to ensure the safety of his family and home before the storm arrives? I know well the sorrows of this World, and it is the great sins committed by Man that put the World in such peril.
Children do not disbelieve but trust in your Almighty Lord who sees you as His Precious and Beauteous Creatures. Children, your joy is a delight to Me, and when you come to Me in your joys or sorrows, I am made glad and the fever of My Worry wanes.
Belovéd Children, you must sin no more. The state of this World brings detriment and chaos. When you are not prayerful, how can I know you? I protect the prayerful with My Love, because My Prayerful Children have understood the desperate need for prayer.
Such grave sins are committed in this World, the least of which is not the killing of My Little, Belovéd Flowers. They are precious gifts to mothers who were to be Queens on Earth. Oh, Mothers, your betrayal of My Love and Life chokes your Souls and leads you into a terrible darkness. Mothers, come to Me for My Mercy and forgiveness. It is yours, for I can forgive your sins against Life and cleanse your Souls. But come to Me, My Belovéds, before the Light of My Great Mercy dims.
Belovéd Children, you are not strong, and you have not been tested yet. Rely on your prayers and know that in your weakness, I shall provide you strength, discernment, fortitude, and courage to face those who would destroy you with ridicule, hatred, a false piousness, with violence and threats of death. There will be many martyrs, My Children, and it shall be at its darkest. Do not fear, My Children. Do not succumb to the weaknesses, infidelities, and errors that are wrought by fear. Fear and confusion are not of Me. Thus, when your Hearts are distraught, come to Me in prayer, and I shall bring you peace. Do not fear this World. Know that My Most Belovéd Son was hated as you shall be hated. The Christ Jesus provides you His Light and comfort. Pray ardently and His Love sustains you always.
Belovéd Children, be in constant prayer. You are bold and prideful of your strength, but you are small, even now. Do not be confident in your untested courage and strength but have all confidence in Mine.
Pray, My Devoted Ones. Always pray, for prayer gives you discernment to see what is truth and what is a lie. The Spirit will bring the blessing and grace of discernment when the darkness would place a thick veil over the eyes of My Children. So many shall fall victim to the lies of this World. So many of My Belovéd Children shall be betrayed by this World. Belovéd Children, My Heart is filled with trepidation for what My Children shall face. Know that these Times that come I allow for the sake of drawing My Children to Me.
Prayerful Ones, pray continuously! There will be such confusion for those who do not know Me, and you shall guide them to prayerfulness. Children, pray for My Belovéd and faithful Servants, many of whom will be martyred. Have compassion for them in their plight, for they are the Blesséd Consecrators of the Life. Protect those who are Holy that the healing salves of My Son shall be made available to those who rely on My Love and protection.
Children, behold the Queen of Peace! She has interceded for Man endlessly. She too is denigrated with the Christ Jesus, her Belovéd Son, and still She intercedes for you. She Loves you as I Love you, and the mantle of Her protection is great, especially for Our Little Flowers who are so innocent and uncorrupted. Children, listen to Her words. Listen to the warnings She gives to you from Her great Love of Man. She is the Most Blesséd Mother of God and the Queen of all Heaven and earth. Such is My Love for Her.
Man denigrates Her and My Son so much. I am appalled by sin and ask that the prayerful refuse to compromise with it. No matter what degradation you must face, no matter the amount of hatred and ridicule, stand fast to My Commandments and do not compromise with sin. By your ardent prayers, you shall know explicitly that which I expect, and that which I accept and all that I do not accept.
Listen closely to My Calls and know you are most precious and much Belovéd to your Almighty God and Father. Be prayerful, My Belovéds, as you are the Lights within this darkening World.
Peace, My Children. Do not fear but embrace and accept My Love and Mercy which gives to you My Peace.
Father, I am so sorry and heartbroken for You that Man is so brutal and prefers violence and anger over Love and forgiveness. It makes me so sad. How much more does it hurt You?
Belovéd Children, surely this World’s sins are terrible and Man sins against Me so gleefully and easily or quickly. I weep in sorrow for the repercussions of your sins. I weep, because you do not believe in Me, My Belovéd Son, the Christ Jesus, and thus, you think that sin is not sin but as white as snow. You do not see the darkness in your actions or behavior.
Oh, Children, I am bewildered by your indifference to My Love and Mercy. There are no greater gifts, and yet you show Me daily how you prefer the shallow joys or acclimations of this World. Children, if you could see the state of your Souls, surely you would cringe in despair. You would fear for your Soul and call out to Me desperate for shelter or protection.
Oh, Belovéd Children, do not wait. Do not wait. There is much in this World to fear, and when you are weak and unarmed for your prayerlessness, the storm will come, and you shall experience a bewilderment that will surpass even the most terrible things you have experienced thus far.
I call to Man for your notice and receive no Love or notice from many. Many of My Belovéd Children have fallen asleep and cannot know what My Love is for them. Children, do not wait. Does the weary man wait for the storm to destroy his home in his weariness, or does he pull himself up to ensure the safety of his family and home before the storm arrives? I know well the sorrows of this World, and it is the great sins committed by Man that put the World in such peril.
Children do not disbelieve but trust in your Almighty Lord who sees you as His Precious and Beauteous Creatures. Children, your joy is a delight to Me, and when you come to Me in your joys or sorrows, I am made glad and the fever of My Worry wanes.
Belovéd Children, you must sin no more. The state of this World brings detriment and chaos. When you are not prayerful, how can I know you? I protect the prayerful with My Love, because My Prayerful Children have understood the desperate need for prayer.
Such grave sins are committed in this World, the least of which is not the killing of My Little, Belovéd Flowers. They are precious gifts to mothers who were to be Queens on Earth. Oh, Mothers, your betrayal of My Love and Life chokes your Souls and leads you into a terrible darkness. Mothers, come to Me for My Mercy and forgiveness. It is yours, for I can forgive your sins against Life and cleanse your Souls. But come to Me, My Belovéds, before the Light of My Great Mercy dims.
Belovéd Children, you are not strong, and you have not been tested yet. Rely on your prayers and know that in your weakness, I shall provide you strength, discernment, fortitude, and courage to face those who would destroy you with ridicule, hatred, a false piousness, with violence and threats of death. There will be many martyrs, My Children, and it shall be at its darkest. Do not fear, My Children. Do not succumb to the weaknesses, infidelities, and errors that are wrought by fear. Fear and confusion are not of Me. Thus, when your Hearts are distraught, come to Me in prayer, and I shall bring you peace. Do not fear this World. Know that My Most Belovéd Son was hated as you shall be hated. The Christ Jesus provides you His Light and comfort. Pray ardently and His Love sustains you always.
Belovéd Children, be in constant prayer. You are bold and prideful of your strength, but you are small, even now. Do not be confident in your untested courage and strength but have all confidence in Mine.
Pray, My Devoted Ones. Always pray, for prayer gives you discernment to see what is truth and what is a lie. The Spirit will bring the blessing and grace of discernment when the darkness would place a thick veil over the eyes of My Children. So many shall fall victim to the lies of this World. So many of My Belovéd Children shall be betrayed by this World. Belovéd Children, My Heart is filled with trepidation for what My Children shall face. Know that these Times that come I allow for the sake of drawing My Children to Me.
Prayerful Ones, pray continuously! There will be such confusion for those who do not know Me, and you shall guide them to prayerfulness. Children, pray for My Belovéd and faithful Servants, many of whom will be martyred. Have compassion for them in their plight, for they are the Blesséd Consecrators of the Life. Protect those who are Holy that the healing salves of My Son shall be made available to those who rely on My Love and protection.
Children, behold the Queen of Peace! She has interceded for Man endlessly. She too is denigrated with the Christ Jesus, her Belovéd Son, and still She intercedes for you. She Loves you as I Love you, and the mantle of Her protection is great, especially for Our Little Flowers who are so innocent and uncorrupted. Children, listen to Her words. Listen to the warnings She gives to you from Her great Love of Man. She is the Most Blesséd Mother of God and the Queen of all Heaven and earth. Such is My Love for Her.
Man denigrates Her and My Son so much. I am appalled by sin and ask that the prayerful refuse to compromise with it. No matter what degradation you must face, no matter the amount of hatred and ridicule, stand fast to My Commandments and do not compromise with sin. By your ardent prayers, you shall know explicitly that which I expect, and that which I accept and all that I do not accept.
Listen closely to My Calls and know you are most precious and much Belovéd to your Almighty God and Father. Be prayerful, My Belovéds, as you are the Lights within this darkening World.
Peace, My Children. Do not fear but embrace and accept My Love and Mercy which gives to you My Peace.

Tuesday, November 13, 2018 11:06 AM – 12 Noon Adoration
Father, please, speak loudly. I think all of Your children are going deaf….
Belovéd Children, hear My Calls. I call like a worried Father whose children have become lost in this World. Belovéd Children, to wander in this World without Me is like throwing yourself into a fire. It is like placing yourself before an hungry lion. It is like entering a lone desert with no food and no water to sustain you. Without My Love and Forgiveness, you do not have Life. Children, do not seek death, seek Life. Life is light and filled with Eternal Joy. My Eternal Love fills you with a mysterious and BIG Love. You cannot understand the enormousness of My Love for each of you. My Children, you are not BIG enough to fathom its depths.
Belovéd Children, glorify My Most Beauteous and Belovéd Son, the Christ Jesus. He sits beside Me in sorrow for your waning Love of Him. Oh, Children of this World, He lived and died that you may die and live. Why do you so easily forsake Our Love for you?
Children, do you not know the anguish We/I feel at the loss of your Hearts? I am your Creator. I have made you especially with Love and from Love and for Love. My Love and Mercy are great gifts and yet, as they are offered to each of you, so few hear My Calls. So few believe in the bounty of My Love and Mercy.
The angels in Heaven are astonished at your indifference for My Son, your Redeemer. He is your saving Grace. He is sacrificed that you may have Eternal Life. Why do you toss back the gold, (as) you are forgiven so freely? Why do you decline a feast? Where are your Hearts, My Children? They should belong to Me, Belovéds, and yet, they are vacated of Love by the temporal joys of this World, and those joys are so very shallow.
Children, I provide Eternal Life. I am the Almighty God and I cannot resist the Love of My Children. I turn no Child away. Come to Me for My Love and Mercy. Come to Me in your sorrow and grief. I will increase the forgiveness in your Hearts and give you courage to proclaim the name, Christ Jesus.
Be holy, My Children, devout, prayerful, and forgiving of your brothers, for I have created them as I have created you, and My Belovéd Creations are so beauteous and precious to Me. Hear Me, My Children. Belovéds, believe Me when I tell you, you are precious to Me [this is emphasized for somebody].
I have created you with a Love so immense, I placed a special light in each of you by design. The Love you feel is My Love.
Belovéd Children, forgive as I forgive. Give your Hearts over to Me and I shall provide you My Grace that your Hearts will find it easy and joyful to forgive. I am your Lord God and Father. Why do you doubt the One who Loves you most?
Children, My Love is a mystery. Know that I AM Love and I am your Lord God. Live within My Loving Will, and your Life shall be complete.
Love My Belovéd Son, My Children. My Heart is sorrowful, because He is so wounded by this World and its hatred and derision of Him and His GREAT Love for you. His Sacrifice is a timeless, priceless gift. It is redemption and forgiveness and Love, and yet, you are indifferent. So few trust. So few have the faith in My Love to entrust your entire life to Me. What Loving Father abuses His Son? What Father leads His Children to sin? What Father would ensconce His Children in chaos and ruin? Children, I give you good gifts. I am Love and you cannot live without Love.
Thus, I say, My Children, you must trust in your Lord God. You must forgive your brothers, even when the wounds within your Hearts are fresh and deep. Place your faith in Me and I give you graces as you live within this difficult World.
Children, I say to you, pray. Pray to Me at every moment of each day. Invite Me into your Hearts freely and constantly. Your fortitude is given to you when you pray fervently and with great Love and faith in your Lord God.
Children, you must be reverent. You must understand the depths of Belovéd Son, the Christ Jesus, and His Love for you. Do not treat His Sacrifice so lightly. He faced a terrible death in order that you should live. So many do not know the Mystery or the fathomless Love and grace that is Christ Jesus, and when so many come to Him in Communion, so many of your Hearts are stained with indifference. Pray, My Children. Know that I am Merciful, but you must be reverent and Most Loving of My Belovéd Son, the Christ Jesus, for whomever My Son Loves, I Love, and whomever My Son forgives, I forgive. Those who are indifferent of My Son are also indifferent to Me. Those who reject My Son reject the Father. And those who are not reverent and come to My Son in a state of sin do most damage, because of your irreverence.
Belovéd Children, I place no burdens on you. Love Me freely, joyfully, and all that I ask of you becomes a pleasure and a joy. Every task I give to you fills your Heart with Love and a desire to do My Will with joy. Belovéd Children, I give to you good gifts. I do not send you into danger and I do not send you to war ill-prepared. I do not send you into the predator’s den to be destroyed.
Do not fear the tasks I give to you. Keep your Souls close to Me and do not compromise with sin. You live in a World that will chastise you and ridicule you for your Love of Me, your Lord God and Father. With each attack, I give you great blessings. With each time you refuse to deny the Lord, Christ Jesus, My Heart swells and I prepare for you such rewards in Heaven.
Children, there comes a Time when your faith in Me will be tested. Even the most faithful of you will be tested. And those who are most devout and who are closest to Me will face the most dreadful of tests. Do not fear these things but trust in your Lord God. Trust in Me and call out to My Spirit. The Most Holy Spirit will guide you and protect you from whatever evil you may face. Place your full trust in your Lord God and Father, and know the suffering you experience in this World will diminish completely in the next and will be replaced with graces and rewards you cannot fathom. Thus is My Mystery.
Children, be prayerful. Prepare your Hearts and Souls with prayer. Come to Me often for My Love and Mercy. So many of My Belovéd Children are in need of My Mercy. How can I forgive those who do not come to Me for Mercy?
Children, spread word of My Great Love. Share your Love of Me with your brothers. Bring as many Children to Me that I may open their eyes to My Love and Mercy.
I say to you, My Children, those who die unreconciled with the Lord God suffer Eternal pains in the darknesses of hell. Do not fear My Words, but abide by them. When you are with Me like a child, how can your Loving Father be against you? You are My Belovéd Children, and all that I do and all that I allow is for one reason, one hope alone. I hope with great ardor that any of these things will open your Hearts to Me.
If I give you great riches, come to Me. If you are made poor and lowly, come to Me with Love and gratitude. If you are to live alone or live with children, thank your Loving Father and trust in My Will for you. Come to Me in all things and your Hearts will be filled with My Peace and joy.
Thus, when you face the tests and difficulties in this World, you will turn to Me in your tribulations and take comfort in My Love. Your tragedies will be made bearable in My Love. Your difficulties made easy by My Love. Your trust in Me will sustain you, and I say, difficult times come. Do not fear these Times that are here and that must come. Pray and be peaceful in My Love.
Children, pray, for the corruption of My Servants is great. It is by your faithful and Loving prayers that many are saved and returned to the Calling of your Lord God. Children, pray and do not judge, for which of you is perfect by the Christ Jesus. Do not judge your Brothers, as that is for Me and you do not know their Hearts as I do.
Children, pray, and ask that this World turn to the Light of Love. Pray and I can reverse the course of destruction, disasters, and tragedies. Pray, My Children. So many have gone astray and sin openly with gleeful and indifferent Hearts.
Do not compromise with sin. If someone you Love would have you sin, rebuke them and prevent (protect) your Soul from the tarnish of sin. Children, beware of the sophists who use cunning words to lead you astray. They fool many of My Children. Even My Belovéd Servants are led astray by words that seem like gold but are filled with this foulness of sin.
Know Me intimately, My Children. Know what I Love and do not Love. Know what I accept and what I do not accept. Do not succumb to sin. Do not condone sin as this leads to more sins and your Brothers perish.
Love, pray, and come to Me for My ready Mercy.
Pray, My Children, and I give to you the peace of the prayerful. Peace.
Father, please, speak loudly. I think all of Your children are going deaf….
Belovéd Children, hear My Calls. I call like a worried Father whose children have become lost in this World. Belovéd Children, to wander in this World without Me is like throwing yourself into a fire. It is like placing yourself before an hungry lion. It is like entering a lone desert with no food and no water to sustain you. Without My Love and Forgiveness, you do not have Life. Children, do not seek death, seek Life. Life is light and filled with Eternal Joy. My Eternal Love fills you with a mysterious and BIG Love. You cannot understand the enormousness of My Love for each of you. My Children, you are not BIG enough to fathom its depths.
Belovéd Children, glorify My Most Beauteous and Belovéd Son, the Christ Jesus. He sits beside Me in sorrow for your waning Love of Him. Oh, Children of this World, He lived and died that you may die and live. Why do you so easily forsake Our Love for you?
Children, do you not know the anguish We/I feel at the loss of your Hearts? I am your Creator. I have made you especially with Love and from Love and for Love. My Love and Mercy are great gifts and yet, as they are offered to each of you, so few hear My Calls. So few believe in the bounty of My Love and Mercy.
The angels in Heaven are astonished at your indifference for My Son, your Redeemer. He is your saving Grace. He is sacrificed that you may have Eternal Life. Why do you toss back the gold, (as) you are forgiven so freely? Why do you decline a feast? Where are your Hearts, My Children? They should belong to Me, Belovéds, and yet, they are vacated of Love by the temporal joys of this World, and those joys are so very shallow.
Children, I provide Eternal Life. I am the Almighty God and I cannot resist the Love of My Children. I turn no Child away. Come to Me for My Love and Mercy. Come to Me in your sorrow and grief. I will increase the forgiveness in your Hearts and give you courage to proclaim the name, Christ Jesus.
Be holy, My Children, devout, prayerful, and forgiving of your brothers, for I have created them as I have created you, and My Belovéd Creations are so beauteous and precious to Me. Hear Me, My Children. Belovéds, believe Me when I tell you, you are precious to Me [this is emphasized for somebody].
I have created you with a Love so immense, I placed a special light in each of you by design. The Love you feel is My Love.
Belovéd Children, forgive as I forgive. Give your Hearts over to Me and I shall provide you My Grace that your Hearts will find it easy and joyful to forgive. I am your Lord God and Father. Why do you doubt the One who Loves you most?
Children, My Love is a mystery. Know that I AM Love and I am your Lord God. Live within My Loving Will, and your Life shall be complete.
Love My Belovéd Son, My Children. My Heart is sorrowful, because He is so wounded by this World and its hatred and derision of Him and His GREAT Love for you. His Sacrifice is a timeless, priceless gift. It is redemption and forgiveness and Love, and yet, you are indifferent. So few trust. So few have the faith in My Love to entrust your entire life to Me. What Loving Father abuses His Son? What Father leads His Children to sin? What Father would ensconce His Children in chaos and ruin? Children, I give you good gifts. I am Love and you cannot live without Love.
Thus, I say, My Children, you must trust in your Lord God. You must forgive your brothers, even when the wounds within your Hearts are fresh and deep. Place your faith in Me and I give you graces as you live within this difficult World.
Children, I say to you, pray. Pray to Me at every moment of each day. Invite Me into your Hearts freely and constantly. Your fortitude is given to you when you pray fervently and with great Love and faith in your Lord God.
Children, you must be reverent. You must understand the depths of Belovéd Son, the Christ Jesus, and His Love for you. Do not treat His Sacrifice so lightly. He faced a terrible death in order that you should live. So many do not know the Mystery or the fathomless Love and grace that is Christ Jesus, and when so many come to Him in Communion, so many of your Hearts are stained with indifference. Pray, My Children. Know that I am Merciful, but you must be reverent and Most Loving of My Belovéd Son, the Christ Jesus, for whomever My Son Loves, I Love, and whomever My Son forgives, I forgive. Those who are indifferent of My Son are also indifferent to Me. Those who reject My Son reject the Father. And those who are not reverent and come to My Son in a state of sin do most damage, because of your irreverence.
Belovéd Children, I place no burdens on you. Love Me freely, joyfully, and all that I ask of you becomes a pleasure and a joy. Every task I give to you fills your Heart with Love and a desire to do My Will with joy. Belovéd Children, I give to you good gifts. I do not send you into danger and I do not send you to war ill-prepared. I do not send you into the predator’s den to be destroyed.
Do not fear the tasks I give to you. Keep your Souls close to Me and do not compromise with sin. You live in a World that will chastise you and ridicule you for your Love of Me, your Lord God and Father. With each attack, I give you great blessings. With each time you refuse to deny the Lord, Christ Jesus, My Heart swells and I prepare for you such rewards in Heaven.
Children, there comes a Time when your faith in Me will be tested. Even the most faithful of you will be tested. And those who are most devout and who are closest to Me will face the most dreadful of tests. Do not fear these things but trust in your Lord God. Trust in Me and call out to My Spirit. The Most Holy Spirit will guide you and protect you from whatever evil you may face. Place your full trust in your Lord God and Father, and know the suffering you experience in this World will diminish completely in the next and will be replaced with graces and rewards you cannot fathom. Thus is My Mystery.
Children, be prayerful. Prepare your Hearts and Souls with prayer. Come to Me often for My Love and Mercy. So many of My Belovéd Children are in need of My Mercy. How can I forgive those who do not come to Me for Mercy?
Children, spread word of My Great Love. Share your Love of Me with your brothers. Bring as many Children to Me that I may open their eyes to My Love and Mercy.
I say to you, My Children, those who die unreconciled with the Lord God suffer Eternal pains in the darknesses of hell. Do not fear My Words, but abide by them. When you are with Me like a child, how can your Loving Father be against you? You are My Belovéd Children, and all that I do and all that I allow is for one reason, one hope alone. I hope with great ardor that any of these things will open your Hearts to Me.
If I give you great riches, come to Me. If you are made poor and lowly, come to Me with Love and gratitude. If you are to live alone or live with children, thank your Loving Father and trust in My Will for you. Come to Me in all things and your Hearts will be filled with My Peace and joy.
Thus, when you face the tests and difficulties in this World, you will turn to Me in your tribulations and take comfort in My Love. Your tragedies will be made bearable in My Love. Your difficulties made easy by My Love. Your trust in Me will sustain you, and I say, difficult times come. Do not fear these Times that are here and that must come. Pray and be peaceful in My Love.
Children, pray, for the corruption of My Servants is great. It is by your faithful and Loving prayers that many are saved and returned to the Calling of your Lord God. Children, pray and do not judge, for which of you is perfect by the Christ Jesus. Do not judge your Brothers, as that is for Me and you do not know their Hearts as I do.
Children, pray, and ask that this World turn to the Light of Love. Pray and I can reverse the course of destruction, disasters, and tragedies. Pray, My Children. So many have gone astray and sin openly with gleeful and indifferent Hearts.
Do not compromise with sin. If someone you Love would have you sin, rebuke them and prevent (protect) your Soul from the tarnish of sin. Children, beware of the sophists who use cunning words to lead you astray. They fool many of My Children. Even My Belovéd Servants are led astray by words that seem like gold but are filled with this foulness of sin.
Know Me intimately, My Children. Know what I Love and do not Love. Know what I accept and what I do not accept. Do not succumb to sin. Do not condone sin as this leads to more sins and your Brothers perish.
Love, pray, and come to Me for My ready Mercy.
Pray, My Children, and I give to you the peace of the prayerful. Peace.
Friday, November 9, 2018 10:09 am after Mass today
I suppose the time here is irrelevant today, because this note is about a dream I had last night. During Mass this morning as I prayed, God made its meaning clear to me. That is why I am posting it here. There were a series of extremely deep and important meanings.
*Please be patient in that the format of this "message" is different (for me too), and the description of the dream is a little long. Thanks.*
The dream began, and I was able to view it through the eyes of a woman. I could view everything, feel her emotions, and feel the physical aspects of the dream.
This woman was in an old home with many rooms, but they were all dark and cluttered with things. There were boxes everywhere, and furniture and shelves all covered in glass knick-knacks, newspapers, and books. It was packed with stuff.
There was a small kitchen where three women – mature women with one very elderly one – sat on the floor. They were sorting some small things - trinkets - for the elderly lady. They seemed to be insignificant but for the sentimental value they brought to the eldest of the three. They were her small personal treasures. There were also big bags of rice and beans and sacks of potatoes there in the kitchen. The elderly woman was calm, content, and peaceful. She didn’t speak, but the other two women sat complaining to each other as they worked. The kitchen held some light whereas the rest of the house was dark – it was like the dark of a cloudy day when the house's curtains are closed. Everything was dim and depressing.
The rooms of this house would have been large but for the stuff everywhere. There was barely room to walk around things. The walls were painted in old faded greens and blues, and they looked very worn with stains and cracks. The woman found them odd, old-fashioned, and almost amusing.
It seemed to me that her extended family was there. There were many cousins of all ages - boys and girls, men and women. The woman’s own husband was not paying attention to her. She was frantic in her mind and heart for his attention, but he ignored or avoided her and showed a stronger preference for the company of the other women and girls. Those women also began ignoring the woman (his wife). This made her very jealous and angry – I could feel her anger. It was as if she would knock all of them down with her anger and hatred. It was physical, and she deeply wanted to hurt them.
Suddenly, the house shook with what felt like a “light” earthquake. It was enough to toss boxes off shelves and break a few things. The woman was only slightly alarmed by the tremor. No one else noticed the new cracks in the walls, and they were not afraid of the earthquake.
The woman was so angry and jealous that none of her family members wanted to be near her. Her husband and a group of women and girls left the house to do something else (it felt as if it would be something ugly and impure). The woman was not aware of their departure. When she discovered they’d left her behind, she became angrier in her hurt. She was used to being the center of attention, so perhaps this heightened her anger, jealousy, and desire for violence. She wanted to strike out at someone.
She made her way to the kitchen to complain to the women in there. The two younger ones laugh at her predicament. They told her, "Why would anyone want to be around her? No wonder her husband left with the other girls and women."
The woman is infuriated again by their reaction and laughter. In her intense anger, she messes herself, and the excrement is all over her body and clothes. I could feel her utter disgust with everything that was on her and the smell and the filth. She wanted to clean herself of the excrement and began searching for bathrooms inside the house. But the ones she found were horribly dirty, wrecked, and dark. The toilets were broken on the floor and the showers had no water or gave only a trickle. The bathrooms were worse than what she had on her body, but still, she desperately wanted to get clean.
There was a second earthquake – more violent than the first. Several of the knick-knacks fall and break. Books are thrown around on the floor, and the mess in the house is slightly bigger. The cracks in the walls are somewhat larger too. Those who are still in the house don’t take any notice of it. They are not cowering for cover. The woman herself is shaken and somewhat more scared.
She continues looking for a usable bathroom to take a shower. As she searches, she comes across a set of beautiful bone china and crystal glasses and champagne flutes. It seemed to me as if they belonged to her (or she planned on commandeering them), because she shrieked back at the women in the kitchen. She yelled at one of them – her mother, maybe – and told her to wrap the crystal and china well! Wrap it and take care of it so that it will not break the next time the house is shaken! Her demand sounds almost like a threat.
The woman then makes her way outside to a courtyard. It is daylight but not sunny. She comes upon a circular, outdoor shower that is made of large round stones. Many areas are crumbling. There is a red curtain at the entry, but it does not close all the way. The men and boys of the family are also outside in the same yard as the shower. She wants to shower, but there is no soap, and the men and boys are beginning to watch her with lust.
Finally, she can no longer take the filth on her, so she removes her clothes. There was a repulsive feeling that I felt with her as these men - her own family! - lusted after her. The boys too, and I felt a sickness inside myself. My skin crawled.
I could feel the woman’s shame and exposure – how uncomfortable and sick she felt. She tried to shower quickly, and as she did, another strong earthquake shakes the house and grounds. A part of the rock wall that made up the shower breaks, so now the people outside on the streets could see her. They too were looking at her greedily and lustfully, and being so exposed made us both shudder.
She quickly dressed but discovered that her clothes were still filthy with excrement. She decided she was cleaner than she had been, and that was at least somewhat better. She used the filthy clothes, but she didn't feel as disgusted as before.
She returns to the house, and once again, a violent earthquake shakes it. Many more things are tossed to the ground, tumbled over, and broken. She yells again at the women in the kitchen from a different room and reminds them that the glass must be protected. However, when she returns to the room to inspect the china and champagne glasses, everything is broken and scattered on the floor.
All the crystal glasses are broken but for two. She thinks to herself, “Well, at least I have these two stunning crystal flutes.” When she picks one up, though, there is a crack on the lip of it, and it instantly breaks in her hand. She gets upset and says to herself a second time, “Well, at least I have one stunning crystal flute for myself.” She picked up the second flute, and it instantly shattered in her hand, even though it had no cracks in it.
The woman was then angrier, more upset, and more jealous. I could also feel more violence in her anger than before. As she was standing in front of the broken china and glasses, another earthquake rocked the house very violently – enough to send her outside into the street from fear.
It was nighttime. There were many people outside on the streets with her, but no one seemed to notice or care about the earthquakes. They were not afraid. This confused me entirely as I watched. (After all, most people would be afraid during a series of earthquakes!). At that moment she (and I through her), noticed in the distance a roaring fire. I could hear and feel the heat on my cheeks.
It was a fire that was destroying a huge city. I knew it was a huge fire, because the city was so far away, and yet the fire was so big and raging and I felt it. As I watched with the woman, I thought about the immensity of danger the people around me were in. I was certain they were in great danger, but none of them acted like they cared or knew they were in danger. No one did anything. They were not scared, and the woman was only slightly fearful. They just stood there gawking at the fire.
Thank you for your patience, Readers. I know that was a lengthy description of the dream. Again, I probably would have forgotten it entirely, but there was a reason for it.
As I was praying this morning at Mass during the Consecration, God spoke to me. He said he wanted to tell me what it meant – what all those odd images from the dream represented. So I prayed and listened and tried to remember everything as best as possible, so I could write it down and share it. This is what He told me:
The dark, dingy house represents the whole world and the darkness that has overtaken it. The different rooms are the different countries inside the world, and in the dream, they were all filthy and broken, but for one – but it too was crumbling. It was the kitchen, and it was so small. It wouldn't fit many people at all.
The multiple earthquakes represent His growing warnings to us. Over and over, one stronger and more serious than the other. No one pays attention though.
The husband and female family members who left the house despite the earthquakes, who left his wife and ignored all the work that needed to be done to clean up the house, represent the lack of attention people give to our Father – how they ignore His warnings and calls. People completely disregard Him, because they want entertainment and hate discipline. The world’s focus is on entertainment and instant gratification. This makes His people feel happy and fulfilled. Despite all His wake-up calls, people are doing “business as usual.”
Those who abandoned the woman, laughed at her, or ignored her feelings represent the world’s lack of compassion, charity, and generosity. The world does not love. That is why there is so much violence. People do not take notice of those in need of compassion.
The crystal glasses and fine china represent the avarice in the world. The great wealth and riches people value above everything else to the point that many will lie, cheat, kill, and destroy other lives and their own to have money. Those who do this feel no sympathy or shame.
God said that the point at which the woman finds her fine glasses and china broken represents a time when people’s riches will be taken away from them, because people have placed their love of riches above Him. They will be left with nothing. The rich will be poor.
The filthy bathrooms and showers represent what sin does to our souls. It is like excrement upon our temples – our bodies and souls – that He gave to us. It is foul and terrible. It also represents the state of the world and all its filth – all the sins of the world. The trickling water in all the showers represents how few people go to Confession to make themselves clean for Jesus, to receive Communion. Many go to receive Communion without going to confession. They think, "It is okay, because God forgives me when I pray. I don't need to go to confession."
The woman’s exposure in the shower outside is the shame people will feel at the exposure of their own sins – that which many priests and bishops are feeling now. At first, it is only within the courtyard (home, church); later, the exposure is very public.
Her nudity and the sick lustfulness of those watching her represent the sexual perversions in the world – homosexuality, the sexual abuse of young men and women, pedophilia, transgenderism, “non-genderism,” the problem of homosexuality within the Church, and all those things that have been embraced so readily that are not natural and that pervert God’s creations. It felt like such a sickness to me as I dreamed. It was like chaos with nausea.
The woman was beginning to be afraid of the earthquakes, but her rage, jealousy, vanity, the rejection she experienced, and her desire for riches (the broken glasses) keep her fear at bay. These represent the predominant qualities of man right now. Man has created and lives in a world of hate, anger, violence, covetousness, self-centeredness, pride and vanity; the rejection of others; and the pursuit of wealth at all costs. The deadly sins, with lust (in the way of sexual perversions) and avarice, are leading the world towards its destruction. When people reject Him as they have, they lose the moral compass He gives to us.
Finally, the oldest woman (she looked as if she could be in her 80's) who was sitting on the uncomfortable floor in the small kitchen represents those people who are humble, meek, and prayerful. The oldest lady was the only person who was peaceful, content, poor, unafraid, and humble throughout the anger and chaos of the dream. She humbled herself by sitting on the floor, despite her elderly body’s protests. She didn’t complain. She didn’t judge the woman when she complained about her husband's inattentiveness. She didn’t seek to save anything expensive. Just little things – mementos of love.
God noted that she was the only person - out of the so many people in the house - that knew Him (her peacefulness, humility, and contentment regardless of her discomfort and lowly position indicated this). Few people know God intimately in this world, and few are willing to accept His plans for them. Being a Christian isn't meant to be easy (not all the time, anyway).
The misery of the woman herself; the lack of compassion she received from her husband and family; their inattentiveness to everything around them; the woman's pride in wanting to be the center of attention; the people who stood unafraid in the streets despite the danger around them - these all represent those people in the world who have rejected God or who have grown lukewarm in their love for Him.
There were so many people outside on that street. Everyone saw the fire, but no one made a move to help put it out or to save anyone. They looked at it in simple amazement. It was more entertainment for them, and there were so many people. Those are the people who cannot see what is happening around them. They close their eyes to sin.
After God revealed all of this to me, He said, “Blessed are those who live in the Divine Will of Love.”
I had heard something similar at the end of the dream, but it was so faint, I wasn’t sure until He said it during Mass.
That is why I had to share this with you, Readers. God bless you and yours. Continue to pray for the world, those who serve God in the Church, and for those who do not know God or who have grown lukewarm. Pray that the Holy Spirit takes flight in their souls. And above all, don't worry. No matter what happens, the good guys win in the end.
I suppose the time here is irrelevant today, because this note is about a dream I had last night. During Mass this morning as I prayed, God made its meaning clear to me. That is why I am posting it here. There were a series of extremely deep and important meanings.
*Please be patient in that the format of this "message" is different (for me too), and the description of the dream is a little long. Thanks.*
The dream began, and I was able to view it through the eyes of a woman. I could view everything, feel her emotions, and feel the physical aspects of the dream.
This woman was in an old home with many rooms, but they were all dark and cluttered with things. There were boxes everywhere, and furniture and shelves all covered in glass knick-knacks, newspapers, and books. It was packed with stuff.
There was a small kitchen where three women – mature women with one very elderly one – sat on the floor. They were sorting some small things - trinkets - for the elderly lady. They seemed to be insignificant but for the sentimental value they brought to the eldest of the three. They were her small personal treasures. There were also big bags of rice and beans and sacks of potatoes there in the kitchen. The elderly woman was calm, content, and peaceful. She didn’t speak, but the other two women sat complaining to each other as they worked. The kitchen held some light whereas the rest of the house was dark – it was like the dark of a cloudy day when the house's curtains are closed. Everything was dim and depressing.
The rooms of this house would have been large but for the stuff everywhere. There was barely room to walk around things. The walls were painted in old faded greens and blues, and they looked very worn with stains and cracks. The woman found them odd, old-fashioned, and almost amusing.
It seemed to me that her extended family was there. There were many cousins of all ages - boys and girls, men and women. The woman’s own husband was not paying attention to her. She was frantic in her mind and heart for his attention, but he ignored or avoided her and showed a stronger preference for the company of the other women and girls. Those women also began ignoring the woman (his wife). This made her very jealous and angry – I could feel her anger. It was as if she would knock all of them down with her anger and hatred. It was physical, and she deeply wanted to hurt them.
Suddenly, the house shook with what felt like a “light” earthquake. It was enough to toss boxes off shelves and break a few things. The woman was only slightly alarmed by the tremor. No one else noticed the new cracks in the walls, and they were not afraid of the earthquake.
The woman was so angry and jealous that none of her family members wanted to be near her. Her husband and a group of women and girls left the house to do something else (it felt as if it would be something ugly and impure). The woman was not aware of their departure. When she discovered they’d left her behind, she became angrier in her hurt. She was used to being the center of attention, so perhaps this heightened her anger, jealousy, and desire for violence. She wanted to strike out at someone.
She made her way to the kitchen to complain to the women in there. The two younger ones laugh at her predicament. They told her, "Why would anyone want to be around her? No wonder her husband left with the other girls and women."
The woman is infuriated again by their reaction and laughter. In her intense anger, she messes herself, and the excrement is all over her body and clothes. I could feel her utter disgust with everything that was on her and the smell and the filth. She wanted to clean herself of the excrement and began searching for bathrooms inside the house. But the ones she found were horribly dirty, wrecked, and dark. The toilets were broken on the floor and the showers had no water or gave only a trickle. The bathrooms were worse than what she had on her body, but still, she desperately wanted to get clean.
There was a second earthquake – more violent than the first. Several of the knick-knacks fall and break. Books are thrown around on the floor, and the mess in the house is slightly bigger. The cracks in the walls are somewhat larger too. Those who are still in the house don’t take any notice of it. They are not cowering for cover. The woman herself is shaken and somewhat more scared.
She continues looking for a usable bathroom to take a shower. As she searches, she comes across a set of beautiful bone china and crystal glasses and champagne flutes. It seemed to me as if they belonged to her (or she planned on commandeering them), because she shrieked back at the women in the kitchen. She yelled at one of them – her mother, maybe – and told her to wrap the crystal and china well! Wrap it and take care of it so that it will not break the next time the house is shaken! Her demand sounds almost like a threat.
The woman then makes her way outside to a courtyard. It is daylight but not sunny. She comes upon a circular, outdoor shower that is made of large round stones. Many areas are crumbling. There is a red curtain at the entry, but it does not close all the way. The men and boys of the family are also outside in the same yard as the shower. She wants to shower, but there is no soap, and the men and boys are beginning to watch her with lust.
Finally, she can no longer take the filth on her, so she removes her clothes. There was a repulsive feeling that I felt with her as these men - her own family! - lusted after her. The boys too, and I felt a sickness inside myself. My skin crawled.
I could feel the woman’s shame and exposure – how uncomfortable and sick she felt. She tried to shower quickly, and as she did, another strong earthquake shakes the house and grounds. A part of the rock wall that made up the shower breaks, so now the people outside on the streets could see her. They too were looking at her greedily and lustfully, and being so exposed made us both shudder.
She quickly dressed but discovered that her clothes were still filthy with excrement. She decided she was cleaner than she had been, and that was at least somewhat better. She used the filthy clothes, but she didn't feel as disgusted as before.
She returns to the house, and once again, a violent earthquake shakes it. Many more things are tossed to the ground, tumbled over, and broken. She yells again at the women in the kitchen from a different room and reminds them that the glass must be protected. However, when she returns to the room to inspect the china and champagne glasses, everything is broken and scattered on the floor.
All the crystal glasses are broken but for two. She thinks to herself, “Well, at least I have these two stunning crystal flutes.” When she picks one up, though, there is a crack on the lip of it, and it instantly breaks in her hand. She gets upset and says to herself a second time, “Well, at least I have one stunning crystal flute for myself.” She picked up the second flute, and it instantly shattered in her hand, even though it had no cracks in it.
The woman was then angrier, more upset, and more jealous. I could also feel more violence in her anger than before. As she was standing in front of the broken china and glasses, another earthquake rocked the house very violently – enough to send her outside into the street from fear.
It was nighttime. There were many people outside on the streets with her, but no one seemed to notice or care about the earthquakes. They were not afraid. This confused me entirely as I watched. (After all, most people would be afraid during a series of earthquakes!). At that moment she (and I through her), noticed in the distance a roaring fire. I could hear and feel the heat on my cheeks.
It was a fire that was destroying a huge city. I knew it was a huge fire, because the city was so far away, and yet the fire was so big and raging and I felt it. As I watched with the woman, I thought about the immensity of danger the people around me were in. I was certain they were in great danger, but none of them acted like they cared or knew they were in danger. No one did anything. They were not scared, and the woman was only slightly fearful. They just stood there gawking at the fire.
Thank you for your patience, Readers. I know that was a lengthy description of the dream. Again, I probably would have forgotten it entirely, but there was a reason for it.
As I was praying this morning at Mass during the Consecration, God spoke to me. He said he wanted to tell me what it meant – what all those odd images from the dream represented. So I prayed and listened and tried to remember everything as best as possible, so I could write it down and share it. This is what He told me:
The dark, dingy house represents the whole world and the darkness that has overtaken it. The different rooms are the different countries inside the world, and in the dream, they were all filthy and broken, but for one – but it too was crumbling. It was the kitchen, and it was so small. It wouldn't fit many people at all.
The multiple earthquakes represent His growing warnings to us. Over and over, one stronger and more serious than the other. No one pays attention though.
The husband and female family members who left the house despite the earthquakes, who left his wife and ignored all the work that needed to be done to clean up the house, represent the lack of attention people give to our Father – how they ignore His warnings and calls. People completely disregard Him, because they want entertainment and hate discipline. The world’s focus is on entertainment and instant gratification. This makes His people feel happy and fulfilled. Despite all His wake-up calls, people are doing “business as usual.”
Those who abandoned the woman, laughed at her, or ignored her feelings represent the world’s lack of compassion, charity, and generosity. The world does not love. That is why there is so much violence. People do not take notice of those in need of compassion.
The crystal glasses and fine china represent the avarice in the world. The great wealth and riches people value above everything else to the point that many will lie, cheat, kill, and destroy other lives and their own to have money. Those who do this feel no sympathy or shame.
God said that the point at which the woman finds her fine glasses and china broken represents a time when people’s riches will be taken away from them, because people have placed their love of riches above Him. They will be left with nothing. The rich will be poor.
The filthy bathrooms and showers represent what sin does to our souls. It is like excrement upon our temples – our bodies and souls – that He gave to us. It is foul and terrible. It also represents the state of the world and all its filth – all the sins of the world. The trickling water in all the showers represents how few people go to Confession to make themselves clean for Jesus, to receive Communion. Many go to receive Communion without going to confession. They think, "It is okay, because God forgives me when I pray. I don't need to go to confession."
The woman’s exposure in the shower outside is the shame people will feel at the exposure of their own sins – that which many priests and bishops are feeling now. At first, it is only within the courtyard (home, church); later, the exposure is very public.
Her nudity and the sick lustfulness of those watching her represent the sexual perversions in the world – homosexuality, the sexual abuse of young men and women, pedophilia, transgenderism, “non-genderism,” the problem of homosexuality within the Church, and all those things that have been embraced so readily that are not natural and that pervert God’s creations. It felt like such a sickness to me as I dreamed. It was like chaos with nausea.
The woman was beginning to be afraid of the earthquakes, but her rage, jealousy, vanity, the rejection she experienced, and her desire for riches (the broken glasses) keep her fear at bay. These represent the predominant qualities of man right now. Man has created and lives in a world of hate, anger, violence, covetousness, self-centeredness, pride and vanity; the rejection of others; and the pursuit of wealth at all costs. The deadly sins, with lust (in the way of sexual perversions) and avarice, are leading the world towards its destruction. When people reject Him as they have, they lose the moral compass He gives to us.
Finally, the oldest woman (she looked as if she could be in her 80's) who was sitting on the uncomfortable floor in the small kitchen represents those people who are humble, meek, and prayerful. The oldest lady was the only person who was peaceful, content, poor, unafraid, and humble throughout the anger and chaos of the dream. She humbled herself by sitting on the floor, despite her elderly body’s protests. She didn’t complain. She didn’t judge the woman when she complained about her husband's inattentiveness. She didn’t seek to save anything expensive. Just little things – mementos of love.
God noted that she was the only person - out of the so many people in the house - that knew Him (her peacefulness, humility, and contentment regardless of her discomfort and lowly position indicated this). Few people know God intimately in this world, and few are willing to accept His plans for them. Being a Christian isn't meant to be easy (not all the time, anyway).
The misery of the woman herself; the lack of compassion she received from her husband and family; their inattentiveness to everything around them; the woman's pride in wanting to be the center of attention; the people who stood unafraid in the streets despite the danger around them - these all represent those people in the world who have rejected God or who have grown lukewarm in their love for Him.
There were so many people outside on that street. Everyone saw the fire, but no one made a move to help put it out or to save anyone. They looked at it in simple amazement. It was more entertainment for them, and there were so many people. Those are the people who cannot see what is happening around them. They close their eyes to sin.
After God revealed all of this to me, He said, “Blessed are those who live in the Divine Will of Love.”
I had heard something similar at the end of the dream, but it was so faint, I wasn’t sure until He said it during Mass.
That is why I had to share this with you, Readers. God bless you and yours. Continue to pray for the world, those who serve God in the Church, and for those who do not know God or who have grown lukewarm. Pray that the Holy Spirit takes flight in their souls. And above all, don't worry. No matter what happens, the good guys win in the end.