Thursday, October 31, 2013 12:21 am – 1:03 am
My Mercy is great and My Heart open to all of My Bewildered
and Belovéd Children.
Do not wonder as you grieve if I am with you, for your hands are in Mine,
held tightly with great Love and with much warmth to comfort your hearts.
Belovéd Children, do not fear this aching World,
but do not participate in its follies.
Now is not the time to be frivolous with your Love.
Now is the time to cleanse yourselves of sin.
Do this, for its importance is great and the act of confession sacrosanct.
Do not falter in this and then behold the Body and Blood of My Son,
the Lord Christ is yours to be refreshened by or renewed or to live anew.
You cannot know the blessings you receive as you partake in the Eucharist.
How Blessed you are!
Oh Children, if you could but see the great holiness and joy
and indescribable Love that is given to you through His Greatest Sacrifice.
Pray that you will fathom this one day that you may pay such Loving homage to Christ, the Lord and King of kings.
My Belovéd Son is glorious in His Love for you.
His Love for you is so strong.
My Beautiful and Loving Children, how valued and Belovéd you are.
There is no universe that I have created that can envelop the Love I have for each of you.
My Love is infinite and glorious.
Oh Dearest and Belovéd Children, live your lives that you might join Me in My Heavenly Kingdom.
Do not wander from Me, your Father who Loves you so dearly,
to pursue the base temptations of darkness.
Darkness will lead you to the pit where souls tumble and cannot return.
It is particularly terrible because as souls tumble and begin their fall and journey,
they come to the horrible realization that they no longer have Me.
Great is My Pain to know one Child falls.
Heaven weeps.
Oh Belovéd Children, do not let Me Weep for you, for I Love you so dearly
and know by your Loving prayers that your Love for Me is strong.
Spread My Love, Dearest Children, and find those who are in darkness and bring them My Light
It is a great and Blesséd thing you do and an overwhelming gift you provide to your Heavenly and Eternal Father.
Children, prayers are good and your prayers are strong and generous.
Your generosity in prayer makes My Loving Heart swell with joy,
for to see the Love you have for your sisters and brothers is one of My Greatest wishes.
I see your kindness and it fulfills Me and I Love My Children so very much and your Father is so glad.
I am happy to see your Love for others.
Please continue on this path of joy or extension or dedication to others,
for I remember your acts of kindness and treat you thus.
Oh Belovéd Children, there is much sin and temptation in this World.
Even where you do not expect it, there it hides, waiting for the innocent to fall.
Be always aware and prepare to shut your eyes to temptations;
to clasp your hands to your ears;
to run away into great fires if you must in order to keep yourself from falling into the banal traps of temptation.
Do not taste its sweetness.
It hides a bitterness; a poison that will be the end of you.
Do not be charmed by how it shines or its wondrous colors.
These colors will blind you so that as your sight fails, you will stumble closer to the pit and know great despair.
Do not fall down to your knees in amazement and be charmed by the music they might play.
It will lead you astray and play a march sending you into a den of devils.
Do not be charmed by the false notes.
Instead, Bewildered Children, come to your Heavenly Father who Loves and protects His Belovéd Children.
I give you good gifts and listen to your words of prayer.
Each word is sweet to Me.
Even when you speak words of pain, My Heart is glad that you have turned to Me, your Loving Father,
who always seeks to help His Belovéd Children.
Belovéd Children, know this to be true.
Time lapses and you are living in times when delays will pang you.
Do not delay in preparing yourselves.
See the clouds gathering.
Note the birds that flock noisily amongst you.
They turn the days to night.
Come to Me before smoke fills the skies and the red rocks fall from the skies like stars breaking the earth from above.
Watch how waters will rise and flood the East.
The East that has so many tribulations will continue to suffer more excesses,
much to their chagrin but the World is occupied and so no help will come their way in the numbers they will need.
The World trembles so.
Pray for those Eastern countries that will feel those great floods.
Pray for their children.
So many will drown.
I Love the children very much.
They are the Little Flowers and I begin to call many for their benefit
but to the unfortunate detriment of the parents who do not know or Love Me nor understand My Will.
My Plan for My Children is always good.
I am right in all things.
I do not lie in anything and I cannot withhold My Love from any one of My Belovéd Children.
Belovéd Children, do you see how much prayer there is to do
and the reasons why it must be done
and why your generosities in your prayers bring Me such joy?
Yes, it is because you save souls by your efforts.
Thus, continue to pray.
Pray for My Belovéd Priests and for Benedict who I Love so well.
Pray for peace in this World.
Pray, for hatred is the score of the evil one.
Pray for those who do not know Me.
Pray for those who die this year. So many are unprepared.
Pray for your own preparation and enlist the intercession of the most Holy Mother.
Pray that the waters are low.
Pray, Dear Children. Pray.
I give you My Peace.
My Peace is with you, Belovéd Children.
Peace, My Children.
Peace. Peace.
October 31, 2013 continued 4:51 – 5:20 pm Adoration
How God arranges things for Me…like Confessions made available out of the blue when I need it…
I am in your Hearts, My Children and when you call, the door opens and I am there.
Know My Light.
Know My Love.
Swing open your doors in your heart and discover the Love that awaits you.
You cannot know its depths.
You cannot fathom its greatness.
My Love for My Children is boundless.
It is too beautiful and big, enormous for your hearts or minds or current person or beings to grasp or imagine.
If you would take one grain of sand and multiply that by each grain on this World
and multiply it by itself again and again, you come nowhere near the quantity and fullness of My Love for each of you.
Each of you drives this Love and each of you is unique and precious in My Adoring Eyes.
Oh Belovéd Children, so very precious you are to Me, your Lord God and Heavenly and Eternal Father.
Blesséd and Belovéd Children, never believe otherwise, for it – My Love – can never be an untruth.
I cannot hate and I do not lie.
Look beyond what your Worldly eyes reveal to you
and see with joy the beauty that is revealed to you within your souls!
Dearest Children, this World is corrupted and has made My Belovéd Children hate themselves and each other.
Sins corrupted the World.
As each person sins, darker it becomes.
Sin after sin.
No sin is greater or lesser than the other.
You cannot hate your sisters and brothers and not sin.
You must Love your sisters and brothers and forgive and forgive and forgive them always.
You must swallow your bitterness and envy and wash it down with honey.
Your eyes must see knowing but with Love.
Your hands must act but with Love.
Your mouth should speak nothing but Love.
Your mind and body should think and wonder and act only upon Love.
Thus is My Light placed within you.
That you may Love and forgive
and provide sustenance and peace to your brothers and sisters without the desire for repayment or comment.
Dearest Children, I see too much pride in this World that creates much anger and hatred
between brothers and brothers and sisters and sisters.
Pride creates a need for animosity where once there was none.
It creates envy and promotes deceitfulness.
It is a stamp that has many trails that leak out from beneath like tendrils.
Where once you were happy and satisfied, now you are worried and angry.
When once you Loved your brothers and sisters, now you envy their position and plan against them.
Pride makes your tongue a weapon and your heart hardens quickly to become a shield.
You strike and strike until nothing can penetrate the heart.
Family, children, husband, wife, sons, daughters…and especially the One who Loves you Most.
Your heart hardens against your Eternal Father
and you can no longer bear to think of My Love and Mercy in your shame.
And so I say to you, put down your pride Children!
My Heart does not harden and My Love and Mercy are for you!
I will not turn My Belovéd Children away.
Do not fear My Love.
It is yours before you ask.
Oh Children, how I Love you and only want you to Love Me and know Me and worship My Son with great glory.
When you Love Me, you Love My Son, the Lord Christ.
When you Love My Son, Jesus, the Christ, you worship Me.
For We are One with the Spirit.
Understand this, Belovéd Children. We are One. [Emphasis is put on this.]
Dear Children, pray for those who are alone and lonely.
Pray for those who are mistakenly living through the eyes of pride.
Pray for My Priests and Benedict. My Belovéd Benedict.
Pray for the East.
Pray for the continued safety of My Little Flowers.
Pray always for peace in this World and for the rejection of all sins.
Pray, for these things are possible by your prayers.
Nineveh heard My Condemnations and prayed and threw down its evil – pride, perversity, dishonesty, debauchery.
Prayer can turn the mountains into mud, My Belovéd Children.
Believe this is true.
Children, continue to pray.
I Love your sweet prayers.
I hear your prayers and answer them.
Pray, My Belovéd Children.
Peace upon My Belovéd Children.
I give you My Peace.
Peace. Peace.
My Mercy is great and My Heart open to all of My Bewildered
and Belovéd Children.
Do not wonder as you grieve if I am with you, for your hands are in Mine,
held tightly with great Love and with much warmth to comfort your hearts.
Belovéd Children, do not fear this aching World,
but do not participate in its follies.
Now is not the time to be frivolous with your Love.
Now is the time to cleanse yourselves of sin.
Do this, for its importance is great and the act of confession sacrosanct.
Do not falter in this and then behold the Body and Blood of My Son,
the Lord Christ is yours to be refreshened by or renewed or to live anew.
You cannot know the blessings you receive as you partake in the Eucharist.
How Blessed you are!
Oh Children, if you could but see the great holiness and joy
and indescribable Love that is given to you through His Greatest Sacrifice.
Pray that you will fathom this one day that you may pay such Loving homage to Christ, the Lord and King of kings.
My Belovéd Son is glorious in His Love for you.
His Love for you is so strong.
My Beautiful and Loving Children, how valued and Belovéd you are.
There is no universe that I have created that can envelop the Love I have for each of you.
My Love is infinite and glorious.
Oh Dearest and Belovéd Children, live your lives that you might join Me in My Heavenly Kingdom.
Do not wander from Me, your Father who Loves you so dearly,
to pursue the base temptations of darkness.
Darkness will lead you to the pit where souls tumble and cannot return.
It is particularly terrible because as souls tumble and begin their fall and journey,
they come to the horrible realization that they no longer have Me.
Great is My Pain to know one Child falls.
Heaven weeps.
Oh Belovéd Children, do not let Me Weep for you, for I Love you so dearly
and know by your Loving prayers that your Love for Me is strong.
Spread My Love, Dearest Children, and find those who are in darkness and bring them My Light
It is a great and Blesséd thing you do and an overwhelming gift you provide to your Heavenly and Eternal Father.
Children, prayers are good and your prayers are strong and generous.
Your generosity in prayer makes My Loving Heart swell with joy,
for to see the Love you have for your sisters and brothers is one of My Greatest wishes.
I see your kindness and it fulfills Me and I Love My Children so very much and your Father is so glad.
I am happy to see your Love for others.
Please continue on this path of joy or extension or dedication to others,
for I remember your acts of kindness and treat you thus.
Oh Belovéd Children, there is much sin and temptation in this World.
Even where you do not expect it, there it hides, waiting for the innocent to fall.
Be always aware and prepare to shut your eyes to temptations;
to clasp your hands to your ears;
to run away into great fires if you must in order to keep yourself from falling into the banal traps of temptation.
Do not taste its sweetness.
It hides a bitterness; a poison that will be the end of you.
Do not be charmed by how it shines or its wondrous colors.
These colors will blind you so that as your sight fails, you will stumble closer to the pit and know great despair.
Do not fall down to your knees in amazement and be charmed by the music they might play.
It will lead you astray and play a march sending you into a den of devils.
Do not be charmed by the false notes.
Instead, Bewildered Children, come to your Heavenly Father who Loves and protects His Belovéd Children.
I give you good gifts and listen to your words of prayer.
Each word is sweet to Me.
Even when you speak words of pain, My Heart is glad that you have turned to Me, your Loving Father,
who always seeks to help His Belovéd Children.
Belovéd Children, know this to be true.
Time lapses and you are living in times when delays will pang you.
Do not delay in preparing yourselves.
See the clouds gathering.
Note the birds that flock noisily amongst you.
They turn the days to night.
Come to Me before smoke fills the skies and the red rocks fall from the skies like stars breaking the earth from above.
Watch how waters will rise and flood the East.
The East that has so many tribulations will continue to suffer more excesses,
much to their chagrin but the World is occupied and so no help will come their way in the numbers they will need.
The World trembles so.
Pray for those Eastern countries that will feel those great floods.
Pray for their children.
So many will drown.
I Love the children very much.
They are the Little Flowers and I begin to call many for their benefit
but to the unfortunate detriment of the parents who do not know or Love Me nor understand My Will.
My Plan for My Children is always good.
I am right in all things.
I do not lie in anything and I cannot withhold My Love from any one of My Belovéd Children.
Belovéd Children, do you see how much prayer there is to do
and the reasons why it must be done
and why your generosities in your prayers bring Me such joy?
Yes, it is because you save souls by your efforts.
Thus, continue to pray.
Pray for My Belovéd Priests and for Benedict who I Love so well.
Pray for peace in this World.
Pray, for hatred is the score of the evil one.
Pray for those who do not know Me.
Pray for those who die this year. So many are unprepared.
Pray for your own preparation and enlist the intercession of the most Holy Mother.
Pray that the waters are low.
Pray, Dear Children. Pray.
I give you My Peace.
My Peace is with you, Belovéd Children.
Peace, My Children.
Peace. Peace.
October 31, 2013 continued 4:51 – 5:20 pm Adoration
How God arranges things for Me…like Confessions made available out of the blue when I need it…
I am in your Hearts, My Children and when you call, the door opens and I am there.
Know My Light.
Know My Love.
Swing open your doors in your heart and discover the Love that awaits you.
You cannot know its depths.
You cannot fathom its greatness.
My Love for My Children is boundless.
It is too beautiful and big, enormous for your hearts or minds or current person or beings to grasp or imagine.
If you would take one grain of sand and multiply that by each grain on this World
and multiply it by itself again and again, you come nowhere near the quantity and fullness of My Love for each of you.
Each of you drives this Love and each of you is unique and precious in My Adoring Eyes.
Oh Belovéd Children, so very precious you are to Me, your Lord God and Heavenly and Eternal Father.
Blesséd and Belovéd Children, never believe otherwise, for it – My Love – can never be an untruth.
I cannot hate and I do not lie.
Look beyond what your Worldly eyes reveal to you
and see with joy the beauty that is revealed to you within your souls!
Dearest Children, this World is corrupted and has made My Belovéd Children hate themselves and each other.
Sins corrupted the World.
As each person sins, darker it becomes.
Sin after sin.
No sin is greater or lesser than the other.
You cannot hate your sisters and brothers and not sin.
You must Love your sisters and brothers and forgive and forgive and forgive them always.
You must swallow your bitterness and envy and wash it down with honey.
Your eyes must see knowing but with Love.
Your hands must act but with Love.
Your mouth should speak nothing but Love.
Your mind and body should think and wonder and act only upon Love.
Thus is My Light placed within you.
That you may Love and forgive
and provide sustenance and peace to your brothers and sisters without the desire for repayment or comment.
Dearest Children, I see too much pride in this World that creates much anger and hatred
between brothers and brothers and sisters and sisters.
Pride creates a need for animosity where once there was none.
It creates envy and promotes deceitfulness.
It is a stamp that has many trails that leak out from beneath like tendrils.
Where once you were happy and satisfied, now you are worried and angry.
When once you Loved your brothers and sisters, now you envy their position and plan against them.
Pride makes your tongue a weapon and your heart hardens quickly to become a shield.
You strike and strike until nothing can penetrate the heart.
Family, children, husband, wife, sons, daughters…and especially the One who Loves you Most.
Your heart hardens against your Eternal Father
and you can no longer bear to think of My Love and Mercy in your shame.
And so I say to you, put down your pride Children!
My Heart does not harden and My Love and Mercy are for you!
I will not turn My Belovéd Children away.
Do not fear My Love.
It is yours before you ask.
Oh Children, how I Love you and only want you to Love Me and know Me and worship My Son with great glory.
When you Love Me, you Love My Son, the Lord Christ.
When you Love My Son, Jesus, the Christ, you worship Me.
For We are One with the Spirit.
Understand this, Belovéd Children. We are One. [Emphasis is put on this.]
Dear Children, pray for those who are alone and lonely.
Pray for those who are mistakenly living through the eyes of pride.
Pray for My Priests and Benedict. My Belovéd Benedict.
Pray for the East.
Pray for the continued safety of My Little Flowers.
Pray always for peace in this World and for the rejection of all sins.
Pray, for these things are possible by your prayers.
Nineveh heard My Condemnations and prayed and threw down its evil – pride, perversity, dishonesty, debauchery.
Prayer can turn the mountains into mud, My Belovéd Children.
Believe this is true.
Children, continue to pray.
I Love your sweet prayers.
I hear your prayers and answer them.
Pray, My Belovéd Children.
Peace upon My Belovéd Children.
I give you My Peace.
Peace. Peace.

Tuesday, October 29, 2013 3:34 – 4:35 pm
Taking the Eucharist this morning was such a rush of sheer thankfulness; deep, deep appreciation. Many people I know and love have suffered or suffer now ****
I know You hear us. I know You do. And You cannot say No to us, Father, and so I do not worry at all. You reassure me. I hope You are reassuring everyone else.
Father? If I do not say it enough or tell You enough, I love You.
Holy Child, you are My Flower who springs forth in the garden of My World or in Humanity.
Know that I hear you and know your Love for Me is immense.
Still Child, know this to be true.
My Love for you is far greater than that.
Your capacity for Love is genuine and kind.
My capacity is big and massive and overwhelming.
It will pick you up and warm you and place you in My Loving Arms that you may feel no grief but only joy and gladness and safety and the warmth and protection of God, your Eternal Father.
I am yours to Love, just as you are My Child to nourish with My Love and Eternal wisdom and Mercy.
I give My Children Blessings and kiss your forehead as you sit so concerned.
Children, how you fret so about things you do not control
and these things are not but raindrops in an ocean of nothingness when compared to My Love
and the importance of your devotion to Me.
Put down your bag and do not worry.
You need not carry these weights which are only bags of sand after all.
Why do you concern yourself so forcefully about these burdensome bags when they are but only filled with sand.
Would your devotion and strength best be placed elsewhere?
At the behest of your Heavenly King?
In help or aid of your brothers and sisters?
Put down your bags and cease to concern yourselves about the pieces of sand
whose number are millions of grains and still more.
Will you ever end yourself of this multitude of sand that is made up of so many millions of grains?
That there will always be such a ready supply of the sand,
do not focus your mind and body and heart on these common things.
Do not pray about the sand that is only sand after all.
Indeed, think about Me.
Worship Me.
Devote time to Me.
Allow Me to lead you through your trials and tribulations and you will see no more sand.
You will see only My Heart, the Sacred Heart of the Lord Jesus, the Christ, My Belovéd and most Holy Son.
Let Him be your boulder upon which you may lean.
He will be your rest.
He will be your comfort.
He will be your strength.
He is your salvation and the foundation, the Sacred foundation of all that is Love, for He is Love, just as I am Love.
Where I am, He is and there Love is.
Oh Children, see My Love and know you are Saved.
Christ is your King and Redeemer!
You are saved by the Redeemer and so glorify His name with great adoration and Love.
Bring Him great glory through your reverence and worshipfulness.
Oh Children, how Belovéd you are!
Know that you are Loved before you were in your appointed womb. [Very specific – your womb. THIS one.]
I Loved you then and shaped you as you are and will be and would be.
You are so Loved as you live and there is such hope in Me and all of Heaven that each of you shall never go astray.
Even where one Child goes astray,
the whole of Heaven weeps in despair and hopes by Love that he will return to the Light of My Love.
When thousands are drawn to Love Me, happy am I.
But only one fallen Lamb tears an irreparable wound into My Sacred Heart. [Such sadness here]
Heaven goes silent in grief.
Thus, My Belovéd Children, know that you are so very Belovéd,
and each of you is cause for joy, laughter, worry, fear, and grief for your Eternal Father.
I want you always with Me.
Come to Me always in your times of need.
Also come to Me when you are joyous and celebrate.
Realize the great joy you bring to your Holy Father when you welcome Him into the gladness of your home.
It is a beauty and I give you great blessings for such an invitation.
My gift to you.
Holy Children, there is much you do and can do to bring Me happiness.
Your hearts and the goodness in them bring Me satisfaction.
The angels are in awe of your generosity and kindness. [I felt such a sense of amazement; I could feel them!]
Bring to Me more who have not known Me!
Bring them into the Light of My Love and My Heart thrills by this great gift!
Speak and show great kindness to the lonely and befriend those who are friendless.
If you cringe to touch a brother who has slept on the ground with your clean hands,
know that the hands of your soul are black.
Your brothers and sisters are everywhere as am I.
I am in each of you, and I will respond to you as you have responded to Me in like kind.
Children, do not fear or hate each other.
What good is fear or hatred when neither one will save your life?
Hate does not save the drowning man.
Fear does not bring the man out of the burning house.
Love, My Children, will.
When you Love, it saves you.
I am Love, and as you Love Me, so I save you.
Dearest and Belovéd Children, do not be fooled by the sophists who are abroad and many.
They stand taller than most and speak high words with high expressions of grandeur.
Do not be caught keeping company with them, for their words are misleading and their company or souls are foul.
The lying prophets march forward, rapidly.
Here they come in 2’s and 8’s.
Some are singular; some are pairs.
See them come.
Liars lips, honeyed tongues.
Pray Dear Children and discern.
Know what I Love and what offends Me.
Know what I find acceptable and good and know what I have said is darkness, evil, foul.
Do not fool yourself.
Do not compromise with sin.
Do not rely on base excuses.
Trust in Me, your Lord God.
Trust in My Belovéd Son, Jesus Christ, the King and Savior.
Kneel at His feet and pray.
The Bible is the path; prayer the means to arrive.
Join Me daily at My Table.
Such joy is derived when I see My Children come through My doors to join Me at Table,
and when I hear your prayers, I am touched and softened by your pleas and your expressions of Love.
Remember the importance of reconciliation and penance.
When you admit your sins to Me, I lay My Hand upon your weary brow
and forgive you the sins that have worn your souls down.
I absolve you of your sins and grant you peace.
Attend your Confession and know great peace through your admissions and sorrow and penance,
for it is I to whom you speak and it is My Mercy that you receive.
Blesséd are those who understand the essence of this Sacrament.
Children, partake of the Eucharist.
It is what saves you.
It is the New Covenant.
It is Christ’s promise, for indeed, it is Christ, My Belovéd Son.
Take Him into your own body and be saved by His Eternal Sacrifice.
He has shed His Body and Blood for each of you, My Children, from the greatest Love that you may be saved.
Worship My Son with deep reverence and Love, for He has given the ultimate Sacrifice in His Love for you.
Keep this knowledge always in your hearts –
that He has been tortured and has died so that you may have a life after death
instead of an eternity of dread and misery. [Without knowing God.]
Love My Belovéd Son, Children.
Love Him faithfully.
Dearest Children, pray always and constantly.
The World needs your constant prayers.
Notice the increasing violence of such small wars.
Pray for the children who lose their parents and become hateful too.
Pray for the elimination of hatred throughout the World.
Pray for the denizens of Pope Francis and all those who work at the Hands of God in the Church.
Pray for the establishment of additional churches [implied Catholic] throughout the World.
Pray for the East – Philippines, Taiwan, Malaysia, Bhutan, Hanoi, Tubon, the boot of Japan, New Guinea.
Pray for the lightenedness [to become less intense] of earth tremors.
Pray for those who live by the ocean waters.
Pray for priests, for many wander and wish to leave.
Pray for the children; the Little Flowers, the little ones.
Pray for forgiveness, My Children.
Pray and it is yours.
Peace, Belovéd Children.
Taking the Eucharist this morning was such a rush of sheer thankfulness; deep, deep appreciation. Many people I know and love have suffered or suffer now ****
I know You hear us. I know You do. And You cannot say No to us, Father, and so I do not worry at all. You reassure me. I hope You are reassuring everyone else.
Father? If I do not say it enough or tell You enough, I love You.
Holy Child, you are My Flower who springs forth in the garden of My World or in Humanity.
Know that I hear you and know your Love for Me is immense.
Still Child, know this to be true.
My Love for you is far greater than that.
Your capacity for Love is genuine and kind.
My capacity is big and massive and overwhelming.
It will pick you up and warm you and place you in My Loving Arms that you may feel no grief but only joy and gladness and safety and the warmth and protection of God, your Eternal Father.
I am yours to Love, just as you are My Child to nourish with My Love and Eternal wisdom and Mercy.
I give My Children Blessings and kiss your forehead as you sit so concerned.
Children, how you fret so about things you do not control
and these things are not but raindrops in an ocean of nothingness when compared to My Love
and the importance of your devotion to Me.
Put down your bag and do not worry.
You need not carry these weights which are only bags of sand after all.
Why do you concern yourself so forcefully about these burdensome bags when they are but only filled with sand.
Would your devotion and strength best be placed elsewhere?
At the behest of your Heavenly King?
In help or aid of your brothers and sisters?
Put down your bags and cease to concern yourselves about the pieces of sand
whose number are millions of grains and still more.
Will you ever end yourself of this multitude of sand that is made up of so many millions of grains?
That there will always be such a ready supply of the sand,
do not focus your mind and body and heart on these common things.
Do not pray about the sand that is only sand after all.
Indeed, think about Me.
Worship Me.
Devote time to Me.
Allow Me to lead you through your trials and tribulations and you will see no more sand.
You will see only My Heart, the Sacred Heart of the Lord Jesus, the Christ, My Belovéd and most Holy Son.
Let Him be your boulder upon which you may lean.
He will be your rest.
He will be your comfort.
He will be your strength.
He is your salvation and the foundation, the Sacred foundation of all that is Love, for He is Love, just as I am Love.
Where I am, He is and there Love is.
Oh Children, see My Love and know you are Saved.
Christ is your King and Redeemer!
You are saved by the Redeemer and so glorify His name with great adoration and Love.
Bring Him great glory through your reverence and worshipfulness.
Oh Children, how Belovéd you are!
Know that you are Loved before you were in your appointed womb. [Very specific – your womb. THIS one.]
I Loved you then and shaped you as you are and will be and would be.
You are so Loved as you live and there is such hope in Me and all of Heaven that each of you shall never go astray.
Even where one Child goes astray,
the whole of Heaven weeps in despair and hopes by Love that he will return to the Light of My Love.
When thousands are drawn to Love Me, happy am I.
But only one fallen Lamb tears an irreparable wound into My Sacred Heart. [Such sadness here]
Heaven goes silent in grief.
Thus, My Belovéd Children, know that you are so very Belovéd,
and each of you is cause for joy, laughter, worry, fear, and grief for your Eternal Father.
I want you always with Me.
Come to Me always in your times of need.
Also come to Me when you are joyous and celebrate.
Realize the great joy you bring to your Holy Father when you welcome Him into the gladness of your home.
It is a beauty and I give you great blessings for such an invitation.
My gift to you.
Holy Children, there is much you do and can do to bring Me happiness.
Your hearts and the goodness in them bring Me satisfaction.
The angels are in awe of your generosity and kindness. [I felt such a sense of amazement; I could feel them!]
Bring to Me more who have not known Me!
Bring them into the Light of My Love and My Heart thrills by this great gift!
Speak and show great kindness to the lonely and befriend those who are friendless.
If you cringe to touch a brother who has slept on the ground with your clean hands,
know that the hands of your soul are black.
Your brothers and sisters are everywhere as am I.
I am in each of you, and I will respond to you as you have responded to Me in like kind.
Children, do not fear or hate each other.
What good is fear or hatred when neither one will save your life?
Hate does not save the drowning man.
Fear does not bring the man out of the burning house.
Love, My Children, will.
When you Love, it saves you.
I am Love, and as you Love Me, so I save you.
Dearest and Belovéd Children, do not be fooled by the sophists who are abroad and many.
They stand taller than most and speak high words with high expressions of grandeur.
Do not be caught keeping company with them, for their words are misleading and their company or souls are foul.
The lying prophets march forward, rapidly.
Here they come in 2’s and 8’s.
Some are singular; some are pairs.
See them come.
Liars lips, honeyed tongues.
Pray Dear Children and discern.
Know what I Love and what offends Me.
Know what I find acceptable and good and know what I have said is darkness, evil, foul.
Do not fool yourself.
Do not compromise with sin.
Do not rely on base excuses.
Trust in Me, your Lord God.
Trust in My Belovéd Son, Jesus Christ, the King and Savior.
Kneel at His feet and pray.
The Bible is the path; prayer the means to arrive.
Join Me daily at My Table.
Such joy is derived when I see My Children come through My doors to join Me at Table,
and when I hear your prayers, I am touched and softened by your pleas and your expressions of Love.
Remember the importance of reconciliation and penance.
When you admit your sins to Me, I lay My Hand upon your weary brow
and forgive you the sins that have worn your souls down.
I absolve you of your sins and grant you peace.
Attend your Confession and know great peace through your admissions and sorrow and penance,
for it is I to whom you speak and it is My Mercy that you receive.
Blesséd are those who understand the essence of this Sacrament.
Children, partake of the Eucharist.
It is what saves you.
It is the New Covenant.
It is Christ’s promise, for indeed, it is Christ, My Belovéd Son.
Take Him into your own body and be saved by His Eternal Sacrifice.
He has shed His Body and Blood for each of you, My Children, from the greatest Love that you may be saved.
Worship My Son with deep reverence and Love, for He has given the ultimate Sacrifice in His Love for you.
Keep this knowledge always in your hearts –
that He has been tortured and has died so that you may have a life after death
instead of an eternity of dread and misery. [Without knowing God.]
Love My Belovéd Son, Children.
Love Him faithfully.
Dearest Children, pray always and constantly.
The World needs your constant prayers.
Notice the increasing violence of such small wars.
Pray for the children who lose their parents and become hateful too.
Pray for the elimination of hatred throughout the World.
Pray for the denizens of Pope Francis and all those who work at the Hands of God in the Church.
Pray for the establishment of additional churches [implied Catholic] throughout the World.
Pray for the East – Philippines, Taiwan, Malaysia, Bhutan, Hanoi, Tubon, the boot of Japan, New Guinea.
Pray for the lightenedness [to become less intense] of earth tremors.
Pray for those who live by the ocean waters.
Pray for priests, for many wander and wish to leave.
Pray for the children; the Little Flowers, the little ones.
Pray for forgiveness, My Children.
Pray and it is yours.
Peace, Belovéd Children.

Monday, October 28, 2013 12:46 – 1:31 pm
Walking into and praying in the Chapel was like returning to the embrace of God’s arms. The joy and rush of relief and happiness was so palpable. It was like two excited friends seeing each other again after too much time apart!
Oh Children!
Oh Lambs of this World.
Do not ever believe that I am not with you ever watching, ever listening, ever hoping for your call.
I am with you when you cry out and I am with you in your difficulties.
I invite you to invite Me into the joys and sorrows of your life just as I invite you to My Table.
Always are you welcome to My Home.
Come to Me often and always,
for I hopefully seek the company of My Belovéd Children
and find such great joy or pleasure in your attention.
Oh Belovéd Children, come to Me, your Belovéd and Holy Father who Loves you so.
I am your Eternal Protector and Eternal Father.
My Heart and Mercy are yours.
You need only call and I am there.
You need only ask, and mercy is yours.
Feel your sorrow no more,
for you are My Belovéd Child
and I will not let My Children suffer without My Mercy.
Children, I see so many of you growing weary of this World.
Hold tight to your Love for Me,
for through you and your stalwart prayers, many are saved.
Throw out your weariness, Blesséd Children, and be strong.
You are My Soldiers of Spirit
and you must continue to pray for this World, lest more are led to eternal damnation,
to the sorrow of God, your Belovéd Father.
Prayer, Dearest Children, is such a strong thing.
Stronger than you can ever realize.
For each prayer you pray for souls within this World,
I hear and take pity on those whose sins are so great as to be dangerous and unforgivable.
Your prayers save many
and those who are on the cusps of hell
and suicide and pride or other wretchedness are pulled back into Love by your very prayers
because your hearts are so very filled with Love and generosity of Spirit
and concern for your fellow brothers and sisters.
My Sacred Heart swells to see this Love in you and in seeing it help so many others.
Oh Generous and Devout Children, your hearts are large and I have made them so.
Your prayers to Me make your hearts strong and your prayers are as sweet to Me as honey upon your tongues.
Gracious and Belovéd Children, do not sin against Me.
Know what I Love and what I find acceptable.
Do not make excuses for sins.
Do not compromise with sin.
Face your sins and speak to them and call them sins, as they are.
Learn to see sins when they are in front of you and walk away from them.
Repent and confess your sins so that you are cleansed.
Do your utmost and not sin.
Your soul must be clean in order to enter My Home in Heaven.
You would not step foot into your Belovéd One’s Home with mud on your feet and the smell of dung on your clothing.
You would not show unkempt and without fragrance about you.
Thus you cannot come to My Door similarly attired.
Your soul cannot come to enter My Holy Home with mud and refuse upon it.
You would not sully the House of the Lord and bring it down to the levels of this World.
It is then no longer Heaven but earth.
There is no change.
No transformation.
You gain nothing.
You cannot want this – to flatten the glory of Heaven.
Thus, souls are cleaned before they enter My Beauteous Kingdom
and are thankful to have been so once there.
Oh Children of this deteriorating World,
look forward to your life in the World to come,
for it is a glorious one that no one here can even speak to.
There is such glory as to astound you.
Belovéd Children, it should be your sole aspiration and reason for life.
Heaven should be your goal and I should be your Love guiding you there.
Listen to My directions and you will not be left behind.
Love Me always and completely and thoroughly.
Know what pleases Me and what is a displeasure to Me.
Know what is not acceptable to Me and what I Love.
Live accordingly.
Love your brothers and sisters thoroughly.
Defend them always.
Treat them with softness in your heart and kindness on your tongue.
Do not put your pride in front of your Love for them ever.
And because of your great Love for Me and your brothers and sisters who I have created,
you will refrain from taking a life,
from taking that which is not yours to take,
and from speaking words that will condemn them wrongly,
hurt them, detain them,
bring down low, embarrass them,
anger them or seek to destroy their happiness in any way.
Do not bring issue or pain to your brothers and sisters, for when you do, you bring Me pain as well.
Remember, only I can judge.
You are not to judge, for that in itself is a sin.
You judge Me and take on the sins of your brother as you judge him.
Live in Love and harmoniously with your brothers and sisters.
There is no greater Love than brother-ship and mercy.
Do not allow this World to divide Love.
Division is a quality set forth by anger.
Anger is set forth by hatred.
Hatred is set forth by the darkest one.
And the darkest one of all seeks to wreak evil havoc upon the entire World
with war, disease, mutiny, hatred, sin;
greed, perversity, death.
Children, shut your eyes when sin tempts you, especially great sin.
It is there when you face big choices
and when you turn away from the tricks and temptations of darkness,
My Angels roar in satisfaction
and My Heart is made glad.
Oh Belovéd Children, such storms come and you must be prepared.
Temptations will be great and falls into the pit numerous.
Prepare with great prayer.
Become familiar with My Presence.
Know My Voice so you are not deceived.
Understand what is good and what is dark.
What is of Me and what is not of Me.
You must pray more and learn quickly how to distinguish the two.
Dearest Children, it comes.
Do not be frightened, but be prepared.
The Servants do not know when their Master will return home, so all must be prepared.
Those who are caught unprepared and unaware will have much to explain.
Dearest Children, you are very Belovéd.
Know this always
and when you are unsure or have dread within your hearts,
know this is true in the purest sense –
You are very Belovéd.
My Belovéd Children, pray.
Pray for peace in this World of riotousness.
Pray for Timothy Price.
Pray for Eunice Lugan or Lujon.
Pray for the birds, for they come. [I do not understand this reference.]
Pray for the priests and their continued strength.
Pray for those who are lost.
Peace My Children.
Peace. Peace.

Tuesday, October 22, 2013 4:46 – 5:31 pm Adoration
I know You are near.
Discerning Child, you do well to protect yourself with prayer.
You have become lax.
Do not let go of Me and what you know to be right.
Such is the way of darkness.
It waits for My Belovéd Children to wander and enslaves you then.
Oh Child, return to My House, for I miss your prayers.
Do not be away from Me.
You can participate through great prayer and when you have confessed, as it is right and correct,
you too may partake in the Feast that is Christ, My Belovéd Son.
Oh Children, do not wander away from Me, for Time fades so quickly.
So many question this even though it is so transparent.
Do you not see the floods?
Do you not see the tremors within the World’s belly?
Do you not see and witness the murder and blood from the never-ending battles?
You need not ask how nor should you doubt the truth you see.
Oh Wayward World, look around you.
Gaze at the chaos that you see.
My Children, I Love you and thus you were meant for joy and Love and peace.
But instead you are living in such darknesses filled with dead infants and roaring rivers of blood
and the Love you once shared for your brothers and sisters has faded.
Oh Children, My Belovéd Son’s Sacrifice is laid to waste!
He is further ripped apart or wounded by the Words He hears uttered by the Children of this World.
My Son, Jesus the Christ, the Savior and the Glorious One is filled with sadness
and His Divine Heart openly weeps tears of blood.
Too many Children deny His Love.
So many hate His Love.
So many dismiss His Love like a story that has ended before it has even begun.
When the glory and power of the Lord Jesus is revealed to this World,
so will these Children be shocked and dumbfounded.
How will they each approach the One true God as He is there in glory and extreme goodness and power and beauty and roaring and clouds. [it is too much to describe in words – it is too big.]
How does the murderer face the judge but with temerity. [He is bold in his lies]
How does the thief face the judge? Ashamedly.
How does the just and righteous man face the judge? Openly.
Do not face God as a murderer or thief would a judge.
Woe are those who do.
Justice will be a cold and cruel thing.
Oh Crumbling World, why do you not turn to the Father who Loves you so very dearly?
Why do you laugh and scorn My Love.
Why is faith so difficult and Love so repelling to you, Children?
Oh Children, understand your errors now.
It is not too late.
Come to Me and find Mercy and Love and compassion.
I am here to give you My Mercy and everlasting Love.
Do not wait.
Do not doubt Me.
That is the most serious mistake of all.
To deny that I am.
It is a denial of Love and all that is Holy and good and infinite. [Again,it is too much to describe in words.]
Do not doubt Me.
That mistake will cause you much pain.
Oh Belovéd Children, I do not hate and I cannot lie.
Hear My Words and repair your souls.
Come to Me and My Arms are open to you with Mercy and Love.
Pray and I hear your calls.
Pray and I answer your prayers.
I give My Belovéd Children good gifts.
Oh Children, do not allow yourselves to stay locked in the cages and chains of this World.
Your life is a short span of time and it is such an important time.
It allows you to choose darkness and rot and evil and an eternity of pain or
to choose the Light, Love, joy, peace and eternal blessings in the company of God.
Why does this time wrap people into paper that catches fire the moment people are enveloped?
Oh Children, your Heavenly Parent Loves you and seeks only to protect and Love you.
I do not give you vipers and poison as gifts.
I offer you Love and joy and peace and a full heart instead.
I give you a choice that you may make.
Observe always; I am not intrusive.
I wait always for your calls, but to want My Love, to crave it, must be your choice made freely.
Satan is very intrusive.
He will put suggestions in your ears and place staggering temptations before your eyes.
He watches closely for your weaknesses and advances as he finds them.
He wants nothing more than to rot and debilitate My Children, and he has been effective in many ways.
Do not fall trap to his lies.
His way is to lie and deceive before striking you down with his misery and regret and shame and hatred.
He will pull you so low that you will lose faith in Me or deny Me altogether.
This has happened to too many souls now and only by your prayers are they saved from hell and eternal damnation.
Even then they may never see the Face of God in all of its Glory.
Such is the calibre of their sins.
Thus, Dearest Children, pray and show people the beauty and power of My Love.
To do this is a glorious and blesséd thing and I send you many blessings as you work towards this.
Oh Children, as you pray, pray for the Holy Mother’s intercession for those who die this year,
for so many are unprepared and their souls are black.
Pray that peace is sincere and not underpinned by chicaneries and lies.
Pray for those who would enforce peace.
Pray for the children who can never witness peace. My Little Flowers suffer so.
Pray for those who live in the east. Such waters come and will overtake them. [Asia]
*The following came & is symbolic in nature.*
See the stars as they move, one, two three. How the earth shakes when you see the fourth star shine past those three.
Look to those three and the moon will grow so red. Take up your crucifixes and pray for fewer storms, for this World will shake harder and harder still and more frequently. Borders will be broken, and the shrill calls of Blackbirds will announce the break. And a piece of earth – a very large piece will fall and sink way down into the earth to be seen never more. Such is the agitation of the World. [I saw a very large rectangular piece of land – I can’t tell if it was a city or suburbs. It looked like the outskirts of a busy town.]
Pray, Children. Pray.
Peace My Belovéd Children.
I offer you peace.
I know You are near.
Discerning Child, you do well to protect yourself with prayer.
You have become lax.
Do not let go of Me and what you know to be right.
Such is the way of darkness.
It waits for My Belovéd Children to wander and enslaves you then.
Oh Child, return to My House, for I miss your prayers.
Do not be away from Me.
You can participate through great prayer and when you have confessed, as it is right and correct,
you too may partake in the Feast that is Christ, My Belovéd Son.
Oh Children, do not wander away from Me, for Time fades so quickly.
So many question this even though it is so transparent.
Do you not see the floods?
Do you not see the tremors within the World’s belly?
Do you not see and witness the murder and blood from the never-ending battles?
You need not ask how nor should you doubt the truth you see.
Oh Wayward World, look around you.
Gaze at the chaos that you see.
My Children, I Love you and thus you were meant for joy and Love and peace.
But instead you are living in such darknesses filled with dead infants and roaring rivers of blood
and the Love you once shared for your brothers and sisters has faded.
Oh Children, My Belovéd Son’s Sacrifice is laid to waste!
He is further ripped apart or wounded by the Words He hears uttered by the Children of this World.
My Son, Jesus the Christ, the Savior and the Glorious One is filled with sadness
and His Divine Heart openly weeps tears of blood.
Too many Children deny His Love.
So many hate His Love.
So many dismiss His Love like a story that has ended before it has even begun.
When the glory and power of the Lord Jesus is revealed to this World,
so will these Children be shocked and dumbfounded.
How will they each approach the One true God as He is there in glory and extreme goodness and power and beauty and roaring and clouds. [it is too much to describe in words – it is too big.]
How does the murderer face the judge but with temerity. [He is bold in his lies]
How does the thief face the judge? Ashamedly.
How does the just and righteous man face the judge? Openly.
Do not face God as a murderer or thief would a judge.
Woe are those who do.
Justice will be a cold and cruel thing.
Oh Crumbling World, why do you not turn to the Father who Loves you so very dearly?
Why do you laugh and scorn My Love.
Why is faith so difficult and Love so repelling to you, Children?
Oh Children, understand your errors now.
It is not too late.
Come to Me and find Mercy and Love and compassion.
I am here to give you My Mercy and everlasting Love.
Do not wait.
Do not doubt Me.
That is the most serious mistake of all.
To deny that I am.
It is a denial of Love and all that is Holy and good and infinite. [Again,it is too much to describe in words.]
Do not doubt Me.
That mistake will cause you much pain.
Oh Belovéd Children, I do not hate and I cannot lie.
Hear My Words and repair your souls.
Come to Me and My Arms are open to you with Mercy and Love.
Pray and I hear your calls.
Pray and I answer your prayers.
I give My Belovéd Children good gifts.
Oh Children, do not allow yourselves to stay locked in the cages and chains of this World.
Your life is a short span of time and it is such an important time.
It allows you to choose darkness and rot and evil and an eternity of pain or
to choose the Light, Love, joy, peace and eternal blessings in the company of God.
Why does this time wrap people into paper that catches fire the moment people are enveloped?
Oh Children, your Heavenly Parent Loves you and seeks only to protect and Love you.
I do not give you vipers and poison as gifts.
I offer you Love and joy and peace and a full heart instead.
I give you a choice that you may make.
Observe always; I am not intrusive.
I wait always for your calls, but to want My Love, to crave it, must be your choice made freely.
Satan is very intrusive.
He will put suggestions in your ears and place staggering temptations before your eyes.
He watches closely for your weaknesses and advances as he finds them.
He wants nothing more than to rot and debilitate My Children, and he has been effective in many ways.
Do not fall trap to his lies.
His way is to lie and deceive before striking you down with his misery and regret and shame and hatred.
He will pull you so low that you will lose faith in Me or deny Me altogether.
This has happened to too many souls now and only by your prayers are they saved from hell and eternal damnation.
Even then they may never see the Face of God in all of its Glory.
Such is the calibre of their sins.
Thus, Dearest Children, pray and show people the beauty and power of My Love.
To do this is a glorious and blesséd thing and I send you many blessings as you work towards this.
Oh Children, as you pray, pray for the Holy Mother’s intercession for those who die this year,
for so many are unprepared and their souls are black.
Pray that peace is sincere and not underpinned by chicaneries and lies.
Pray for those who would enforce peace.
Pray for the children who can never witness peace. My Little Flowers suffer so.
Pray for those who live in the east. Such waters come and will overtake them. [Asia]
*The following came & is symbolic in nature.*
See the stars as they move, one, two three. How the earth shakes when you see the fourth star shine past those three.
Look to those three and the moon will grow so red. Take up your crucifixes and pray for fewer storms, for this World will shake harder and harder still and more frequently. Borders will be broken, and the shrill calls of Blackbirds will announce the break. And a piece of earth – a very large piece will fall and sink way down into the earth to be seen never more. Such is the agitation of the World. [I saw a very large rectangular piece of land – I can’t tell if it was a city or suburbs. It looked like the outskirts of a busy town.]
Pray, Children. Pray.
Peace My Belovéd Children.
I offer you peace.

Monday, October 21, 2013 12:26 – 1:29 pm
There is no place that I cannot be, Child.
Feel My Love ever with you.
Do not despair, for My Mercy is great
and extends from My Great Love to you, My Child.
Do not allow your heart to weigh heavily within you.
I am always near.
Call on Me and I answer.
Ask for My forgiveness and you shall have it.
I have heard the Love within your prayers and I thank you for their generosity and sincerity.
Children of this World,
Learn from Mercy and seek to bring peace to those who die or who would bring others to die or death.
This World is in need of great Love and Mercy through Me
and only through your greatest prayers can this be accomplished.
Belovéd Children, the World fights Me and disintegrates or dismisses My Love for you.
The people of this World walk about, ignorant of Time
and unworried or unconcerned or disbelieving of the dangers for their souls.
How My Angels weep and tremble for them.
They must learn the truth and understand their error.
They must seek out My Great Mercy before the door is shut tight.
When My Mercy is exchanged for righteousness and cold justice, who will then misunderstand the nature of sin?
Seek out My Mercy now and know the comfort of Love and forgiveness.
My Love for My Children is so very great.
How can My Belovéd Children disregard such a gift?
Oh wicked children, I will not intrude upon your choices,
but I will implore you to think and pray and think carefully about what you do next.
If you could only know the price your souls pay for the destruction and sin you wreak havoc for now.
You will say with all assurance and painful passion, now I know!
Now I understand!
How I wish I had listened and paid heed to the hour of time
and the Loving warnings preceded by the Holy Mother
and the Lord God Himself who deigned so Mercifully to help His Children again and again.
You will weep in sorrow and much regret and will hope desperately that others might pray for the sake of your soul.
So I say, listen to My Calls now, and fix that which is broken within you.
Do this by seeking out My Mercy that gushes forth from My Sacred Heart
like a fathomless rush of cold water and hot fire there together to purify
and make you aware and most righteous in your prayers and knowledge and Love for Me.
Do you see, Belovéd Children.
All safety and joy and security and Love and mercy and everything that is beautiful and good
extends from the father through the Son and through the Holy Spirit.
Do not make laughter a part of My Son’s Sacrifice.
You cannot know the graces and good gifts I give to you when you worship and adore Me.
But those gifts come, unbidden and unexpected as does just punishment.
Be always prepared, for perhaps the Lord shall come in the day, the morning or at night.
Know the clouds will gather and hounds will howl and horses will stomp their feet,
and many caged animals will grow wary and unmanageable.
As the clouds roil with red fire, the skies will open with great glory
And the King of Glory will show Himself to the World
And every eye will see Him as if He were not feet from Him.
And every person will see the nature of their sins laid out before them
And even the belovéd Little Flowers will see theirs (such as they are)
And we will weep.
Call on Me for My Mercy when you are most tortured.
Pray and My Mercy pierces your heads; feel the pain of your sins be replaced by the peace and Love of My Mercy.
Trust in Me, your Lord God, the Christ and Savior, the Spirit who lifts you.
Trust in My Son’s Belovéd Sacrifice fully.
Trust and great gifts will be given you and divine miracles will be shown you.
Put yourself all into My Hands. [That is to say, give all of yourself over to God.]
All of yourself must I have to help you see these great works.
Oh Children,
How I Love you.
Will you ever see this?
Will those of you who have abandoned Me ever come to remember the light you once carried for Me as a child?
A small flicker that brought you to life can do so again.
Please look for that light within you even if you deny My Love or existence.
Embrace the feeling of Love you feel and know this is the Spirit giving your spirit that fullness of heart.
It is I who is watching you every moment, waiting patiently and hopefully for your voice to call out to Me.
Oh Destitute Children, do not let Me Weep to lose you.
How I Weep to lose a soul to darkness.
Come to Me and do not tend to darkness.
It is all entertainment and luxury today but the remuneration is great.
And as all gamblers will tell you, you will lose your soul in the end.
Do not forget your faith in Me.
You had it once and you can attain it again.
Children of this filthy and savage World, pray, for your time is close
and so few of you understand that the gates are closing.
Understand that when they are closed, I cannot offer Mercy; only justice alone
and justice is a cruel and hard thing without the benefit of compassion and Mercy.
Oh Children, a parent does not like to see a child hurt and is filled with dread by even the thought of it.
So it is with God, your Heavenly Father who Loves each of His Children.
Why must you fight Me so?
*The following is possibly symbolic in nature*
Now the swine back away or retreat, for they know what comes.
I see them depart into the darkness of foliage that is dark.
They wait for disorientation.
People will feel shocked by their sins and this could be chaotic.
When the soldiers come about to shoot down any who would speak about Me, that is one of the final pangs.
A final warning to pray even more.
While some will be dead, those who are left to endure the mirror of the World’s sins must suffer
to pray for the forgiveness of their sins and those of this heavy World.
Know, Dearest Children, again I say, I hear your prayers.
Do not doubt Me, for I am the One True God.
I have made the stars and the moon and the sun.
Do not disbelieve in Me, for despite all of these good gifts I have given My Children,
still one more was necessary and so Belovéd –
I sent My Son to you to be Sacrificed and in His Loving Obedience and in Our Shared Love for you,
He allowed Himself to be reduced to earthly man.
He accepted punishment, torture, and death that each of you, My Belovéd Children, would have new life.
This greatest Sacrifice saves you from the horrors of eternal hell
and yet so many of you disregard His Sacrifice and demean His Love.
Children, repent of your sins now, I say.
Repent, for time works against you.
Pray for those who are lost, those who disbelieve and those who have become lukewarm in their Love and belief for Me.
Pray the Rosary, for it is a saving grace.
Pray for those who war.
Pray for the Little Flowers who die in mass numbers. It is an affront to My Heart.
Pray for My Belovéd Priests that they retain their holiness and faith in the light of the struggles to come.
Pray to the Queen of Peace, the Most Blesséd and Beauteous Mother who I Love Most Dearly.
She intercedes so Lovingly for this World and through her intercessions has given you so many graces.
Pray for the days when the oceans will crawl savagely up to cities where the waters do not belong.
This will happen again and again.
Great waters will appear in cities throughout the World so as to cleanse it
and they will be as abnormal as a horse that swims freely in the ocean.
And these waters come from the seas, from rivers, and from the skies,
like the tears of angels escaping Heaven which hope to help cleanse the World to bring joy to God.
Yes, water like fingers will go through towns in places everywhere that are not used to or not ordinarily meant to be watered or wet lands.
Pray Dear Children, for strength and pray that you too are always compassionate with your sisters and brothers.
When you help one, you help Me.
When you turn one away, you turn Me away.
Do not be found acting without compassion
for it brings pain to My Heart and I will treat you as you have treated others.
Compassionate and Belovéd Children,
Pray for My Belovéd Benedict, for I Love Him so well.
Pray for those places where there is much smoke in the skies.
Pray for those who are bitter.
Pray for the lonely.
Pray for those who die this year because so many die without knowing Me.
Pray for those who are ill.
Pray for the destitute.
Good Children, I hear your prayers and answer your calls.
Trust always in Me and remember that I am to be first in all things.
I bless your children, the Little Flowers, each day with My Gentle Love for their joy.
I bless each of you with My Peace for your prayers.
I grant you peace, My Children.
Walk within My Love and Sacred Heart and know peace.
Great peace.
Peace My Children.
Peace. Peace.
There is no place that I cannot be, Child.
Feel My Love ever with you.
Do not despair, for My Mercy is great
and extends from My Great Love to you, My Child.
Do not allow your heart to weigh heavily within you.
I am always near.
Call on Me and I answer.
Ask for My forgiveness and you shall have it.
I have heard the Love within your prayers and I thank you for their generosity and sincerity.
Children of this World,
Learn from Mercy and seek to bring peace to those who die or who would bring others to die or death.
This World is in need of great Love and Mercy through Me
and only through your greatest prayers can this be accomplished.
Belovéd Children, the World fights Me and disintegrates or dismisses My Love for you.
The people of this World walk about, ignorant of Time
and unworried or unconcerned or disbelieving of the dangers for their souls.
How My Angels weep and tremble for them.
They must learn the truth and understand their error.
They must seek out My Great Mercy before the door is shut tight.
When My Mercy is exchanged for righteousness and cold justice, who will then misunderstand the nature of sin?
Seek out My Mercy now and know the comfort of Love and forgiveness.
My Love for My Children is so very great.
How can My Belovéd Children disregard such a gift?
Oh wicked children, I will not intrude upon your choices,
but I will implore you to think and pray and think carefully about what you do next.
If you could only know the price your souls pay for the destruction and sin you wreak havoc for now.
You will say with all assurance and painful passion, now I know!
Now I understand!
How I wish I had listened and paid heed to the hour of time
and the Loving warnings preceded by the Holy Mother
and the Lord God Himself who deigned so Mercifully to help His Children again and again.
You will weep in sorrow and much regret and will hope desperately that others might pray for the sake of your soul.
So I say, listen to My Calls now, and fix that which is broken within you.
Do this by seeking out My Mercy that gushes forth from My Sacred Heart
like a fathomless rush of cold water and hot fire there together to purify
and make you aware and most righteous in your prayers and knowledge and Love for Me.
Do you see, Belovéd Children.
All safety and joy and security and Love and mercy and everything that is beautiful and good
extends from the father through the Son and through the Holy Spirit.
Do not make laughter a part of My Son’s Sacrifice.
You cannot know the graces and good gifts I give to you when you worship and adore Me.
But those gifts come, unbidden and unexpected as does just punishment.
Be always prepared, for perhaps the Lord shall come in the day, the morning or at night.
Know the clouds will gather and hounds will howl and horses will stomp their feet,
and many caged animals will grow wary and unmanageable.
As the clouds roil with red fire, the skies will open with great glory
And the King of Glory will show Himself to the World
And every eye will see Him as if He were not feet from Him.
And every person will see the nature of their sins laid out before them
And even the belovéd Little Flowers will see theirs (such as they are)
And we will weep.
Call on Me for My Mercy when you are most tortured.
Pray and My Mercy pierces your heads; feel the pain of your sins be replaced by the peace and Love of My Mercy.
Trust in Me, your Lord God, the Christ and Savior, the Spirit who lifts you.
Trust in My Son’s Belovéd Sacrifice fully.
Trust and great gifts will be given you and divine miracles will be shown you.
Put yourself all into My Hands. [That is to say, give all of yourself over to God.]
All of yourself must I have to help you see these great works.
Oh Children,
How I Love you.
Will you ever see this?
Will those of you who have abandoned Me ever come to remember the light you once carried for Me as a child?
A small flicker that brought you to life can do so again.
Please look for that light within you even if you deny My Love or existence.
Embrace the feeling of Love you feel and know this is the Spirit giving your spirit that fullness of heart.
It is I who is watching you every moment, waiting patiently and hopefully for your voice to call out to Me.
Oh Destitute Children, do not let Me Weep to lose you.
How I Weep to lose a soul to darkness.
Come to Me and do not tend to darkness.
It is all entertainment and luxury today but the remuneration is great.
And as all gamblers will tell you, you will lose your soul in the end.
Do not forget your faith in Me.
You had it once and you can attain it again.
Children of this filthy and savage World, pray, for your time is close
and so few of you understand that the gates are closing.
Understand that when they are closed, I cannot offer Mercy; only justice alone
and justice is a cruel and hard thing without the benefit of compassion and Mercy.
Oh Children, a parent does not like to see a child hurt and is filled with dread by even the thought of it.
So it is with God, your Heavenly Father who Loves each of His Children.
Why must you fight Me so?
*The following is possibly symbolic in nature*
Now the swine back away or retreat, for they know what comes.
I see them depart into the darkness of foliage that is dark.
They wait for disorientation.
People will feel shocked by their sins and this could be chaotic.
When the soldiers come about to shoot down any who would speak about Me, that is one of the final pangs.
A final warning to pray even more.
While some will be dead, those who are left to endure the mirror of the World’s sins must suffer
to pray for the forgiveness of their sins and those of this heavy World.
Know, Dearest Children, again I say, I hear your prayers.
Do not doubt Me, for I am the One True God.
I have made the stars and the moon and the sun.
Do not disbelieve in Me, for despite all of these good gifts I have given My Children,
still one more was necessary and so Belovéd –
I sent My Son to you to be Sacrificed and in His Loving Obedience and in Our Shared Love for you,
He allowed Himself to be reduced to earthly man.
He accepted punishment, torture, and death that each of you, My Belovéd Children, would have new life.
This greatest Sacrifice saves you from the horrors of eternal hell
and yet so many of you disregard His Sacrifice and demean His Love.
Children, repent of your sins now, I say.
Repent, for time works against you.
Pray for those who are lost, those who disbelieve and those who have become lukewarm in their Love and belief for Me.
Pray the Rosary, for it is a saving grace.
Pray for those who war.
Pray for the Little Flowers who die in mass numbers. It is an affront to My Heart.
Pray for My Belovéd Priests that they retain their holiness and faith in the light of the struggles to come.
Pray to the Queen of Peace, the Most Blesséd and Beauteous Mother who I Love Most Dearly.
She intercedes so Lovingly for this World and through her intercessions has given you so many graces.
Pray for the days when the oceans will crawl savagely up to cities where the waters do not belong.
This will happen again and again.
Great waters will appear in cities throughout the World so as to cleanse it
and they will be as abnormal as a horse that swims freely in the ocean.
And these waters come from the seas, from rivers, and from the skies,
like the tears of angels escaping Heaven which hope to help cleanse the World to bring joy to God.
Yes, water like fingers will go through towns in places everywhere that are not used to or not ordinarily meant to be watered or wet lands.
Pray Dear Children, for strength and pray that you too are always compassionate with your sisters and brothers.
When you help one, you help Me.
When you turn one away, you turn Me away.
Do not be found acting without compassion
for it brings pain to My Heart and I will treat you as you have treated others.
Compassionate and Belovéd Children,
Pray for My Belovéd Benedict, for I Love Him so well.
Pray for those places where there is much smoke in the skies.
Pray for those who are bitter.
Pray for the lonely.
Pray for those who die this year because so many die without knowing Me.
Pray for those who are ill.
Pray for the destitute.
Good Children, I hear your prayers and answer your calls.
Trust always in Me and remember that I am to be first in all things.
I bless your children, the Little Flowers, each day with My Gentle Love for their joy.
I bless each of you with My Peace for your prayers.
I grant you peace, My Children.
Walk within My Love and Sacred Heart and know peace.
Great peace.
Peace My Children.
Peace. Peace.

Friday, October 18, 2013 4:00 – 4:57 pm
Dearest Child, your heart beats slowly, peacefully and I see your acceptance.
Blesséd are those who trust in Me, for My Plan is good; My Will is just.
Do not fear the One who has created you.
I Love every one of My Belovéd Sons and Daughters.
I am ever with you, calming your fears and concerns,
listening for your calls, reveling in your joys.
Know how My Love is Great.
It is a powerful entity.
[That is to say, it is a thing or a tangible something as opposed to an idea.]
It is more powerful than the light of the sun upon your eyes
And more deep than the greatest depths of the greatest oceans.
My Love extends from the furthest reaches of the first and last galaxies and then beyond.
With My Love, you are embraced in an eternity of feeling or light or glory or something that cannot be explained but that is giant in its all-encompassing Love.
Feel My Love pulling you to enjoy what you see and feel and hear around you.
Enjoy the simplicity of the gifts I have given you.
When you are able to grasp the small, further you will understand the large.
You are My Belovéd Children and do not walk before you crawl.
Oh Sweetest and Bewildered Child, I see into your heart.
Still, there is the bundle upon you that you carry when there is no need.
Hear My Words and know only Me.
I am the Truth and the Light.
You can know Me only through Loving My Belovéd Son, Jesus the Christ.
Worship Him faithfully and most Lovingly.
When you know Him, you know Me.
As you know the Father, so do you know the Son, for the Father so Loves His Son
and the Father Loves the World He has created.
Oh Children, My Son, the Christ has redeemed all of you.
Take His hand in Love and join Us in Our Feast of Love and happiness and kinship and eternal peace.
Know that eternal Love and joy and peace are attainable.
Only Love Me and My Son.
Worship and respect the Holy Spirit where all good gifts come from.
The Spirit douses your lives and souls with reverence and holiness and such great joys.
Know that these gifts are more valuable than the greatest golds and jewels.
Know Children I shower you always with Love.
I am with you always.
Do not ever weep and not believe I am beside you, holding your head to My Bosom.
My Love is strong.
Trust in Me and My Path to Righteousness and I will give you new Life through My Eternal Love.
Oh Children, you do not lose those whom you have Loved.
Would a parent separate a brother from the other?
Would a Father separate two Loving Sisters from the other?
All that you Love is with Me, for I am Love.
You are My Most Belovéd Children.
Do not fear loss.
Like a child who sleeps, Love is your Parent watching over you ever and always so near.
Oh Beautiful Children, today I give you a message of Love
To assure My Children that where there is Love and prayer, there am I,
Protecting you,
Loving you,
Answering your prayers and calls.
I do not abandon My Children in your hour of need
and I rejoice with you in the success of your labors and in all of your joys!
Belovéd Children, I am for you as you are all for Me.
Look to My Love for guidance in all things.
My Love leaps forth in the Body and Blood of My Most Precious Son, Jesus the Christ.
Christ the Savior and King and Redeemer!
When you partake of His Body and partake of His Blood, you are at your Holiest.
Cleansed of sin,
Redeemed by His Love,
Saved from an eternity of hell,
Saved from an eternity without My Love.
Oh Children, weep and worship at My Son’s feet for His Sacrifice, His Love.
See how great His Love for you is!
It is a tangible.
It is undeniably "feel-able" or "see-able" or you cannot deny the enormity of His Sacrifice.
Only One who Loves this World can make such a Sacrifice.
Only the Son of Man and God has a Heart so Sacred and Holy
that He would allow Himself to be tortured, humiliated, crucified, murdered, buried and removed finally
from the depths of the netherworlds back to His Righteous Seat with His Father
all because of One Great Love for the Children who I have created.
You are so belovéd.
Do you not see now why every wound you inflict upon your mind or body wounds Me threefold as much.
When your soul is wounded, I cry out.
When darkness seeks to trample upon your heart, My Love embraces you tightly and I wait for you to turn to Me.
Oh Children, every thing that you do is of great import to your Loving Father, for you are My Children,
and for that reason alone, I do not abandon you until you have breathed your (every) breath
and your soul has departed or separated itself.
I give you every moment to come to Me for Love and mercy.
[The image of the soul departing is like separating an egg and its yolk.]
Every second of every minute and even beyond those seconds are yours
and when you call Me and I am there to answer your calls.
I do not fail you.
I Love you, My Children.
Do not doubt My Love, for I cannot hate and I do not lie.
I am the Light and the Love.
Believe in Me.
Believe in Christ, the Lord God who has suffered for your sins.
Pray to the Spirit who descends upon you and offers you grace.
My Dearest and Belovéd Children, pray.
Pray broadly, for there are so many who need the aid of your prayers.
Pray for the women who are bearing children, and for the children themselves.
Pray for peace in places in the World where there is great smoke.
Pray for the people who have been crumbled.
Pray for the children of Israel.
Pray for Judea, My Belovéd Children.
Pray for Judea.
Pray, Children, for there are too many children walking deliriously in darkness
and they hold hands so tightly with him because of the pleasure he offers.
They are sins and those who are ignorant of this can be forgiven for their ignorance.
But those who are not, sin twice – once for their behavior or action
and again for their knowledge that it is a sin that they so willingly have committed.
Repent, Children who follow and play in darkness.
Come to Me for Mercy and I forgive and Love you.
Come to Me Dear Children, for Time is short.
I will say this until there is no more time at all and the skies grow black.
Come to Me.
I say this until the gates of My Mercy close and you can no longer come in from the cold to warm your hearts.
Come to Me and garner Mercy!
Pray Children for the souls who wander in Purgatory.
Pray for My Belovéd Disciples, for their strength and continued holiness.
Pray for those who will die this year for so many are unprepared.
Pray, My Children, for all those of the East.
Pray, My Children for I Love you and give you peace.
Do not be tentative in your Love for Me Children.
Do not be timid in your Love.
Peace Dear Children.
Dearest Child, your heart beats slowly, peacefully and I see your acceptance.
Blesséd are those who trust in Me, for My Plan is good; My Will is just.
Do not fear the One who has created you.
I Love every one of My Belovéd Sons and Daughters.
I am ever with you, calming your fears and concerns,
listening for your calls, reveling in your joys.
Know how My Love is Great.
It is a powerful entity.
[That is to say, it is a thing or a tangible something as opposed to an idea.]
It is more powerful than the light of the sun upon your eyes
And more deep than the greatest depths of the greatest oceans.
My Love extends from the furthest reaches of the first and last galaxies and then beyond.
With My Love, you are embraced in an eternity of feeling or light or glory or something that cannot be explained but that is giant in its all-encompassing Love.
Feel My Love pulling you to enjoy what you see and feel and hear around you.
Enjoy the simplicity of the gifts I have given you.
When you are able to grasp the small, further you will understand the large.
You are My Belovéd Children and do not walk before you crawl.
Oh Sweetest and Bewildered Child, I see into your heart.
Still, there is the bundle upon you that you carry when there is no need.
Hear My Words and know only Me.
I am the Truth and the Light.
You can know Me only through Loving My Belovéd Son, Jesus the Christ.
Worship Him faithfully and most Lovingly.
When you know Him, you know Me.
As you know the Father, so do you know the Son, for the Father so Loves His Son
and the Father Loves the World He has created.
Oh Children, My Son, the Christ has redeemed all of you.
Take His hand in Love and join Us in Our Feast of Love and happiness and kinship and eternal peace.
Know that eternal Love and joy and peace are attainable.
Only Love Me and My Son.
Worship and respect the Holy Spirit where all good gifts come from.
The Spirit douses your lives and souls with reverence and holiness and such great joys.
Know that these gifts are more valuable than the greatest golds and jewels.
Know Children I shower you always with Love.
I am with you always.
Do not ever weep and not believe I am beside you, holding your head to My Bosom.
My Love is strong.
Trust in Me and My Path to Righteousness and I will give you new Life through My Eternal Love.
Oh Children, you do not lose those whom you have Loved.
Would a parent separate a brother from the other?
Would a Father separate two Loving Sisters from the other?
All that you Love is with Me, for I am Love.
You are My Most Belovéd Children.
Do not fear loss.
Like a child who sleeps, Love is your Parent watching over you ever and always so near.
Oh Beautiful Children, today I give you a message of Love
To assure My Children that where there is Love and prayer, there am I,
Protecting you,
Loving you,
Answering your prayers and calls.
I do not abandon My Children in your hour of need
and I rejoice with you in the success of your labors and in all of your joys!
Belovéd Children, I am for you as you are all for Me.
Look to My Love for guidance in all things.
My Love leaps forth in the Body and Blood of My Most Precious Son, Jesus the Christ.
Christ the Savior and King and Redeemer!
When you partake of His Body and partake of His Blood, you are at your Holiest.
Cleansed of sin,
Redeemed by His Love,
Saved from an eternity of hell,
Saved from an eternity without My Love.
Oh Children, weep and worship at My Son’s feet for His Sacrifice, His Love.
See how great His Love for you is!
It is a tangible.
It is undeniably "feel-able" or "see-able" or you cannot deny the enormity of His Sacrifice.
Only One who Loves this World can make such a Sacrifice.
Only the Son of Man and God has a Heart so Sacred and Holy
that He would allow Himself to be tortured, humiliated, crucified, murdered, buried and removed finally
from the depths of the netherworlds back to His Righteous Seat with His Father
all because of One Great Love for the Children who I have created.
You are so belovéd.
Do you not see now why every wound you inflict upon your mind or body wounds Me threefold as much.
When your soul is wounded, I cry out.
When darkness seeks to trample upon your heart, My Love embraces you tightly and I wait for you to turn to Me.
Oh Children, every thing that you do is of great import to your Loving Father, for you are My Children,
and for that reason alone, I do not abandon you until you have breathed your (every) breath
and your soul has departed or separated itself.
I give you every moment to come to Me for Love and mercy.
[The image of the soul departing is like separating an egg and its yolk.]
Every second of every minute and even beyond those seconds are yours
and when you call Me and I am there to answer your calls.
I do not fail you.
I Love you, My Children.
Do not doubt My Love, for I cannot hate and I do not lie.
I am the Light and the Love.
Believe in Me.
Believe in Christ, the Lord God who has suffered for your sins.
Pray to the Spirit who descends upon you and offers you grace.
My Dearest and Belovéd Children, pray.
Pray broadly, for there are so many who need the aid of your prayers.
Pray for the women who are bearing children, and for the children themselves.
Pray for peace in places in the World where there is great smoke.
Pray for the people who have been crumbled.
Pray for the children of Israel.
Pray for Judea, My Belovéd Children.
Pray for Judea.
Pray, Children, for there are too many children walking deliriously in darkness
and they hold hands so tightly with him because of the pleasure he offers.
They are sins and those who are ignorant of this can be forgiven for their ignorance.
But those who are not, sin twice – once for their behavior or action
and again for their knowledge that it is a sin that they so willingly have committed.
Repent, Children who follow and play in darkness.
Come to Me for Mercy and I forgive and Love you.
Come to Me Dear Children, for Time is short.
I will say this until there is no more time at all and the skies grow black.
Come to Me.
I say this until the gates of My Mercy close and you can no longer come in from the cold to warm your hearts.
Come to Me and garner Mercy!
Pray Children for the souls who wander in Purgatory.
Pray for My Belovéd Disciples, for their strength and continued holiness.
Pray for those who will die this year for so many are unprepared.
Pray, My Children, for all those of the East.
Pray, My Children for I Love you and give you peace.
Do not be tentative in your Love for Me Children.
Do not be timid in your Love.
Peace Dear Children.

Thursday, October 17, 2013 5:19 – 6:19 pm
Child, do you not listen when I have told you before, your work is far from over.
I know your fears and see the courage you lack and I Love you, My Child.
You are My Special Servant and My Belovéd and simple Child.
Do not ever fear, for when you are at your weakest, I am with you to hold you up.
Do not fear.
My Love for you keeps you in balance.
Pray, Dearest Child.
Always pray and take the Eucharist always, and attend Confession.
You must do these things to stay well.
I am always near.
Do not allow threats of the leviathan trick your heart.
You are guarded by My Angels and they let no darkness pass as long as you are prayerful
and take faith by the Holy Body and Blood of My Son, the Lord Jesus Christ, the King of kings, the Glory and the Savior.
Your work, Child, must continue in strong faith.
Strong is My Love for My Children and strong must be your trust in your Lord God.
Put all of your trust in Me, for I am your Holy and Belovéd Father.
I am your Sacred Parent.
I protect My Belovéd Children as a lion protects his pride.
Do not wander from Me, even for a day.
The ways of this World are dark
and the hands of darkness sticky or quick to grasp at whatever Child of Mine that comes its way.
Beauteous Child, you will work far into the night and candles will burn to their wicks.
Remember now that I have said this.
Your prayers must increase, as the prayers of all of My Beautiful Children must increase.
Where you have prayed once an hour, pray thrice.
Where you have prayed twice a day, triple your efforts and insist others do the same.
Increase your prayers, Children, increase your prayers.
All prayers touch My Wounded Heart and bring to My Ears songs of gladness, praise and relief.
To hear your prayers is to let loose the fragrance, a strong fragrance, of flowers into Heaven,
and the angels are made joyful by it.
Indeed, My Sweet Children, My Dearest and Most Precious Children, I entreat you to pray.
Do not pray by rote.
Do not suffer Me to listen to empty praise and words that are hollow noise.
Pray with all of the Love you feel in your hearts and all of the focus you have in your minds.
Praise Me with old and new words.
Sing to Me new songs.
Say to Me or exclaim to Me passionately that you Love your Lord God
and worship joyfully your Lord God, Jesus the Christ who has Saved you from eternal death!
This makes Me quiver with such joy and great Joy, for I know that you truly worship Me
and desire My Love and Love My Love and seek My attention
and give to Me your Belovéd God, your full attention when you pray.
God, what about the little prayers I say like when I am just talking to You when I’m doing housework or driving. Don’t You like those?
Dearest Child, those Sweetest murmurings of Love are Cherished by your Holy Father!
Those prayers are intimate pleasures to Me and I Love to hear about the days of My Belovéd Children.
These are gifts from you to Me.
Never believe otherwise, My Child.
Child, your heart is weary because you have taken on the concerns that are not yours to take.
Let go of the bundles upon your back and see only what I have given you.
Do not do more and do not do less.
Do not act upon anything that is not your work to complete.
A plower does not seek to collect taxes, just as a shepherd does not pretend to be a scribe.
Be as you are charged to be, My Belovéd Child, for it is more than enough, you will learn.
Belovéd Children, the time grows short and the labor pains increase.
Each new wave makes this larcenous World shudder
with new or larger and more shocking or inappropriate or insulting sins.
The World makes a debacle of My Son’s Sacrifice and incurs My Great Anger as such.
Who will cast a child into a raging sea to drown but only the most vicious of murderers.
Who will humiliate the man who starves by flinging bones without meat on them to the floor at his knees as he kneels?
Those who are the most evil.
Those who are destined for hell in all of their vanity and darkness.
For in their vile insults and hatred of the Son of Man, their words so hastily said and carelessly hurled,
this is what the men and women of this World do.
The men and women of this World foolishly cast insults at the feet of the Most Holy Savior,
Jesus the Christ, the King of kings,
the Glorious Son of God whom they should be falling to their knees to worship
and love in reverence and great respect.
Instead, they seek darkness and will see the blackness of their wickedness and the injury they have caused to the Lord
before falling into the pit of darkness where an eternity of wretchedness awaits them.
Oh World, open your eyes to your sins.
Your time is so very short.
Open your eyes and come to Me while you have time.
I offer Mercy and forgiveness and new life.
Come to Me and know greatest Love, My Children.
How I want all of you to know My Mercy and Love.
Why must so many of you reject Me, Children.
Hear My Pleas, Children.
The clouds are coming and the storm even now is readying itself.
Come to Me, Children.
Pray, Children, and prepare yourselves through great prayer.
Do not be fooled by those who will take you adrift from receiving the Holy Eucharist which saves.
Do not be led astray from prayer.
Deep prayer upon the Rosary.
Oh Children, Time comes so quickly now
and the Blesséd Mother, who has so Lovingly interceded on your behalf is at her end. [Finished with her work.]
What must she say to convince you to turn to her most Precious Son, Jesus the Christ, My Son, your Savior and King?
When the sun turns black with roiling clouds and red fire falls from the skies, how will you wish for her comfort.
The Blesséd Mother Loves all of you so well
and with her gentle heart seeks to protect all of My Children with her mantle of peace. Hear her.
Pray to her, for she is your greatest intercessor and is Most Belovéd by the Father.
Always respect her, for this pleases Me greatly.
Dearest Children, do not doubt this storm comes.
Oh Israel, My Children, to see you fall awakens My Forlorn heart to anger or to act.
Hear the skies of Israel popping (?).
Oh Israel, your Lord sees the end of your reign.
Children will run to the hills and will be slaughtered regardless.
There will be rivers of blood.
The like that never have been seen before.
There will be much celebration, but there will be many more who will weep in hiding.
Oh Israel, prepare and hide your belovéd children while you are able; before your skies are blackened.
And because no kingdom will send armies to aid Israel but one,
the storm will come in all of its fire and black smoke and will envelop them as retribution for the sins of the peoples.
Those who have been faithful will have the Hand of God over their heads
and the vipers will fear to attack those and will move on.
And the skies will taper off over each of the faithful and they shall feel only a rainfall.
Dearest Children, Love Me and only Me.
Set down the idols you have taken up in error.
The World has provided many.
Adore only Me, God your Belovéd and Blesséd Father.
Do not be fooled by sophists.
Pray for strength and discernment.
Remember that in all things, I am first.
Trust in Me, Children, and I will give you the path to righteousness.
I give My Children biggest Love and good gifts.
Trust always in Me.
Pray for parents who destroy the innocence and playfulness of their children.
Pray for men who destroy their marriages for their lack of faith in Me.
Pray for Benedict, for he is My Honorable Servant.
Pray for those who serve at the hands of the Pope.
Pray for Germany and Libya, France, Spain, and Morocco.
Pray for those who live near water.
Pray for new mothers.
Pray for those who do not know Me.
I Bless My Children with My Peace.
I Bless My Children with the Sacred Blood of Jesus, My Son and the Son of Man.
Peace be with My Belovéd Children.
Always Peace, My Children.
Peace. Peace.
Child, do you not listen when I have told you before, your work is far from over.
I know your fears and see the courage you lack and I Love you, My Child.
You are My Special Servant and My Belovéd and simple Child.
Do not ever fear, for when you are at your weakest, I am with you to hold you up.
Do not fear.
My Love for you keeps you in balance.
Pray, Dearest Child.
Always pray and take the Eucharist always, and attend Confession.
You must do these things to stay well.
I am always near.
Do not allow threats of the leviathan trick your heart.
You are guarded by My Angels and they let no darkness pass as long as you are prayerful
and take faith by the Holy Body and Blood of My Son, the Lord Jesus Christ, the King of kings, the Glory and the Savior.
Your work, Child, must continue in strong faith.
Strong is My Love for My Children and strong must be your trust in your Lord God.
Put all of your trust in Me, for I am your Holy and Belovéd Father.
I am your Sacred Parent.
I protect My Belovéd Children as a lion protects his pride.
Do not wander from Me, even for a day.
The ways of this World are dark
and the hands of darkness sticky or quick to grasp at whatever Child of Mine that comes its way.
Beauteous Child, you will work far into the night and candles will burn to their wicks.
Remember now that I have said this.
Your prayers must increase, as the prayers of all of My Beautiful Children must increase.
Where you have prayed once an hour, pray thrice.
Where you have prayed twice a day, triple your efforts and insist others do the same.
Increase your prayers, Children, increase your prayers.
All prayers touch My Wounded Heart and bring to My Ears songs of gladness, praise and relief.
To hear your prayers is to let loose the fragrance, a strong fragrance, of flowers into Heaven,
and the angels are made joyful by it.
Indeed, My Sweet Children, My Dearest and Most Precious Children, I entreat you to pray.
Do not pray by rote.
Do not suffer Me to listen to empty praise and words that are hollow noise.
Pray with all of the Love you feel in your hearts and all of the focus you have in your minds.
Praise Me with old and new words.
Sing to Me new songs.
Say to Me or exclaim to Me passionately that you Love your Lord God
and worship joyfully your Lord God, Jesus the Christ who has Saved you from eternal death!
This makes Me quiver with such joy and great Joy, for I know that you truly worship Me
and desire My Love and Love My Love and seek My attention
and give to Me your Belovéd God, your full attention when you pray.
God, what about the little prayers I say like when I am just talking to You when I’m doing housework or driving. Don’t You like those?
Dearest Child, those Sweetest murmurings of Love are Cherished by your Holy Father!
Those prayers are intimate pleasures to Me and I Love to hear about the days of My Belovéd Children.
These are gifts from you to Me.
Never believe otherwise, My Child.
Child, your heart is weary because you have taken on the concerns that are not yours to take.
Let go of the bundles upon your back and see only what I have given you.
Do not do more and do not do less.
Do not act upon anything that is not your work to complete.
A plower does not seek to collect taxes, just as a shepherd does not pretend to be a scribe.
Be as you are charged to be, My Belovéd Child, for it is more than enough, you will learn.
Belovéd Children, the time grows short and the labor pains increase.
Each new wave makes this larcenous World shudder
with new or larger and more shocking or inappropriate or insulting sins.
The World makes a debacle of My Son’s Sacrifice and incurs My Great Anger as such.
Who will cast a child into a raging sea to drown but only the most vicious of murderers.
Who will humiliate the man who starves by flinging bones without meat on them to the floor at his knees as he kneels?
Those who are the most evil.
Those who are destined for hell in all of their vanity and darkness.
For in their vile insults and hatred of the Son of Man, their words so hastily said and carelessly hurled,
this is what the men and women of this World do.
The men and women of this World foolishly cast insults at the feet of the Most Holy Savior,
Jesus the Christ, the King of kings,
the Glorious Son of God whom they should be falling to their knees to worship
and love in reverence and great respect.
Instead, they seek darkness and will see the blackness of their wickedness and the injury they have caused to the Lord
before falling into the pit of darkness where an eternity of wretchedness awaits them.
Oh World, open your eyes to your sins.
Your time is so very short.
Open your eyes and come to Me while you have time.
I offer Mercy and forgiveness and new life.
Come to Me and know greatest Love, My Children.
How I want all of you to know My Mercy and Love.
Why must so many of you reject Me, Children.
Hear My Pleas, Children.
The clouds are coming and the storm even now is readying itself.
Come to Me, Children.
Pray, Children, and prepare yourselves through great prayer.
Do not be fooled by those who will take you adrift from receiving the Holy Eucharist which saves.
Do not be led astray from prayer.
Deep prayer upon the Rosary.
Oh Children, Time comes so quickly now
and the Blesséd Mother, who has so Lovingly interceded on your behalf is at her end. [Finished with her work.]
What must she say to convince you to turn to her most Precious Son, Jesus the Christ, My Son, your Savior and King?
When the sun turns black with roiling clouds and red fire falls from the skies, how will you wish for her comfort.
The Blesséd Mother Loves all of you so well
and with her gentle heart seeks to protect all of My Children with her mantle of peace. Hear her.
Pray to her, for she is your greatest intercessor and is Most Belovéd by the Father.
Always respect her, for this pleases Me greatly.
Dearest Children, do not doubt this storm comes.
Oh Israel, My Children, to see you fall awakens My Forlorn heart to anger or to act.
Hear the skies of Israel popping (?).
Oh Israel, your Lord sees the end of your reign.
Children will run to the hills and will be slaughtered regardless.
There will be rivers of blood.
The like that never have been seen before.
There will be much celebration, but there will be many more who will weep in hiding.
Oh Israel, prepare and hide your belovéd children while you are able; before your skies are blackened.
And because no kingdom will send armies to aid Israel but one,
the storm will come in all of its fire and black smoke and will envelop them as retribution for the sins of the peoples.
Those who have been faithful will have the Hand of God over their heads
and the vipers will fear to attack those and will move on.
And the skies will taper off over each of the faithful and they shall feel only a rainfall.
Dearest Children, Love Me and only Me.
Set down the idols you have taken up in error.
The World has provided many.
Adore only Me, God your Belovéd and Blesséd Father.
Do not be fooled by sophists.
Pray for strength and discernment.
Remember that in all things, I am first.
Trust in Me, Children, and I will give you the path to righteousness.
I give My Children biggest Love and good gifts.
Trust always in Me.
Pray for parents who destroy the innocence and playfulness of their children.
Pray for men who destroy their marriages for their lack of faith in Me.
Pray for Benedict, for he is My Honorable Servant.
Pray for those who serve at the hands of the Pope.
Pray for Germany and Libya, France, Spain, and Morocco.
Pray for those who live near water.
Pray for new mothers.
Pray for those who do not know Me.
I Bless My Children with My Peace.
I Bless My Children with the Sacred Blood of Jesus, My Son and the Son of Man.
Peace be with My Belovéd Children.
Always Peace, My Children.
Peace. Peace.

Tuesday, October 15, 2013 11:37 am – 12:09 pm
I have no right to feel so exhausted, and yet I am. And I must go to Confession.
Wake up Child and see Me.
See the Glory that awaits you.
I have given you great gifts among men and you must take advantage of them
and you must not ignore them, those gifts.
See My Light, as it burns.
It is not so distant, My Children.
It is practically amongst you burning so brightly and brilliantly.
Oh Dearest and Belovéd Children, here My Call.
Know that I am ever with you, healing your wounds, Loving your prayers, hearing your calls.
I am ever with you, My Children.
I see your struggles and I know your wants and desires.
Know that your Loving and adoring Father listens and hears your every Word and every request or plea.
Now hear My Own pleas.
Hear My request.
Hear My desperation, Children. [Said with big love.]
For so many years I have answered your calls.
Today or now I say, heed My Calls.
Heed My Warnings.
Listen to the Words the Most Blesséd Mother reveals.
Do not take her dispositions for granted, for she too warns you with Love and hope and desperation.
There is no need for alarm, but preparedness only.
Readiness, prayerfulness.
A state of grace from piety, prayerfulness, a deep intimacy and Love for Me.
You shall not fall short in this Children, for the option would be panic.
And you should not feel the pain of knowledge from this – your full sinfulness.
That you have turned your face away from Me.
Away from Love and that is such a black sin to face.
Who turns away from Love but that who hates.
Who scorns amity or brother-ship or kindness but those who are hate-filled.
Who desires the destruction of their neighbors’ homes but those who feel great envy and greed.
Who takes satisfaction in the misfortune of others but those who spread tales
and those who are puffed up with pride and vanity.
And do you not believe My Belovéd Children that these people
will be locked out from the Kingdom of God and Christ and God the Spirit?
The one who spurned kindness will have no brothers and no tongue with which to speak.
He will have no hands with which to labor or put anything into his mouth.
The neighbors who felt anger and greed and envy will suffer their own humble homes to fall upon their very heads
and all of the sweetest homes shall attract the birds of paradise
and no harsh winds will attack them and blow the shutters across the foundations.
No one shall extend a hand in aid, for no one shall have hands.
And few will have hands and no desire to help those who once called them fools.
Then there is the vain one who will fall into their eternal mirrors,
attacking space and glass eternally.
Do not fall into these traps.
The webs are sticky and once out, it is too easy to fall back into the World.
Watch how quickly the woman falls,
and the darkness constantly works to snatch her away with his great promises.
Oh Children, do you see?
My Calls are urgent and they also clarify dangers.
Sweet Children, pray.
There is much to pray about.
Pray for My Belovéd Benedict.
Pray for My Little Flowers.
Pray for the men of the World that they may see peace.
God blesses His Children.
Good Children of this World, I bless you with peace.
Bless you, My Children. Bless you.
Peace, Children.
Peace. Peace.
I have no right to feel so exhausted, and yet I am. And I must go to Confession.
Wake up Child and see Me.
See the Glory that awaits you.
I have given you great gifts among men and you must take advantage of them
and you must not ignore them, those gifts.
See My Light, as it burns.
It is not so distant, My Children.
It is practically amongst you burning so brightly and brilliantly.
Oh Dearest and Belovéd Children, here My Call.
Know that I am ever with you, healing your wounds, Loving your prayers, hearing your calls.
I am ever with you, My Children.
I see your struggles and I know your wants and desires.
Know that your Loving and adoring Father listens and hears your every Word and every request or plea.
Now hear My Own pleas.
Hear My request.
Hear My desperation, Children. [Said with big love.]
For so many years I have answered your calls.
Today or now I say, heed My Calls.
Heed My Warnings.
Listen to the Words the Most Blesséd Mother reveals.
Do not take her dispositions for granted, for she too warns you with Love and hope and desperation.
There is no need for alarm, but preparedness only.
Readiness, prayerfulness.
A state of grace from piety, prayerfulness, a deep intimacy and Love for Me.
You shall not fall short in this Children, for the option would be panic.
And you should not feel the pain of knowledge from this – your full sinfulness.
That you have turned your face away from Me.
Away from Love and that is such a black sin to face.
Who turns away from Love but that who hates.
Who scorns amity or brother-ship or kindness but those who are hate-filled.
Who desires the destruction of their neighbors’ homes but those who feel great envy and greed.
Who takes satisfaction in the misfortune of others but those who spread tales
and those who are puffed up with pride and vanity.
And do you not believe My Belovéd Children that these people
will be locked out from the Kingdom of God and Christ and God the Spirit?
The one who spurned kindness will have no brothers and no tongue with which to speak.
He will have no hands with which to labor or put anything into his mouth.
The neighbors who felt anger and greed and envy will suffer their own humble homes to fall upon their very heads
and all of the sweetest homes shall attract the birds of paradise
and no harsh winds will attack them and blow the shutters across the foundations.
No one shall extend a hand in aid, for no one shall have hands.
And few will have hands and no desire to help those who once called them fools.
Then there is the vain one who will fall into their eternal mirrors,
attacking space and glass eternally.
Do not fall into these traps.
The webs are sticky and once out, it is too easy to fall back into the World.
Watch how quickly the woman falls,
and the darkness constantly works to snatch her away with his great promises.
Oh Children, do you see?
My Calls are urgent and they also clarify dangers.
Sweet Children, pray.
There is much to pray about.
Pray for My Belovéd Benedict.
Pray for My Little Flowers.
Pray for the men of the World that they may see peace.
God blesses His Children.
Good Children of this World, I bless you with peace.
Bless you, My Children. Bless you.
Peace, Children.
Peace. Peace.

Friday, October 11, 2013 6:22 – 7:13 pm
“Where is your trust, Child?” That’s what God said to me in Church this morning. “Where is your trust!”
Do not be unconsoled, Child, for I give good gifts.
You are My Belovéd Daughter and I hear your small pleas and I listen to your large prayers.
My Generous Child, you are a generous Daughter and your generosity spreads your blessings to others.
No Father, I am not generous. I’m just a worrier.
Dearest Child, I have made you as you are, My Child.
Your heart is Mine and I see the goodness that sits within you.
Do not argue or deny the Words of Your Father in Heaven.
I do not argue.
Dear Lord, I am so tired all the time. Why? I have no right to be.
Your temple is precious and you see this is true.
Children of this faltering World,
you also must be aware or take great care of your own temples as they make up the temple that creates this World.
When the World is corrupted, it is because so many temples are corrupted.
When the World does good and there are no wars and children do not starve,
this is because the temples of this World are cautious and kind to their temples.
The temple that is this World has grown desolate and arid or dry and dark.
Such is the anger or destruction wrought on by the damaged or warped temples that make up this World.
So many are immersed in blackness, sunk into the desire for riches, perverse behaviors, indiscretions;
they are dismissive of their Lord God who has created all things and insult My Son, Jesus, the Christ as if for sport.
Their words are like additional thorns in His Crown.
Their hatred and disregard wounds Him so.
The Blesséd Mother weeps for Her Son and all of Heaven is aghast by the behavior of these lost souls.
If you could see or feel or sense in all ways how the whole of Heaven stands shocked by the absolute lack of Love
given to the Holy Christ and Lord, it would strike each of you down in humiliation and such sorrow.
Oh Belovéd Children, do you see the true exchange that you make for these riches?
Would you take a glass of poison if you could have fine wine?
Would you eat the dung of animals when you could feast on pheasants and lamb?
Would you take a filthy and tattered robe when you are offered a warm and solid mantle of good cloth?
Thus, why do you do this with riches and God’s eternity?
Why do you insist on taking Worldly riches in exchange for eternal joy in the Light of My Gaze and Presence?
Why do you choose to act so perversely, murdering and behaving in such base ways,
when these things will keep you from coming to Me and receiving My Mercy and forgiveness and thus joy and peace?
Why do you wound yourselves so completely
instead of accepting the precious and most Holy Living Sacrifice that My Son has given to you so that you may live?
Why do you reject such a gift and put yourself in the path of such harm and danger from great darkness and evil?
Precious and ridiculous or unseeing or unknowledgeable Children,
trust in God, your Belovéd Father who looks after you in the Fullness of His Love and in the desire of a good parent.
Trust in Me, for I seek only your joy and health and safety and your assurance or certitude to eternal life with Me.
Worship My Glorious and Belovéd Son, the Christ, your Savior and King.
Give Him His due Glory and Worship and faith.
He is the King of kings.
He is most high and such Love is within Him and about Him!
Dearest Children, know My Son and worship Him.
Grow through Him and come to Me by Him.
You cannot know Me but through His Love, His Heart, His Be-ing. His AM.
(that is to say, His “to be” or His “AM”?).
As you cannot know My Son but through Me, His Belovéd Father.
For We are One with the Spirit and are One true God.
When you pray to One, you pray to All, and as you pray to All, you pray to each.
That is part of the Glory of God, the Father, the Son, the Spirit.
Dearest Children, I am a simple and Loving God.
I am your Father and Parent.
I desire your Love always and I cherish your time and interest in My Love.
Your prayers to Me are songs of grace and your praise is wordless or inexplicably luxurious or ripe or delicate or masterful or stunning or too beautiful to describe adequately for us.
Praise Me always, for it brings Me such big joy!
Beautiful and Belovéd Children of Mine, pray and spread the seeds of My Great Love for My Children everywhere.
You must be like persistent farmers, spreading seeds where there is soil that the crops grow large and fruitful.
Where the soil is thin and dry, give water to it and enrich it with your own soil, that the seeds take and grow well.
Spread the seeds and if there are seeds there that are different and are sprouting already,
still leave seeds that they may grow in tandem with this other plant.
When they have both grown to their full height, they will see which is the more fruitful then.
Plant the seeds in (places where children play) so children, My Favored and Belovéd Little Flowers
will see them grow and will have the benefit of their beauty and shade and fruits.
They must not be cut down by those who would dig out the seeds from every corner of the World to see Humanity starve.
Spread My seeds everywhere and watch Love flourish.
Dearest Children, rot spreads within this World and planting these seeds prevents its spread here and there.
Great prayer stops this rot as well.
But it is a crawling rot; a darkness that creeps across lands and touches everything it sees.
Watch for this rot.
Keep your eyes open for the darkness.
What is rot on fruit but white spots.
Thus white on or in darkness will be the creeping rot that issues forward amongst you.
Pray My Children.
Your prayer is strong and will move the skies into storms and send mountains crumbling to dust.
Such is the power of prayer.
Such is the power of true faith.
Glorious and Belovéd Children, blesséd are the faithful.
I see you and send you My Peace and My Blessings each day as you arise.
Feel My Gentle hand upon your brow.
I bless you as you begin your work.
Surrender your days to Me and live in the peace of My Love
and in the confidence that your Heavenly Father manages all of Life or the whole of your life
effectively, Lovingly, perfectly.
Blesséd and Belovéd Children, pray always for the Little Flowers.
So many are so cold and become angry and hard in their anger.
They must be given their children’s kingdom
to Love and play and dream and pray to their Heavenly Father who Loves and adores each of them without boundaries.
They must know only joy and Love and peace, but they do not, so pray, My Belovéd Sons and Daughters.
Pray for My Disciples in the Church, for I love them so, and they must be very strong soon.
Pray for them.
Pray for the men who use their pride as a barrier against Me.
Pray for the women who murder and kill.
Pray for those who die this year, for so many are unprepared.
Pray for her; she will need great discernment and strength.
Pray for her patience and sight.
Pray for mothers everywhere.
I bless My Children with My Peace.
Thank you for your devotion to the Blesséd Mother.
Please show her Love always.
Peace My Children.
I give you My Peace.
Peace Children.

Wednesday, October 9, 2013 12:56 – 1:38 pm Adoration
Surely Children you must see the import of great prayer today.
It is sustenance and great virtue and protection and Love in one.
Do not fail to pray, Belovéd Children.
It is a necessity that I cannot emphasize overmuch.
Know that I am always with you.
Know that I protect you.
Know that when you pray, My Angels leap forward as I listen with bended ears. [The angels listen intently also.]
Oh Children, it is with great worry or haste that I ask you to repent of your sins.
Do not endure the full fury of sins’ consequences.
You are endowed with My Light and My Son, My Belovéd Christ Jesus has saved you
from the darkness of the netherworlds that would seek to devour your souls otherwise.
He has saved each of you by His Greatest Love and Sacrifice.
Do not disregard His gift and turn away from His Love. [Said with great love of His Son.]
He has saved you and given your souls over to Mercy and Love. [to God the Father.]
You need only repent and come to Me with Love, adoration, and regret in your hearts.
I am the Lord God and I Love My Belovéd Children.
I wish nothing more than to have each of you wrapped in the protection of My Enduring and Infinite Love.
Oh Weary and Ignorant Children, listen to your hearts and turn to Me.
Do not be entranced by the toys or glittery objects or riches or perversities of this World.
What looks like gold today will be a poison to you tomorrow.
What tastes like a feast to you today will be great torture for you tomorrow.
Take the hoods off from your eyes.
Allow My Love to do so that you may see the truths of this World – that these sins and the others do lead to poison, torture, and terrible condemnation.
Do not fall trap to what this World insists are gifts, for they are not.
The boxes are empty and the giver seeks only to pull you away from your Father who Loves you dearly.
Do not allow yourself to sleep in mud and dung with the swine of this World.
Pull yourself away from that disease.
Those who are evil see the beauty in you that I have created and Love and thus seek to strike it down with their filth!
Do not accept the compliments of those who would seek to buy your acquiescence.
They seek to forward their marks by your name.
You cannot compromise with sin and you will be hated for this.
The World will let loose its fury upon you, Children.
Be prepared and do not falter.
Those who work in My Name must have the hearts of lions and the dispositions of lambs.
Gentle and Belovéd Children, know that I see your efforts and hear your kind and generous prayers.
My Sacred Heart swells by your graciousness and Love.
I swell with Love to hear your prayers for others than yourself and give you blessings as well.
Belovéd Children, prayer is of such great importance.
How often will I say this but every day and every hour and every minute.
As the thief watches you, he goes to enter your home when you are least aware.
The master returns home without warning.
Be diligent with your home and ever ready for your Master through adamant and constant prayer.
Belovéd Children, Time closes and everyone waits.
Do not be helpless in your actions or behavior or fear.
You are My Belovéd Children and I say to you, if I am for you, who can be against you?
I am the Lord God.
Trust in Me and pray as I request.
You are My Good and Belovéd Children.
Bring others or other souls to Me.
Nothing is so great but when you bring your brothers and sisters to the Light of My Love.
Pray for those who do not believe, for times will strike them hard.
They will see and understand
but their burning or smelting(?) or refining or cleansing to see truth will be painful and difficult.
Though it is good, it is hard.
Pray for them thus, that they may come to Me before the Light of the Holy Spirit descends to enlighten your souls.
Oh Children, do not fear but grow in your purity of Love for Me.
Why do you fear your Father who Loves you and knows every design in your eyes and every line of your hands?
I created you and Love you like no other can.
All that I do is that which a good and Loving parent does for his children.
See this is truth and rest your hearts.
Leave your anxiety and trust in Me, your Lord God and Father.
My Son, the Lord Jesus, the Christ, the King, the Savior, the One who is Holy and Blesséd, the One who I Love, My Son!
He has Sacrificed that you may live a new life by His New Covenant.
You must Love Him and acknowledge His Greatest Sacrifice and Love with your own Love and great reverence and adoration or adulation.
He is My Son and you must go through Him to come to Me.
And to find My Son, you must also know Me.
We are One God, inseparable as One and three parts or three 'Holinesses' that make up the One.
Come to Me, your Lord God, and know the truth of Pure Love and holiness.
Do not suffer through the pains and angst of this sinful and ignorant World. [This is said sadly with regret]
Know Me as God and Father, for there is much over which to pray.
[The following was visual and deeply emotional as well on my insides.]
The Blesséd Mother weeps; pray for peace in this World.
The Queen of Peace weeps; pray for the children in this World.
My Son weeps; walk away from the sins of this World.
My Sacred Heart Breaks; there are the deaths of My Little Flowers that continue and must stop. It is a grave and vulgar sin; pray for the women of this World.
The Blesséd Mother who intercedes for this World grows weary;
pray for her continued intercession and overwhelm her with your love and appreciation of her Loving efforts.
Time moves and still the World is blackened and unaware;
pray for all the blackness that you see that it may reverse itself and become once again Lightened in My Eyes.
Holy and Belovéd Children, I Love each of you.
Hold tightly to My Love like the mantles of Jesus and know I gaze at you with affection and great Love.
Pray, Dear Children.
Again, My Children, I say Pray.
Peace, My Belovéd Children.
Peace to you and yours.
Peace to you for your prayers.
Peace, Children.
Peace. Peace.
Surely Children you must see the import of great prayer today.
It is sustenance and great virtue and protection and Love in one.
Do not fail to pray, Belovéd Children.
It is a necessity that I cannot emphasize overmuch.
Know that I am always with you.
Know that I protect you.
Know that when you pray, My Angels leap forward as I listen with bended ears. [The angels listen intently also.]
Oh Children, it is with great worry or haste that I ask you to repent of your sins.
Do not endure the full fury of sins’ consequences.
You are endowed with My Light and My Son, My Belovéd Christ Jesus has saved you
from the darkness of the netherworlds that would seek to devour your souls otherwise.
He has saved each of you by His Greatest Love and Sacrifice.
Do not disregard His gift and turn away from His Love. [Said with great love of His Son.]
He has saved you and given your souls over to Mercy and Love. [to God the Father.]
You need only repent and come to Me with Love, adoration, and regret in your hearts.
I am the Lord God and I Love My Belovéd Children.
I wish nothing more than to have each of you wrapped in the protection of My Enduring and Infinite Love.
Oh Weary and Ignorant Children, listen to your hearts and turn to Me.
Do not be entranced by the toys or glittery objects or riches or perversities of this World.
What looks like gold today will be a poison to you tomorrow.
What tastes like a feast to you today will be great torture for you tomorrow.
Take the hoods off from your eyes.
Allow My Love to do so that you may see the truths of this World – that these sins and the others do lead to poison, torture, and terrible condemnation.
Do not fall trap to what this World insists are gifts, for they are not.
The boxes are empty and the giver seeks only to pull you away from your Father who Loves you dearly.
Do not allow yourself to sleep in mud and dung with the swine of this World.
Pull yourself away from that disease.
Those who are evil see the beauty in you that I have created and Love and thus seek to strike it down with their filth!
Do not accept the compliments of those who would seek to buy your acquiescence.
They seek to forward their marks by your name.
You cannot compromise with sin and you will be hated for this.
The World will let loose its fury upon you, Children.
Be prepared and do not falter.
Those who work in My Name must have the hearts of lions and the dispositions of lambs.
Gentle and Belovéd Children, know that I see your efforts and hear your kind and generous prayers.
My Sacred Heart swells by your graciousness and Love.
I swell with Love to hear your prayers for others than yourself and give you blessings as well.
Belovéd Children, prayer is of such great importance.
How often will I say this but every day and every hour and every minute.
As the thief watches you, he goes to enter your home when you are least aware.
The master returns home without warning.
Be diligent with your home and ever ready for your Master through adamant and constant prayer.
Belovéd Children, Time closes and everyone waits.
Do not be helpless in your actions or behavior or fear.
You are My Belovéd Children and I say to you, if I am for you, who can be against you?
I am the Lord God.
Trust in Me and pray as I request.
You are My Good and Belovéd Children.
Bring others or other souls to Me.
Nothing is so great but when you bring your brothers and sisters to the Light of My Love.
Pray for those who do not believe, for times will strike them hard.
They will see and understand
but their burning or smelting(?) or refining or cleansing to see truth will be painful and difficult.
Though it is good, it is hard.
Pray for them thus, that they may come to Me before the Light of the Holy Spirit descends to enlighten your souls.
Oh Children, do not fear but grow in your purity of Love for Me.
Why do you fear your Father who Loves you and knows every design in your eyes and every line of your hands?
I created you and Love you like no other can.
All that I do is that which a good and Loving parent does for his children.
See this is truth and rest your hearts.
Leave your anxiety and trust in Me, your Lord God and Father.
My Son, the Lord Jesus, the Christ, the King, the Savior, the One who is Holy and Blesséd, the One who I Love, My Son!
He has Sacrificed that you may live a new life by His New Covenant.
You must Love Him and acknowledge His Greatest Sacrifice and Love with your own Love and great reverence and adoration or adulation.
He is My Son and you must go through Him to come to Me.
And to find My Son, you must also know Me.
We are One God, inseparable as One and three parts or three 'Holinesses' that make up the One.
Come to Me, your Lord God, and know the truth of Pure Love and holiness.
Do not suffer through the pains and angst of this sinful and ignorant World. [This is said sadly with regret]
Know Me as God and Father, for there is much over which to pray.
[The following was visual and deeply emotional as well on my insides.]
The Blesséd Mother weeps; pray for peace in this World.
The Queen of Peace weeps; pray for the children in this World.
My Son weeps; walk away from the sins of this World.
My Sacred Heart Breaks; there are the deaths of My Little Flowers that continue and must stop. It is a grave and vulgar sin; pray for the women of this World.
The Blesséd Mother who intercedes for this World grows weary;
pray for her continued intercession and overwhelm her with your love and appreciation of her Loving efforts.
Time moves and still the World is blackened and unaware;
pray for all the blackness that you see that it may reverse itself and become once again Lightened in My Eyes.
Holy and Belovéd Children, I Love each of you.
Hold tightly to My Love like the mantles of Jesus and know I gaze at you with affection and great Love.
Pray, Dear Children.
Again, My Children, I say Pray.
Peace, My Belovéd Children.
Peace to you and yours.
Peace to you for your prayers.
Peace, Children.
Peace. Peace.

Tuesday, October 8, 2013 1:24 – 2:10 pm
Settle your fears, Dear Child of Mine.
Your heart flutters so.
Trust in your Belovéd Father, for My Plan for you is Just.
I set you on a path that leads you through golden Light and bitter darkness.
Stay with Me and use the Light of your Faith or keep the Light of your Faith always.
I am always with you, guarding you and protecting you.
How can you ever doubt My Word, for how often do I assure you of this, My Belovéd Child.
See yourself through My Loving Eyes but once and you would know the extent of My Boundless Love;
the all-encompassing blanket of My Protection.
You are My Child.
No harm comes to you.
You shall do much in My Name as you have the will or are willful or as you continue to want to.
I choose you as you must continue to choose Me.
I am your Loving Father and I show you all that is good.
And everyone in the World will be okay? I mean, all religions and people like Hindus or Muslims? Are they going to be okay?
Compassionate and worried Child.
My Children are My Children and I have created each of you.
I Love each of you and show My Heart and My Love to all of you.
My Plan is good and it is just.
I do not give My Love to only some of My Children and exempt others of it.
I Love all of My Children.
I am One God and I am for all of My Children
and all of My Children will know this as the Light in their souls or hearts grow stronger.
[Souls and hearts are somehow interchangeable.]
Do you think you are the only one who sense a change?
Are My Lambs so prideful that they would not share salvation?
My Light is in all My Children and the Holy Spirit touches each one of My Children.
So many sense that there is more afoot than is usual.
So many of My Children feel it inside themselves the anticipation and dread that you felt once
and that others feel still but do not understand.
Do you see, My Child?
You are all My Belovéd Children, united by My Love, through My Love, and to My Greatest Love.
Have faith in Me and in My Love for all of My Belovéd Children.
I shall not deny one or any who come to Me for Mercy or Love.
I am God the Father and I Love and protect all of My Children.
See to the skies.
Watch and remember.
See the skies, how they will open up.
First black and then white.
Roiling clouds, fire and clarity.
Be ready, My Children.
Be prepared.
Pray, My Children, and cease your sinning.
When you see the blackness of your sins, you will be brought down to your knees.
Pray Dearest Children.
Clarity can cause you much pain.
Pray, Dear Children.
Your perversity will shock your soul.
Pray, Dear Children.
Murder and avarice is written in black and red upon the purity of your soul
and its innocence once so clean is stained and burned.
Pray Children.
To see your stained and much tainted souls will sicken you.
You will be shocked.
You will plead for no more.
It will continue until you have seen the full extent of the consequences of your sins.
It will feel like a lifetime within a second of time and you will be changed forever.
Pray, Children and decide what you wish to see or experience.
Do you wish to experience great pain and hope through Mercy?
Do you wish to experience great pain with horror and anger with resignation and vengeance?
Pray, oh Children of Mine.
You know what I am for and what is against Me.
You know what I accept and what I find unacceptable.
I ask My Children, do not compromise with sin.
You must not feel it is necessary to condone or support sin.
You must not judge also.
There is no room for judgment and hatred for My Belovéd Children.
There is neither room for the sin of condonement.
Oh, Dearest Children, I am for Love and through My Love, Expectations, or Standards,
a life of goodness through My Son, the Living Christ, Jesus, your Lord and King!
Honor Him by laying aside perversity, scandal, hypocrisy, idolatry and mayhem.
Swallow your curses and banish them from your head.
Calm your anger and turn to forgiveness instead.
Join in Love and support your brothers and sisters in kindness and solicitude.
Belovéd Children, know I am with you.
I am always with you.
You cannot face the leviathan but that I am with you.
Your prayers Call to Me like songs, and I am with you in joy to hear you.
I hear your prayers of hope and of pleas for help and I listen and answer you with My Arms open to console you.
I answer My Children and guide you with a Loving and Protective Hand.
Belovéd Children, pray for this World which drags itself asunder.
It is a grim thing with only small flashes of Light, like an occasionally kindled fire.
Its warmth wanes, despite great prayer and the Blesséd Mother’s Pleas.
She is your greatest and Most Blesséd Intercessor.
Yet so many seek to bring her low.
Such behavior cools My Heart, for she is the Queen of Peace and the Most Blesséd Mother of Heaven and Earth.
Respect and Love and trust in her and her words of faith and warning.
She so loves Humanity and seeks so desperately to save the many.
Heed her loving words.
Do not dismiss her aid or presence.
Do not blaspheme against the Holy Mother, for I frown deeply upon it.
Pray, Dearest Children, for the darkness will or does come.
Pray, Dearest Children, for prayer is your sharpest sword.
Pray, Belovéd Children, and be kind and Loving to your sisters and brothers, especially during trials.
Pray, My Children, for the children who are hurt by the World,
for they are deserving of only love, peace, joy and gentleness.
Pray, My Belovéd Children, and Partake of the Eucharist before it is no longer so freely available.
Pray, Dearest Children, and give thanks for the most holy and spiritual priests.
Pray for their continued strength and discernment.
Pray, My Children of the Light.
Pray for peace in this burdened World and for understanding between people who fight.
Pray for the women who have turned their babies over to death,
for it is a grave sin, and they must seek out mercy and forgiveness to find the peace their hearts need and crave.
Pray for those who are violent, for their violent natures have marred their souls black.
Pray, Dear Children, pray.
I Love you, My Belovéd Children and hear your prayers.
I thank you for your devotion.
I Love you for your devotion and ask that you continue your work for Me.
Belovéd Children, share the message of My Greatest Love with others.
My Peace is with you, Children.
I bless you and grant you great Peace.
Peace Dear Children.
Peace. Peace.
Settle your fears, Dear Child of Mine.
Your heart flutters so.
Trust in your Belovéd Father, for My Plan for you is Just.
I set you on a path that leads you through golden Light and bitter darkness.
Stay with Me and use the Light of your Faith or keep the Light of your Faith always.
I am always with you, guarding you and protecting you.
How can you ever doubt My Word, for how often do I assure you of this, My Belovéd Child.
See yourself through My Loving Eyes but once and you would know the extent of My Boundless Love;
the all-encompassing blanket of My Protection.
You are My Child.
No harm comes to you.
You shall do much in My Name as you have the will or are willful or as you continue to want to.
I choose you as you must continue to choose Me.
I am your Loving Father and I show you all that is good.
And everyone in the World will be okay? I mean, all religions and people like Hindus or Muslims? Are they going to be okay?
Compassionate and worried Child.
My Children are My Children and I have created each of you.
I Love each of you and show My Heart and My Love to all of you.
My Plan is good and it is just.
I do not give My Love to only some of My Children and exempt others of it.
I Love all of My Children.
I am One God and I am for all of My Children
and all of My Children will know this as the Light in their souls or hearts grow stronger.
[Souls and hearts are somehow interchangeable.]
Do you think you are the only one who sense a change?
Are My Lambs so prideful that they would not share salvation?
My Light is in all My Children and the Holy Spirit touches each one of My Children.
So many sense that there is more afoot than is usual.
So many of My Children feel it inside themselves the anticipation and dread that you felt once
and that others feel still but do not understand.
Do you see, My Child?
You are all My Belovéd Children, united by My Love, through My Love, and to My Greatest Love.
Have faith in Me and in My Love for all of My Belovéd Children.
I shall not deny one or any who come to Me for Mercy or Love.
I am God the Father and I Love and protect all of My Children.
See to the skies.
Watch and remember.
See the skies, how they will open up.
First black and then white.
Roiling clouds, fire and clarity.
Be ready, My Children.
Be prepared.
Pray, My Children, and cease your sinning.
When you see the blackness of your sins, you will be brought down to your knees.
Pray Dearest Children.
Clarity can cause you much pain.
Pray, Dear Children.
Your perversity will shock your soul.
Pray, Dear Children.
Murder and avarice is written in black and red upon the purity of your soul
and its innocence once so clean is stained and burned.
Pray Children.
To see your stained and much tainted souls will sicken you.
You will be shocked.
You will plead for no more.
It will continue until you have seen the full extent of the consequences of your sins.
It will feel like a lifetime within a second of time and you will be changed forever.
Pray, Children and decide what you wish to see or experience.
Do you wish to experience great pain and hope through Mercy?
Do you wish to experience great pain with horror and anger with resignation and vengeance?
Pray, oh Children of Mine.
You know what I am for and what is against Me.
You know what I accept and what I find unacceptable.
I ask My Children, do not compromise with sin.
You must not feel it is necessary to condone or support sin.
You must not judge also.
There is no room for judgment and hatred for My Belovéd Children.
There is neither room for the sin of condonement.
Oh, Dearest Children, I am for Love and through My Love, Expectations, or Standards,
a life of goodness through My Son, the Living Christ, Jesus, your Lord and King!
Honor Him by laying aside perversity, scandal, hypocrisy, idolatry and mayhem.
Swallow your curses and banish them from your head.
Calm your anger and turn to forgiveness instead.
Join in Love and support your brothers and sisters in kindness and solicitude.
Belovéd Children, know I am with you.
I am always with you.
You cannot face the leviathan but that I am with you.
Your prayers Call to Me like songs, and I am with you in joy to hear you.
I hear your prayers of hope and of pleas for help and I listen and answer you with My Arms open to console you.
I answer My Children and guide you with a Loving and Protective Hand.
Belovéd Children, pray for this World which drags itself asunder.
It is a grim thing with only small flashes of Light, like an occasionally kindled fire.
Its warmth wanes, despite great prayer and the Blesséd Mother’s Pleas.
She is your greatest and Most Blesséd Intercessor.
Yet so many seek to bring her low.
Such behavior cools My Heart, for she is the Queen of Peace and the Most Blesséd Mother of Heaven and Earth.
Respect and Love and trust in her and her words of faith and warning.
She so loves Humanity and seeks so desperately to save the many.
Heed her loving words.
Do not dismiss her aid or presence.
Do not blaspheme against the Holy Mother, for I frown deeply upon it.
Pray, Dearest Children, for the darkness will or does come.
Pray, Dearest Children, for prayer is your sharpest sword.
Pray, Belovéd Children, and be kind and Loving to your sisters and brothers, especially during trials.
Pray, My Children, for the children who are hurt by the World,
for they are deserving of only love, peace, joy and gentleness.
Pray, My Belovéd Children, and Partake of the Eucharist before it is no longer so freely available.
Pray, Dearest Children, and give thanks for the most holy and spiritual priests.
Pray for their continued strength and discernment.
Pray, My Children of the Light.
Pray for peace in this burdened World and for understanding between people who fight.
Pray for the women who have turned their babies over to death,
for it is a grave sin, and they must seek out mercy and forgiveness to find the peace their hearts need and crave.
Pray for those who are violent, for their violent natures have marred their souls black.
Pray, Dear Children, pray.
I Love you, My Belovéd Children and hear your prayers.
I thank you for your devotion.
I Love you for your devotion and ask that you continue your work for Me.
Belovéd Children, share the message of My Greatest Love with others.
My Peace is with you, Children.
I bless you and grant you great Peace.
Peace Dear Children.
Peace. Peace.

Monday, October 7, 2013 Adoration 10:50: 1058 – 11:48 am
I am the resurrection and the Light…that keeps going through my head right now. Sometimes I have to remind myself of what He tells us – be unafraid,pray, and trust Me. Those are our directions, yet the World seems so horrible today. At Mass this morning, Fr. Frank said the Supreme Court will be voting on whether to take prayer before federal meetings and such out across the board. They are doing their best to eradicate Jesus’s name. I almost cried when I heard that. For so many reasons.
But God said to me, "You are My Foot Soldier. Do not be afraid." Right there during Mass. He helped me understand again that we win in the end regardless. Our work and time here on earth while we are alive may require that we fight and endure the horrible tribulations of seeing God’s name reduced to rubble. Perhaps that is our role. The next generation may be given a different task or God may decide to come then (we will already be with Him in Heaven, so we can witness it) or maybe we're going to see what His grand plan is after all.
The point is, we are all merely His foot soldiers. We do the work we are given now and follow His plan regardless of whatever it is and whenever whatever is going to happen happens (did that make grammatical sense?). We trust in Him, and we keep in the forefront of our minds along with His great Love that we win in the end! Period. End of story.
10:58 am
Father, do You speak to Your humbled child?
I call on you Dearest Children to take note of all that happens in this brutal World.
See the Children weep and the mothers starve.
They starve for spiritual Love
and do not know the salvation of the Body and Blood of My Belovéd Son’s Greatest Sacrifice.
They live in ignorance and thus starve in their ignorance.
You must share the food or sustenance of you salvation with all of My Lambs.
Be not afraid to share My Love.
It is noble and good and just and right.
It is indeed necessary and a part of Loving your sisters and brothers.
It is a task I set you forth to do for Me.
You ask what you might do for Me, and here is what I ask of My Faithful Children.
Seek out those who do not know Me and show them the Way.
Show them the Way to My Light.
Explain to them fully the joy I offer and the promises I keep.
Describe the New Covenant sealed by the Holy Blood of My Son, Jesus the Christ, your Savior and King,
who is to be glorified, worshipped, adored, and Loved on bended knees.
He is Jesus the Lord Christ. [Say His name worshipfully; there is such amazing, breathtaking love here.]
Adore Him as you do Me.
You must Love Him to Love Me for We are One with the Spirit.
Separated We are whole and together We are whole.
Three parts or entities or Gods in One God or three Holiest to make the Holiest One.
Children, do not suffer your fears.
Act and work to be My Good Children.
Pray and Love your sisters and your brothers.
Cease your judging, for it has not waned.
It is like joyful play for you.
Do not point daggers at your brothers.
Do not place flame under your sister’s feet.
Be kind to one another and speak only kindness of Your brothers and sisters.
For to hear you cut and burn my Belovéd Children brings My Sacred Heart to weeping.
Your Belovéd Father deplores any pain that befalls His Dearest Children.
Oh Doubtful Ones, pray.
Pray and you shall see miracles.
Pray and I will drop the scales from your eyes.
Only you can open the door to a prayerful Heart.
I await your call.
I await the gift of a Loving and Blesséd Heart.
A prayer from one such as yourself brings Me such ecstasy
and so I give you miracles with which to show you My joy.
Doubtful Children, know that I am in Love with you.
I look daily into your Belovéd Eyes and cast My Greatest Love into you.
I watch you protectively throughout your days
and calm the ancient storms that attack your hearts and spirits continuously
until you are able to recognize them of your own volition. [Your life without knowing God until you know God.]
When you can take up your arms of strongest prayer, the angels in Heaven sing in appreciation and joy.
Blesséd Children, do not fear your Lord God.
I am for My Children of Light.
I hear your calls and answer your prayers.
You are My Belovéd Children and like a good father, I will always Love you,
and I will always protect you from any harms that seek to hurt you,
and I will always give you Good Gifts.
Children, your Heavenly and Most Holy Father and Parent and God does not give His Children to lions and wolves and insist you fend for yourself.
I do not offer you poisonous berries and vinegar to eat and drink.
I do not give you a box of vipers with which to play. No!
I am your good Father and so I will fight the lions and Light the dens of the Wolves.
You dine of figs and honey and wine and milk.
And chocolate.
You do not receive vipers as gifts but gifts of joy and sustenance and beauty.
Thus, do not fear your Lord God who Loves each of you dearly.
I am the One True Lord God.
Come to Me and I shall give you peace through My abundant Mercy and joy with My Infinite Love.
Lost Children, you must come to your Father, for the gates close and your time is limited.
Do not reject the pearls I offer, Children.
Join your brothers and sisters in the Matrimony of My Love and joy and peace and Mercy.
Join us, Children and do not be frivolous of your time.
Come now, willful Children.
I want you all with Me.
Father, what exactly is the “storm?” This is all very confusing to me. I don't understand. And what about this consecration and Russia? Has Russia’s consecration happened? What is it?
I didn't receive words, but I had an odd vision (I could not say what it means at all, if anything):
A or The great elephant crushes the straw everywhere and the entire town that is made of straw. He crushes everything he encounters; everything that is in his path, willfully and angrily he destroys it all. He trumpets and swings his trunk violently. He is not a slow elephant. He is fast and atrocious in his movement. He has a red sash that he wears around his neck or great shoulders, like an unbound harness. It is decoration only, I think.
First the great elephant does a lot of damage. Little monkeys then scurry behind the elephant like vultures, picking up leftovers (of what, I cannot see); they are scavenging. There are many of them following the elephant. Noisy screeches they have. I feel a distaste at these scavengers for what they are doing.
A bear appears in the place that the elephant has destroyed. It is a very big, big black bear. He is growling or howling (roaring) angrily now. I can see him closely. I see a close-up of his great maw opened wide in anger. The elephant and monkeys are way ahead and the dust of their destruction still hangs in the air – a red dust, and the bear is yelling (growling) about this. He is angry and frustrated. His fury is spat out as a long roar.
There is then a large bird - an albatross or an ostrich - but one that does not fly. This big bird that does not fly joins the bear as if in conversation; surveying the damage. They discuss what they are seeing. The bird is fearful and not quite trusting of the bear. He snorts and turns to leave, disgusted for having been thwarted by what he believes are“lesser animals.” He does not bother the bird. He sees no need to.
Then, there is deep cold water that he turns to. He likes the reassuring sound and movement of its rocking. It makes him comfortable. Little fishes, a sea snake (a bad one) and a black and white whale come to the bear’s aid. The little fishes can do nothing because they cannot leave the water as the snake can. The whale has the power to create massive waves with his body and can help in that way. The bear agrees. The bear and snake return to the bird who is still at the scene of destruction where the elephant and monkeys had been. While the bear isn't watching and doesn’t see, the snake bites the ostrich. The large bird suddenly falls ill and falls down and dies and the bear is shocked and confused but does not see the snake for what it is.
They follow the elephant’s path of destruction. Eventually they come to a clearing where there are a few animals of neutral dispositions who encircle the area. There is another big and angry bear and the two bears have a huge violent fight with each other. We (I am semi-consciously there with others) are hoping for one of the bears to win. There is one that we like and one that we do not. I cannot say which is which, but I am keen on knowing because one will die in the end.
The vision stops at this point.
Love and serve your Lord Jesus Christ, for He is My Belovéd Son.
Pray My Children, for the sins of this World are many and atrocious.
Pray for the many who starve in their ignorance.
Pray for the children who live in fear.
Pray for My Belovéd Benedict.
Pray for those who die this year for they are unprepared.
Pray for those who live in sin and who are nonchalant to My Pleas.
Pray, Belovéd Children, for I Love you dearly.
Pray My Children and live in Peace.
Peace, My Children.
Have My Peace.
Peace. Peace.
I am the resurrection and the Light…that keeps going through my head right now. Sometimes I have to remind myself of what He tells us – be unafraid,pray, and trust Me. Those are our directions, yet the World seems so horrible today. At Mass this morning, Fr. Frank said the Supreme Court will be voting on whether to take prayer before federal meetings and such out across the board. They are doing their best to eradicate Jesus’s name. I almost cried when I heard that. For so many reasons.
But God said to me, "You are My Foot Soldier. Do not be afraid." Right there during Mass. He helped me understand again that we win in the end regardless. Our work and time here on earth while we are alive may require that we fight and endure the horrible tribulations of seeing God’s name reduced to rubble. Perhaps that is our role. The next generation may be given a different task or God may decide to come then (we will already be with Him in Heaven, so we can witness it) or maybe we're going to see what His grand plan is after all.
The point is, we are all merely His foot soldiers. We do the work we are given now and follow His plan regardless of whatever it is and whenever whatever is going to happen happens (did that make grammatical sense?). We trust in Him, and we keep in the forefront of our minds along with His great Love that we win in the end! Period. End of story.
10:58 am
Father, do You speak to Your humbled child?
I call on you Dearest Children to take note of all that happens in this brutal World.
See the Children weep and the mothers starve.
They starve for spiritual Love
and do not know the salvation of the Body and Blood of My Belovéd Son’s Greatest Sacrifice.
They live in ignorance and thus starve in their ignorance.
You must share the food or sustenance of you salvation with all of My Lambs.
Be not afraid to share My Love.
It is noble and good and just and right.
It is indeed necessary and a part of Loving your sisters and brothers.
It is a task I set you forth to do for Me.
You ask what you might do for Me, and here is what I ask of My Faithful Children.
Seek out those who do not know Me and show them the Way.
Show them the Way to My Light.
Explain to them fully the joy I offer and the promises I keep.
Describe the New Covenant sealed by the Holy Blood of My Son, Jesus the Christ, your Savior and King,
who is to be glorified, worshipped, adored, and Loved on bended knees.
He is Jesus the Lord Christ. [Say His name worshipfully; there is such amazing, breathtaking love here.]
Adore Him as you do Me.
You must Love Him to Love Me for We are One with the Spirit.
Separated We are whole and together We are whole.
Three parts or entities or Gods in One God or three Holiest to make the Holiest One.
Children, do not suffer your fears.
Act and work to be My Good Children.
Pray and Love your sisters and your brothers.
Cease your judging, for it has not waned.
It is like joyful play for you.
Do not point daggers at your brothers.
Do not place flame under your sister’s feet.
Be kind to one another and speak only kindness of Your brothers and sisters.
For to hear you cut and burn my Belovéd Children brings My Sacred Heart to weeping.
Your Belovéd Father deplores any pain that befalls His Dearest Children.
Oh Doubtful Ones, pray.
Pray and you shall see miracles.
Pray and I will drop the scales from your eyes.
Only you can open the door to a prayerful Heart.
I await your call.
I await the gift of a Loving and Blesséd Heart.
A prayer from one such as yourself brings Me such ecstasy
and so I give you miracles with which to show you My joy.
Doubtful Children, know that I am in Love with you.
I look daily into your Belovéd Eyes and cast My Greatest Love into you.
I watch you protectively throughout your days
and calm the ancient storms that attack your hearts and spirits continuously
until you are able to recognize them of your own volition. [Your life without knowing God until you know God.]
When you can take up your arms of strongest prayer, the angels in Heaven sing in appreciation and joy.
Blesséd Children, do not fear your Lord God.
I am for My Children of Light.
I hear your calls and answer your prayers.
You are My Belovéd Children and like a good father, I will always Love you,
and I will always protect you from any harms that seek to hurt you,
and I will always give you Good Gifts.
Children, your Heavenly and Most Holy Father and Parent and God does not give His Children to lions and wolves and insist you fend for yourself.
I do not offer you poisonous berries and vinegar to eat and drink.
I do not give you a box of vipers with which to play. No!
I am your good Father and so I will fight the lions and Light the dens of the Wolves.
You dine of figs and honey and wine and milk.
And chocolate.
You do not receive vipers as gifts but gifts of joy and sustenance and beauty.
Thus, do not fear your Lord God who Loves each of you dearly.
I am the One True Lord God.
Come to Me and I shall give you peace through My abundant Mercy and joy with My Infinite Love.
Lost Children, you must come to your Father, for the gates close and your time is limited.
Do not reject the pearls I offer, Children.
Join your brothers and sisters in the Matrimony of My Love and joy and peace and Mercy.
Join us, Children and do not be frivolous of your time.
Come now, willful Children.
I want you all with Me.
Father, what exactly is the “storm?” This is all very confusing to me. I don't understand. And what about this consecration and Russia? Has Russia’s consecration happened? What is it?
I didn't receive words, but I had an odd vision (I could not say what it means at all, if anything):
A or The great elephant crushes the straw everywhere and the entire town that is made of straw. He crushes everything he encounters; everything that is in his path, willfully and angrily he destroys it all. He trumpets and swings his trunk violently. He is not a slow elephant. He is fast and atrocious in his movement. He has a red sash that he wears around his neck or great shoulders, like an unbound harness. It is decoration only, I think.
First the great elephant does a lot of damage. Little monkeys then scurry behind the elephant like vultures, picking up leftovers (of what, I cannot see); they are scavenging. There are many of them following the elephant. Noisy screeches they have. I feel a distaste at these scavengers for what they are doing.
A bear appears in the place that the elephant has destroyed. It is a very big, big black bear. He is growling or howling (roaring) angrily now. I can see him closely. I see a close-up of his great maw opened wide in anger. The elephant and monkeys are way ahead and the dust of their destruction still hangs in the air – a red dust, and the bear is yelling (growling) about this. He is angry and frustrated. His fury is spat out as a long roar.
There is then a large bird - an albatross or an ostrich - but one that does not fly. This big bird that does not fly joins the bear as if in conversation; surveying the damage. They discuss what they are seeing. The bird is fearful and not quite trusting of the bear. He snorts and turns to leave, disgusted for having been thwarted by what he believes are“lesser animals.” He does not bother the bird. He sees no need to.
Then, there is deep cold water that he turns to. He likes the reassuring sound and movement of its rocking. It makes him comfortable. Little fishes, a sea snake (a bad one) and a black and white whale come to the bear’s aid. The little fishes can do nothing because they cannot leave the water as the snake can. The whale has the power to create massive waves with his body and can help in that way. The bear agrees. The bear and snake return to the bird who is still at the scene of destruction where the elephant and monkeys had been. While the bear isn't watching and doesn’t see, the snake bites the ostrich. The large bird suddenly falls ill and falls down and dies and the bear is shocked and confused but does not see the snake for what it is.
They follow the elephant’s path of destruction. Eventually they come to a clearing where there are a few animals of neutral dispositions who encircle the area. There is another big and angry bear and the two bears have a huge violent fight with each other. We (I am semi-consciously there with others) are hoping for one of the bears to win. There is one that we like and one that we do not. I cannot say which is which, but I am keen on knowing because one will die in the end.
The vision stops at this point.
Love and serve your Lord Jesus Christ, for He is My Belovéd Son.
Pray My Children, for the sins of this World are many and atrocious.
Pray for the many who starve in their ignorance.
Pray for the children who live in fear.
Pray for My Belovéd Benedict.
Pray for those who die this year for they are unprepared.
Pray for those who live in sin and who are nonchalant to My Pleas.
Pray, Belovéd Children, for I Love you dearly.
Pray My Children and live in Peace.
Peace, My Children.
Have My Peace.
Peace. Peace.

Friday, October 4, 2013 5:01 – 5:54 pm
This late afternoon, I opened the Bible to read before praying my Rosary. I asked God to help me go to a page where I could read something interesting without it going off the Bible, into my eyes, and straight over my head. So He sent me to Mark 13:14...great.
Dearest Child, I place My Hand gently upon your cheek as you worship Me with your Love.
Your words are sweet; honey in your mouth and My Heart rings with songs you sing. [I was praying in Tongues]
My Belovéd Child, I am your Gentle Father who Loves you dearly.
I calm the tangles of your heart and replace them with the warmth and fullness of My Loving Embrace.
You feel the warmth of My Embrace unraveling the darkness and strains of those knots.
Funny and Belovéd Child, your concern shocks Me or surprises Me.
Do not worry about that which is not your burden to bear.
You have your own work and your tasks.
Oh My Child, see My Sacred Heart.
It sits in your hands in all that you do.
Your every action and breath determines the health or status
or well-being or happiness or joy and sadness of My Sacred Heart.
When you are kind to your sisters and brothers, My Heart is filled with joy.
When you lash out in anger or are motivated to act on anger or jealousy,
My Heart breaks and you bring tears to My Eyes.
Do you understand the depth of your importance to Me?
You are My Heart and the least of your thoughts or words and actions affect Me like the ocean affects a grain of sand.
You affect Me like a sickened child worries the loving parent.
My Heart is yours and you must keep it so Lovingly and carefully.
[Everything said above is applied to all of His Children.]
Show Me, your Belovéd Father, nothing but your Love.
Show Me you Love Me deeply and freely by honoring your promises to Me.
Cherish My Love.
Remember My Will always and do not fight against Me, for that is how you demonstrate great Love for your Father.
In dedicating yourself to your Belovéd Father’s Will, you show absolute Trust and Love,
and in doing so, please Me greatly.
Thus, I do wondrous things for My Belovéd Children and bring you good gifts!
Blesséd Children, pray.
I say this so often; this is because it is crucial.
Prayer is so very crucial.
It is more than important.
It is essential.
Do not fall short on prayer.
Encourage others to pray all the time regardless of time or occupation.
I Love always to hear prayers.
Look to the east, Children!
Such war comes!
It is a cold and bitter time, this war!
Do not ignore the import of these words.
The war comes. It comes.
And you must not doubt.
God, what kind of war?
It grows to include the whole of the World.
It will darken the World for a time.
It starts to unroll slowly, slowly, but it is now inevitable.
The density of the war is an uncertainty
and but for your prayers can be a devastating thing
the low will be elevated and stunned and cruel with their new power.
Oh Beloved God, what do You want me to do??
Counsel others to pray; be open about what you have heard and hear; pray;
protect the little ones, the young children, the Little Flowers,
be kind to those who reject and ridicule you,
and keep your pride in check.
Blinded Children, the wicked one walks and talks now. Pray.
Do not play puzzles with futurists or sophists or false prophets.
They will surely lead you astray and down to the pit you so need to avoid.
They will show you too much that is dark
and trick you into believing that which is black is white, and that which is white is black.
Blesséd Children, thus you must pray constantly to keep deception away from you.
Do not find yourself alone with one whose loyalty does not sit quietly within your soul.
The Holy Spirit speaks to you and warns you of evil and of sin if you but only listen.
Therefore, I say, listen My Children, and do not become trapped in this World of darkness.
Oh Children, what grief comes for those who sin so greatly and for those who do not repent.
If it is difficult to hear these words said,
far more difficult will it be to suffer the consequences of your choices without My Mercy.
Think on that disbelieving Children.
You are My Belovéd Creatures and I made you for Love and beauty and joy.
Your will has made you as you are today and what you have been last year.
Each day is a cause for joy when you are able to cry to Me, your Loving Father, for Mercy.
For when you ask, I will give.
But Time is no longer helping you.
You must choose your affinities now.
You must go to the World and accept its difficulties, curses,
and the consequences it will bear for the actions and behaviors of millions,
or you can come to Me, your Lord and God, repent and know forgiveness, Love, and Mercy.
Dear Children, do not err in this choice, for the consequences are eternal.
God blesses the little ones and the priests who serve so purely.
Glory to My Belovéd Disciples.
Pray for their continued faith always.
Pray for the children of wars.
Pray for Humanity and its murderous disposition.
Pray for My Beauteous and Belovéd Benedict who serves Me so well.
For He knows My Vision and Will are good.
He has seen My Plans for the Church.
Pray for Brother Jones (E. Jones), Carmella, Susanna, Ricardo, Luca, Michelle, James, Edith, Sandra, Lucy, Richard, Nina (or Nena), Sally, Tommy, Betty, Rico, Charlie, Joshua, and Mary.
Thank you, My Belovéd Children.
Remember, always prayer, for it is powerful, My Belovéd Children.
Believe wholly in prayers.
I Love you, My Children.
Love Me with all of your beings.
Your Holy Lord bids you good Peace.
I give you My Peace.
Peace, Belovéd Children.
Peace. Peace.
This late afternoon, I opened the Bible to read before praying my Rosary. I asked God to help me go to a page where I could read something interesting without it going off the Bible, into my eyes, and straight over my head. So He sent me to Mark 13:14...great.
Dearest Child, I place My Hand gently upon your cheek as you worship Me with your Love.
Your words are sweet; honey in your mouth and My Heart rings with songs you sing. [I was praying in Tongues]
My Belovéd Child, I am your Gentle Father who Loves you dearly.
I calm the tangles of your heart and replace them with the warmth and fullness of My Loving Embrace.
You feel the warmth of My Embrace unraveling the darkness and strains of those knots.
Funny and Belovéd Child, your concern shocks Me or surprises Me.
Do not worry about that which is not your burden to bear.
You have your own work and your tasks.
Oh My Child, see My Sacred Heart.
It sits in your hands in all that you do.
Your every action and breath determines the health or status
or well-being or happiness or joy and sadness of My Sacred Heart.
When you are kind to your sisters and brothers, My Heart is filled with joy.
When you lash out in anger or are motivated to act on anger or jealousy,
My Heart breaks and you bring tears to My Eyes.
Do you understand the depth of your importance to Me?
You are My Heart and the least of your thoughts or words and actions affect Me like the ocean affects a grain of sand.
You affect Me like a sickened child worries the loving parent.
My Heart is yours and you must keep it so Lovingly and carefully.
[Everything said above is applied to all of His Children.]
Show Me, your Belovéd Father, nothing but your Love.
Show Me you Love Me deeply and freely by honoring your promises to Me.
Cherish My Love.
Remember My Will always and do not fight against Me, for that is how you demonstrate great Love for your Father.
In dedicating yourself to your Belovéd Father’s Will, you show absolute Trust and Love,
and in doing so, please Me greatly.
Thus, I do wondrous things for My Belovéd Children and bring you good gifts!
Blesséd Children, pray.
I say this so often; this is because it is crucial.
Prayer is so very crucial.
It is more than important.
It is essential.
Do not fall short on prayer.
Encourage others to pray all the time regardless of time or occupation.
I Love always to hear prayers.
Look to the east, Children!
Such war comes!
It is a cold and bitter time, this war!
Do not ignore the import of these words.
The war comes. It comes.
And you must not doubt.
God, what kind of war?
It grows to include the whole of the World.
It will darken the World for a time.
It starts to unroll slowly, slowly, but it is now inevitable.
The density of the war is an uncertainty
and but for your prayers can be a devastating thing
the low will be elevated and stunned and cruel with their new power.
Oh Beloved God, what do You want me to do??
Counsel others to pray; be open about what you have heard and hear; pray;
protect the little ones, the young children, the Little Flowers,
be kind to those who reject and ridicule you,
and keep your pride in check.
Blinded Children, the wicked one walks and talks now. Pray.
Do not play puzzles with futurists or sophists or false prophets.
They will surely lead you astray and down to the pit you so need to avoid.
They will show you too much that is dark
and trick you into believing that which is black is white, and that which is white is black.
Blesséd Children, thus you must pray constantly to keep deception away from you.
Do not find yourself alone with one whose loyalty does not sit quietly within your soul.
The Holy Spirit speaks to you and warns you of evil and of sin if you but only listen.
Therefore, I say, listen My Children, and do not become trapped in this World of darkness.
Oh Children, what grief comes for those who sin so greatly and for those who do not repent.
If it is difficult to hear these words said,
far more difficult will it be to suffer the consequences of your choices without My Mercy.
Think on that disbelieving Children.
You are My Belovéd Creatures and I made you for Love and beauty and joy.
Your will has made you as you are today and what you have been last year.
Each day is a cause for joy when you are able to cry to Me, your Loving Father, for Mercy.
For when you ask, I will give.
But Time is no longer helping you.
You must choose your affinities now.
You must go to the World and accept its difficulties, curses,
and the consequences it will bear for the actions and behaviors of millions,
or you can come to Me, your Lord and God, repent and know forgiveness, Love, and Mercy.
Dear Children, do not err in this choice, for the consequences are eternal.
God blesses the little ones and the priests who serve so purely.
Glory to My Belovéd Disciples.
Pray for their continued faith always.
Pray for the children of wars.
Pray for Humanity and its murderous disposition.
Pray for My Beauteous and Belovéd Benedict who serves Me so well.
For He knows My Vision and Will are good.
He has seen My Plans for the Church.
Pray for Brother Jones (E. Jones), Carmella, Susanna, Ricardo, Luca, Michelle, James, Edith, Sandra, Lucy, Richard, Nina (or Nena), Sally, Tommy, Betty, Rico, Charlie, Joshua, and Mary.
Thank you, My Belovéd Children.
Remember, always prayer, for it is powerful, My Belovéd Children.
Believe wholly in prayers.
I Love you, My Children.
Love Me with all of your beings.
Your Holy Lord bids you good Peace.
I give you My Peace.
Peace, Belovéd Children.
Peace. Peace.

Thursday, October 3, 2013 5:24 – 6:05 pm
I saw the darkest clouds and we covered the windows and we were together. Thank You for that. (It was a dream I had overnight.) *Note - these messages seems to be extremely parabolic in nature and I'm not good at explaining certain areas.
Avid Children, you have heard My Cries.
You have listened to My Warnings and listened to My Belovéd Mother’s pleas.
Soundly you will make your way to the land that is safe,
where there will be milk and figs and honey and wine for My Prayerful Children.
Look to the Skies.
Do you see the storm?
Oh, it comes, Dear Children!
It comes! It comes!
Like a dark rider fleeing the night.
Like a thief who runs from those who pursue him.
The storm comes quickly and will do its damage to those who are unprepared.
See the light birds flying in circles; they see what comes and will flee themselves.
All of the animals of earth will stamp their hooves and beat their wings.
A great storm comes and My Children will be embattled by all that you see.
Oh that Storm will have ice and draw hordes of water and then land.
Great cities will drown and structures will fall under fires immense.
The storm is lengthy and destructive and Humanity does not see it comes.
Oh Children, do not let your brethren weep.
See to the needs of those around you.
Do not be cold and selfish.
I am in every neighbor, every boy and girl, grandmother and grandfather, sister and brother you encounter.
Do not turn a blind eye to Jesus.
You have encountered Him often and have not realized this.
How did you stand this test?
Were you kind?
Will you perish in this storm?
I shall save those whose hearts have pleased Me by their abundant Love, Faith, Generosity, Mercy and Courage.
I Love My Children even without the latter, for the other four are stalwart and formidable of their own accord.
Dearest Children, you have known that time is different or particular or feels different lately.
Your hearts sense a taste of change.
Your spirits know something comes,
yet you shut your eyes and cover your ears as if to pretend you are unaware of this knowledge; this knowing.
Why do you wish not to be aware of or to know of the warnings of a great storm?
Does it not make sense to prepare?
Weary and difficult Children, you are not prepared.
You are far from prepared.
Everything you do takes you further away from preparedness!
When you dreamed, you saw the skies begin crawling or roiling, [my dream]
you had fair warning and you prepared and dashed straight home to shutter your home
and protect that which you Love.
How do you protect those you Love.
How do you protect those you Love but through prayer.
Teach those you Love how to pray.
Teach them the importance of prayer.
How soon the storm comes and it will not be a dim and tiny storm.
It will be engulfing and will be including the north and south and east and west.
See that you prepare.
During that dark time you shall weep in earnest, for the Eucharist will not be made available.
Your soul shall crave it so!
Your body’s interior will ache for it and you will feel the physical pains of such hunger.
Prepare and receive the body and blood of Christ now while you are able.
Fortify yourself so that you will have strength later.
The storm will be a frightful thing.
Do not seek it out.
Do not wish for its presence.
Do not treat it as something to be examined, for it will turn its dark eyes upon you ****
There will be many voices calling out in fear and in deception.
Do not respond.
Do not fall easily into their Siren’s traps.
Sound will be used as deception; vision will be used against you as a weapon against your hope.
Your logic will kill many because logic has no place in this storm.
Remember this.
Logic will not stand firm throughout this darkening, threatening storm.
Hold tight to your Rosaries and prayers and chaplets.
Pray every moment of every day.
Pray every prayer and especially the Rosary.
Know that I hear and I am with you throughout this storm and that it will end.
You will remain intact but through only faith-filled prayer.
Guard the Little Ones, the children from seeing too much.
Their eyes will be blinded if they grow too curious****
You will know the storm has spent itself when you smell the beauteous fragrance of a rose beside you
and indeed find a rose lying at your feet.
Then I say, you are safe to enter the Kingdom of Heaven.
You are safe to step out into the World again.
The rivers will be fresh once more and the greatest hills and mountains free of debris.
And Jesus? Where will He be?
We will be always beside you keeping you safe and obedient.
Oh Dearest Children, My Son, the Lord Christ, who has Sacrificed Himself for your eternal life protects you always.
Belovéd Children, My Mercy is still here for you but it will not be here for much longer.
I have told My Children to come to Me.
You have come to Me or you have not come – to your own detriment.
Belovéd Children, I have offered you My Safe Haven and Love.
Some have taken all that I will give so joyously.
Still others so foolishly will not!
Those who decline the good gifts of the Lord God fly without reason.
They are upside down birds flying incorrectly or animals acting or behaving counter to their instincts.
There is darkness in their mouths and minds.
Thus, pray for them, for they must come to Me for Mercy, Prayer and Love in time.
There is still Time.
Holy Children, do not linger on the steps to My House.
Go in and tell your Belovéd Father the history of your days.
I Love you and want to know every part or piece of your day from your lips.
Speak and I will listen.
Cry and I wash away your tears.
Laugh and I smile with your joy.
Oh Belovéd Children My Love is so very real.
Believe in this and have full and strong faith!
Pray Dearest Children for preparedness and the singularity of this disaster.
Pray for children.
Pray for her.
Pray for Humanity.
Pray for Rome.
Pray for Germany.
Pray for Russia.
Pray for the Philippines
Pray for Judea.
My Good Children, pray the Rosary for all of those I say.
My Good and blessed Children, I bring you peace.
Peace to you.
I bless you with My Peace.
Peace. Peace.
I saw the darkest clouds and we covered the windows and we were together. Thank You for that. (It was a dream I had overnight.) *Note - these messages seems to be extremely parabolic in nature and I'm not good at explaining certain areas.
Avid Children, you have heard My Cries.
You have listened to My Warnings and listened to My Belovéd Mother’s pleas.
Soundly you will make your way to the land that is safe,
where there will be milk and figs and honey and wine for My Prayerful Children.
Look to the Skies.
Do you see the storm?
Oh, it comes, Dear Children!
It comes! It comes!
Like a dark rider fleeing the night.
Like a thief who runs from those who pursue him.
The storm comes quickly and will do its damage to those who are unprepared.
See the light birds flying in circles; they see what comes and will flee themselves.
All of the animals of earth will stamp their hooves and beat their wings.
A great storm comes and My Children will be embattled by all that you see.
Oh that Storm will have ice and draw hordes of water and then land.
Great cities will drown and structures will fall under fires immense.
The storm is lengthy and destructive and Humanity does not see it comes.
Oh Children, do not let your brethren weep.
See to the needs of those around you.
Do not be cold and selfish.
I am in every neighbor, every boy and girl, grandmother and grandfather, sister and brother you encounter.
Do not turn a blind eye to Jesus.
You have encountered Him often and have not realized this.
How did you stand this test?
Were you kind?
Will you perish in this storm?
I shall save those whose hearts have pleased Me by their abundant Love, Faith, Generosity, Mercy and Courage.
I Love My Children even without the latter, for the other four are stalwart and formidable of their own accord.
Dearest Children, you have known that time is different or particular or feels different lately.
Your hearts sense a taste of change.
Your spirits know something comes,
yet you shut your eyes and cover your ears as if to pretend you are unaware of this knowledge; this knowing.
Why do you wish not to be aware of or to know of the warnings of a great storm?
Does it not make sense to prepare?
Weary and difficult Children, you are not prepared.
You are far from prepared.
Everything you do takes you further away from preparedness!
When you dreamed, you saw the skies begin crawling or roiling, [my dream]
you had fair warning and you prepared and dashed straight home to shutter your home
and protect that which you Love.
How do you protect those you Love.
How do you protect those you Love but through prayer.
Teach those you Love how to pray.
Teach them the importance of prayer.
How soon the storm comes and it will not be a dim and tiny storm.
It will be engulfing and will be including the north and south and east and west.
See that you prepare.
During that dark time you shall weep in earnest, for the Eucharist will not be made available.
Your soul shall crave it so!
Your body’s interior will ache for it and you will feel the physical pains of such hunger.
Prepare and receive the body and blood of Christ now while you are able.
Fortify yourself so that you will have strength later.
The storm will be a frightful thing.
Do not seek it out.
Do not wish for its presence.
Do not treat it as something to be examined, for it will turn its dark eyes upon you ****
There will be many voices calling out in fear and in deception.
Do not respond.
Do not fall easily into their Siren’s traps.
Sound will be used as deception; vision will be used against you as a weapon against your hope.
Your logic will kill many because logic has no place in this storm.
Remember this.
Logic will not stand firm throughout this darkening, threatening storm.
Hold tight to your Rosaries and prayers and chaplets.
Pray every moment of every day.
Pray every prayer and especially the Rosary.
Know that I hear and I am with you throughout this storm and that it will end.
You will remain intact but through only faith-filled prayer.
Guard the Little Ones, the children from seeing too much.
Their eyes will be blinded if they grow too curious****
You will know the storm has spent itself when you smell the beauteous fragrance of a rose beside you
and indeed find a rose lying at your feet.
Then I say, you are safe to enter the Kingdom of Heaven.
You are safe to step out into the World again.
The rivers will be fresh once more and the greatest hills and mountains free of debris.
And Jesus? Where will He be?
We will be always beside you keeping you safe and obedient.
Oh Dearest Children, My Son, the Lord Christ, who has Sacrificed Himself for your eternal life protects you always.
Belovéd Children, My Mercy is still here for you but it will not be here for much longer.
I have told My Children to come to Me.
You have come to Me or you have not come – to your own detriment.
Belovéd Children, I have offered you My Safe Haven and Love.
Some have taken all that I will give so joyously.
Still others so foolishly will not!
Those who decline the good gifts of the Lord God fly without reason.
They are upside down birds flying incorrectly or animals acting or behaving counter to their instincts.
There is darkness in their mouths and minds.
Thus, pray for them, for they must come to Me for Mercy, Prayer and Love in time.
There is still Time.
Holy Children, do not linger on the steps to My House.
Go in and tell your Belovéd Father the history of your days.
I Love you and want to know every part or piece of your day from your lips.
Speak and I will listen.
Cry and I wash away your tears.
Laugh and I smile with your joy.
Oh Belovéd Children My Love is so very real.
Believe in this and have full and strong faith!
Pray Dearest Children for preparedness and the singularity of this disaster.
Pray for children.
Pray for her.
Pray for Humanity.
Pray for Rome.
Pray for Germany.
Pray for Russia.
Pray for the Philippines
Pray for Judea.
My Good Children, pray the Rosary for all of those I say.
My Good and blessed Children, I bring you peace.
Peace to you.
I bless you with My Peace.
Peace. Peace.

Wednesday, October 2, 2013 11:47 am – 12:37 pm
Tongues…I was taking more dictation.
Shō-lē hanna sōlé pa-too cōřé cē-loo sena falé que-roo sena sena hařé hařé hōlé hōlé shē-nō pōřé sala cōné péřē salō shō-né cē-too sela hōlé hōlé carō méřa dtoo.. Pōřé fala cē-too ca-řa-řé-mē hōla shéla cē-too peta cē-noo sela shōlé para cané cařé hē-too pena hōlé hōlé shé-la shé-la sarē sarē tdo.
I sort of gathered that there was a lot of praising going on...
Child of the Church, watch and listen and beware.
Trust in Me always and you will know no distress.
Dueling Child, you believe so much!
Rest your eyes and do not ponder.
I am your Loving father who protects you
and who will ask you to work as planned or as My Plan calls for you.
Do not succumb to curiosity and gossip. [He always tells me to curb these and seem to always lapse!]
Pray instead and focus on your Love and adoration of Me and My Son,
Jesus the Christ who has Saved Humanity from eternal agonies and damnation!
Worship Him all of your days and know He will protect you with His Most Precious Blood.
He is your Savior and King.
[The feeling here is so beautiful; so amazing and big; full-hearted.]
My Lambs, My Children, seek Me and you will find Me beside you always.
I am your Living Light, always and everywhere, bringing Light where there was once darkness.
Stemming sin and bringing goodness.
You are My Belovéd and Loving Children.
Do not betray Me thus.
The World pulls My Children from Me so easily
and My Children so often fall for the trappings and falsehoods within its darkness.
Oh Dearest Children, there is no Light where you want to go.
The joy from the indulgences are hollow and temporary
and there are consequences for the choices and decisions you make.
This World sins and has many atrocities.
My Sacred Heart bleeds to see such darkness filling the World.
Oh Children, come to Me quickly.
There is so little Time.
The Blesséd and Good Mother has implored you.
I have sent you miracles and signs in abundance.
I too have pleaded with you to come join your Father in Love and Mercy.
But you do not heed her words and you shun My offer of Love
and toss My Mercy away like refuse,
always in your human minds believing you are far above such things.
That what use is Mercy from the God of nothing? [This hurt me a lot to hear Him say this.]
What use is Mercy if I have no need for it?
Why grant me Mercy when I have not sinned in my own eyes? [The last 3 sentences are spoken as if from a human.}
Children, these thoughts or beliefs bring Me to desperation.
Oh Daughters, there are consequences for your sins!
Dear Sons, you will find yourself punished for your sins.
Soon what you believed impractical or false will become a tragic realization
and My Weeping, Heaven’s tears will be for naught.
And so I beg you, Children, My Belovéd Children,
Come to Me and take advantage of My Love and Mercy while My Great Mercy is here for you to have.
So soon the doors will be locked, the windows shuttered and the gates closed.
Do not find yourselves on the outside of Mercy.
You will find it an unbearable thing.
Belovéd Children, why must you test your Belovéd and Holy Father?
Do you not see all that I do and all that I have done?
So I saw, greater storms (coming). They will come from the air and through greater lands and destroy new and unaccompanied areas. Waters will burst forth and flames will fall with great sound and energy. This is another sign. You will see more storms; larger and fearful storms around the entire world, because sins torment the World in every space. Darkness has crept everywhere and has rested its head in every town and city. Thus, these storms will stretch their fingers. Wars too will grow and expand. What are now contained will grow much, much larger.
They can expand or not.
These all can be avoided with great prayer and only great prayer.
Follow the requests of the Blessed Mother and redeem yourselves.
Pray for peace and pray the Rosary always to achieve peace between people and within nature.
Pray faithfully, spiritually, deeply.
Pray, Children, that these things be avoided.
Else wars and disasters expand like leavened bread and will touch every corner of this darkened World.
Pray Dear Children.
Pray for the Church for My Disciples and their strength.
Pray for My Flowers. Always for My Little Flowers.
Pray for the alienated.
Pray for peace.
I give you My Peace Children.
Love your brothers and sisters and live in peace.
Peace Children.
Peace. Peace.
Tongues…I was taking more dictation.
Shō-lē hanna sōlé pa-too cōřé cē-loo sena falé que-roo sena sena hařé hařé hōlé hōlé shē-nō pōřé sala cōné péřē salō shō-né cē-too sela hōlé hōlé carō méřa dtoo.. Pōřé fala cē-too ca-řa-řé-mē hōla shéla cē-too peta cē-noo sela shōlé para cané cařé hē-too pena hōlé hōlé shé-la shé-la sarē sarē tdo.
I sort of gathered that there was a lot of praising going on...
Child of the Church, watch and listen and beware.
Trust in Me always and you will know no distress.
Dueling Child, you believe so much!
Rest your eyes and do not ponder.
I am your Loving father who protects you
and who will ask you to work as planned or as My Plan calls for you.
Do not succumb to curiosity and gossip. [He always tells me to curb these and seem to always lapse!]
Pray instead and focus on your Love and adoration of Me and My Son,
Jesus the Christ who has Saved Humanity from eternal agonies and damnation!
Worship Him all of your days and know He will protect you with His Most Precious Blood.
He is your Savior and King.
[The feeling here is so beautiful; so amazing and big; full-hearted.]
My Lambs, My Children, seek Me and you will find Me beside you always.
I am your Living Light, always and everywhere, bringing Light where there was once darkness.
Stemming sin and bringing goodness.
You are My Belovéd and Loving Children.
Do not betray Me thus.
The World pulls My Children from Me so easily
and My Children so often fall for the trappings and falsehoods within its darkness.
Oh Dearest Children, there is no Light where you want to go.
The joy from the indulgences are hollow and temporary
and there are consequences for the choices and decisions you make.
This World sins and has many atrocities.
My Sacred Heart bleeds to see such darkness filling the World.
Oh Children, come to Me quickly.
There is so little Time.
The Blesséd and Good Mother has implored you.
I have sent you miracles and signs in abundance.
I too have pleaded with you to come join your Father in Love and Mercy.
But you do not heed her words and you shun My offer of Love
and toss My Mercy away like refuse,
always in your human minds believing you are far above such things.
That what use is Mercy from the God of nothing? [This hurt me a lot to hear Him say this.]
What use is Mercy if I have no need for it?
Why grant me Mercy when I have not sinned in my own eyes? [The last 3 sentences are spoken as if from a human.}
Children, these thoughts or beliefs bring Me to desperation.
Oh Daughters, there are consequences for your sins!
Dear Sons, you will find yourself punished for your sins.
Soon what you believed impractical or false will become a tragic realization
and My Weeping, Heaven’s tears will be for naught.
And so I beg you, Children, My Belovéd Children,
Come to Me and take advantage of My Love and Mercy while My Great Mercy is here for you to have.
So soon the doors will be locked, the windows shuttered and the gates closed.
Do not find yourselves on the outside of Mercy.
You will find it an unbearable thing.
Belovéd Children, why must you test your Belovéd and Holy Father?
Do you not see all that I do and all that I have done?
So I saw, greater storms (coming). They will come from the air and through greater lands and destroy new and unaccompanied areas. Waters will burst forth and flames will fall with great sound and energy. This is another sign. You will see more storms; larger and fearful storms around the entire world, because sins torment the World in every space. Darkness has crept everywhere and has rested its head in every town and city. Thus, these storms will stretch their fingers. Wars too will grow and expand. What are now contained will grow much, much larger.
They can expand or not.
These all can be avoided with great prayer and only great prayer.
Follow the requests of the Blessed Mother and redeem yourselves.
Pray for peace and pray the Rosary always to achieve peace between people and within nature.
Pray faithfully, spiritually, deeply.
Pray, Children, that these things be avoided.
Else wars and disasters expand like leavened bread and will touch every corner of this darkened World.
Pray Dear Children.
Pray for the Church for My Disciples and their strength.
Pray for My Flowers. Always for My Little Flowers.
Pray for the alienated.
Pray for peace.
I give you My Peace Children.
Love your brothers and sisters and live in peace.
Peace Children.
Peace. Peace.

Tuesday, October 1, 2013 11:38 am – 12:30 pm
No one has to tell me that God is amazing. Today He put my Rosary in my purse for me. I know it was at home on my Bible. I know I am absent-minded, but I am sure I left it on the Bible because last night I was running around like crazy and far too busy to put it anywhere else. I like to be respectful and not leave it “just anywhere,” so I put it on the Bible.
This morning I was already on my way to Mass (running late, as usual) when I realized I had forgotten my Rosary on the Bible. I didn’t want to run back to the house and be even later for Mass. For some reason, I checked my purse. Probably lost a contact lens. Guess what. My Rosary was in its usual little pouch in its usual safe pocket in my purse!! And it was shining as gold as could be! Try as I might, I cannot remember for the life of me putting it in my bag last night or this morning. I wasn't quite sure I would be going anywhere this morning!
I get to church and given that I have not been to confession for a bit longer than I like, and I felt rather like a skeevy sinner, I decided I was in no shape to partake in the Eucharist. Let me tell you, this is the WORST kind of punishment for me. It is like being left out of the ballgame or having the whole family forget your birthday. It makes me really sad.
As I watched everyone go up for communion, I was going through my mind trying to figure out which church might offer confession on late morning Tuesdays – it can be pretty tough these days to find one. After Mass, I spoke with my holy posse and they were stuck for ideas too. I resigned myself to wait until Thursday and bear another two days out in the cold.
Happily, I had my Rosary, so I went to adoration and scooted on over to my favorite Chapel. I love it there because it is a very humble place – small, dim, and usually quiet. It smells like frankincense, which I love and even the confessionals are old school. Guess what else. As I walked into an empty chapel, I saw the “please disturb me” lights on over one of the confessionals. Good old retired Father Mason was holding confessions. I wouldn't have to wait until Thursday after all. Another gift from God! Having my Rosary on hand led me to the Chapel in time for confession. Had I been ten minutes later, he would’ve been gone. Two miracles in one day - how great is that.
I know I am being long-winded, but God was very active with me today. Very. While I was praying in adoration I was trying to bring myself back to my “normal” relationship with God. Sometimes things get too sophisticated for me and I get discombobulated.
I’ve been bugging God a lot lately about discernment (a word I never thought about using until I started working for Him). He has said He is not a puzzle but THE ANSWER. Naturally, I didn’t like that answer, so He showed me what He saw in “my view” or in a way I could understand and compare it to. Parents will really understand this:
I saw myself as an adorable little toddler – one that was on the cusp of walking but not yet there. God was on the phone (I couldn’t see His face; just a robe and the sense that He was preoccupied) and was keeping me busy with plastic toys of all shapes. Then, He put me in the care of my Guardian Angel and went to another room. He was nearby – very near – but my Angel was watching me, playing with me. I got frustrated because My Father had not been paying close attention to me (or so I thought) and wouldn't say if I was holding a ball or a donut or a cube.
When my Angel started showing me the answers, I just got angry (like toddlers will when they want their Daddy and no one else will do). So I start crying and throwing a fit and my Angel is panicking like a good babysitter when God comes in and picks me up in His Arms. All of a sudden, I see the ground get further away and I feel very, very tall.
I keep pointing down at the toys and insistently say Ball! Ball! Ball! Boy do I want that ball, even if it’s the donut. And when God doesn’t give me the ball, I start turning red and kicking and screaming again until He leads me to a giant oak tree. He points out a ladybug. I am instantly diverted and curious about her. He won’t let me touch her because she’s delicate and I might break her. Then He shows me the odd walking stick. We both look at it and agree it is a smart animal. Finally, He pulls a big leaf off the tree and gives it to me. I think it is the finest leaf and the best toy in the World! By this time, I am so exhausted that I plop down where I am and fall asleep smiling with the leaf laying in front of me.
That’s what He showed me when I asked Him for answers; when I asked why does everything have to be so difficult to understand?! What I gathered is that it’s because we don’t see the big picture; because we’re too busy throwing fits about plastic toys, and He has His Own plans in mind that include oak trees and ladybugs and walking sticks. And if we just wait until He's finished talking on the phone, He'll show us the cool stuff. Simple.
Children of Mine, do not fall from My Graces by participating in acts that are not of Me.
They pang Me so when I see My Belovéd Children run down with filth and dirt.
Oh Children, step away from those sins that call you so strongly or the strongest.
Each of you have your own burdens;
each of you take on your own struggles.
Pray, Dearest Children, and I shall give you strength to find your way to Me.
Blesséd Children, a time will come soon when the Blesséd Sacrament will be long in coming!
Find it now.
Cherish it or what you have now.
Imagine life without My Sacrifice.
It is not a forthright life.
It is a dark time to be sure.
You will long for the Blesséd Eucharist and only few will find it whole.
Pray and know that your Father is and will always be with you.
That My Greatest Love does not change.
It is ineffable in its depth and infinite in its longevity.
So in darkness, in the dark times, I say to you, My Blesséd and most Belovéd Children, be not afraid, but pray.
Never cease praying.
I emphasize this with all of My Love and Grace.
Prayer fills My Sacred Heart with Love and Mercy.
Dearest Children, be merciful amongst one another.
I see little mercy in this darkened World.
Where one has fallen, I see nary a hand extended in aid.
Where a child starves, so few see the shadows this casts upon the entire World.
When a child, My Little Precious Flowers suffer,
it adds darkness to the World and it adds a shared sin to all of Humanity.
Do not starve the Little Flowers.
See to their goodness always.
My Little Flowers are most Precious to Me in their Beauteous innocence.
Within this World there is much darkness and it is creeping forward like a liquid rolls forward when it spills.
Prayer is essential.
Prayer dams the constant flow of darkness.
Belovéd Children, I hear your prayers and look Lovingly upon you with My Holy and forgiving Eyes.
My Children who I adore and forgive at your every call, come to Me and find Love and new Life.
I am all that is good.
Worship My Belovéd and most Glorious Son, Jesus, the Christ!
The King of kings. Your Savior! [The feeling here is beyond pride or mere love; it is a big, complete love.]
Your Brother!
Your Grace and Divine God.
Worship Him openly throughout this World.
Be vocal or vocally loud or do not shy away or do not be ashamed or do not let others ridicule your faith!
Precious Children, you must be strong in your faith and unafraid to announce your Love for Me happily and bravely.
There will come a day when all of My Belovéd Children will be tested, and tested again and again.
Do not deny your Lord God.
Do not grieve your Father who Loves you – all of you so dearly.
Have faith and pray and you will defeat the leviathan though you are but a grain of sand against it.
Have faith in Me and you will bring thunder over your enemies and they shall grow fearful!
Believe in Me with all of your heart and body and mind and soul,
and I shall give you strength to do what is impossible through My Son, Jesus’ Name.
He who has the faith as solid as stone and unshakeable as a boulder above a cliff is one with God.
You must have unrelenting faith in your Lord God.
The Holy Spirit will course through you.
And thus, you will be led justly and righteously and know only what is of Me and deny what is not of Me.
Darkness will scurry away from the Light you carry.
Behold, the Love you carry for your God will be so strong, you will attract and save many.
Pray always.
Love always Jesus the Christ.
Worship the Holy Spirit.
Have Mercy on your brothers and sisters.
As you treat them;
As you forgive them;
As you judge them,
so I treat and forgive and judge you.
Belovéd and Beauteous Children, pray and receive My Blessings and Gifts, in My Love from My Love for you.
Look for Me in all things, for I am in your lives.
Pray for this darkening World.
Pray for the children.
Pray for Benedict. My Belovéd Benedict.
Pray for men who do not know My Love.
Pray for those who die this year.
Pray for her.
Pray Dear Children. Pray.
Peace to you My Belovéd Children.
I give you My Peace in all you do.
Peace, My Children.
No one has to tell me that God is amazing. Today He put my Rosary in my purse for me. I know it was at home on my Bible. I know I am absent-minded, but I am sure I left it on the Bible because last night I was running around like crazy and far too busy to put it anywhere else. I like to be respectful and not leave it “just anywhere,” so I put it on the Bible.
This morning I was already on my way to Mass (running late, as usual) when I realized I had forgotten my Rosary on the Bible. I didn’t want to run back to the house and be even later for Mass. For some reason, I checked my purse. Probably lost a contact lens. Guess what. My Rosary was in its usual little pouch in its usual safe pocket in my purse!! And it was shining as gold as could be! Try as I might, I cannot remember for the life of me putting it in my bag last night or this morning. I wasn't quite sure I would be going anywhere this morning!
I get to church and given that I have not been to confession for a bit longer than I like, and I felt rather like a skeevy sinner, I decided I was in no shape to partake in the Eucharist. Let me tell you, this is the WORST kind of punishment for me. It is like being left out of the ballgame or having the whole family forget your birthday. It makes me really sad.
As I watched everyone go up for communion, I was going through my mind trying to figure out which church might offer confession on late morning Tuesdays – it can be pretty tough these days to find one. After Mass, I spoke with my holy posse and they were stuck for ideas too. I resigned myself to wait until Thursday and bear another two days out in the cold.
Happily, I had my Rosary, so I went to adoration and scooted on over to my favorite Chapel. I love it there because it is a very humble place – small, dim, and usually quiet. It smells like frankincense, which I love and even the confessionals are old school. Guess what else. As I walked into an empty chapel, I saw the “please disturb me” lights on over one of the confessionals. Good old retired Father Mason was holding confessions. I wouldn't have to wait until Thursday after all. Another gift from God! Having my Rosary on hand led me to the Chapel in time for confession. Had I been ten minutes later, he would’ve been gone. Two miracles in one day - how great is that.
I know I am being long-winded, but God was very active with me today. Very. While I was praying in adoration I was trying to bring myself back to my “normal” relationship with God. Sometimes things get too sophisticated for me and I get discombobulated.
I’ve been bugging God a lot lately about discernment (a word I never thought about using until I started working for Him). He has said He is not a puzzle but THE ANSWER. Naturally, I didn’t like that answer, so He showed me what He saw in “my view” or in a way I could understand and compare it to. Parents will really understand this:
I saw myself as an adorable little toddler – one that was on the cusp of walking but not yet there. God was on the phone (I couldn’t see His face; just a robe and the sense that He was preoccupied) and was keeping me busy with plastic toys of all shapes. Then, He put me in the care of my Guardian Angel and went to another room. He was nearby – very near – but my Angel was watching me, playing with me. I got frustrated because My Father had not been paying close attention to me (or so I thought) and wouldn't say if I was holding a ball or a donut or a cube.
When my Angel started showing me the answers, I just got angry (like toddlers will when they want their Daddy and no one else will do). So I start crying and throwing a fit and my Angel is panicking like a good babysitter when God comes in and picks me up in His Arms. All of a sudden, I see the ground get further away and I feel very, very tall.
I keep pointing down at the toys and insistently say Ball! Ball! Ball! Boy do I want that ball, even if it’s the donut. And when God doesn’t give me the ball, I start turning red and kicking and screaming again until He leads me to a giant oak tree. He points out a ladybug. I am instantly diverted and curious about her. He won’t let me touch her because she’s delicate and I might break her. Then He shows me the odd walking stick. We both look at it and agree it is a smart animal. Finally, He pulls a big leaf off the tree and gives it to me. I think it is the finest leaf and the best toy in the World! By this time, I am so exhausted that I plop down where I am and fall asleep smiling with the leaf laying in front of me.
That’s what He showed me when I asked Him for answers; when I asked why does everything have to be so difficult to understand?! What I gathered is that it’s because we don’t see the big picture; because we’re too busy throwing fits about plastic toys, and He has His Own plans in mind that include oak trees and ladybugs and walking sticks. And if we just wait until He's finished talking on the phone, He'll show us the cool stuff. Simple.
Children of Mine, do not fall from My Graces by participating in acts that are not of Me.
They pang Me so when I see My Belovéd Children run down with filth and dirt.
Oh Children, step away from those sins that call you so strongly or the strongest.
Each of you have your own burdens;
each of you take on your own struggles.
Pray, Dearest Children, and I shall give you strength to find your way to Me.
Blesséd Children, a time will come soon when the Blesséd Sacrament will be long in coming!
Find it now.
Cherish it or what you have now.
Imagine life without My Sacrifice.
It is not a forthright life.
It is a dark time to be sure.
You will long for the Blesséd Eucharist and only few will find it whole.
Pray and know that your Father is and will always be with you.
That My Greatest Love does not change.
It is ineffable in its depth and infinite in its longevity.
So in darkness, in the dark times, I say to you, My Blesséd and most Belovéd Children, be not afraid, but pray.
Never cease praying.
I emphasize this with all of My Love and Grace.
Prayer fills My Sacred Heart with Love and Mercy.
Dearest Children, be merciful amongst one another.
I see little mercy in this darkened World.
Where one has fallen, I see nary a hand extended in aid.
Where a child starves, so few see the shadows this casts upon the entire World.
When a child, My Little Precious Flowers suffer,
it adds darkness to the World and it adds a shared sin to all of Humanity.
Do not starve the Little Flowers.
See to their goodness always.
My Little Flowers are most Precious to Me in their Beauteous innocence.
Within this World there is much darkness and it is creeping forward like a liquid rolls forward when it spills.
Prayer is essential.
Prayer dams the constant flow of darkness.
Belovéd Children, I hear your prayers and look Lovingly upon you with My Holy and forgiving Eyes.
My Children who I adore and forgive at your every call, come to Me and find Love and new Life.
I am all that is good.
Worship My Belovéd and most Glorious Son, Jesus, the Christ!
The King of kings. Your Savior! [The feeling here is beyond pride or mere love; it is a big, complete love.]
Your Brother!
Your Grace and Divine God.
Worship Him openly throughout this World.
Be vocal or vocally loud or do not shy away or do not be ashamed or do not let others ridicule your faith!
Precious Children, you must be strong in your faith and unafraid to announce your Love for Me happily and bravely.
There will come a day when all of My Belovéd Children will be tested, and tested again and again.
Do not deny your Lord God.
Do not grieve your Father who Loves you – all of you so dearly.
Have faith and pray and you will defeat the leviathan though you are but a grain of sand against it.
Have faith in Me and you will bring thunder over your enemies and they shall grow fearful!
Believe in Me with all of your heart and body and mind and soul,
and I shall give you strength to do what is impossible through My Son, Jesus’ Name.
He who has the faith as solid as stone and unshakeable as a boulder above a cliff is one with God.
You must have unrelenting faith in your Lord God.
The Holy Spirit will course through you.
And thus, you will be led justly and righteously and know only what is of Me and deny what is not of Me.
Darkness will scurry away from the Light you carry.
Behold, the Love you carry for your God will be so strong, you will attract and save many.
Pray always.
Love always Jesus the Christ.
Worship the Holy Spirit.
Have Mercy on your brothers and sisters.
As you treat them;
As you forgive them;
As you judge them,
so I treat and forgive and judge you.
Belovéd and Beauteous Children, pray and receive My Blessings and Gifts, in My Love from My Love for you.
Look for Me in all things, for I am in your lives.
Pray for this darkening World.
Pray for the children.
Pray for Benedict. My Belovéd Benedict.
Pray for men who do not know My Love.
Pray for those who die this year.
Pray for her.
Pray Dear Children. Pray.
Peace to you My Belovéd Children.
I give you My Peace in all you do.
Peace, My Children.